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李绍武 《遗传》2007,29(2):176-176
为了及时报道发表于中国科协及其全国学会主办的学术期刊中原创性学术论文所反映的自然科学、工程技术、生命科学和医学及其它学科的最新研究成果,推动国内科技期刊所发表的研究成果在大众媒体中的传播,建设科学技术原创成果与传媒的沟通机制,促进公众对最新科学技术成果的了解和理解;提高科技期刊的社会影响力,促进科技期刊发展;引导新闻媒体对科技期刊学术成果的关注,为新闻媒体提供最新研究成果信息;努力服务于自主创新、创新型国家建设,中国科协学会学术部主办、中国科技新闻学会和中国科协学会服务中心承办的首次“科技期刊与新闻媒体…  相似文献   

"入世"给科技期刊带来的挑战与机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年底我国正式加入了世界贸易组织(WTO),这标志着我国改革开放进入一个崭新的历史发展阶段.在国际贸易全球化的形势下,我国的出版业面临着巨大的冲击.作为知识和信息载体的科技期刊也面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战.要使我国的科技期刊尽快进人国际出版发行的大市场,并在市场中占有一席之地,就需要我们认清形势,转变观念,迎接挑战.  相似文献   

植物学类科技期刊插图的优化与规范化编排   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋巧媛 《广西植物》2005,25(1):93-96
作者结合自己的实践,详细叙述了科技期刊插图的分类与规范化要求,就如何优化插图、确保质量提出了精选插图、认真审读图稿的全部内容、精心标注的方法,并阐述了插图的编辑加工和技术处理,探讨了统一格式、规范化编排插图的具体做法:即合成、压缩或删除、分解、缩放、调整、重新设计等手段,以及精心描绘和认真校对。  相似文献   

近几年的高考试题中 ,不断出现一些实验设计题 ,这种题对检测学生的实验分析、思维方式和创新能力等均有较好的作用 ,具有难度大、开放性高和得分低等特点。如何做好实验设计题 ,本文简单谈谈实验设计的方法、原则和技巧。1 方法实验设计一般按照如下步骤进行 :1)明确目的和要求 ;2 )联系理论原理 ;3)确定实验思路 ;4 )设计实验步骤 ;5 )实验结果的预期、分析和讨论。下面以 2 0 0 0年高考理科综合考试 (江、浙、吉卷 )第 2 5题为例加以说明。题目 :血液中的钙离子在血液凝固过程中起重要作用 ,它缺乏则血液不能凝固 ;草酸钾溶液能与血液中…  相似文献   

面临社会的变革和技术手段现代化的挑战,对科技期刊的跨世纪发展的几个重要方面提出思考与对策  相似文献   

2014年9月26日,中国科学技术信息研究所发布了《2014年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》,《生物工程学报》入选300种"第3届中国精品科技期刊",为"中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(F5000)"项目来源期刊。  相似文献   

陈淑新  林美芳  邓月莲 《蛇志》2011,23(2):213-214
随着人口老龄化的进展,老年患者约占住院患者总数的89.67%.可见关心老年人的健康,改善老年人的生活质量非常重要.从护理学角度来说,关心老年患者首先是关心他们的疾苦,促进身心健康.而良好的护患关系则是与患者良好的接触沟通为基础的,护士与患者之间的接触沟通主要是通过语言、举止、表情、态度等方式来进行的,如果沟通障碍,将影响到护患关系及患者康复,甚至导致不良后果.因此,护士必须掌握与老年患者沟通的技巧.  相似文献   

生物显微镜的原理与使用技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通光学显微镜是生物学实验室中最常用的明视野显微镜。正确而熟练地使用显微镜是学生应首先掌握的基本技能。作者在多年的微生物学实验教学中发现学生的操作问题主要有 3方面 :1)没法把握不同物镜的工作距离 ,用调焦旋钮大幅度反复升降载物台仍难以找到标本图像 ;2 )只考虑用调焦旋钮对焦寻找物像 ,而没有重视聚光器的作用 ,导致待观察标本不清晰 ,甚至将物镜下的标本调到焦点位置也看不到图像 ,如用血球计数板测定细胞数量实验时 ,不少学生常报告找不到或看不清划线反差较小的计数室 ;3)分不清视野中物像来源 ,将目镜上的污染物误认为是…  相似文献   

提高科技期刊校对质量,必须搞好编辑加工,熟悉出版印刷知识,正确使用校对符号,实行责任校对负责制。  相似文献   

入世后 ,我国生物技术及其产业的知识产权保护面临诸多挑战。深刻分析发达国家在知识产权战略上的调整和发展动态 ,深入研究中国相关行业的面向新世纪的知识产权战略 ,采取适当的措施 ,迅速应对客观事物和环境的新变化是掌握主动权的基础。正确认识专利保护中的一些基本原则是有效保护知识产权的前提。等同原则和禁止反悔原则是其中很重要的两个原则 ,这对于合理利用他人的专利进行创新和正确有效地保护自己的创新成果有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

