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Detritivory in two Amazonian fish species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In floodplain lakes of Central Amazon, the siluriform Liposarcus pardalis and the characiform Prochilodus nigricans consumed detritus with different compositions. Most of the diet of L. pardalis and P. nigricans was made of amorphous organic matter. The food ingested by L. pardalis had relatively higher organic matter (OM) (35–55%) and crude protein (10–19%) than that found in P. nigricans stomachs (10–20% and 2–5%, respectively). Both fish ingested higher quantities of OM and crude protein during the high-water season. The differences between the two species seem to be related to their ability to select different detrital components. Striking differences were also found in the digestibility rate of OM and protein between the two species. Prochilodus nigricans assimilated only 2·3% of its intake compared with 24% in L. pardalis .  相似文献   

Previous syntheses have identified the key roles that phylogeny, body size, and trophic level play in determining arthropod stoichiometry. To date, however, detritivores have been largely omitted from such syntheses, despite their importance in nutrient cycling, biodiversity, and food web interactions. Here, we report on a compiled database of the allometry and nutritional stoichiometry (N and P) of detritivorous arthropods. Overall, both N and P content for detritivores varied among major phylogenetic lineages. Detritivore N content was similar to the N content of herbivores, but below that of predators. By contrast, detritivore P content was independent of trophic level. Contrary to previous reports, neither nutrient varied with body size. This analysis places detritivores in the context of related herbivores and predators, and as such, sets the stage for future investigations into the causes and consequences of elemental (mis)matches between detritivores and their detrital resources. Holly M. Martinson and Katie Schneider are co-first author.  相似文献   

Morphotypes for 67 lakes in the German lowlands were derived, based on maximum depth and mixis type. A threshold of 11 m maximum depth was identified to be the best level to discriminate shallow from deep lake morphotypes. The fish communities in these two morphotypes were significantly different. Indicator species analyses based on fish biomasses found vendace Coregonus albula in deep lakes and ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus , bream Abramis brama , white bream Abramis bjoerkna , roach Rutilus rutilus , pikeperch Sander lucioperca and small perch Perca fluviatilis in shallow lakes to be the most representative species of their communities. Lake productivity was closely related to biomass and in part abundance of the type‐indicator species, with vendace declining with increasing chlorophyll a concentration in the deep lakes, whereas biomass of pikeperch, bream, white bream and ruffe increased and biomass of small perch decreased with increasing chlorophyll a . These results indicate that assessment of ecological integrity of lakes by their fish fauna is generally possible, if lakes are initially separated according to a depth‐related morphotype before the assessment, and if eutrophication is considered to be the main anthropogenic degradation.  相似文献   

Ontogeny, diet shifts, and nutrient stoichiometry in fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alberto Pilati  Michael J. Vanni 《Oikos》2007,116(10):1663-1674
Most stoichiometric models do not consider the importance of ontogenetic changes in body nutrient composition and excretion rates. We quantified ontogenetic variation in stoichiometry and diet in gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum , an omnivorous fish with a pronounced ontogenetic diet shift; and zebrafish, Danio rerio, grown in the lab with a constant diet. In both species, body stoichiometry varied considerably along the life cycle. Larval gizzard shad and zebrafish had higher molar C:P and N:P ratios than larger fish. Variation in body nutrient ratios was driven mainly by body P, which increased with size. Gizzard shad body calcium content was highly correlated with P content, indicating that ontogenetic P variation is associated with bone formation. Similar trends in body stoichiometry of zebrafish, grown under constant diet in the laboratory, suggest that ontogeny (e.g. bone formation) and not diet shift is the main factor affecting fish body stoichiometry in larval and juvenile stages. The N:P ratio of nutrient excretion also varied ontogenetically in gizzard shad, but the decline from larvae to juveniles appears to be largely associated with variation in the N:P of alternative food resources (zooplankton vs detritus) rather than by fish body N:P. Furthermore, the N:P ratio of larval gizzard shad excretion appears to be driven more by the N:P ratio at which individuals allocate nutrients to growth, more so than static body N:P, further illustrating the need to consider ontogenetic variation. Our results thus show that fish exhibit considerable ontogenetic variation in body stoichiometry, driven by an inherent increase in the relative allocation of P to bones, whereas ontogenetic variation in excretion N:P ratio of gizzard shad is driven more by variation in food N:P than by body N:P.  相似文献   

