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特殊酵母作为区别于传统酵母之外的一类生物资源,具有广泛的工业应用前景。基于incoPat数据库收录的专利数据,以特殊酵母工业应用领域的专利为研究对象,从专利分析的角度,揭示了全球特殊酵母工业应用领域技术创新的发展态势、技术分布、主要申请机构、研究热点以及各类特殊酵母的应用优势等。结果表明:全球特殊酵母工业应用领域的专利公开数量在2001~2020年期间整体呈不断增长的趋势,并在2019年达到峰值;专利保护区域主要为美、中、韩、日、欧等国家或地区,其中国内外申请机构的研发侧重点各有不同,以帝斯曼、纳幕尔杜邦、诺维信等为代表的国外工业生物技术公司注重特殊酵母基础技术的知识产权保护,以江南大学为代表的国内科研院校比较注重毕赤酵母应用技术的开发。重点分析了特殊酵母工业应用领域近年来各类特殊酵母在不同技术分支和创新程度上的差异,旨在为我国特殊酵母工业应用领域科研决策和科研工作提供参考。  相似文献   

干细胞(Stem Cells)是当今世界科学研究的热门领域。本文对Derwent Innovation Index(DII)专利数据库收录的1975-2013年世界范围内申请的干细胞技术专利进行了数据计量分析,给出了干细胞专利的年度分布、地区分布、研发重点分布、机构分布等,揭示了已展现出明显优势的干细胞技术的创新现状和发展趋势,所得到的结果可为这种新技术的研发决策提供支持与依据。研究发现,干细胞技术近年来发展迅速,美国和中国对干细胞领域研究资助力度持续加大,美国和日本在干细胞研究领域占据主导地位,目前正处新一轮发展阶段。  相似文献   

采用文献计量分析方法,分析了全球生物技术研究领域的发展现状和趋势及其对中国生物技术研究发展的启示。研究结果表明:2019年我国在生物技术文献发表数量上已位列世界第一,但在生物技术文献的质量、学术影响力以及国际合作能力方面仍与欧美等发达生物技术国家存在一定差距,接着分析了全球生物技术研究的学科组成、各生物技术分支领域的研究交叉现状,最后分析了目前各生物技术细分领域的热点研究主题。针对当前我国面临的生物技术研究发展问题,我国应当注重研究成果质量,促进各学科间交叉融合,加强国际合作交流,顺应未来生物技术发展热点趋势。  相似文献   

生物技术是国家战略性高新技术的重要组成部分,已经成为当今世界各国战略发展争夺的热点之一。本文对ISTIC-专利分析数据库与美国USPTO授权的生物技术相关专利数据中收录的专利进行了分析。从专利授权数量及年度变化、生命周期、专利权人、专利的国际专利分类号、专利权人所属国家和机构等角度深入分析了生物技术专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领以及各个国家的生物技术发展状况和战略布局情况,为该领域战略争夺发展的重点提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

生物技术是国家战略性高新技术的重要组成部分,已经成为当今世界各国战略发展争夺的热点之一。本文对ISTIC-专利分析数据库与美国USPTO授权的生物技术相关专利数据中收录的专利进行了分析。从专利授权数量及年度变化、生命周期、专利权人、专利的国际专利分类号、专利权人所属国家和机构等角度深入分析了生物技术专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领以及各个国家的生物技术发展状况和战略布局情况,为该领域战略争夺发展的重点提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

目的:基于专利文献深入分析天然抗肿瘤药制剂技术的发展态势。方法:采用专利计量分析、统计学趋势分析等定量分析方法结合药学专业知识的定性分析方法从专利申请数量、国家/地区分布、专利技术领域等方面对天然抗肿瘤药制剂技术领域的发展态势进行分析。结果:天然抗肿瘤药制剂技术专利年申请数量在3000件左右,处于比较稳定平稳的发展时期;专利申请主要集中在美国和中国;专利技术领域主要集中在抗肿瘤活性和剂型的相关研究。结论:美国专利申请数量排名第一,远远领先于其他国家,且专利质量很高,处于绝对的领先地位。中国虽然在专利申请数量方面具有一定优势,但是专利质量亟待提高,与国外发达国家相比仍有较大差距。  相似文献   

通过Thomson Innovation(TI)专利平台数据库中相关专利的检索,利用专利计量学的方法,从专利申请数量、受理国家、申请机构、技术生命周期以及研发热点等方面对水稻分子育种技术国际发展态势进行分析。结果表明,水稻分子育种技术目前整体呈快速发展趋势,并已趋于成熟。其中,美国的申请量最多,是全球最受重视的技术市场。大型跨国公司不仅是全球最主要的专利申请主体,而且在我国的专利申请活动也较为活跃。我国在水稻分子育种技术领域专利数量较多,并且具有一定优势,相关专利申请主体为科研机构和大学。对专利文献内容的深入分析表明,重要农艺性状的基因挖掘和转基因技术是分子育种技术领域当前的研发热点。  相似文献   

