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This article examines the renegotiation of gender and class in a rural Mexican community where economic crisis in the sugar industry led foreign agribusinesses to promote blackberry and raspberry production for export and hire primarily women as berry pickers. Analysis focuses on the transition from a sugar economy where mostly men worked in the cane fields to non-traditional agricultural exports when women entered agricultural waged labor in unprecedented numbers. This restructuring of the regional economy raises important questions regarding the marginalization of differentiated subaltern groups and the nature of new sets of power relations between transnational agribusinesses, berry growers, and waged workers. I analyze the contradictions of this changing social field that connects Northern consumers, transnational company executives, berry growers, and waged laborers in a web of differential power relations as they reverberate along the commodity chain from campesino households to the global market.  相似文献   

A new species, Cuscuta cotijana, is described and illustrated from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in northwestern Michoacán, Mexico. The species is most closely related to Cuscuta jalapensis, C. mitriformis, C. rugosiceps and C. lindsayi, from which it differs by the large spur-like projections on the outer calyx lobes and the ovoid to conical capsule with a small intrastylar aperture.  相似文献   

Evaluating components of landscape diversity is essential for the implementation of efficient conservation strategies. We evaluated the diversity of Odonata larval assemblages from the Coalcomán mountains (CM), Michoacán, Mexico, and related it to local (site-level) habitat variables. Larvae were collected from shores, riffles and pools in five streams, counted and identified to species, twice per season during 2005. The Shannon Diversity Index (H'), Margalef's Richness Index (R), Simpson's Index as a dominance measure (D) and Pielou's Equitability (J) were used to describe the assemblages, and Renyi's Diversity Profiles were used to order diversity. A Bray-Curtis Similarity Index (BC) was used to evaluate beta diversity. Theoretical richness was estimated using non-parametric and parametric methods. A Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was applied to explore the relationships of species with site-level environmental variables. A total of 12 245 larvae from 75 species, 28 genera and 8 families were recorded. Over all sites, the dominant species were Erpetogomphus elaps, Macrothemis pseudimitans and Argia pulla. The number of species per locality ranged from 18 to 36, and a high number of species (76%) occurred with relative abundances lower than 1%. A differential distribution of species and abundance in streams, time and strata was observed. Renyi's diversity profiles showed diversity was higher in spring and on shores. Most BC similarity values were smaller than 25%, indicating a high turnover rate in the CM. The high turnover rate reflects a differential distribution of the species along the altitudinal gradient, supporting the hypothesis of Mexico as a betadiverse country. According to the slope of Clench's curve, a reliable list of species was gathered. The CM larval assemblage is currently the largest reported for Mexico, and our results support previous proposals of the CM as a species-rich area for conservation.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation performs important ecosystem functions, since it maintains regional biodiversity and provides a range of environmental services. However, anthropogenic activity, land use type, and edge effects are factors that modify the riparian species assemblage and properties. The present study analyzes the influence of adjacent land use on the structure and diversity of riparian vegetation in four hydrographic regions that form the watershed of the river Duero, in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. Using a survey of woody plants of dbh ≥ 2.5 cm in ten different 0.1 ha sites, we found that the average number of stems and individuals was lower under agricultural (AGR) and urban (URB) land use, compared to forested areas (FOR). The proportion of multistemmed plants differs among land uses: this value was greater in AGR than in the FOR and URB categories. This proportion also differed among the four hydrographic regions. The land use type FOR presented the highest alpha and beta diversity, with a high number of native species occurring only in areas defined by this land use. The results indicate that the category FOR plays an important role in the conservation of regional flora and is a possible source of germplasm for restoration programs in sites degraded by human disturbance. This study shows how anthropogenic activities affect riparian vegetation and highlights the importance of further study of this ecosystem to apply sustainable management strategies that are compatible with its conservation.  相似文献   

The ratio of β-aminoisobutyric acid to neutral amino acids (BAIB/N) in urine was determined in 474 Mexicans from three communities in the state of Michoacán and five in Oaxaca. The frequency curves vary significantly between the three communities in Michoacán and between the two states. The proportion of high excretors (BAIB/N 0.300) varies from 14 to 41% (all intermediate between European white and North American Indian values), but were generally higher in the more “Indian” communities.  相似文献   

