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The extracellular enveloped virus (EEV) form of vaccinia virus is bound by an envelope which is acquired by wrapping of intracellular virus particles with cytoplasmic vesicles containing trans-Golgi network markers. Six virus-encoded proteins have been reported as components of the EEV envelope. Of these, four proteins (A33R, A34R, A56R, and B5R) are glycoproteins, one (A36R) is a nonglycosylated transmembrane protein, and one (F13L) is a palmitylated peripheral membrane protein. During infection, these proteins localize to the Golgi complex, where they are incorporated into infectious virus that is then transported and released into the extracellular medium. We have investigated the fates of these proteins after expressing them individually in the absence of vaccinia infection, using a Semliki Forest virus expression system. Significant amounts of proteins A33R and A56R efficiently reached the cell surface, suggesting that they do not contain retention signals for intracellular compartments. In contrast, proteins A34R and F13L were retained intracellularly but showed distributions different from that of the normal infection. Protein A36R was partially retained intracellularly, decorating both the Golgi complex and structures associated with actin fibers. A36R was also transported to the plasma membrane, where it accumulated at the tips of cell projections. Protein B5R was efficiently targeted to the Golgi region. A green fluorescent protein fusion with the last 42 C-terminal amino acids of B5R was sufficient to target the chimeric protein to the Golgi region. However, B5R-deficient vaccinia virus showed a normal localization pattern for other EEV envelope proteins. These results point to the transmembrane or cytosolic domain of B5R protein as one, but not the only, determinant of the retention of EEV proteins in the wrapping compartment.  相似文献   

Conciliating biosafety with efficient gene transfer remains a constant concern in the development of retroviral vectors. Semliki Forest virus (SFV) replicons allow important retroviral vector production with interesting features. It is noteworthy that retroviruses have the ability to package Psi+ and, to some extent, Psi- cellular RNAs. Therefore, it was important to study the retroviral transfer of highly abundant SFV genomes expressing retroviral proteins. Here, we show that full-length SFV-vector replicons, with or without Psi, are efficiently packaged into retrovirus particles. Mechanistically, our data suggest that SFV packaging is the sum of its retroviral nucleocapsid-dependent recruitment together with a passive hijacking of membrane-anchored SFV replicon. A direct consequence of this phenomenon is the formation of particles harboring autonomous replicative abilities and contaminating vector preparations. Importantly, we confirm that retroviral SFV mobilization is not an exclusive feature of murine gamma retroviruses, since it is also observed using lentivectors.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) has recently shown promise as a mode of inhibition of slowly replicating viruses causing chronic diseases such as hepatitis C. To investigate whether RNAi is also feasible for rapidly growing RNA viruses such as alphaviruses, we tested the ability of expressed short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) to inhibit the Semliki Forest virus (SFV), a rapidly replicating positive-strand RNA virus. Plasmids expressing shRNAs targeting SFV target sequences under the control of a human U6 promoter were introduced into BHK-21 cells. The targets included sequences encoding nonstructural (nsP1, 2, and 4) and structural (capsid) proteins as well as nonviral sequences serving as control targets. Twenty-four to 48 hours following transfection with shRNA plasmids, the cells were infected with replication-competent or replication-deficient recombinant SFV expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of approximately 5. Viral replication was monitored by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Specific and marked reduction of viral replication was observed with shRNAs targeting nsP1 and nsP4. The degree of inhibition of the replication-deficient SFV was >or=70% over a 5-day period, a level similar to the transfection efficiency, suggesting complete inhibition of nonreplicating virus in the transfected cell population. However, only nsP1 shRNA was inhibitory against replication-competent SFV (approximately 30%-50% reduction), and this effect was transient. No inhibition was observed with control shRNAs. In contrast to the recent success of RNAi approaches for slowly growing viruses, these results illustrate the challenge of inhibiting very rapidly replicating RNA viruses by RNAi. However, the addition of RNAi approaches to other antiviral modalities might improve the response to acute infections.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the Semliki Forest virus RNA replication complex   总被引:12,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The nonstructural (ns) proteins nsP1 to -4, the components of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) RNA polymerase, were localized in infected cells by confocal microscopy using double labeling with specific antisera against the individual ns proteins. All ns proteins were associated with large cytoplasmic vacuoles (CPV), the inner surfaces of which were covered by small invaginations, or spherules, typical of alphavirus infection. All ns proteins were localized by immuno-electron microscopy (EM) to the limiting membranes of CPV and to the spherules, together with newly labeled viral RNA. Along with earlier observations by EM-autoradiography (P. M. Grimley, I. K. Berezesky, and R. M. Friedman, J. Virol. 2:326–338, 1968), these results suggest that individual spherules represent template-associated RNA polymerase complexes. Immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled ns proteins showed that each antiserum precipitated the other three ns proteins, implying that they functioned as a complex. Double labeling with organelle-specific and anti-ns-protein antisera showed that CPV were derivatives of late endosomes and lysosomes. Indeed, CPV frequently contained endocytosed bovine serum albumin-coated gold particles, introduced into the medium at different times after infection. With time, increasing numbers of spherules were also observed on the cell surfaces; they were occasionally released into the medium, probably by secretory lysosomes. We suggest that the spherules arise by primary assembly of the RNA replication complexes at the plasma membrane, guided there by nsP1, which has affinity to lipids specific for the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Endosomal recycling and fusion of CPV with the plasma membrane can circulate spherules between the plasma membrane and the endosomal-lysosomal compartment.  相似文献   