结合办刊实践,提出了如下措施和建议:(1)明确读者定位,开拓优质稿源新渠道。(2)通过策划选题,充分体现知识的创新性;设置特色栏目,栏目内容具有科学性和实用性;增加载文的信息量,提高信息密度等途径优化期刊内容,努力创办特色期刊。(3)通过强化政策导向,建立合理机制吸引优秀稿件;跟踪国际科技前沿课题,掌握学术团队的发展动态;重视学术会议组稿,加强引进和派出访问学者的联系等措施提高稿件学术质量,增强刊物核心竞争力。(4)建立国际交换关系,提升刊物自身价值。(5)加强与国际重要检索系统的联系,重视进入专业数据库。(6)加快信息化建设,加大期刊的对外宣传。以此提升期刊的国际影响力,促进期刊的国际化发展。  相似文献   

蒋巧媛  陈泉  陆媛峰 《广西植物》2008,28(2):273-277
根据综合学术指标变化,从多个侧面展示了《广西植物》在全国科技期刊中的地位和学术影响力以及国际化程度的稳步发展。结果表明:近年来期刊总被引频次、影响因子等各项学术指标都在提高,并且提高迅速,幅度较高;国际化程度发展变化明显。了解和剖析期刊的学术影响力,揭示其内在变化的相关规律,为探索科技学术期刊发展之路,实现期刊品牌战略提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate aerobic mesophilic bacilli and thermophilic bacteria from different paper mill samples and to evaluate their potential harmfulness. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 109 mesophilic and 68 thermophilic isolates were purified and characterized by automated ribotyping and partial 16S rDNA sequencing. The mesophilic isolates belonged to the genera Bacillus (13 taxa), Brevibacillus (three taxa) and Paenibacillus (five taxa). The thermophilic bacteria represented seven taxa of Bacillus, Geobacillus or Paenibacillus, four of proteobacteria and one of actinobacteria. The most frequently occurring bacteria were Bacillus cereus, B. licheniformis, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis and bacteria closely related to Paenibacillus stellifer, P. turicensis or Leptothrix sp. One mill was contaminated throughout with bacteria of a novel mesophilic genus most closely related to Brevibacillus centrosporus and another with bacteria of a novel thermophilic genus most closely related to Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus. One B. cereus isolate producing haemolytic diarrhoeal enterotoxin was detected and all the tested B. licheniformis isolates produced a metabolite toxic to boar sperm cells. CONCLUSIONS: The bacilli and thermophilic bacteria isolated represent species which should not present occupational hazards in paper mill environments. The most harmful bacterium detected was B. licheniformis and potentially also B. cereus. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Knowledge of the microbial diversity in a paper mill provides a rational basis for development of an effective controlling programme. A database constructed from the fingerprints generated using automated ribotyping helps to identify and trace the contamination routes of bacteria occurring in paper mills.  相似文献   

An investigation was made into the physiological characteristics of the extensive cyanobacterial communities in pulp and paper secondary waste-treatment systems, including the capacity of isolates to biodegrade organic contaminants in these systems. Although pulp and paper waste-treatment systems were found to be severely light-limited, photosynthesis-irradiance curves indicated that shade-adapted cyanobacterial communities could fix conspicuous amounts of inorganic carbon via photosynthesis. Of 21 cyanobacterial strains isolated from pulp and paper waste-treatment systems located in 4 countries, all except one were capable of glucose uptake in the light, and 19 also showed uptake in the dark. In the 6 species tested, glucose and acetate addition stimulated growth in low light in all except one species. Aphanocapsa rivularis grew equally well on glucose and acetate in the dark but Pseudanabaena sp. grew well on acetate, and minimally on glucose. Growth stimulation by glucose and acetate in these two strains was greater in low than in high light. Pseudanabaena sp. and Phormidium animale both accumulated 2,4-dichlorophenol and 3-chlorobenzoate but showed minimal mineralization to CO2. None of the four species tested could accumulate or degrade phenol or dichloroacetate. It is concluded that, depending on the light conditions, cyanobacteria contribute organic carbon in photosynthesis, and/or remove small organic molecules during mixotrophic and heterotrophic growth but are not important degraders of contaminants in these waste treatment systems.  相似文献   