The primary productivity of some lakes and reservoirs in western Labrador was measured by the 14C method in order to determine the range of productivities and the effects of impoundment. No primary productivity data previously existed for this part of Canada. Both the primary productivity and standing crops of phytoplankton were found to be low in a newly impounded lake but later rose to levels greater than in surrounding natural lakes. In nutrient enrichment experiments, carbon was never found to be limiting but phosphorus stimulated primary productivity when added alone or in combination with nitrogen.  相似文献   

Effects of plant species on nutrient cycling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant species create positive feedbacks to patterns of nutrient cycling in natural ecosystems. For example, in nutrient-poor ecosystems, plants grow slowly, use nutrients efficiently and produce poor-quality litter that decomposes slowly and deters herbivores. /n contrast, plant species from nutrient-rich ecosystems grow rapidly, produce readily degradable litter and sustain high rates of herbivory, further enhancing rates of nutrient cycling. Plants may also create positive feedbacks to nutrient cycling because of species' differences in carbon deposition and competition with microbes for nutrients in the rhizosphere. New research is showing that species' effects can be as or more important than abiotic factors, such as climate, in controlling ecosystem fertility.  相似文献   

Wieder  R. Kelman 《Biogeochemistry》2022,157(3):355-378
Biogeochemistry - Organic matter (OM) can be protected from abiotic and biotic breakdown via its association with iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We...  相似文献   

Patterns of fish species richness in China's lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim To document the patterns of fish species richness and their possible causes in China's lakes at regional and national scales. Location Lakes across China. Methods We compiled data of fish species richness, limnological characteristics and climatic variables for 109 lakes across five regions of China: East region, Northeast region, Southwest region, North‐Northwest region, and the Tibetan Plateau. Correlation analyses, regression models and a general linear model were used to explore the patterns of fish species richness. Results At the national scale, lake altitude, energy availability (potential evapotranspiration, PET) and lake area explained 79.6% of the total variation of the lake fish species richness. The determinants of the fish richness pattern varied among physiographic regions. Lake area was the strongest predictor of fish species richness in the East and Southwest lakes, accounting for 22.2% and 82.9% of the variation, respectively. Annual PET explained 68.7% of the variation of fish richness in the Northeast lakes. Maximum depth, mineralization degree, and lake area explained 45.5% of the fish variation in the lakes of the North‐Northwest region. On the Tibetan Plateau, lake altitude was the first predictor variable, interpreting 32.2% of the variation. Main conclusions Lake altitude was the most important factor explaining the variation of fish species richness across China's lakes, and accounted for 74.5% of the variation. This may stem in part from the fact that the lakes investigated in our study span the largest altitudinal range anywhere in the world. The effects of the lake altitude on fish species richness can be separated into direct and indirect aspects due to its collinearity with PET. We also found that the fish diversity and its determinants were scale‐dependent. Fish species richness was probably energy‐determined in the cold region, while it was best predicted by the lake area in the relatively geologically old region. The independent variables we used only explained a small fraction of the variations in the lake fish species richness in East China and the Tibetan Plateau, which may be due to the effects of human activity and historical events, respectively.  相似文献   

