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The chloroplast tscA gene from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii encodes a co-factor RNA that is involved in trans-splicing of exons 1 and 2 of the psaA mRNA encoding a core polypeptide of photosystem I. Here we provide molecular and genetic characterization of the trans-splicing mutant TR72, which is defective in the 3'-end processing of the tscA RNA and consequently defective in splicing exons 1 and 2 of the psaA mRNA. Using genomic complementation, two adjacent nuclear genes were identified, Rat1 and Rat2, that are able to restore the photosynthetic growth of mutant TR72. Restoration of the photosynthesis phenotype, however, was successful only with a DNA fragment containing both genes, while separate use of the two genes did not rescue the wild-type phenotype. This was further confirmed by using a set of 10 gene derivatives in complementation tests. The deduced amino acid sequence of Rat1 shows significant sequence homology to the conserved NAD+-binding domain of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases of eukaryotic organisms. However, mutagenesis of conserved residues in this putative NAD+-binding domain did not reveal any effect on restoration efficiency. Immunodetection analyses with enriched fractions of chloroplast proteins indicated that Rat1 is associated with chloroplast membranes. Using the yeast three-hybrid system, we were able to demonstrate the specific binding of tscA RNA by the Rat1 polypeptide. We propose that the two nuclear factors Rat1 and Rat2 are involved in processing of chloroplast tscA RNA and in subsequent splicing of psaA exons 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Two new nitrate assimilation-related genes, Nrt2;3 and Nar5, have been identified in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Nrt2;3 gene is a new member of the Nrt2 family, encoding high-affinity nitrate (nitrite) transporters. Like that of the nitrate assimilation genes, expression of the Nrt2;3 gene is down-regulated by ammonium and positively controlled by Nit2, a regulatory locus specific for the pathway. The three Nrt2 genes of C. reinhardtii are differentially regulated by the nitrogen source. Expression of Nrt2;3 and of Nrt2;1, a nitrate/nitrite-bispecific transporter gene, was induced by nitrate and more efficiently by nitrite. Accumulation of mRNA of Nrt2;2, the nitrate-specific transporter gene, was only induced efficiently by nitrate. The Nar5 gene is located upstream of the Nrt2;3 genomic region and expression of its mRNA is down-regulated by ammonium. The Nrt2;3 and Nar5 genes are overexpressed in a deletion mutant that lacks nitrate assimilation loci.  相似文献   

We report the rescue of an arginine-requiring mutant (arg7-8) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by complementation using total DNA from a genomic cosmid library. Using the glass-bead transformation method of Kindle [8] four putative transformants able to grow in the absence of exogenous arginine were obtained from 3×109 treated cells. Southern blot analysis reveals that at least three of the clones have acquired an additional copy of the gene (ARG7) encoding argininosuccinate lyase (ASL). The arginine-independent phenotype is stable in the absence of selective pressure and high levels of ASL activity are detected in all four clones. We conclude that these represent true transformants and that any stable nuclear mutant of Chlamydomonas could be rescued using this approach.  相似文献   

Efficient chloroplast transformation systems now available allow the manipulation of the evolutionarily highly conserved psbA gene in the eucaryotic organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Two copies of this gene in the inverted repeat region of the chloroplast genome contain four large group I introns. To analyse possible functions of these introns and to generate a mutant for simplified psbA gene manipulations, a psbA cDNA fragment was introduced into a psbA deletion mutant using the biolistic transformation method. A transformant with no introns in the psbA gene has been obtained and represents the first example of the removal of a complete set of introns from a chloroplast gene. The newly generated strain is photosynthetically competent and contains no detectable recipient genome copies. The loss of all four introns appears to be phenotypically silent.  相似文献   

Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential micronutrient for almost all organisms. In eukaryotes, it forms a part of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco), which is required for numerous enzymes involved in carbon, nitrogen and sulfur metabolism. Mo is taken up by cells in the form of molybdate and recently molybdate transporters have been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Here, we report the characterization of a novel mutant (DB6) of C. reinhardtii generated by random insertional mutagenesis that is unable to assimilate nitrate as a nitrogen source because it lacks functional nitrate reductase (NR). Besides lacking NR, DB6 also lacks xanthine dehydrogenase activity; a common requirement of both enzymes is Moco. DB6 displays a ‘molybdate‐repairable’ phenotype—growth on nitrate is partially restored by supplementing media with high levels of molybdate. This phenotype is typically associated with mutants defective in either molybdate transport or insertion of Mo into the pterin precursor of Moco. Mo content was found to be significantly lower in DB6 than in the wild‐type strain, AOXR1, which suggests that DB6 is defective in Mo uptake. Genetic complementation with a variety of candidate genes that include the known molybdate transporter MOT1 and DNA that spans the site of mutation was unable to recover the wild‐type phenotype. Taken together, our results indicate that DB6 is a novel molybdate transport‐deficient mutant.  相似文献   