An entomological study of triatomine species was carried out to assess their prevalence in 10 localities of the state of Michoacán, Mexico. Entomological indices were calculated to estimate the risk for vector-borne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to the human population in this area. Four triatomine species (Triatoma barberi, Triatoma dimidiata, Meccus pallidipennis and Meccus longipennis) were collected from the study area. This is the first report of M. longipennis and T. dimidiata in Michoacán. M. pallidipennis was significantly (p < 0.05) more abundant than any of the other species collected in the study area. Infection indices were greater than 50% for each of the four collected triatomine species. Significantly more triatomines were collected from intradomiciliary areas than from peridomiciliary or sylvatic areas. Infestation, crowding and density indices were low, whereas colonisation indices were high in five localities. The current vectorial conditions in the study area require continuous entomological and serological surveillance to diminish the risk of T. cruzi transmission to human populations.  相似文献   

Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Diversity of Opuntia pilifera (Cactaceae) in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, Mexico. Economic Botany 59(4)366-376, 2005. Most studies of the genusOpuntia have focused on economically important species, and therefore more knowledge concerning the genetic diversity among wild and locally managedOpuntia species is needed for an expanded use of cacti in the future. The present study is part of ongoing ethnobotanical work in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley of Mexico and focuses on six traditionally classified forms ofOpuntia pilifera used as food by the indigenous Popoloca people in San Juan Atzingo. Traditional knowledge of how to distinguish these forms based on fruit flavor, color, size, and number of spines on the fruits and cladodes is preserved in the local community. Genetic fingerprinting with 129 AFLPs did not correlate with this traditional morphological classification of 67 cacti. Yet, these AFLPs distinguished the analyzed 67Opuntia pilifera cacti easily from the out-group comprising 17 wildOpuntia velutina.  相似文献   

We examined habitat associations of the endemic long-tailed wood-partridge (Dendrortyx macroura) at the macrohabitat and microhabitat levels in a Mexican temperate forest managed for timber production. To determine what vegetation associations were used more frequently than expected, we used a map depicting the spatial distribution of eight associations and estimated relative abundances of the wood-partridge. We also measured vegetation and microhabitat variables within each association to evaluate the relationship between the wood-partridge relative abundance and these variables. The average number of long-tailed wood-partridges detected was 0.31±0.03 individuals per point count. The wood-partridge was detected in the eight sampled vegetation associations, with average relative abundance estimates ranging from 0.29±0.18 to 3.38±1.07 individuals. The highest relative abundance was found in the Pinus pseudostrobus–Ternstroemia pringlei association, which was also the association most used than expected by the wood-partridge relative to its availability. A habitat use gradient (HUG) was identified by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), showing that altitude, canopy tree cover, litter cover, and relief correlate significantly with the distribution of six plant associations and the wood-partridge. The long-tailed wood-partridge reaches high abundances when values of those microhabitat variables are intermediate, and appears as a generalist in response to the distribution of the plant associations along the HUG. Our results suggest that in terms of relative abundance, not habitat quality, the P. pseudostrobus–T. pringlei association represents the most favorable habitat for the long-tailed wood-partridge in the study area. These results help describe the wood-partridge habitat associations for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Community forestry offers potential for socioeconomic benefits while maintaining ecosystem services. In Mexico, government and donor efforts to develop this sector focus on issues within forest communities. Often overlooked are effects of external non-government actors (NGOs and foresters) as links or barriers between communities and funding, capacity building, and technical support. To analyze the role of these actors, I analyze household survey and interview data from 11 communities with varying levels of vertical integration of forestry production in states with divergent records of community forestry, Oaxaca and Michoacán. Results suggest that strong community governance is necessary but not sufficient for vertical integration, and strong interactions with non-government actors are critical. These actors, operating within the existing framework of government regulations, have a range of incentives for engaging communities. Availability of these actors motivated by concern for community capacity instead of timber income may be a determinant of community forestry development.  相似文献   

