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All the ribosomal ribonucleic acid made during the early stages of germination of spores of Bacillus subtilis is of the "precursor" type, i.e., that type appearing in the incomplete forms of the ribosome. Shortly before the onset of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in germination, this precursor ribonucleic acid changed to the mature ribosomal ribonucleic acid characteristic of the 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis was measured during microcyst germination in Myxococcus xanthus by radioactive thymidine incorporation, autoradiography, and chemical analysis. Microcysts contained an average of 6.6 conserved units of DNA, corresponding to 3 to 4 chromosomes per cell. Correlation of the DNA content and chromosome number of microcysts indicated that the molecular weight of the nonreplicating M. xanthus chromosome is 4.9 x 10(9) daltons. DNA synthesis was initiated 3.5 to 4 hr after induction of germination. From 4 to 6 hr, the rate of synthesis was constant and the accumulation was linear. After a lag period (6 to 6.5 hr), the rate of DNA synthesis increased, reaching a second plateau at 9 hr. From 9 to 11 hr, the rate was again constant and the accumulation was linear. Cellular division during germination showed an unusual kind of synchrony. A model is presented that accounts for chromosomal replication and cell division during microcyst germination.  相似文献   

The specific activities of 13 aminoacyl-soluble ribonucleic acid (sRNA) synthetases were measured at various time intervals during the germination of Botryodiplodia theobromae conidiospores. The enzyme activities were low or absent in ungerminated spores, and they increased rapidly as germination proceeded. When extracts of the ungerminated spores were prepared with mortar and pestle, very little or no enzyme activity was detected. When the extracts were prepared with a mechanical homogenizer, however, they exhibited some enzyme activity, although less than did the extracts from germinated spores. Enzyme activities from germinated spores were approximately the same, regardless of the method of preparation. The enzyme fraction from ungerminated spores prepared with a mechanical homogenizer could also stimulate incorporation of phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine in the presence of ribosomes, polyuridylic acid, and sRNA, although the activity was approximately only 15 to 20% that of a similar enzyme fraction from germinated spores. It is concluded that ungerminated spores of B. theobromae contain active aminoacyl-sRNA synthetases and transfer enzymes, although the activities are low when compared to germinated spores.  相似文献   

The preformed messenger ribonucleic acid in Botryodiplodia theobromae spores directs the synthesis of several relatively stable polypeptides  相似文献   

Transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) fractions isolated from germinated and ungerminated spores of Botryodiplodia theobromae and Rhizopus stolonifer had acceptor activity for all 20 amino acids commonly found in protein, when tested with an enzyme fraction from germinated spores. Accordingly, it is unlikely that the absence of tRNA for a particular amino acid limits protein synthesis in fungal spores.  相似文献   

This paper describes the ontogenetic sequence of cell divisionsand associated DNA synthetic patterns observed in sectionedspores of Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw., collected at differentstages of germination. Following exposure to a saturating doseof red light, the spore undergoes an asymmetric division toform a basal cell, which retains nearly all of the storage inclusions,and an apical cell which expands and protrudes from the rupturedsporoderm. Division of the apical cell results in formationof a protonemal cell and an intermediate cell. Subsequently,the latter cell divides to form the primary rhizoid and a wedgecell adjacent to the protonemal cell. Secondary rhizoids mayarise from later divisions of either the basal cell or the wedgecell. In addition, the wedge cell appears to have the capacityto form a secondary prothal-lial filament. Histochemical localizationof cell constituents indicates an increasing concentration ofcytoplasmic RNA and protein in the presumptive protonemal regionof the spore cell prior to division. Autoradiography of 3H–thymidineincorporation has shown that synthesis of nuclear DNA precedeseach cell division. Although strictly nuclear DNA synthesisoccurs during early stages of germination, extra-nuclear DNAsynthesis increases greatly following division of the sporecell. The results are discussed in relation to earlier studieson cell division patterns seen in whole mount preparations ofgerminating spores of different species of Lygodium. Lygodium japonicum, spore germination, cell division, DNA synthesis  相似文献   

