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1. Acetylsalicylate and salicylate inhibited urea synthesis by isolated rat hepatocytes and citrulline synthesis by isolated rat mitochondria. The effects were dose-dependent and occurred at drug concentrations seen in salicylate induced hepatoxicity. 2. Although ATP concentration was decreased in the hepatocytes the effect of the salicylates on citrulline synthesis remained after treatment with oligomycin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone. This suggests that the effect is independent of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. 3. This in vitro inhibition of urea synthesis by salicylates is similar to that produced by valproate and endogenous organic acids, which are also associated with hyperammonaemic clinical toxicity, and is a possible mechanism for the action of salicylates in the hyperammonaemia of Reye's syndrome.  相似文献   

A system of preparation of rat hepatocytes with extended viability has been developed to study the role of hormones and other plasma components upon secretory protein synthesis. Hepatocytes maintained in minimal essential medium reduced the levels of all amino acids in the medium except the slowly catabolized amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which steadily increase as the result of catabolism of liver protein. Although the liver cells catabolize 10-15% of their own protein during a 20-h incubation, the cells continue to secrete protein in a linear fashion throughout the period. The effects of insulin, cortisol, and epinephrine on general protein synthesis, and specifically on fibrinogen and albumin synthesis, have been tested on cells from both normal rats and adrenalectomized rats. Cells from normal animals show preinduction of tyrosine amino transferase (TAT), having at the time of isolation a high level of enzyme which shows only an increase of approximately 60% upon incubation with cortisol. In contrast, cells from adrenalectomized animals initially have a low level of enzyme which increases fourfold over a period of 9 h. The effects of both epinephrine and cortisol on protein synthesis are also much larger in cells from adrenalectomized animals. After a delay of several hours, cortisol increases fibrinogen synthesis sharply, so that at the end of the 20-h incubation, cells treated with hormone have secreted nearly 2.5 times as much fibrinogen as control cells. The effect is specific; cortisol stimulates neither albumin secretion nor intracellular protein synthesis. The combination of cortisol and epinephrine strongly depresses albumin synthesis in both types of cells. Insulin enhances albumin and general protein synthesis but has little effect on fibrinogen synthesis.  相似文献   

In a non-recirculating system of isolated liver perfusion, stimulation of urea synthesis by NH4Cl is followed by a decrease of effluent pH by up to 0.2 pH unit. This effect is not observed when urea synthesis is inhibited by amino-oxyacetate or norvaline. When the urea formed by the liver is immediately hydrolysed with urease before the effluent perfusate reaches the pH electrode, the urea-synthesis-induced acidification is no longer observed. This indicates that accompanying alterations in hepatic metabolism after stimulation of urea synthesis, such as increased energy provision and consumption, are not responsible for the extracellular acidification, but that the effect is due to the formation of urea itself. The acidification of the extracellular space after stimulation of urea synthesis by NH4Cl is quantitatively explained by the consumption of 2 mol of HCO3-/mol of urea formed: 1 mol being incorporated into urea, the other being protonated to yield CO2 and H2O. The data match the theoretically predicted HCO3- consumption during ureogenesis and underline the role of hepatic urea synthesis for disposal of HCO3- by converting it into the excretable products CO2 and urea.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits, by 50%, ATP synthesis in isolated hepatocytes. This inhibition is associated with DCCD-binding to a proteolipid fraction present in submitochondrial particles.  相似文献   

Bile acid synthesis in isolated rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Normal adult rat hepatocytes were incubated for 48h and the concentration of total and individual bile acids in homogenized samples of the culture was measured at intervals during the incubation, using radiogas chromatography and isotope derivative assay. The net increase in bile acids over the value observed at the start of the culture was taken as synthesis. The results showed that bile acid synthesis was linear up to 24h of incubation, at a rate of 20nmol/g hepatocytes per hour, and that 85% of the newly synthesized bile acid was cholic acid. The bile acid synthesized was mainly conjugated with taurine. These results suggest that isolated hepatocytes cultured in the way described could be a useful in vitro model for the study of bile acid synthesis.  相似文献   