血糖仪是监测血糖的仪器,能够迅速、便利、准确地监测自身血糖水平,对机体血糖平衡起着重要的监控作用。随着近年来糖尿病发病率的不断升高,血糖仪相关技术得到极大的重视和发展,血糖仪相关领域的研究也随之成为热点,具有较高的学术价值和极其广阔的应用前景。本文对Innography数据库收录的4,332件血糖仪相关专利数据进行了分析,分别从专利申请和授权的年度趋势,发明人所在地,专利申请地,专利技术生命周期,联合专利分类体系分布以及专利权人等角度深入分析了血糖仪领域专利的整体产出情况、技术成熟度、重点技术领域以及研发机构情况等。研究表明,血糖仪相关技术经过近15年的快速发展已进入平稳发展阶段;罗氏、强生和雅培等全球市场占有率较高的企业都在大量申请相关专利,以达到利用专利屏障实现市场垄断的目的;美国在血糖仪领域的研究和应用优势非常明显,其技术研发能力最强,实力居世界首位;中国的专利数量较多但技术分散,缺少世界级顶尖企业,许多研发活动是在大学和研究所开展,其血糖仪市场在未来具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

由于虾青素具有极高的应用价值,近几十年来,虾青素的应用研究取得了很大的进展。本文以Derwent Innovations Index(DII)数据库为统计分析源,检索并分析了数据库中关于虾青素的所有专利产出,利用Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)分析工具和Thomson Inovation分析平台进行数据挖掘。通过对专利申请趋势、高产机构、核心技术、专利布局、热点技术领域等方面的计量分析,揭示了全球虾青素技术的发展现状,探索我国发展虾青素技术面临的机遇与挑战。虾青素的应用集中在鱼类饲料的添加剂和疾病治疗两个领域。日本、美国和中国为排名前三的优先权受理国,日本公司的申请数量占主导地位,从专利布局看,杜邦和东曹公司几乎全部集中在发酵或使用酶的方法合成目标化合物或组合物或从外消旋混合物中分离旋光异构体和微生物或酶其组合物这两个领域,而排名靠前的日本公司的研究领域主要集中在医用、牙科用或梳妆用的配制品、食品、食料或非酒精饮料制备或加工处理以及化合物或药物制剂的特定治疗活性三个领域。  相似文献   

转基因玉米是当前全球第二大转基因作物,在保障人类能源、饲料、工业等方面发挥着重要作用。基于智慧芽数据库(PatSnap)对欧盟、美国及中国等国家或地区收录的1985~2018年全球转基因玉米技术领域专利文献进行统计分析,得出全球转基因玉米专利技术发展的总体趋势、技术分布与格局及研发热点,并对比分析了国内外主要研发单位转基因玉米研发的竞争力,对未来转基因玉米的产业发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

Three national patent offices have consulted on patents that cover protein three-dimensional structural data and pharmacophores, with significant implications for the biotechnology industry.  相似文献   

The analysis of patent activity is one methodology used for technological monitoring. In this paper, the activity of biotechnology-related patents in Brazil were analyzed through 30 International Patent Classification (IPC) codes published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We developed a program to analyse the dynamics of the major patent applicants, countries and IPC codes extracted from the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) database. We also identified Brazilian patent applicants who tried to expand protection abroad via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). We had access to all patents published online at the INPI from 1975 to July 2010, including 9,791 biotechnology patent applications in Brazil, and 163 PCTs published online at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 1997 to December 2010. To our knowledge, there are no other online reports of biotechnology patents previous to the years analyzed here. Most of the biotechnology patents filed in the INPI (10.9%) concerned measuring or testing processes involving nucleic acids. The second and third places belonged to patents involving agro-technologies (recombinant DNA technology for plant cells and new flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms, or processes for obtaining them, and reproduction of flowering plants by tissue culture techniques). The majority of patents (87.2%) were filed by nonresidents, with USA being responsible for 51.7% of all biotechnology patents deposited in Brazil. Analyzing the resident applicants per region, we found a hub in the southeast region of Brazil. Among the resident applicants for biotechnology patents filed in the INPI, 43.5% were from S?o Paulo, 18.3% were from Rio de Janeiro, and 9.7% were from Minas Gerais. Pfizer, Novartis, and Sanofi were the largest applicants in Brazil, with 339, 288, and 245 biotechnology patents filed, respectively. For residents, the largest applicant was the governmental institution FIOCRUZ (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), which filed 69 biotechnology patents within the period analyzed. The first biotechnology patent applications via PCT were submitted by Brazilians in 1997, with 3 from UFMG (university), 2 from individuals, and 1 from EMBRAPA (research institute).  相似文献   