The effects of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis inhibition brought about in four different ways-thymidine starvation, nalidixic acid, hydroxyurea, and dnaB mutation-were examined in isogenic strains of Escherichia coli K-12. Three parameters were examined to determine whether there are strict correlations among them: (i) the extent of DNA synthesis inhibition; (ii) cell survival; and (iii) the rate of breakage of DNA molecules. There was no significant correlation between the extent of DNA synthesis inhibition and the rate of viability loss caused by the four DNA synthesis inhibitors, nor was there a strict correlation between the rate of occurrence of single-strand breaks in DNA and loss of viability. During treatment with hydroxyurea (0.1 M), no viability loss was observed and little, if any, single-strand breakage of DNA occurred. Both thymidine starvation and nalidixic-acid (20 mug/ml) treatment resulted in viability loss and breakage of DNA. For these latter two inhibitors, the two events appeared to be associated because greater rates of both viability loss and DNA breakage were observed for nalidixic acid compared with thymidine starvation. However, viability loss need not be associated with extensive breakage of DNA as demonstrated with a temperature-sensitive DNA synthesis mutant; at 39 C, viability loss occurred at a high rate without significant DNA breakage. With the other agents, the amount of DNA breakage accumulated when a cell population has sustained an average of one lethal hit was estimated to be about 30 single-strand breaks per genome. Differences in chromosomal and episomal breakage rates were observed.  相似文献   

The selective incorporation of precursors specific for individual fatty acids in germinating and outgrowing spores of Bacillus thuringiensis is described. The specific precursors utilized were [14C]butyrate, -isobutyrate, -valerate, and -isovalerate, which were incorporated into even-numbered normal-chain isomers, even-numbered iso-isomers, odd-numbered normal-chain acids, and odd-numbered isohomologs, respectively. This preferential incorporation by B. thuringiensis allows the terminal carbons of specific normal and branched-chain fatty acids, contained within the cytoplasmic membrane, to be labeled with 14C and, potentially, 13C.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus in exponential phase with a generation time of 270 min contained a period of 50 min during which deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis did not take place. After induction of microcysts by the glycerol technique, the DNA content increased 19%. Autoradiographic experiments demonstrated that the DNA made after glycerol induction was not evenly distributed among the microcysts. The distribution of grains per microcyst fits the following model of chromosome replication: in exponential phase, each daughter cell receives two chromosomes which are replicated sequentially during 80% of the divison cycle; after microcyst induction, no chromosomes are initiated. Mathematical formulas were derived which predict the kinetics and discrete probability distribution for several chromosome models.  相似文献   

When cultures of Escherichia coli B/r growing at various rates were exposed to ultraviolet light, mitomycin C, or nalidixic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis stopped but cell division continued for at least 20 min. The chromosome configurations in the cells which divided were estimated by determining the rate of DNA synthesis during the division cycle. The cultures were pulse-labeled with (14)C-thymidine, and the amount of label incorporated into cells of different ages was found by measuring the radioactivity in cells born subsequent to the labeling period. The cells which divided in the absence of DNA synthesis were those which had completed a round of chromosome replication prior to the treatments. It was concluded that completion of a round of replication is a necessary and sufficient condition of DNA synthesis for cell division.  相似文献   

Serological Relatedness of Bacterial Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerases   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A number of bacterial species have been surveyed for serological activities with antiserum to Escherichia coli B deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I (EC The degree of serological cross-reaction is taken as a measure of relatedness of both the enzyme molecules from various species and the bacterial species themselves. Extracts were assayed by complement fixation only after treatment with deoxyribonuclease, since DNA bound to DNA polymerase alters the serological activity of the enzyme. Antiserum to E. coli DNA polymerase I did not react with either purified E. coli DNA polymerase II or the phage T4-induced DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

A population of petite ascospores (mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid [mtDNA]-less), produced by brief ethidium bromide (EthBr) mutagenesis prior to transfer to sporulation medium, was used to examine the role of the mitochondrial genetic system on germination and outgrowth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Petite ascospores, which are morphologically indistinguishable by phase-contrast microscopy from wild-type spores, germinate and proceed through outgrowth at a rate and extent only slightly less than that of wild-type spores. Both developmental processes occurred in the absence of mtDNA synthesis and measurable cytochrome oxidase activity. These results indicate that neither respiration nor a functional mitochondrial genome are required for germination and outgrowth. The properties of the petite clones were typical of petites formed during vegetative growth. Individual sporal clones differed markedly from each other in suppressiveness. Petite sporal clones which exhibited a high degree of supressiveness also contained a reduced but detectable amount of mtDNA of altered buoyant density. One clone contained a unique mtDNA with a buoyant density higher than that of wild-type mtDNA.  相似文献   