One of the potential mechanisms for the impact of herbivores on nutrient cycling is the effect of selective grazing on litter quality through changes in species composition. However, the scarce evidence collected on this mechanism is controversial and seemingly influenced by site-specific variables. In this paper, we explored the consequences of grazing-induced changes in species composition on litter quality and nitrogen cycling with a regional perspective. Along a 900-mm of mean annual rainfall gradient, we selected species promoted and diminished by grazing from three natural rangelands of Argentina, analyzed their litter quality, and determined their decomposition and nutrient release kinetics under common greenhouse conditions. Litter quality and decomposition rates were strongly associated with plant response to grazing. However, the magnitude and direction of these differences depended on the ecosystem considered. In the wettest site, the species promoted by grazing (forbs) had higher nitrogen and phosphorus contents, faster decomposition rates, and higher release of nitrogen to the soil than species diminished by grazing (C3 and C4 grasses). In the intermediate and dry sites, species promoted by grazing had lower nitrogen and phosphorus contents, and slower decomposition rates than those diminished by grazing (C3 grasses in both cases). Decomposition of the entire group of species was not correlated with mean annual rainfall, but when litter of the species diminished by grazing was analyzed, it was negatively correlated with precipitation. Nitrogen was immobilized more often than mineralized, even after one year of incubation. Immobilization was negatively correlated with precipitation. All these results indicate that grazing may significantly alter nutrient cycling by affecting litter quality through changes in species composition. These effects seem to be larger when species replacements induced by grazing either involve functional groups, as it was the case in our wettest site, or change root to shoot ratios. Therefore, the functional groups involved in the replacement of species as well as shifts between belowground and aboveground allocation should play a key role in grazing-induced changes on nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the trophic structure and nycthemeral variations in the diet of dominant fish species (Ariopsis felis, Bairdiella chrysoura, Micropogonias undulatus, Eucinostomus gula, Eucinostomus argenteus, Lagodon rhomboides and Sphoeroides testudineus) in Celestun Lagoon, a biosphere reserve located in the southern Gulf of Mexico, and influenced by freshwater seeps. A total of 1473 stomachs were analysed and nine trophic groups were recorded. Bray–Curtis analyses with analyses of similarity (ANOSIM) statistical tests were used to determine two groups of feeding guilds: zoobenthivores and omnivores, with significant differences between time and habitat. The relationships between fish feeding habits, size class and environmental variables were investigated using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Most of the species showed a low niche breadth with high specialization towards amphipod consumption, with the exception of L. rhomboides (0·60), which indicated generalist feeding. This study in a protected area is an important source of information for drawing up conservation policies in relation to the management of aquatic resources, and will aid in the establishment of priority areas for conservation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Fossil diatom assemblages deposited in more than a dozen African lakes roughly 9500 years BP were dominated by a single planktonic species, Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehrcnb.) Grun. (although realistically this is likely to be a species complex). These diatoms flourished when lake-levels were maximal. Data are included from many of (he large African lakes, and others extending from Lake Abhé0, Ethiopia, to Lake Cheshi, Zambia.
2. Because the ecological physiology of Stephanodiscus species is well known one can predict the nutrient regime that must have existed when Stephanodiscus bloomed. Owing to competition for resources Stephano-discus species dominate when the supply ratio of silicon to phosphorus (in moles) in the epilimnion is relatively low (Si:P∼1). Consequently, lakes dominated by S. astraea are often hypereutrophic.
3. We propose a series of hypotheses to explain why tropical lakes have decreasing Si:P ratios as lake-levels increase, primarily owing to internal P-loading processes in the epilimnia. These observations appear to contradict present conceptions of the fundamental relationships governing nutrient loadings to and within lakes. Tropical lakes appear to have had increasing epilimnetic phosphorus loading as lake-levels increased. In contrast, large, deep lakes in the temperate zone are usually oligotrophic, with high Si:P ratios.
4. Our major conclusion is that regeneration rates are greater than removal rates for phosphorus in tropical lakes as compared to temperate lakes, especially where epilimnelic mixing exceeds 50 m. Biological control of the elemental cycles dominate in tropical lakes, whereas nutrient cycles in temperate lakes are dominated by physical processes for a large part of the year. This results in major differences in the fundamental mechanisms of nutrient regeneration and their relationships to morphometric features of lakes in the two regions.  相似文献   