The incorporation of labeled acetate into lipids was studied in rat hepatocytes isolated after treatment of liver with collagenase and hyaluronidase. About 60% of the lipid radioactivity was in free cholesterol and 13% was in triglycerides. Acetate incorporation was markedly inhibited when human serum lipoproteins were present in the incubation medium. Very low, high, and low density lipoproteins, at concentrations of 1.0 mg/ml, inhibited acetate incorporation by 70, 55, and 35%, respectively. Chylomicrons, at similar concentrations, did not inhibit acetate incorporation. The distribution of radioactivity into lipid classes was unchanged by the addition of lipoproteins. Lipoproteins did not produce a nonspecific toxic effect on hepatocytes, since their addition did not alter the rate of leucine incorporation into protein. The addition of the delipidated protein from low density lipoprotein or of lecithin in amounts comparable to those present in inhibitory concentrations of lipoproteins failed to diminish acetate incorporation. Artificial cholesterol-lecithin emulsions containing small amounts of free cholesterol did not inhibit lipid synthesis. Although the mechanism for the inhibition of acetate incorporation by lipoproteins is unclear, such effects may play some physiological role in the control of lipid biosynthesis in the liver.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity is induced by protein-synthesis independent mechanisms in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, incubated either without or with a mixture of amino acids in the incubation medium. Urea synthesis rates were two- to three-fold higher in those hepatocytes incubated in the presence of amino acids that in those lacking amino acids in the medium. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) delayed ODC induction, but only in the presence of amino acids. EGF significantly decreased ureagenesis when hepatocytes were incubated in the presence of amino acids and only endogenous substrates were available. No evidence of any link between ODC induction and urea synthesis was found.  相似文献   

1. In hepatocytes isolated from 24 h-starved rats, urea production from ammonia was stimulated by addition of lactate, in both the presence and the absence of ornithine. The relationship of lactate concentration to the rate of urea synthesis was hyperbolic. 2. Other glucose precursors also stimulated urea production to varying degrees, but none more than lactate. Added oleate and butyrate did not stimulate urea synthesis. 3. Citrulline accumulation was largely dependent on ornithine concentration. As ornithine was increased from 0 to 40 mM, the rate of citrulline accumulation increased hyperbolically, and was half-maximal when ornithine was 8-12 mM. 4. The rate of citrulline accumulation was independent of the presence of lactate, but with pyruvate the rate increased. 5. The rate of urea production continued to increase as ornithine was varied from 0 to 40 mM. 6. It was concluded that intermediates provided by both ornithine and lactate are limiting for urea production from ammonia in isolated liver cells. It was suggested that the stimulatory effect of lactate lies in increased availability of cytosolic aspartate for condensation with citrulline.  相似文献   

The effects of amiloride on Na+ ion influx, amino acid transport, protein synthesis and RNA synthesis have been studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. The initial rate of 22Na+ uptake and the amount of 22Na+ taken up at later time points were decreased in hepatocytes incubated in the presence of amiloride. Amiloride inhibited by about 25% the influx of α-methylamino[1?14C]isobutyric acid, a specific substrate for the A (Alanine preferring) system of neutral amino acid transport. By contrast, the activity of system L (Leucine preferring) was not affected by amiloride. Rates of protein synthesis were determined by using high extracellular concentrations of [14C]valine in order to maintain a constant amino acid precursor pool. Amiloride inhibited protein synthesis by 85% and had no effect on RNA synthesis. Half-maximal inhibition of protein synthesis occurred with amiloride at about 150 μM. In the absence of Na+ in the incubation medium, the rate of protein synthesis was reduced by about 35% and no further inhibition was observed with amiloride. These results suggest that in isolated rat hepatocytes protein synthesis is partially dependent on Na+, and that amiloride is an efficient inhibitor of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Bile acids secretion and their distribution were studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. Bile acids secretion was linearly related with time for first three hours of incubation and the net secretion rate was 23.2 ± 2.74 nmoles per g cells (wet weight) per minute. Isolated hepatocytes synthesized relatively more chenodeoxycholic acid than cholic acid compared to whole animal. These results suggest that isolated hepatocytes synthesize and secrete bile acids and thus provide experimental system to study the effect of drugs on bile acids secretion and synthesis at cellular level.  相似文献   