Sporangia were accumulated in autotrophically and mixotrophically growing cultures of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant strain ls entering the stationary phase. Such an accumulation of sporangia was never observed in stationary-phase cultures of wildtype strains. Sporangia harvested from stationary-phase cultures of the mutant strain ls released their zoospores after being resuspended in fresh culture medium. Liberation of zoospores was also observed during fixation of these sporangia with glutaraldehyde and OsO4. Release of zoospores during fixation was prevented by pretreatment with 3 mol·l–1 LiCl. Ultrastructural analyses of these LiCl-pretreated sporangia revealed that they contained abnormal sporangial walls: sporangia containing sporangia and sporangia surrounded by additional multilayered cell walls have been observed. Similar abnormal cell-wall structures were found in sporangia accumulated at the end of the dark period, when the mutant strain ls was grown photoautotrophically under a 12 h light-12 h dark regime with suboptimal aeration. When grown under optimal conditions, this particular mutant did not show any abnormal wall structures.This work has been supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The authors thank Mrs. C. Adami for the photographic work.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure has been developed for the isolation of the photosystem two reaction centre complex (PS II RC) from a double mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, F54-14, which lacks the Photosystem one complex and the chloroplast ATPase. Thylakoid membranes are solubilised with 1.5% (w/v) Triton X-100 and the PS II RC purified by anion-exchange chromatography using TSK DEAE-650(S) (Merck). The complex has a pigment stoichiometry of approximately six chlorophyll a: two pheophytin a: one cytochrome b-559: one to two -carotene. It photoaccumulates reduced pheophytin and oxidised P680 in the presence of sodium dithionite and silicomolybdate, respectively. Immunoblotting experiments have confirmed the presence of the D1 and D2 polypeptides in this complex. The -subunit of cytochrome b-559 was identified by N-terminal sequencing. Comparison of the complex with the PS II RC from pea using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that their polypeptide compositions were similar. However, the -subunit of cytochrome b-559 from C. reinhardtii has a lower apparent molecular weight than the pea counterpart whereas the -subunit is larger.Abbreviations DM n-dodecyl -d-maltoside - RC reaction centre - SiMo silicomolybdate, SiMo12O40 4– - TAP Tris-acetate-phosphate  相似文献   

In plant and algal cells, inhibition of the enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Protox) by the N-phenyl heterocyclic herbicide S-23142 causes massive protoporphyrin IX accumulation, resulting in membrane deterioration and cell lethality in the light. We have identified a 40.4 kb genomic fragment encoding S-23142 resistance by using transformation to screen an indexed cosmid library made from nuclear DNA of the dominant rs-3 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. A 10.0 kb HindIII subclone (Hind10) of this insert yields a high frequency of herbicide-resistant transformants, consistent with frequent non-homologous integration of the complete RS-3 gene. A 3.4 kb XhoI subfragment (Xho3.4) yields rare herbicide-resistant transformants, suggestive of homologous integration of a portion of the coding sequence containing the mutation. Molecular and genetic analysis of the transformants localized the rs-3 mutation conferring S-23142 resistance to the Xho3.4 fragment, which was found to contain five putative exons encoding a protein with identity to the C-terminus of the Arabidopsis Protox enzyme. A cDNA clone containing a 1698 bp ORF that encodes a 563 amino acid peptide with 51% and 53% identity to Arabidopsis and tobacco Protox I, respectively, was isolated from a wild-type C. reinhardtii library. Comparison of the wild-type cDNA sequence with the putative exon sequences present in the mutant Xho3.4 fragment revealed a GA change at 291 in the first putative exon, resulting in a ValMet substitution at a conserved position equivalent to Val-389 of the wild-type C. reinhardtii cDNA. A sequence comparison of genomic Hind10 fragments from C. reinhardtii rs-3 and its wild-type progenitor CC-407 showed this GA change at the equivalent position (5751) within exon 10.  相似文献   

In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the formation of a starch sheath surrounding the pyrenoid is observed when cells grown under high CO2 (5% CO2 in air) are transferred to low CO2 (0.03%) conditions. Formation of the starch sheath occurs coincidentally with induction of the CO2 concentrating mechanism and with de novo synthesis of 5 polypeptides with molecular masses of 21, 36, 37, 42–44 kDa. We studied the effect of CO2 concentrations on photosynthesis, ultrastructure and protein synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cw-15 (wild phenotype for photosynthesis) and in the starch-less mutant BAFJ -6, with the aim to clarify the role of the pyrenoid starch sheath in the operation of the CO2 concentrating mechanism and whether these low CO2-inducible polypeptides are involved in the formation of starch sheath. When wild type and starch-less mutant cells were transferred from high to low CO2, the CO2 requirement for half-maximal rates of photosynthesis decreased from 40 μM to 2 μM CO2. 35SO42- labeling analyses showed that the starch-less mutant induced the 5 low CO2-inducible polypeptides. These observations suggest that the starch-less mutant was able to induce a fully active CO2 concentrating mechanism. Since the starch-less mutant did not form a pyrenoid starch sheath, we suggest that the starch sheath is not involved in the operation of the CO2 concentrating mechanism and that none of these 5 low CO2-inducible proteins is involved in the formation of the starch sheath in Chlamydomonas .  相似文献   