Abstract Net primary production (NPP) and nutrient dynamics of grasslands are regulated by different biotic and abiotic factors, which may differentially affect functional plant groups. Most studies have dealt with grasslands that have extremely low or zero production over a significant period of the year. Here we explore the relative importance of a few environmental factors as controls of aerial and below‐ground plant biomass production and nutrient dynamics in a grassland that is active throughout the year. We investigate their effect on the response of three main plant functional groups (warm‐ and cool‐season graminoids and forbs). We conducted a factorial experiment in a continuously grazed site in the Flooding Pampa grassland (Argentina). Factors were seasons (summer, autumn, winter and spring), and environmental agents (mowing, shade, addition of phosphorus [P] and nitrogen [N]). N addition had the largest and most extended impact: it tripled aerial NPP in spring and summer but had no effect on below‐ground biomass. This positive effect was accompanied by higher N acquisition and higher soil N availability. Mowing increased aerial NPP in winter, increased root biomass in the first 10 cm during autumn and winter and promoted N and P uptake by plants. Shading did not affect aerial NPP, but stimulated N and P uptake by plants. P addition had no effect on aerial NPP, but increased shallow root biomass and its N content in spring, and tripled P accumulation in plant biomass. The three plant functional groups differentially accounted for these ecosystem‐level responses. Graminoids explained the greater biomass production of N‐fertilized plots and mowing tended to promote forbs. These results suggest that the environmental controls of aerial NPP in this grassland vary among seasons, differentially impact the major floristic groups, and affect the energy and nutrient transfer to herbivores.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long recognized that species are sustained by the flux, storage and turnover of two biological currencies: energy, which fuels biological metabolism and materials (i.e. chemical elements), which are used to construct biomass. Ecological theories often describe the dynamics of populations, communities and ecosystems in terms of either energy (e.g. population-dynamics theory) or materials (e.g. resource-competition theory). These two classes of theory have been formulated using different assumptions, and yield distinct, but often complementary predictions for the same or similar phenomena. For example, the energy-based equation of von Bertalanffy and the nutrient-based equation of Droop both describe growth. Yet, there is relatively little theoretical understanding of how these two distinct classes of theory, and the currencies they use, are interrelated. Here, we begin to address this issue by integrating models and concepts from two rapidly developing theories, the metabolic theory of ecology and ecological stoichiometry theory. We show how combining these theories, using recently published theory and data along with new theoretical formulations, leads to novel predictions on the flux, storage and turnover of energy and materials that apply to animals, plants and unicells. The theory and results presented here highlight the potential for developing a more general ecological theory that explicitly relates the energetics and stoichiometry of individuals, communities and ecosystems to subcellular structures and processes. We conclude by discussing the basic and applied implications of such a theory, and the prospects and challenges for further development.  相似文献   

1. We studied the effects of increased water temperatures (0–4.5 °C) and nutrient enrichment on the stoichiometric composition of different primary producers (macrophytes, epiphytes, seston and sediment biofilm) and invertebrate consumers in 24 mesocosm ecosystems created to mimic shallow pond environments. The nutrient ratios of primary producers were used as indicative of relative nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) limitation. We further used carbon stable isotopic composition (δ13C) of the different primary producers to elucidate differences in the degree of CO2 limitation. 2. Epiphytes were the only primary producer with significantly higher δ13C in the enriched mesocosms. No temperature effects were observed in δ13C composition of any primary producer. Independently of the treatment effects, the four primary producers had different δ13C signatures indicative of differences in CO2 limitation. Seston had signatures indicating negligible or low CO2 limitation, followed by epiphytes and sediment biofilm, with moderate CO2 limitation, while macrophytes showed the strongest CO2 limitation. CO2 together with biomass of epiphytes were the key variables explaining between 50 and 70% of the variability in δ13C of the different primary producers, suggesting that epiphytes play an important role in carbon flow of temperate shallow lakes. 3. The ratio of carbon to chlorophyll a decreased with increasing temperature and enrichment in both epiphytes and seston. The effects of temperature were mainly attributed to changes in algal Chl a content, while the decrease with enrichment was probably a result of a higher proportion of algae in the seston and epiphytes. 4. Macrophytes, epiphytes and seston decreased their C : N with enrichment, probably as an adaptation to the different N availability levels. The C : N of epiphytes and Elodea canadensis decreased with increasing temperature in the control mesocosms. Sediment biofilm was the only primary producer with lower C : P and N : P with enrichment, probably as a result of higher P accumulation in the sediment. 5. Independently of nutrient level and increased temperature effects the four primary producers had significantly different stoichiometric compositions. Macrophytes had higher C : N and C : P and, together with epiphytes, also the highest N : P. Seston had no N or P limitation, while macrophytes and epiphytes may have been P limited in a few mesocosms. Sediment biofilm indicated strong N deficiency. 6. Consumers had strongly homeostatic stoichiometric compositions in comparison to primary producers, with weak or no significant treatment effects in any of the groups (insects, leeches, molluscs and crustaceans). Among consumers, predators had significantly higher N content and lower C : N than grazers.  相似文献   