We have sequenced the nonstructural protein coding region of Semliki Forest virus temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant strains ts1, ts6, ts9, ts10, ts11, ts13, and ts14. In each case, the individual amino acid changes uncovered were transferred to the prototype strain background and thereby identified as the underlying cause of the altered RNA synthesis phenotype. All mutations mapping to the protease domain of nonstructural protein nsP2 caused defects in nonstructural polyprotein processing and subgenomic RNA synthesis, and all mutations in the helicase domain of nsP2 affected subgenomic RNA production. These types of defects were not associated with mutations in other nonstructural proteins.  相似文献   

The RNA alphavirus Semliki Forest (SFV) triggers apoptosis in various mammalian cells, but it has remained controversial at what infection stage and by which signalling pathways host cells are killed. Both RNA synthesis-dependent and -independent initiation processes and mitochondrial as well as death receptor signalling pathways have been implicated. Here, we show that SFV-induced apoptosis is initiated at the level of RNA replication or thereafter. Moreover, by expressing antiapoptotic genes from recombinant SFV (replicons) and by using neutralizing reagents and gene-knockout cells, we provide clear evidence that SFV does not require CD95L-, TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand)- or tumor necrosis factor-mediated signalling but mitochondrial Bak to trigger cytochrome c release, the fall in the mitochondrial membrane potential, apoptotic protease-activating factor-1/caspase-9 apoptosome formation and caspase-3/-7 activation. Of seven BH3-only proteins tested, only Bid contributed to effective SFV-induced apoptosis. However, caspase-8 activation and Bid cleavage occurred downstream of Bax/Bak, indicating that truncated Bid formation serves to amplify rather than trigger SFV-induced apoptosis. Our data show that SFV sequentially activates a mitochondrial, Bak-mediated, caspase-8-dependent and Bid-mediated death signalling pathway that can be accurately dissected with gene-knockout cells and SFV replicons carrying antiapoptotic genes.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is an important mosquito defense mechanism against arbovirus infection. In this paper we study the processes underlying antiviral RNAi in Aedes albopictus-derived U4.4 mosquito cells infected with Semliki Forest virus (SFV) (Togaviridae; Alphavirus). The production of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs) from viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a key event in this host response. dsRNA could be formed by RNA replication intermediates, by secondary structures in RNA genomes or antigenomes, or by both. Which of these dsRNAs is the substrate for the generation of viRNAs is a fundamental question. Here we used deep sequencing of viRNAs and bioinformatic analysis of RNA secondary structures to gain insights into the characteristics and origins of viRNAs. An asymmetric distribution of SFV-derived viRNAs with notable areas of high-level viRNA production (hot spots) and no or a low frequency of viRNA production (cold spots) along the length of the viral genome with a slight bias toward the production of genome-derived viRNAs over antigenome-derived viRNAs was observed. Bioinformatic analysis suggests that hot spots of viRNA production are rarely but not generally associated with putative secondary structures in the SFV genome, suggesting that most viRNAs are derived from replicative dsRNA. A pattern of viRNAs almost identical to those of A. albopictus cells was observed for Aedes aegypti-derived Aag2 cells, suggesting common mechanisms that lead to viRNA production. Hot-spot viRNAs were found to be significantly less efficient at mediating antiviral RNAi than cold-spot viRNAs, pointing toward a nucleic acid-based viral decoy mechanism to evade the RNAi response.  相似文献   