Background Aims and Scope  The pulp and paper (P&P) industry is traditionally known to be a large contributor to environmental pollution due its large consumptions of energy and chemicals. Enzymatic processing, however, offers potential opportunities for changing the industry towards more environmentally friendly and efficient operations compared to the conventional methods. The aims of the present study has been to investigate whether the enzyme technology is a more environmentally sound alternative than the conventional ways of producing paper. The study addresses five enzyme applications by quantitative means and discusses the environmental potential of a range of other enzyme applications by qualitative means. Methods  LCA is used as analytical tool and modelling is facilitated in SimaPro software. Foreground LCA data are production/company specific and collected from P&P technology service providers, specific P&P companies and P&P researchers. The background data on energy systems, auxiliary chemicals, etc. are primarily taken from the ecoinvent database. Results  The study shows that fossil energy consumption and potential environmental impacts (global warming, acidification, nutrient enrichment, photochemical smog formation) induced by enzyme production are low compared with the impacts that they save when applied in bleach boosting, refining, pitch control, deinking, and stickies control. Discussion  The general explanation is that small amounts of enzyme provide the same function as large amounts of chemicals and that enzymatic processes generally require less fossil energy inputs than conventional processes. Data quality assessments and sensitivity analyses indicate that this observation is robust for all processes except deinking, although the results are subject to uncertainty and much variation. Conclusions and Recommendations  The environmental improvements that can be achieved by application of enzymatic solutions in the P&P industry are promising. To get a greater penetration of enzymatic solutions in the market and to harvest the environmental advantages of biotechnological inventions, it is recommended that enzymatic solutions should be given more attention in, for instance, ‘Best Available Technology’ notes within the framework of the European Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). ESS-Submission Editor: Roland Hischier (roland.hischier@empa.ch)  相似文献   

The microbiological barrier properties of food-packaging paperboards, coated with polyethylene, mineral pigment or a biodegradable polymer and of high-density paper were examined with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results show that the spatial distribution of microscopically observable bacterial cells was uneven inside the paperboard. The concentration in the interface between the polyethylene coating and the cellulose fibers was 100–200 times higher than inside the cellulose matrix. The bacteria in the interface and the mineral coating layer grew in response to access to food and moisture, whereas no growth was observed inside the fiber web, not even after extended exposure for up to 90 days. The paper and paperboards studied contained soluble nutrients (C:N:P 54:9:1 to 309:3:1) and no measurable antimicrobial activity. The factor limiting growth and migration of bacteria inside the fiber web was most likely limited access to free water, even under conditions of extensive wetting. The studied paperboards functioned as efficient barriers against translocation of microbes. The microbes residing between the paperboard and its polymer coating facing food, was the only potential site from which microbes could leak into food. This emphasizes the need for high hygienic quality of surface-sizing chemicals. Mineral-coating pigments were a source of microbes and their application behind the PE coating facing food is contraindicated. Received 03 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 27 May 1997  相似文献   

Lin Y  Wang D  Li Q  Xiao M 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(4):3673-3678
This paper presented results from anaerobic co-digestion of pulp and paper sludge (PPS) and monosodium glutamate waste liquor (MGWL). A bench-scale anaerobic digester, 10 L in volume was developed, to operate under mesophilic (37 ± 2 °C) batch condition. Under versatile and reliable anaerobic conduct, high efficiency for bioconversion of PPS and MGWL were obtained in the system. The accumulative methane yield attained to 200 mL g−1 VSadded and the peak value of methane daily production was 0.5 m3/(m3 d). No inhibitions of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and ammonia on anaerobic co-digestion were found. pH 6.0-8.0 and alkalinity 1000-4000 mg CaCO3/L were got without adjustment. This work showed that there was a good potential to the use of PPS and MGWL to anaerobic co-digestion for methane production.  相似文献   

近年来,我国生态保护和建设正处于机制转型时期。主要原因是快速的城镇化及其所伴随的农业劳动力析出,农业生产要素中劳动力价格上升而土地价格下降,造成生态治理产品的私人物品属性不断弱化,公共物品属性不断强化。这就意味着生态保护和建设的投入主体应由农牧民转向以政府所代表的全社会;策略上由"改善土地生产条件、以开发带动治理"向"保护为主、监督开发"转变;措施取向上从"主动干预自然"向"依靠大自然自我恢复能力"转变。这一转型也要求生态保护和建设的科技工作重点实现相应调整:从以往侧重减缓生态压力的间接治理模式和技术开发,向直接针对生态系统恢复的科研方向转移。科技攻关的重点应为生态系统结构和功能的监测、生态服务功能的评估及生态建设规划等方面。  相似文献   

运用市场价值法、替代工程法、影子价格法和机会成本法等方法对内蒙古阴山北麓风蚀沙化区农业生态系统服务功能的价值进行了经济评估。结果表明 ,该地区农业生态系统总的服务价值为 4 6 5 4 5 381 0万元 ,其中产品服务价值为 2 9874 1万元 (占 0 0 6 % ) ,水土保持价值为 4 5 70 2 84 2万元 (占 9 7% ) ,涵养水源价值为 4 2 80 2 6万元 (占 0 0 9% ) ,气候调节价值为393411 8万元 (占 0 84 % ) ,营养物质循环价值为 4 1910 6 73 9万元 (占 89 2 7% ) ,从服务功能的价值比例来看 ,系统的环境服务价值要远远大于其产品服务的价值 ,表明该地区农业生产水平落后 ,同时也体现了在当地环境恶劣 ,农业经营粗放的前提下 ,系统环境服务价值是维系其不稳定农业生产的基础  相似文献   

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