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DNA repair by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) relies on the Ku70:Ku80 heterodimer in species ranging from yeast to man. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Ku also controls telomere functions. Here, we show that Ku70, Ku80, and DNA-PKcs, with which Ku interacts, associate in vivo with telomeric DNA in several human cell types, and we show that these associations are not significantly affected by DNA-damaging agents. We also demonstrate that inactivation of Ku80 or Ku70 in the mouse yields telomeric shortening in various primary cell types at different developmental stages. By contrast, telomere length is not altered in cells impaired in XRCC4 or DNA ligase IV, two other NHEJ components. We also observe higher genomic instability in Ku-deficient cells than in XRCC4-null cells. This suggests that chromosomal instability of Ku-deficient cells results from a combination of compromised telomere stability and defective NHEJ.  相似文献   

Regulation of primary carbon metabolism in Kluyveromyces lactis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the recent past, through advances in development of genetic tools, the budding yeast Kluyveromyces lactis has become a model system for studies on molecular physiology of so-called “Nonconventional Yeasts.” The regulation of primary carbon metabolism in K. lactis differs markedly from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and reflects the dominance of respiration over fermentation typical for the majority of yeasts. The absence of aerobic ethanol formation in this class of yeasts represents a major advantage for the “cell factory” concept and large-scale production of heterologous proteins in K. lactis cells is being applied successfully. First insight into the molecular basis for the different regulatory strategies is beginning to emerge from comparative studies on S. cerevisiae and K. lactis. The absence of glucose repression of respiration, a high capacity of respiratory enzymes and a tight regulation of glucose uptake in K. lactis are key factors determining physiological differences to S. cerevisiae. A striking discrepancy exists between the conservation of regulatory factors and the lack of evidence for their functional significance in K. lactis. On the other hand, structurally conserved factors were identified in K. lactis in a new regulatory context. It seems that different physiological responses result from modified interactions of similar molecular modules.  相似文献   

Yeasts do not form a homogeneous group as far as energy-yielding metabolism is concerned and the fate of pyruvate, a glycolytic intermediate, determines the type of energy metabolism. Kluyveromyces lactis has become an alternative to the traditional yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae owing to its industrial applications as well as to studies on mitochondrial respiration. In this review we summarize the current knowdeledge about the K. lactis respirofermentative metabolism, taking into account the respiratory capacity of this yeast and the molecular mechanisms controlling its regulation, giving an up-to-date picture.  相似文献   

The Kluyveromyces lactis ter1-16T strain contains mutant telomeres that are poorly bound by Rap1, resulting in a telomere-uncapping phenotype and significant elongation of the telomeric DNA. The elongated telomeres of ter1-16T allowed the isolation and examination of native yeast telomeric DNA by electron microscopy. In the telomeric DNA isolated from ter1-16T, looped molecules were observed with the physical characteristics of telomere loops (t-loops) previously described in mammalian and plant cells. ter1-16T cells were also found to contain free circular telomeric DNA molecules (t-circles) ranging up to the size of an entire telomere. When the ter1-16T uncapping phenotype was repressed by overexpression of RAP1 or recombination was inhibited by deletion of rad52, the isolated telomeric DNA contained significantly fewer t-loops and t-circles. These results suggest that disruption of Rap1 results in elevated recombination at telomeres, leading to increased strand invasion of the 3′ overhang within t-loop junctions and resolution of the t-loop junctions into free t-circles.  相似文献   

In the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, the telomeres are composed of perfect 25-bp repeats copied from a 30-nucleotide RNA template defined by 5-nucleotide terminal repeats. A genetic dissection of the K. lactis telomere was performed by using mutant telomerase RNA (TER1) alleles to incorporate mutated telomeric repeats. This analysis has shown that each telomeric repeat contains several functional regions, some of which may physically overlap. Mutations in the terminal repeats of the template RNA typically lead to telomere shortening, as do mutations in the right side of the Rap1p binding site. Mutations in the left half of the Rap1p binding site, however, lead to the immediate formation of long telomeres. When mutated, the region immediately 3' of the Rap1p binding site on the TG-rich strand of the telomere leads to telomeres that are initially short but eventually undergo extreme telomere elongation. Mutations between this region and the 3' terminal repeat cause elevated recombination despite the presence of telomeres of nearly wild-type length. Mutants with highly elongated telomeres were further characterized and exhibit signs of telomere capping defects, including elevated levels of subtelomeric recombination and the formation of extrachromosomal and single-stranded telomeric DNA. Lengthening caused by some Rap1 binding site mutations can be suppressed by high-copy-number RAP1. Mutated telomeric repeats from a delayed elongation mutant are shown to be defective at regulating telomere length in cells with wild-type telomerase, indicating that the telomeric repeats are defective at telomere length regulation.  相似文献   