Shark fishery is one of the most important activities in the Mexican Pacific coast, nevertheless, there is few data available about the specific captures done by the fleet along the coast. This study describes fishery biology aspects of the shark species catched by the semi-industrial long-line fleet of Manzanillo. Monthly samplings were made on board of these vessels during an annual period from April 2006 to April 2007. Captured species composition (n = 1 962 organisms) was represented by nine species. The one that sustains this fishery was Carcharhinus falciformis (88.12%), followed by Prionace glauca (8.21%). Low frequency species were represented by Sphyrna zygaena (1.78%), Alopias pelagicus (0.82%), Carcharhinus longimanus (0.45%). Furthermore, rare species were Alopias superciliosus (0.35%), Carcharhinus leucas (0.1%), Carcharhinus limbatus (0.1%) and Isurus oxyrinchus (0.05%). Fishery activity affected principally (60-92.70%) young males of C. falciformis, S. zygaena, C. longimanus and I. oxyrinchus; adult males (56-75%) of A. pelagicus, A. superciliosus, and C. limbatus; for P. glauca there were primarily female adults. For all the species found, females showed the bigger sizes when compared to males (with the exception of S. zygaena, that showed sexual dimorphism). Considering the lineal regressions made between precaudal length and total length, and, fork length and total length for C. falciformis, P. glauca, S. zygaena and A. pelagicus, the determination coefficients (r2) showed that both lengths can be useful to obtain the total length of fish with some damage or absence of its caudal fin. The estimated fecundity for C. falciformis was of 3-7 offspring/female of 30-45 cm LT (average of 40.57 +/- 2.03 cm LT); and for P. glauca 5-52 offspring/female of 5-18.6 cm LT (average of 11.61 +/- 0.21 cm LT). In the case of C. longimanus only one female was captured with a total of eight embryos, with an average of 45 cm LT each; for this reason we assumed that the fishery areas do not coincide with the nursery oness for this species. According to the information obtained, we concluded that C. falciformis has a concurrent cycle and P. glauca a consecutive biannual one.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative structure of the zooplankton community was studied in 11 localities of Lake Xolotlan (Managua). Twelve rotifers, 4 cladoceran and 5 copepods species were identified. Community diversity (Shannon-Wienerindex) is low,viz. 0,83–2.20. At all times, copepods were the most abundant group. Rotifer densities were higher in zones influenced by rivers and organic pollution. Cladocerans were permanently present in low densities. Climatic events (rainfalls and dry periods) determined population fluctuations of the main zooplankton groups.  相似文献   

The trophic spectrum of tilapia Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner 1864), was determined by stomach content analysis in 153 organisms collected during 1993 in Michoacán-Guerrero, México. The feeding status of the fish at the time of observation was evaluated by the examination of fat surrounding the gut, gastric replection and the condition coefficient. The quantitative evaluation of the food items was carried out by the combination of the following analysis: Frequency of Occurrence, Volumetric Method, Volumetric Mean Index and Relative Importance Index. Diet consisted of: detritus and vascular plant residues as a primary food; unicellular algae as secondary food; and remains of insects and fish, graminean seeds, filamentous algae, cladocerans, ostracods, rotifers and copepods as occasional food. We detected a difference in food preferences between juveniles and adults and a variation in the consumption proportions of some food items during the rainy and dry seasons. Thus, we concluded that O. aureus is an omnivorous species with preference for detritus and vascular plant remain. Feeding seems to be determined by the abundance of food items found in the habitat and adults showed a trend to eat only detritus. Feeding does not seem to be a limiting factor in the development of the tilapia in Infiernillo dam.  相似文献   

In total, 9 endohelminth species were found to parasitize 7 fish species (2 cyprinids, 4 goodeids, and 1 poeciilid) from La Mintzita Reservoir, Michoacán, in central Mexico; 5 were larvae, including 3 allogenic species (Clinostomum complanatum, Tylodelphys sp., Posthodiplostomum minimum) and 2 autogenic species (Serpinema trispinosum, Spiroxys sp.). Four were enteric autogenic adults, i.e., Margotrema bravoae, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, Proteocephalus longicollis, and Rhabdochona lichtenfelsi. The metacercariae of P. minimum reached the highest levels of prevalence and mean abundance among host species. Our results confirm the depauperate nature of the helminth communities of freshwater fishes from central Mexico. On the basis of this data set, we estimated the total endohelminth species richness for each component community by using 7 nonparametric estimators whose performance was evaluated with the unscaled measures of bias, precision, and accuracy. We found that Chaol and Bootstrap are the most precise and least biased methods for the 7 component communities: however, species richness was consistently underestimated. The underestimation was an unavoidable consequence of the patchy distribution of helminth species among different component communities, particularly at the small sample size used in our study.  相似文献   

Medicinal plants continue to play an important role in healthcare, both in Mexico and around the world. We investigated the relationship between various sociodemographic factors, such as age, economic activity, years of schooling, socioeconomic levels, gender, and language proficiency, and the knowledge and frequency of medicinal plant use in Santiago Camotlán, Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, with a mainly Zapotec population. In a first stage, we interviewed specialists in depth and collected and identified plants for a catalogue of the medicinal plant flora (90 species). With this catalogue, we then interviewed a sample of the general population and the specialists on knowledge and frequency of use. The relationship between the sociodemographic variables and knowledge was analyzed by multiple regression. To explore differences of knowledge within the population, we identified three groups with a two-step cluster analysis; the results were compared statistically with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test and then a post hoc Dunn’s test to see if all the differences between groups were significant. Age and occupation explained 54% of the variation of knowledge. Medicinal plant knowledge in the region persists mainly because of the necessity to treat the diseases that the “doctor does not cure,” the culture-bound syndromes, and the most common ailments, malfunctions of the digestive system.  相似文献   



The Tehuacán Valley is one of the areas of Mesoamerica with the oldest history of plant management. Homegardens are among the most ancient management systems that currently provide economic benefits to people and are reservoirs of native biodiversity. Previous studies estimated that 30% of the plant richness of homegardens of the region are native plant species from wild populations. We studied in Náhuatl communities the proportion of native plant species maintained in homegardens, hypothesizing to find a proportion similar to that estimated at regional level, mainly plant resources maintained for edible, medicinal and ornamental purposes.


