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The microtubule cytoskeleton serves as a primary spatial regulator of cell shape. As part of their function, microtubules appear to activate or inhibit the actin cytoskeleton at specific locations at the cell cortex for cell polarization, cell migration and cytokinesis. Recent studies reveal molecular insights into these processes. Regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, such as activators of formin and Rho GTPases, are transported to specific sites on the cortex by riding on the plus ends of microtubules.  相似文献   

Gastrulation is a key developmental stage with striking changes in morphology. Coordinated cell movements occur to bring cells to their correct positions in a timely manner. Cell movements and morphological changes are accomplished by precisely controlling dynamic changes in cytoskeletal proteins, microtubules, and actin filaments. Among those cellular movements, epiboly produces the first distinct morphological changes in teleosts. In this review, I describe epiboly and its mechanics, and the dynamic changes in microtubule networks and actin structures, mainly in zebrafish embryos. The factors regulating those cytoskeletal changes will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf spongy mesophyll cells form an interconnected network of branched cells and intercellular spaces to maximize the surface area available for light capture and photosynthetic gas exchange. To investigate the morphogenetic events leading to cell separation and branching in Arabidopsis thaliana, we used mesophyll-specific promoters to facilitate imaging of mesophyll cell shape and microtubule (MT) organization over multiple spatiotemporal scales without interference from the overlying epidermal cells. We show that cells enlarge by selective expansion of cell wall regions in contact with intercellular spaces. Cell–cell contacts remain relatively fixed in size, forming the termini of interconnecting branches. Surprisingly, classic schizogeny (de-adhesion of neighboring cells) is relatively infrequent, being related to the local topology of cell junctions during early expansion. Intercellular spaces cue the position of stable MT bundles, which in turn promote efficient dilation of intercellular spaces and cell branching. Our data provide insights into mesophyll morphogenesis and MT organization and lay the groundwork for future investigations.

Live imaging reveals a positive feedback loop between cell expansion and microtubule organization that facilitates efficient cell branching and intercellular space dilation in spongy mesophyll cells.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis cDNA (AtCAP1) that encodes a predicted protein of 476 amino acids highly homologous with the yeast cyclase-associated protein (CAP) was isolated. Expression of AtCAP1 in the budding yeast CAP mutant was able to rescue defects such as abnormal cell morphology and random budding pattern. The C-terminal domain, 158 amino acids of AtCAP1 possessing in vitro actin binding activity, was needed for the regulation of cytoskeleton-related defects of yeast. Transgenic plants overexpressing AtCAP1 under the regulation of a glucocorticoid-inducible promoter showed different levels of AtCAP1 accumulation related to the extent of growth abnormalities, in particular size reduction of leaves as well as petioles. Morphological alterations in leaves were attributable to decreased cell size and cell number in both epidermal and mesophyll cells. Tobacco suspension-cultured cells (Bright Yellow 2) overexpressing AtCAP1 exhibited defects in actin filaments and were unable to undergo mitosis. Furthermore, an immunoprecipitation experiment suggested that AtCAP1 interacted with actin in vivo. Therefore, AtCAP1 may play a functional role in actin cytoskeleton networking that is essential for proper cell elongation and division.  相似文献   

Actin microfilament (MF) organization and remodelling is critical to cell function. The formin family of actin binding proteins are involved in nucleating MFs in Arabidopsis thaliana. They all contain formin homology domains in the intracellular, C‐terminal half of the protein that interacts with MFs. Formins in class I are usually targeted to the plasma membrane and this is true of Formin1 (AtFH1) of A. thaliana. In this study, we have investigated the extracellular domain of AtFH1 and we demonstrate that AtFH1 forms a bridge from the actin cytoskeleton, across the plasma membrane and is anchored within the cell wall. AtFH1 has a large, extracellular domain that is maintained by purifying selection and that contains four conserved regions, one of which is responsible for immobilising the protein. Protein anchoring within the cell wall is reduced in constructs that express truncations of the extracellular domain and in experiments in protoplasts without primary cell walls. The 18 amino acid proline‐rich extracellular domain that is responsible for AtFH1 anchoring has homology with cell‐wall extensins. We also have shown that anchoring of AtFH1 in the cell wall promotes actin bundling within the cell and that overexpression of AtFH1 has an inhibitory effect on organelle actin‐dependant dynamics. Thus, the AtFH1 bridge provides stable anchor points for the actin cytoskeleton and is probably a crucial component of the signalling response and actin‐remodelling mechanisms.  相似文献   