Budman J  Chu G 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(4):849-860
In mammalian cells, nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) repairs DNA double-strand breaks created by ionizing radiation and V(D)J recombination. We have developed a cell-free system capable of processing and joining noncompatible DNA ends. The system had key features of NHEJ in vivo, including dependence on Ku, DNA-PKcs, and XRCC4/Ligase4. The NHEJ reaction had striking properties. Processing of noncompatible ends involved polymerase and nuclease activities that often stabilized the alignment of opposing ends by base pairing. To achieve this, polymerase activity efficiently synthesized DNA across discontinuities in the template strand, and nuclease activity removed a limited number of nucleotides back to regions of microhomology. Processing was suppressed for DNA ends that could be ligated directly, biasing the reaction to preserve DNA sequence and maintain genomic integrity. DNA sequence internal to the ends influenced the spectrum of processing events for noncompatible ends. Furthermore, internal DNA sequence strongly influenced joining efficiency, even in the absence of processing. These results support a model in which DNA-PKcs plays a central role in regulating the processing of ends for NHEJ.  相似文献   

The mating pheromone response pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the best understood signalling pathways in eukaryotes. Comparison of this system with pathways in other fungal species has generated surprises and insights. Cloning and targetted disruption of genes encoding components of the pheromone response pathway has allowed the attribution of specific functions to these signal transduction components. In this review we describe current knowledge of the Kluyveromyces lactis mating system, and compare it with the well-understood S. cerevisiae pathway, emphasizing the similarities and differences in the heterotrimeric G protein activity. This mating pathway is controlled positively by both the Galpha and the Gbeta subunits of the heterotrimeric G protein.  相似文献   

Chan CY  Galli A  Schiestl RH 《DNA Repair》2008,7(9):1531-1541
Nonhomologous end joining connects DNA ends in the absence of extended sequence homology and requires removal of mismatched DNA ends and gap-filling synthesis prior to a religation step. Pol4 within the Pol X family is the only polymerase known to be involved in end processing during nonhomologous end joining in yeast. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae POL3/CDC2 gene encodes polymerase delta that is involved in DNA replication and other DNA repair processes. Here, we show that POL3 is involved in nonhomologous end joining using a plasmid-based end-joining assay in yeast, in which the pol3-t mutation caused a 1.9- to 3.2-fold decrease in the end-joining efficiency of partially compatible 5' or 3' ends, or incompatible ends, similar to the pol4 mutant. The pol3-t pol4 double mutation showed a synergistic decrease in the efficiency of NHEJ with partially compatible 5' ends or incompatible ends. Sequence analysis of the rejoined junctions recovered from the wild-type cells and mutants indicated that POL3 is required for gap filling at 3' overhangs, but not 5' overhangs during POL4-independent nonhomologous end joining. We also show that either Pol3 or Pol4 is required for simple religation of compatible or blunt ends. These results suggest that Pol3 has a generalized function in end joining in addition to its role in gap filling at 3' overhangs to enhance the overall efficiency of nonhomologous end joining. Moreover, the decreased end-joining efficiency seen in the pol3-t mutant was not due to S-phase arrest associated with the mutant. Taken together, our genetic evidence supports a novel role of Pol3 in nonhomologous end joining that facilitates gap filling at 3' overhangs in the absence of Pol4 to maintain genomic integrity.  相似文献   

G D Clark-Walker  X J Chen 《Genetics》2001,159(3):929-938
Loss of mtDNA or mitochondrial protein synthesis cannot be tolerated by wild-type Kluyveromyces lactis. The mitochondrial function responsible for rho(0)-lethality has been identified by disruption of nuclear genes encoding electron transport and F(0)-ATP synthase components of oxidative phosphorylation. Sporulation of diploid strains heterozygous for disruptions in genes for the two components of oxidative phosphorylation results in the formation of nonviable spores inferred to contain both disruptions. Lethality of spores is thought to result from absence of a transmembrane potential, Delta Psi, across the mitochondrial inner membrane due to lack of proton pumping by the electron transport chain or reversal of F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase. Synergistic lethality, caused by disruption of nuclear genes, or rho(0)-lethality can be suppressed by the atp2.1 mutation in the beta-subunit of F(1)-ATPase. Suppression is viewed as occurring by an increased hydrolysis of ATP by mutant F(1), allowing sufficient electrogenic exchange by the translocase of ADP in the matrix for ATP in the cytosol to maintain Delta Psi. In addition, lethality of haploid strains with a disruption of AAC encoding the ADP/ATP translocase can be suppressed by atp2.1. In this case suppression is considered to occur by mutant F(1) acting in the forward direction to partially uncouple ATP production, thereby stimulating respiration and relieving detrimental hyperpolarization of the inner membrane. Participation of the ADP/ATP translocase in suppression of rho(0)-lethality is supported by the observation that disruption of AAC abolishes suppressor activity of atp2.1.  相似文献   