We analysed the composition of plant species of homegardens and their similarity with surrounding Cloud Forest (CF), Tropical Rainforest (TRF), Tropical Dry forest (TDF), and Thorn-Scrub Forest (TSF). We determined density, frequency and biomass of plant species composing homegardens and forests through vegetation sampling of a total of 30 homegardens and nine plots of forests, and documented ethnobotanical information on use, management, and economic benefits from plants maintained in homegardens.


A total of 281 plant species was recorded with 12 use categories, 115 ornamental, 92 edible, and 50 medicinal plant species. We recorded 49.8 ± 23.2 (average ± S.D.) woody plant species (shrubs and trees) per homegarden. In total, 34% species are native to the Tehuacán Valley and nearly 16% are components of the surrounding forests. A total of 176 species were cultivated through seeds, vegetative propagules or transplanted entire individual plants, 71 tolerated, and 23 enhanced. The highest species richness and diversity were recorded in homegardens from the CF zone (199 species), followed by those from the TRF (157) and those from the TDF (141) zones.


Homegardens provide a high diversity of resources for subsistence of local households and significantly contribute to conservation of native biodiversity. The highest diversity was recorded in homegardens where the neighbouring forests had the least diversity, suggesting that management of homegardens aims at compensating scarcity of naturally available plant resources. Cultivated species were markedly more abundant than plants under other management forms. Diversity harboured and management techniques make homegardens keystones in strategies for regional biodiversity conservation.

A new species,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), from southern Jalisco and southwestern Michoacán, is described and illustrated. Its morphological affinities withB. podalyrioides from central Mexico are discussed, and habitat data are given.
Résumé  Se describe una especie nueva,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), del sur de Jalisco y suroeste de Michoacán, México. Se discuten sus afinidades morfológicas conB. podalyrioides des centro de México y se proporcionan datos de su hábitat.

This study presents limnological and morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties of waters, and geochemistry of surface sediments for 63 aquatic ecosystems located on the karst Yucatán Peninsula and surrounding areas of Belize and the Guatemalan highlands and eastern lowlands. Our principal goal was to classify the aquatic systems based on their water variables. A principal component analysis (PCA) of the surface water chemistry data showed that a large fraction of the variance (29%) in water chemistry is explained by conductivity and major ion concentrations. The broad conductivity range, from 168 to 55,300 μS cm−1 reflects saline water intrusion affecting coastal aquatic environments, and the steep NW–S precipitation gradient, from ~450 to >3,200 mm year−1. Coastal waterbodies Celestún and Laguna Rosada displayed the highest conductivities. Minimum surface water temperatures of 21.6°C were measured in highland lakes, and warmest temperatures, up to 31.7°C, were recorded in the lowland waterbodies. Most lakes showed thermal stratification during the sampling period, with the exception of some shallow (<10 m) systems. Lakes Chichancanab, Milagros, and Bacalar displayed sulfate-rich waters. Waters of sinkholes had relatively high conductivities (<3,670 μS cm−1) and a broad range of δ18O values (−4.1 to +3.8‰). Ca, HCO3, and SO4 dominated the waters of the lowland lakes, whereas Na was the dominant cation in highland lakes. Coastal aquatic ecosystems were dominated by Na and Cl. Cluster analysis based on surface water variables classified aquatic environments of the lowlands and highlands into three groups: (1) lowland lakes, ponds, wetlands, and coastal waterbodies (2) highland lakes, and (3) sinkholes and rivers. A broad trophic state gradient was recorded, ranging from the eutrophic Lake Amatitlán and the Timul sinkhole to oligotrophic Laguna Ayarza, with the highest water transparency (11.4 m). We used major and trace elements in surface sediments to assess pollution of waterbodies. Lakes Amatitlán, Atescatempa, El Rosario, Cayucón, Chacan-Lara, La Misteriosa, rivers Subín and Río Dulce, the wetland Jamolún, and the sinkhole Petén de Monos showed evidence of pollution and urban development. Their surface sediments displayed high concentrations of As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn, and Zr, which suggest moderate to strong pollution.  相似文献   

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