Visualization of specific molecules and their interactions in real time and space is essential to delineate how cellular dynamics and the signaling circuit are orchestrated. Spatial regulation of conformational dynamics and structural plasticity of protein interactions is required to rewire signaling circuitry in response to extracellular cues. We introduce a method for optically imaging intracellular protein interactions at nanometer spatial resolution in live cells, using photoactivatable complementary fluorescent (PACF) proteins. Subsets of complementary fluorescent protein molecules were activated, localized, and then bleached; this was followed by the assembly of superresolution images from aggregate position of sum interactive molecules. Using PACF, we obtained precise localization of dynamic microtubule plus-end hub protein EB1 dimers and their distinct distributions at the leading edges and in the cell bodies of migrating cells. We further delineated the structure–function relationship of EB1 by generating EB1-PACF dimers (EB1wt:EB1wt, EB1wt:EB1mt, and EB1mt:EB1mt) and imaging their precise localizations in culture cells. Surprisingly, our analyses revealed critical role of a previously uncharacterized EB1 linker region in tracking microtubule plus ends in live cells. Thus PACF provides a unique approach to delineating spatial dynamics of homo- or heterodimerized proteins at the nanometer scale and establishes a platform to report the precise regulation of protein interactions in space and time in live cells.  相似文献   

Xu K  Babcock HP  Zhuang X 《Nature methods》2012,9(2):185-188
By combining astigmatism imaging with a dual-objective scheme, we improved the image resolution of stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) and obtained <10-nm lateral resolution and <20-nm axial resolution when imaging biological specimens. Using this approach, we resolved individual actin filaments in cells and revealed three-dimensional ultrastructure of the actin cytoskeleton. We observed two vertically separated layers of actin networks with distinct structural organizations in sheet-like cell protrusions.  相似文献   

The growing importance of vesicular trafficking and cytoskeleton dynamic reorganization during plant development requires the exploitation of novel experimental approaches. Several genetic and cell biological studies have used diverse pharmaceutical drugs that inhibit vesicular trafficking and secretion to study these phenomena. Here, proteomic and cell biology approaches were applied to study effects of brefeldin A (BFA), an inhibitor of vesicle recycling and secretion, in Arabidopsis roots. The main aim of this study was to obtain an overview of proteins affected by BFA, but especially to identify new proteins involved in the vesicular trafficking and its cross-talk to the actin cytoskeleton. The results showed that BFA altered vesicular trafficking and caused the formation of BFA-compartments which was accompanied by differential expression of several proteins in root cells. Some of the BFA-up-regulated proteins belong to the class of the vesicular trafficking proteins, such as V-ATPase and reversibly glycosylated polypeptide, while others, such as profilin 2 and elongation factor 1 alpha, are rather involved in the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Upregulation of profilin 2 by BFA was verified by immunoblot and live imaging at subcellular level. The latter approach also revealed that profilin 2 accumulated in BFA-compartments which was accompanied by remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton in BFA-treated root cells. Thus, profilin 2 seems to be involved in the cross-talk between vesicular trafficking and the actin cytoskeleton, in a BFA-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is required for multiple cellular events including endocytosis and the transfer of cargo within the endocytic system. Polarized epithelial cells are capable of endocytosis at either of their distinct apical or basolateral plasma membrane domains. Actin plays a role in internalization at both cell surfaces. Microtubules and actin are required for efficient transcytosis and delivery of proteins to late endosomes and lysosomes. Microtubules are also important in apical recycling pathways and, in some polarized cell types, basolateral recycling requires actin. The microtubule motor proteins dynein and kinesin and the class I unconventional myosin motors play a role in many of these trafficking steps. This review examines the endocytic pathways of polarized epithelial cells and focuses on the emerging roles of the actin cytoskeleton in these processes.  相似文献   