Today biotechnology is perhaps the most important technology field because of the strong health and food implications. However, due to the nature of said technology, there is the need of a huge amount of investments to sustain the experimentation costs. Consequently, investors aim to safeguard as much as possible their investments. Intellectual Property, and in particular patents, has been demonstrated to actually constitute a powerful tool to help them. Moreover, patents represent an extremely important means to disclose biotechnology inventions. Patentable biotechnology inventions involve products as nucleotide and amino acid sequences, microorganisms, processes or methods for modifying said products, uses for the manufacture of medicaments, etc. There are several ways to protect inventions, but all follow the three main patentability requirements: novelty, inventive step and industrial application.  相似文献   

目的:揭示3D生物打印产业技术研发态势和专利布局,以期为相关机构提供竞争情报,为行业发展提供数据支撑。方法:基于3D生物打印领域产业调研和技术分解,构造检索式获取数据,多维度量化分析领域专利。结果:3D生物打印产业发展可分为孕育期、萌芽期和高速发展期;该产业集中度较低,处于分散竞争阶段;申请人多依据地缘因素选择合作对象,合作方之间多为不同类型的机构;中国申请人的专利申请量占全球的比重已接近50%,但美国申请人的专利篇均被引频次仍远超中国;美国申请人更关注海外市场。结论:3D生物打印产业尚未形成规模效应,有必要整合业内资源,打造产业集群;中、美两国在该产业都具有优势地位,中国亟待加强海外专利布局;综合权衡专利数量和质量,美国申请人的专利竞争力仍高于中国,中国需培育更多核心专利。  相似文献   

Microalgal biotechnology is an innovative sector in the field of biotechnology and has evolved exponentially in the last 100 years. With the aim of finding out the current situation of the sector and its development, patents on microalgal biotechnology were surveyed in Espacenet, the European Patent Office database. The objective of this study was to identify the main trends in microalgae-related patents in the most commercial genera: Chlorella, Spirulina, Dunaliella, Haematococcus and model organism Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry has become firmly established over the past twenty years and gene patents have played an important part in this phenomenon. However, concerns have been raised over the patentability of human genetic material, through public protests and international statements, but to little effect. Here we discuss some of these concerns, the patent authorities' response to them, and ways in which to address these issues and to move the debate forward using current legal structures.  相似文献   

Patents play an increasingly important role in the dissemination of information in many fast moving fields such as biotechnology and semiconductors. Quite a few new developments are introduced as patents, and only later, if at all, do they find their way into the scientific literature. In spite of this, patents lack wide acceptance as a source of information among scientists in academia and, to a lesser degree, industry. Patents share many similarities with scientific papers. They both are organized in a similar way and are carefully reviewed by experts in the field. Both can be effective and timely sources of information. Patents can be accessed through data bases, library collections, the "Official Gazette of the Patent and Trademark Office," or directly in the Patent and Trademark Office. This article is designed to serve as a guide to the type of information which can be found in patents, and alternatives for obtaining this information.  相似文献   

Eisenberg R 《Comptes rendus biologies》2003,326(10-11):1115-1120
Patenting genes encoding therapeutic proteins was relatively uncontroversial in the early days of biotechnology. Controversy arose in the era of high-throughput DNA sequencing, when gene patents started to look less like patents on drugs and more like patents on scientific information. Evolving scientific and business strategies for exploiting genomic information raised concerns that patents might slow subsequent research. The trend towards stricter enforcement of the utility and disclosure requirements by the patent offices should help clarify the current confusion.  相似文献   

Construction biotechnology includes research and development of construction materials and processes that make use of various microbes. The present technology landscape gives a perspective on how microbes have been used in construction industry as cement and concrete additives by analyzing patents filed in this technology arena. All patents related to the technology of interest published globally to date have been reviewed. The earliest patent filing in this technology domain was recorded in the year 1958 and the patenting activity reached its peak around mid to late 1990s. The early technology was mainly focused on microbial polysaccharides and other metabolic products as additives. Year 2002 onwards, biomineralization has taken precedence over the other technologies with consistent patent filings indicating a shift in innovation focus. Japan has been the global leader with highest number of patents filed on application of microbes in construction industry. Southeast University, China has topped the patent assignee list with maximum number of filings followed by Kajima Corp. and Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. Most patent applications have claimed microbe based bio-products. Construction-related microbial technologies are mainly based on activity of different microorganisms such as urease-producing, acidogenic, halophilic, alkaliphilic, nitrate and iron-reducing bacteria. Sporosarcina pasteurii has been the most widely used microbe for biomineralization.  相似文献   

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