Incubation of hepatocytes isolated from fasted rats with [14C]glucose for short periods of time showed that the initial stages of glycogen synthesis occur near the plasma membrane. Incubation with [14C]glucose followed by cold glucose demonstrated that glycogen synthesis is always active at the hepatocyte periphery and that previously synthesised glycogen moves towards the centre of the cell, while its place is filled by newly synthesised molecules. However, the reverse experiment, incubation with cold glucose before addition of [14C]glucose, showed that, as glycogen synthesis progresses, it also becomes gradually active in more internal sites of the hepatocyte. These results indicate a spatial order in the synthesis of hepatic glycogen.  相似文献   

Perfusion of rat liver had led to the suggestion that oxygen tension, rather than the distribution of enzymes of urea synthesis, plays a key role in the regulation of urea synthesis in the periportal and pericentral areas of the liver lobule [F. W. Kari, H. Yoshihara and R. G. Thurman (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 163, 1-7]. We have directly tested the effect of oxygen concentration on ureogenesis under steady-state conditions in isolated hepatocytes perifused with physiological concentrations of ammonia. We found that ureogenesis is independent of the oxygen concentration. Only at oxygen concentrations below 25 microM (which is below the oxygen concentration in liver) was urea synthesis decreased. This was because insufficient production of ATP led to decreased flux through carbamoyl-phosphate synthase. It is concluded that oxygen does not control urea synthesis.  相似文献   

The regulation of urea synthesis from ammonia was investigated using isolated hepatocytes from fasted rats. Addition of ammonia alone produced only a small increase of urea formation, which was stimulated 2-fold by ornithine in conjunction with a fall of ATP levels and an accumulation of citrulline. Further addition of oleate or beta-hydroxybutyrate produced an additional 2-fold stimulation of urea formation to approximately 200 mumol/g dry weight/hour. The presence of oleate also protected against the inhibitory effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol on urea synthesis and the cellular ATP content. The data suggest that both the rate of of energy production and the rate of generation of reducing equivalents from endogensou substrates are insufficient to meet the requirements for optimal rates of urea synthesis. Urea formation from NH3 in the presence of ornithine and oleate, but iin the absence of gluconeogenic precursors, was inhibited by butylmalonate, a known inhibitor of malate-phosphate exchange across the mitochondrial membrane, and stimulated by theaddition of malate and other dicarboxylic acids and amino acids to the cell suspension...  相似文献   

The effect of inhibition of NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC by DL-threo-alpha-methylisocitrate (3-hydroxy-1,2,3-butanetricarboxylase) on urea synthesis was studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. alpha-Methylisocitrate substantially inhibited the rate of urea synthesis (35--84%) with substrates requiring net reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate to glutamate for aspartate synthesis (i.e., L-serine, D-alanine, or NH4Cl + L-lactate). alpha-Methylisocitrate did not inhibit synthesis of urea from substrates not requiring reductive formation of glutamate (i.e. L-alanine, L-glutamine, L-asparagine, or NH4Cl + L-ornithine). The rate-limiting role of NADPH in urea synthesis was correlated with the decrease in NADPH content that occurred upon addition of NH4Cl or of alpha-methylisocitrate to hepatocytes incubated with lactate and pyruvate, indicating utilization of NADPH for reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate and inhibition of NADPH generation via NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, respectively. Similar results were obtained with D-alanine and L-serine; however, alpha-methylisocitrate or NH4Cl did not substantially decrease NADPH content when L-alanine was the substrate. Inhibitors or ornithine--2-oxo acid transaminase (L-canaline or gabaculine) decreased the uptake of ornithine by hepatocytes and inhibited the alpha-methylisocitrate insensitive urea synthesis from ornithine and NH4Cl. Canaline did not inhibit urea synthesis from lactate, ornithine, and NH4Cl but the inhibition by alpha-methylisocitrate of urea formation from this combination was appreciably larger with canaline (approx. 82%) than without canaline (approx. 48%). Inhibition of urea synthesis from NH4Cl + lactate by alpha-methylisocitrate was partially prevented by oleate, octanoate, or 3-hydroxybutyrate. When the NADH content of hepatocytes was increased by 3-hydroxybutyrate, the addition of NH4Cl and/or alpha-methylisocitrate caused a decline in NADH (and NADPH) content, suggesting that reducing equivalents from NADH as well as from NADPH can support net reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate when required for urea synthesis.  相似文献   