The migration of tissue cells requires interplay between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletal systems. Recent reports suggest that interactions of microtubules with actin dynamics creates a polarization of microtubule assembly behavior in cells, such that microtubule growth occurs at the leading edge and microtubule shortening occurs at the cell body and rear. Microtubule growth and shortening may activate Rac1 and RhoA signaling, respectively, to control actin dynamics. Thus, an actin-dependent gradient in microtubule dynamic-instability parameters in cells may feed back through the activation of specific signalling pathways to perpetuate the polarized actin-assembly dynamics required for cell motility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial inheritance is essential for cell division. In budding yeast, mitochondrial movement from mother to daughter requires (1) actin cables, F-actin bundles that undergo retrograde movement during elongation from buds into mother cells; (2) the mitochore, a mitochondrial protein complex implicated in linking mitochondria to actin cables; and (3) Arp2/3 complex-mediated force generation on mitochondria. RESULTS: We observed three new classes of mitochondrial motility: anterograde movement at velocities of 0.2-0.33 microm/s, retrograde movement at velocities of 0.26-0.51 microm/s, and no net anterograde or retrograde movement. In all cases, motile mitochondria were associated with actin cables undergoing retrograde flow at velocities of 0.18-0.62 microm/s. Destabilization of actin cables or mutations of the mitochore blocked all mitochondrial movements. In contrast, mutations in the Arp2/3 complex affected anterograde but not retrograde mitochondrial movements. CONCLUSIONS: Actin cables are required for movement of mitochondria, secretory vesicles, mRNA, and spindle alignment elements in yeast. We provide the first direct evidence that one of the proposed cargos use actin cables as tracks. In the case of mitochondrial inheritance, anterograde movement drives transfer of the organelle from mothers to buds, while retrograde movement contributes to retention of the organelle in mother cells. Interaction of mitochondria with actin cables is required for anterograde and retrograde movement. In contrast, force generation on mitochondria is required only for anterograde movement. Finally, we propose a novel mechanism in which actin cables serve as "conveyor belts" that drive retrograde organelle movement.  相似文献   

Actin-based stress fiber formation is coupled to microtubule depolymerization through the local activation of RhoA. While the RhoGEF Lfc has been implicated in this cytoskeleton coupling process, it has remained elusive how Lfc is recruited to microtubules and how microtubule recruitment moderates Lfc activity. Here, we demonstrate that the dynein light chain protein Tctex-1 is required for localization of Lfc to microtubules. Lfc residues 139-161 interact with Tctex-1 at a site distinct from the cleft that binds dynein intermediate chain. An NMR-based GEF assay revealed that interaction with Tctex-1 represses Lfc nucleotide exchange activity in an indirect manner that requires both polymerized microtubules and phosphorylation of S885 by PKA. We show that inhibition of Lfc by Tctex-1 is dynein dependent. These studies demonstrate a pivotal role of Tctex-1 as a negative regulator of actin filament organization through its control of Lfc in the crosstalk between microtubule and actin cytoskeletons.  相似文献   

Wang K  Sun D 《Journal of biomechanics》2012,45(11):1900-1908
A new actin cytoskeleton microstructural model based on the semiflexible polymer nature of the actin filament is proposed. The relationship between the stretching force and the mechanical properties of cells was examined. Experiments on deforming hematopoietic cells with distinct primitiveness from normal and leukemic sources were conducted via optical tweezer manipulation at single-cell level. The modeling results were demonstrated to be in good agreement with the experimental data. We characterized how the structural properties of the actin cytoskeleton, such as prestress, density of cross-links, and actin concentration, affect the mechanical behavior of cells based on the proposed model. Increasing prestress, actin concentration, and density of cross-links reduced cell deformation, and the cell also exhibited strain stiffening behavior with an increase in the stretching force. Compared with existing models, the proposed model exhibits a distinct feature in probing the influence of semiflexible polymer nature of the actin filament on cell mechanical behavior.  相似文献   