The distribution of phospholipids across the membrane bilayer of Semliki Forest virus grown in BHK cells has been examined by treating the virus with bee venom phospholipase A2 and sphingomyelinase C from Staphylococcus aureus. From the amounts of different phospholipids which are degraded rapidly (half-time about 1 min for phospholipase A2) we calculate that in virus isolated 16 h after infection about 95% of sphingomyelin, 55% of phosphatidylcholine, 20% of phosphatidylethanolamine and less then 5% of phosphatidylserine is present on the outer leaflet of the virus envelope. Less than 5% of the virus was permeable to macromolecules before or after treatment with phospholipases as judged by accessibility of the genome to external ribonuclease. A much slower (half-time about 1 h) breakdown by phospholipase A2 of originally inaccessible phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine appeared to be due to an enzyme-induced loss of lipid asymmetry since the original asymmetric distribution of phospholipids was maintained for several hours when the virus alone was incubated at 37°C. However, virus incubated for 20 h at 37°C showed a marked loss of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine asymmetry and a greater susceptibility to lysis by longer treatment with phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

A total of 115 clones of Aedes albopictus cells were examined for their response to infection with Semliki Forest virus. Virus yield and cytopathology showed a bimodal distribution. More than 68% of the clones gave low yields of virus (between 8 x 10(6) and 2 x 10(8) PFU/ml) with no discernable cytopathology, and 30% gave high yields of virus (between 1 x 10(9) and 8 x 10(9) PFU/ml) and showed moderate to severe cytopathology. To determine the level at which restriction in virus growth occurs in the low-virus-producing clones, we compared the nature and extent of several virus-directed events in selected low-virus-producing clones with the same events in high-virus-producing clones. Specifically, we compared virus-specified polypeptide synthesis, positive- and negative-strand RNA synthesis, adsorption, uncoating, and transfection with virion 42S RNA. These studies showed that whereas events before negative-strand RNA synthesis and all subsequent virus-specified events were markedly reduced in the low-virus-producing lines, compared with the high-virus-producing lines. Thus, the restriction in virus growth in the low-virus-producing lines occurs at the level of synthesis of negative-strand RNA. The consequence of this restriction in an early step in the virus multiplication cycle is discussed in terms of the survival of invertebrate cells after alphavirus infection.  相似文献   

The phospholipids of Semliki Forest virus grown in mosquito cells (Aedes albopictus) were analyzed radiochemically. The ratio of 32P-labeled phospholipids to total 32P-label in the virus grown in mosquito cells equilibrated with radiophosphorus was 0.558 +/- 0.021. This value was similar to the lipid phosphorus: total phosphorus ratio (0.539 +/- 0.025) of the virus grown in the BHK cells. It is concluded that an average virion of the two types of Semliki Forest virus contains approximately the same number of phospholipid molecules. Phosphatidylethanolamine (62%), phosphatidylcholine (14%), phosphatidylserine (10%) and the ethanolamine analogue of sphingomyelin, ceramide phosphoethanolamine (9%) were the principal phospholipids in the mosquito cell-grown virus. Comparison with the lipids of virus grown in hamster cells (BHK cells) revealed that two-thirds of the polar structures were dissimilar. Surface labeling with formylmethionyl [35S] sulfone methylphosphate suggests that a relatively large fraction of ceramide phosphoethanolamine is located in the outer half of the lipid bilayer of the viral membrane.  相似文献   