1. Responses of zooplankton to nutrient enrichment and fish predation were studied in 1998 and 1999 by carrying out parallel mesocosm experiments in six lakes across Europe. 2. Zooplankton community structure, biomass and responses to nutrient and fish manipulation showed geographical and year‐to‐year differences. Fish had a greater influence than nutrients in regulating zooplankton biomass and especially the relative abundances of different functional groups of zooplankton. When fish reduced the biomass of large crustaceans, there was a complementary increase in the biomasses of smaller crustacean species and rotifers. 3. High abundance of submerged macrophytes provided refuge for zooplankton against fish predation but this refuge effect differed notably in magnitude among sites. 4. Large crustacean grazers (Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Sida and Simocephalus) were crucial in controlling algal biomass, while smaller crustacean grazers and rotifers were of minor importance. Large grazers were able to control phytoplankton biomass even under hypereutrophic conditions (up to 1600 μg TP L?1) when grazer biomass was high (>80–90 μg dry mass L?1) or accounted for >30% of the grazer community. 5. The littoral zooplankton community was less resistant to change following nutrient enrichment in southern Spain, at high temperatures (close to 30 °C), than at lower temperatures (17–23 °C) characterising the other sites. This lower resistance was because of a greater importance of nutrients than zooplankton in controlling algal biomass. 6. Apart from the reduced role of large crustacean grazers at the lowest latitude, no consistent geographical patterns were observed in the responses of zooplankton communities to nutrient and fish manipulation.  相似文献   

Residential development on lake shores is regularly associated with the conversion of natural littoral habitats to riprap, sheet piles, beaches, parks, or marinas. The subsequent loss of littoral vegetation induces a decline of structural diversity and impacts littoral fish communities. These impacts may be shaped by lake morphology. Using boosted regression trees (BRT) to relate fish abundance data from 57 north-east German lowland lakes to various factors characterizing trophic state, lake morphology, and shoreline development, we investigated the response of 11 fish species to shoreline development. The analyses revealed that mean depth followed by trophic level and shoreline length (SL) contributed most in explaining littoral fish abundance. BRT models built for deep and shallow lakes separately confirmed that primarily trophic level and SL influenced fish abundance but that littoral vegetation was relatively more important in deep compared to shallow lakes, indicating that the effects of shoreline development may be more pronounced in deep lakes where the littoral makes up a smaller proportion of the lake area as compared to shallow lakes. The BRT further demonstrated species-specific responses to shoreline degradation, indicating that the reliability of ecological quality assessments of lakes can be improved by applying separate metrics for individual species.  相似文献   

Composition of animal communities can be shaped by both local and regional processes. Among others, dispersal of organisms links local and regional patterns and determines the similarity of communities at increasing spatial distances. Unique and shared spatial and environmental contributions to fish community composition were calculated for watercourse distances between 49 hydrologically connected lakes in the German lowland area. Variation partitioning indicated a dominant unique effect of spatial predictors on fish community composition, whereas the effects of lake morphometry and productivity were weaker. The spatial effect was attributable to an uneven occurrence of small, littoral fish species found even at the small spatial extension covered here (maximum spatial distance ?550 km). Distance decay of community similarity was moderate, but significant, if all 31 fish species were considered, but the slope of the decay function became steeper if only 11 small‐sized, primarily littoral species were included. These results suggest that fish in European lowland lakes can be considered a metacommunity with limited dispersal along watercourse connections in particular for small‐sized species. The analysis supports that for an appropriate evaluation of spatial effects on fish community similarity, reliable estimates of local richness are required which include in particular also rare, small‐sized species occurring primarily in littoral areas. Furthermore, watercourse distance is a more reliable approximation than Euclidean distance to the real spatial dimension of fish dispersal.  相似文献   

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