Drebrin is a cytoskeleton‐associated protein which can interact with both actin filaments and the tips of microtubules. Its roles have been studied mostly in dendrites, and the functions of drebrin in axons are less well understood. In this study, we analyzed the role of drebrin, through shRNA‐mediated depletion and overexpression, in the collateral branching of chicken embryonic sensory axons. We report that drebrin promotes the formation of axonal filopodia and collateral branches in vivo and in vitro. Live imaging of cytoskeletal dynamics revealed that drebrin promotes the formation of filopodia from precursor structures termed axonal actin patches. Endogenous drebrin localizes to actin patches and depletion studies indicate that drebrin contributes to the development of patches. In filopodia, endogenous drebrin localizes to the proximal portion of the filopodium. Drebrin was found to promote the stability of axonal filopodia and the entry of microtubule plus tips into axonal filopodia. The effects of drebrin on the stabilization of filopodia are independent of its effects on promoting microtubule targeting to filopodia. Inhibition of myosin II induces a redistribution of endogenous drebrin distally into filopodia, and further increases branching in drebrin overexpressing neurons. Finally, a 30 min treatment with the branch‐inducing signal nerve growth factor increases the levels of axonal drebrin. This study determines the specific roles of drebrin in the regulation of the axonal cytoskeleton, and provides evidence that drebrin contributes to the coordination of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton during the initial stages of axon branching. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1092–1110, 2016  相似文献   

Functional cooperation between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In diverse cell types, microtubule (MT) and actin filament networks cooperate functionally during a wide variety of processes, including vesicle and organelle transport, cleavage furrow placement, directed cell migration, spindle rotation, and nuclear migration. The mechanisms by which MTs and actin filaments cooperate to mediate these different processes can be grouped into two broad categories: coordinated MT- and actin-based transport to move vesicles, organelles, and cell fate determinants; and targeting and capture of MT ends at cortical actin sites. Over the past several years, a growing number of cellular factors that bridge these cytoskeletal systems have been identified. These include 'hetero-motor' complexes (physically associated myosin and kinesin), myosin-CLIP170 complexes, formin homology (FH) proteins, dynein and the dynactin complex, Kar9p, coronin, Kelch repeat-containing proteins, and ERM proteins.  相似文献   

Chen XZ  Li Q  Wu Y  Liang G  Lara CJ  Cantiello HF 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(19):4675-4683
TRPP2, also called polycystin-2, the gene product of PKD2, is a membrane protein defective in 10-15% of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Mutations in PKD2 are also associated with extrarenal disorders, such as hepatic cystogenesis and cardiovascular abnormalities. TRPP2 is a Ca-permeable nonselective cation channel present in the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane, as well as in cilia of renal epithelial and embryonic nodal cells, in which it likely forms part of a flow sensor. Recent studies have identified a number of TRPP2-interacting proteins, of which many are cytoskeletal components. Work from our and other laboratories indicates that cytoskeletal partner proteins seem to play important, albeit highly complex, roles in the regulation of TRPP2 expression, localization and channel function. This minireview covers current knowledge about cytoskeletal interactions with TRPP2, and suggests that mutations in proteins of the TRPP2-cytoskeleton complex may be implicated in the pathogenesis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.  相似文献   

Molecular links between endocytosis and the actin cytoskeleton   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  

In plants, it is unclear how dispersed cortical microtubules are nucleated, polarized and organized in the absence of centrosomes. In Arabidopsis thaliana cells, expression of a fusion between the microtubule-end-binding protein AtEB1a and green fluorescent protein (GFP) results in labelling of spindle poles, where minus ends gather. During interphase, AtEB1a-GFP labels the microtubule plus end as a comet, but also marks the minus end as a site from which microtubules can grow and shrink. These minus-end nucleation sites are mobile, explaining how the cortical array can redistribute during the cell cycle and supporting the idea of a flexible centrosome in plants.  相似文献   

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