When the ts-1 mutant of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) was grown in chick embryo or BHK 21 cells at the restrictive temperature (39 degrees C), its membrane glycoproteins were arrested in the endoplasmic reticulum, but started to migrate to the cell surface once the cultures were shifted to the permissive temperature (28 degrees C). If the temperature of infected cells was raised back to 39 degrees C, ts-1 glycoproteins disappeared from the cell surface as evidenced by loss of surface immunofluorescence and by radioimmunoassay based on the binding of 125I-labeled protein A. This phenomenon was specific for ts-1 at 39 degrees C as it was observed neither in cells infected with wild-type SFV at 39 degrees C nor with ts-1 at 28 degrees C. The disappearance of the ts-1 glycoproteins was due to internalization. The internalized proteins were digested, as shown by specific decrease of virus glycoproteins labelled with [35S]methionine at 39 degrees C before shift to 28 degrees C, and by concomitant release of acid soluble 35S-activity into the culture medium. Ts-1 infected cells were treated before shift back to 39 degrees C with Fab' fragments, prepared from IgG against the viral membrane glycoproteins. After shift back to 39 degrees C, the Fab' fragments disappeared from the cell surface. In the presence of chloroquine, they could be visualized in vesicular structures, using an anti-IgG-fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugate. The internalization of ts-1 glycoproteins was not inhibited by carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone, chloroquine, cytochalasin B, vinblastine, colcemid, or monensin.  相似文献   

本实验室先前分别将构建的猪瘟病毒E2基因重组腺病毒疫苗(rAdV-E2)和猪瘟甲病毒复制子载体DNA疫苗(pSFV1CS-E2)在猪体上进行了免疫效力评价,结果显示,rAdV-E2免疫组所有猪虽然在加强免疫后产生了比较高的猪瘟特异性中和抗体,但攻毒后个别猪表现短期体温升高和轻微病变;而pSFV1CS-E2免疫组猪只虽然在攻毒后得到了保护,但产生的抗体水平较低。为了增强猪瘟甲病毒复制子载体疫苗和猪瘟重组腺病毒活载体疫苗的免疫效果,本研究应用了复制子载体DNA疫苗初免和重组腺病毒疫苗加强免疫的初免-加强(Prime-boost)免疫策略,并在猪体上进行了评价。结果显示,所有免疫猪均产生了高水平的猪瘟特异性的中和抗体,用猪瘟强毒攻击后,pSFV1CS-E2初免组所有猪(n=5)均没有出现任何猪瘟的临床症状和病理变化,攻毒后在猪血液中也没有检测到猪瘟病毒RNA,而重组腺病毒初免组(n=5)有一头猪出现短期发热和病毒血症及轻微病理变化。这表明初免-加强免疫策略能显著提高重组疫苗的免疫效力。  相似文献   

Cholesterol is required for infection by Semliki Forest virus   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and many other enveloped animal viruses enter cells by a membrane fusion reaction triggered by the low pH within the endocytic pathway. In vitro, SFV fusion requires cholesterol in the target membrane, but the role of cholesterol in vivo is unknown. In this paper, the infection pathway of SFV was studied in mammalian and inset cells substantially depleted of sterol. Cholesterol-depleted cells were unaltered in their ability to bind, internalize, and acidify virus, but were blocked in SFV fusion and subsequent virus replication. Depleted cells could be infected by the cholesterol-independent vesicular stomatitis virus, which also enters cells via endocytosis and low pH-mediated fusion. The block in SFV infection was specifically reversed by cholesterol but not by cholestenone, which lacks the critical 3 beta-hydroxyl group. Cholesterol thus is central in the infection pathway of SFV, and may act in vivo to modulate infection by SFV and other pathogens.  相似文献   

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