The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has numerous genes encoding enzymes that function in fermentative pathways. Among these, the bifunctional alcohol/acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH1), highly homologous to the Escherichia coli AdhE enzyme, is proposed to be a key component of fermentative metabolism. To investigate the physiological role of ADH1 in dark anoxic metabolism, a Chlamydomonas adh1 mutant was generated. We detected no ethanol synthesis in this mutant when it was placed under anoxia; the two other ADH homologs encoded on the Chlamydomonas genome do not appear to participate in ethanol production under our experimental conditions. Pyruvate formate lyase, acetate kinase, and hydrogenase protein levels were similar in wild-type cells and the adh1 mutant, while the mutant had significantly more pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Furthermore, a marked change in metabolite levels (in addition to ethanol) synthesized by the mutant under anoxic conditions was observed; formate levels were reduced, acetate levels were elevated, and the production of CO(2) was significantly reduced, but fermentative H(2) production was unchanged relative to wild-type cells. Of particular interest is the finding that the mutant accumulates high levels of extracellular glycerol, which requires NADH as a substrate for its synthesis. Lactate production is also increased slightly in the mutant relative to the control strain. These findings demonstrate a restructuring of fermentative metabolism in the adh1 mutant in a way that sustains the recycling (oxidation) of NADH and the survival of the mutant (similar to wild-type cell survival) during dark anoxic growth.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll degradation was investigated in cells of a chlorophyll b-less mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. During degradation of chlorophyll under anaerobic conditions, chlorophyll catabolite P535, an open-tetrapyrrole, was not excreted, but pyropheophorbide a was accumulated as the end product with a transient accumulation of chlorophyllide a and pheophorbide a in cells, in contrast to the breakdown under aerobic conditions. It is likely that in the absence of oxygen, degradation of chlorophyll a proceeds to pyropheophorbide a by three consecutive reactions, dephytylation, metal-releasing and demethoxycarbonylation, and then stops due to a limitation of the oxygen that the monooxygenase reaction requires for bilin formation. A novel enzyme catalyzing demethoxycarbonylation of pheophorbide a was partially purified. The enzyme activity increased dependent on the age of cells, and its increase was completely suppressed by cycloheximide. Production of P535 was also dependent on cytoplasmic protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A cDNA with sequence similarity to isocitrate lyase (ICL) genes was isolated from the unicellular eukaryotic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a light-induced mRNA in the carotenoid biosynthetic mutant strain FN68. The 416 amino acid open reading frame shows significant sequence similarity to isocitrate lyases of bacteria (70%), molds (48%), yeasts (45%), and plants (47%).Expression of the Chlamydomonas ICL gene was tested in the mutant strain FN68, which when grown in the dark fails to accumulate carotenoids and is deficient in chlorophyll, and in CC400G, a strain that accumulates wild-type levels of carotenoids and chlorophyll. In vegetative CC400G cells, ICL mRNA accumulated to a high level in the dark and declined to a barely detectable level within 30 min of exposure to light. This response was more sensitive to white (tungsten filament) or red light than green or blue light, excluding cryptochrome and rhodopsin as the photoreceptor. These results are consistent with excitation by chlorophyll and/or a phytochrome-related photoreceptor. In vegetative FN68 cells, ICL mRNA abundance was very low in the dark, but increased dramatically in response to light. At intensities above threshold, excitation by far-red or red light-induced ICL mRNA accumulation to the highest levels. The threshold of the response was lowest for far-red and blue light. These results are consistent with excitation of a photochromic far-red-responsive pigment.  相似文献   

A Day  J D Rochaix 《Gene》1991,104(2):235-239
TOC1 transposons from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have an unusual arrangement of long terminal repeats. Polymorphic regions between TOC1 transposons were identified by restriction mapping on Southern blots. The variation in size of an internal MluI fragment defines two subclasses of TOC1 elements. Full-length cloned members of each subclass of TOC1 element were compared by electron microscope heteroduplex analysis. The cloned elements were co-linear over their entire length with no large sequence discontinuities. Base substitutions and small insertion/deletion events of less than 50 bp are responsible for forming the two subclasses of TOC1 elements.  相似文献   

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