Reduced glutathione (GSH) is involved in biochemical and physiological processes in cells. Flocculation is an important mechanism in microorganisms. The present study concerned the potential relationship between GSH metabolism and flocculation. Two yeast strains, a flocculent (Kluyveromyces lactis 5c) and a nonflocculent (Kluyveromyces lactis 5a) strain, were used. The level of intracellular GSH measured during the growth period was significantly higher in the nonflocculent than in the flocculent strain; in contrast, the flocculent strain exhibited brighter staining of vacuoles than the nonflocculent strain when observed using epifluorescence microscopy. Compounds acting either on flocculation (EDTA, galactose) or on GSH metabolism (buthionine sulfoximine, and N-acetylcysteine) were tested on the flocculent strain during the growth period. Both EDTA and galactose fully inhibited flocculation and induced GSH overproduction of 58% and 153%, respectively. Buthionine sulfoximine decreased GSH level by 76% but had no effect on flocculation; N-acetylcysteine increased the GSH level and flocculation by 106% and 41%, respectively. Combination of EDTA and N-acetylcysteine produced similar effects than with each of them. Combination of galactose and N-acetylcysteine increased the GSH level but decreased flocculation. These results demonstrated that GSH homeostasis is linked to the flocculation mechanism. A hypothesis related to stress is given.  相似文献   

The ends of chromosomal DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be accurately rejoined by at least two discrete pathways, homologous recombination and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). The NHEJ pathway is essential for repair of specific classes of DSB termini in cells of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Endonuclease-induced DSBs retaining complementary single-stranded DNA overhangs are repaired efficiently by end-joining. In contrast, damaged DSB ends (e.g., termini produced by ionizing radiation) are poor substrates for this pathway. NHEJ repair involves the functions of at least 10 genes, including YKU70, YKU80, DNL4, LIF1, SIR2, SIR3, SIR4, RAD50, MRE11, and XRS2. Most or all of these genes are required for efficient recombination-independent recircularization of linearized plasmids and for rejoining of EcoRI endonuclease-induced chromosomal DSBs in vivo. Several NHEJ mutants also display aberrant processing and rejoining of DSBs that are generated by HO endonuclease or formed spontaneously in dicentric plasmids. In addition, all NHEJ genes except DNL4 and LIF1 are required for stabilization of telomeric repeat sequences. Each of the proteins involved in NHEJ appears to bind, directly or through protein associations, with the ends of linear DNA. Enzymatic and/or structural roles in the rejoining of DSB termini have been postulated for several proteins within the group. Most yeast NHEJ genes have homologues in human cells and many biochemical activities and protein:protein interactions have been conserved in higher eucaryotes. Similarities and differences between NHEJ repair in yeast and mammalian cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces lactis killer strains secrete a heterotrimeric toxin (zymocin), which causes an irreversible growth arrest of sensitive yeast cells. Despite many efforts, the target(s) of the cytotoxic gamma-subunit of zymocin has remained elusive. Here we show that three tRNA species tRNA(Glu)(mcm(5)s(2)UUC), tRNA(Lys)(mcm(5)s(2)UUU), and tRNA(Gln)(mcm(5)s(2)UUG) are the targets of gamma-toxin. The toxin inhibits growth by cleaving these tRNAs at the 3' side of the modified wobble nucleoside 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm(5)s(2)U). Transfer RNA lacking a part of or the entire mcm(5) group is inefficiently cleaved by gamma-toxin, explaining the gamma-toxin resistance of the modification-deficient trm9, elp1-elp6, and kti11-kti13 mutants. The K. lactis gamma-toxin is the first eukaryotic toxin shown to target tRNA.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the role of recombination at the telomeres of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. We demonstrated that an abnormally long and mutationally tagged telomere was subject to high rates of telomere rapid deletion (TRD) that preferentially truncated the telomere to near-wild-type size. Unlike the case in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, however, there was not a great increase in TRD in meiosis. About half of mitotic TRD events were associated with deep turnover of telomeric repeats, suggesting that telomeres were often cleaved to well below normal length prior to being reextended by telomerase. Despite its high rate of TRD, the long telomere showed no increase in the rate of subtelomeric gene conversion, a highly sensitive test of telomere dysfunction. We also showed that the long telomere was subject to appreciable rates of becoming elongated substantially further through a recombinational mechanism that added additional tagged repeats. Finally, we showed that the deep turnover that occurs within normal-length telomeres was diminished in the absence of RAD52. Taken together, our results suggest that homologous recombination is a significant process acting on both abnormally long and normally sized telomeres in K. lactis.  相似文献   

Repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in chromosomal DNA by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) is not well characterized in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we demonstrate that several genes associated with NHEJ perform essential functions in the repair of endonuclease-induced DSBs in vivo. Galactose-induced expression of EcoRI endonuclease in rad50, mre11, or xrs2 mutants, which are deficient in plasmid DSB end-joining and some forms of recombination, resulted in G2 arrest and rapid cell killing. Endonuclease synthesis also produced moderate cell killing in sir4 strains. In contrast, EcoRI caused prolonged cell-cycle arrest of recombination-defective rad51, rad52, rad54, rad55, and rad57 mutants, but cells remained viable. Cell-cycle progression was inhibited in excision repair-defective rad1 mutants, but not in rad2 cells, indicating a role for Rad1 processing of the DSB ends. Phenotypic responses of additional mutants, including exo1, srs2, rad5, and rdh54 strains, suggest roles in recombinational repair, but not in NHEJ. Interestingly, the rapid cell killing in haploid rad50 and mre11 strains was largely eliminated in diploids, suggesting that the cohesive-ended DSBs could be efficiently repaired by homologous recombination throughout the cell cycle in the diploid mutants. These results demonstrate essential but separable roles for NHEJ pathway genes in the repair of chromosomal DSBs that are structurally similar to those occurring during cellular development.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity during the successful development of a fertilized egg into a whole organism. To date, the mechanism of DSB repair in postimplantation embryos has been largely unknown. In the present study, using a cell-free repair system derived from the different embryonic stages of mice, we find that canonical nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), one of the major DSB repair pathways in mammals, is predominant at 14.5 day of embryonic development. Interestingly, all four types of DSBs tested were repaired by ligase IV/XRCC4 and Ku-dependent classical NHEJ. Characterization of end-joined junctions and expression studies further showed evidences for canonical NHEJ. Strikingly, in contrast to the above, we observed noncanonical end joining accompanied by DSB resection, dependent on microhomology and ligase III in 18.5-day embryos. Interestingly, we observed an elevated expression of CtIP, MRE11, and NBS1 at this stage, suggesting that it could act as a switch between classical end joining and microhomology-mediated end joining at later stages of embryonic development. Thus, our results establish for the first time the existence of both canonical and alternative NHEJ pathways during the postimplantation stages of mammalian embryonic development.  相似文献   

Characterization of lactose transport in Kluyveromyces lactis   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
We have determined that lactose uptake in Kluyveromyces lactis is mediated by an inducible transport system. Induction, elicited by lactose or galactose, of the transporter required protein synthesis. Transport of lactose required an energy-generating system and occurred by an active process, since an intracellular lactose concentration 175 times greater than the extracellular concentration could be obtained. The Km for lactose transport was about 2.8 mM in uninduced and lactose- or galactose-induced cells. The lactose transporters in K. lactis and Escherichia coli appear to be different since they respond uniquely to inhibition by substrate analogs.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of human XLF: a twist in nonhomologous DNA end-joining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Andres SN  Modesti M  Tsai CJ  Chu G  Junop MS 《Molecular cell》2007,28(6):1093-1101
DNA double-strand breaks represent one of the most severe forms of DNA damage in mammalian cells. One pathway for repairing these breaks occurs via nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and depends on XRCC4, LigaseIV, and Cernunnos, also called XLF. Although XLF stimulates XRCC4/LigaseIV to ligate mismatched and noncohesive DNA ends, the mechanistic basis for this function remains unclear. Here we report the structure of a partially functional 224 residue N-terminal fragment of human XLF. Despite only weak sequence similarity, XLF(1-170) shares structural homology with XRCC4(1-159). However, unlike the highly extended 130 A helical domain observed in XRCC4, XLF adopts a more compact, folded helical C-terminal region involving two turns and a twist, wrapping back to the structurally conserved N terminus. Mutational analysis of XLF and XRCC4 reveals a potential interaction interface, suggesting a mechanism for how XLF stimulates the ligation of mismatched ends.  相似文献   

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