The uptake of ornithine by isolated hepatocytes and by the particulate fraction of these cells was measured under various conditions of urea synthesis. Under conditions of maximum urea synthesis, i.e. in the presence of glucose, ornithine, ammonium chloride and oleate, the cytosolic concentration and the mitochondrial concentration of ornithine was extremely low, while citrulline accumulated in the cytosol. The data indicate that the rate of citrulline synthesis is limited by the availability of mitochondrial ornithine.  相似文献   

Glutamine stimulated glycogen synthesis and lactate production in hepatocytes from overnight-fasted normal and diabetic rats. The effect, which was half-maximal with about 3 mM-glutamine, depended on glucose concentration and was maximal below 10 mM-glucose. beta-2-Aminobicyclo[2.2.1.]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, an analogue of leucine, stimulated glutaminase flux, but inhibited the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine. Various purine analogues and inhibitors of purine synthesis were found to inhibit glycogen synthesis from glucose, but they did not abolish the stimulatory effect of glutamine on glycogen synthesis. The correlation between the rate of glycogen synthesis and synthase activity suggested that the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine depended solely on the activation of glycogen synthase. This activation of synthase was not due to a change in total synthase, nor was it caused by a faster inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase, as was the case after glucose. It could, however, result from a stimulation of synthase phosphatase, since, after the addition of 1 nM-glucagon or 10 nM-vasopressin, glutamine did not interfere with the inactivation of synthase, but did promote its subsequent re-activation. Glutamine was also found to inhibit ketone-body production and to stimulate lipogenesis.  相似文献   

Liver cells isolated from normal and cholestyramine-treated rats were incubated as cell suspensions for up to 4 hr in a simple, defined medium. The bile acid concentration in cells plus cell medium was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Normal hepatocytes synthesized cholic acid at an initial rate of 0.25 nmol/mg cell protein per hr, which is comparable to rates reported from in vivo methods. This rate was increased more than 4-fold when rats were fed a cholestyramine-containing diet for 7 days prior to liver cell isolation. Although cholic acid was secreted into the cell medium during the incubation, it could not be assayed reliably by the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase assay method, contrary to the reports of Anwer et al. 1975. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 64: 603 and Gardner and Chenouda 1978. J. Lipid Res. 19: 985.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes were used to investigate the uptake of zinc at early exposure times. Hepatocytes were incubated with 65Zn (1–500 μM) and samples were withdrawn at times ranging from 25 s to 60 min. A biphasic pattern of uptake was observed with a rapid first phase of uptake followed by a slower second phase. The relationship between velocity of uptake and substrate concentration for the first phase was nonlinear, while that of the second phase was linear. The presence of 10 μM cadmium produced a decrease in the velocity of uptake of only the first phase. This suggests that the first phase is at least partly carrier mediated, while there is no indication of involvement of a carrier in the second phase. KCN (1 mM) and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (2 μM), did not cause any change in the uptake of 65Zn (1 μM), which suggests that there is no active component in the uptake of zinc.  相似文献   

l-Leucine inhibits urea synthesis in rat hepatocytes from a number of nitrogen sources, including ammonia. The inhibition by l-leucine is largely overcome by addition of 1 mM l-ornithine, suggesting that the main site of l-leucine action is at ornithine transcarbamylase, rather than at glutamate dyhydrogenase. l-Norvaline is a more potent inhibitor of urea synthesiss than is l-leucine, but again the inhibition is largely counteracted by l-ornithine. Addition of aminooxyacetate and l-norvaline strongly suppresses the formation of glucose and lactate from l-asparagine, suggesting that an alternate pathway of aspartate metabolism, the purine nucleotide cycle, in not a major pathway. Hadacidin, an inhibitor of adenylosuccinate synthetase, an enzyme of the purine nucleotide cycle, has no effect on urea synthesis in rat liver cells.  相似文献   

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