Ethylenediamine-soluble glycoproteins were extracted from isolated Microsporum gypseum hyphal walls during sporulation and from spore coats before and after germination. This study was carried out to identify a sporulation-specific cell wall protein that possibly served as a substrate for the alkaline protease which initiated the macroconidial germination of this fungus. Analyses revealed that water-insoluble glycoprotein accounted for 10% of the ungerminated spore coat but only for 4 to 5% of the mycelial wall dry weight. This fraction was modified in its amino acid composition during sporulation, and it decreased in protein content during spore germination. Water-soluble glycoprotein, which accounted for approximately 3 to 3.5% of either the spore coat or mycelial wall dry weight, was of similar amino acid composition from both sources and did not decrease in protein content upon spore germination. The water-insoluble glycoprotein was found to be rich in leucine, aspartic acid, glycine, glutamic acid, and phenylalanine residues. The water-soluble glycoprotein was rich in proline, threonine, glycine, serine, glutamic acid, and alanine.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of sodium 5,5-diethyl barbiturate (Veronal) on the L-alanine-induced initiation of germination of Bacillus subtilis spores was examined. Veronal reversibly inhibited the initiation of germination by a noncompetitive mechanism. The inhibition was time-independent and it took place whether L-alanine was or was not allowed to permeate the spore before the addition of the inhibitor. The concentration of the inhibitor and the pH of the initiation system were important factors determining the effectiveness of Veronal as an inhibitor. The magnitude of the inhibition increased linearly with decreasing pH at constant concentration and with increasing concentration at constant pH. These results suggest that the inhibition involves a permeability phenomenon related to the access of drug to the active sites in the spore and that the entry of Veronal into the spores is regulated by the concentration of undissociated molecule. At the physiologically important pH of 7.4, initiation with alanine in phosphate buffer at high spore densities (about 10(9) spores per ml) was 50% inhibited by 4 mM Veronal, and 8mM Veronal inhibited initiation completely. L-Alanine initiation in tris(hydroxymethyl)amino-methane-hydrochloride buffer was completely inhibited by 5 mM Veronal. The inhibition could be partially reversed by the combined addition of D-fructose, D-glucose, and K(+). Possible reasons for the failure of otherwise inhibitory concentrations of Veronal to inhibit completely the L-alanine-induced initiation when a combination of fructose, glucose, and K(+) was present and a suggested relationship to two functional roles of L-alanine in the initiation of germination are discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Short sections of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the elongated macronucleus of Euplotes eurystomus were labeled by means of a short exposure to tritiated (H3-) thymidine to follow by autoradiography the fate of the labeled DNA during amitotic reorganization of the macronucleus. During amitosis the radioactive DNA that was restricted during interphase to short sections of the nucleus is dispersed and becomes evenly distributed throughout each daughter macronucleus.
Although the reorganization bands normally originate only at the ends of the macronucleus, additional bands can start at other places on the macronuclear surface. Bands of the same macronucleus originate with a high degree of synchrony. DNA synthesis is a constant feature of the rear zone of every reorganization band.  相似文献   

Isothermal germination curves, sigmoid and nonsigmoid, can be described by a variety of models reminiscent of growth models. Two of these, which are consistent with the percent of germinated spores being initially zero, were selected: one, Weibullian (or “stretched exponential”), for more or less symmetric curves, and the other, introduced by Dantigny''s group, for asymmetric curves (P. Dantigny, S. P.-M. Nanguy, D. Judet-Correia, and M. Bensoussan, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 146:176–181, 2011). These static models were converted into differential rate models to simulate dynamic germination patterns, which passed a test for consistency. In principle, these and similar models, if validated experimentally, could be used to predict dynamic germination from isothermal data. The procedures to generate both isothermal and dynamic germination curves have been automated and posted as freeware on the Internet in the form of interactive Wolfram demonstrations. A fully stochastic model of individual and small groups of spores, developed in parallel, shows that when the germination probability is constant from the start, the germination curve is nonsigmoid. It becomes sigmoid if the probability monotonically rises from zero. If the probability rate function rises and then falls, the germination reaches an asymptotic level determined by the peak''s location and height. As the number of individual spores rises, the germination curve of their assemblies becomes smoother. It also becomes more deterministic and can be described by the empirical phenomenological models.  相似文献   

Both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) male-specific phages, with an F-specific host range, inhibited the bacterial mating process of Escherichia coli. DNA phages prevented the formation of mating pairs but had no effect on mating pairs once they were formed. A step in RNA phage infection, prior to RNA penetration, prevented the formation of mating pairs and, in addition, prevented a fraction of existing mating pairs from completing the mating process. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis that donor cells have a single surface structure involved in both conjugation and male-phage adsorption and that this element is the F pilus.  相似文献   

Bacterial Metabolism of Mevalonic Acid   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Soluble cell-free extracts of actinomycete S4 grown on media containing mevalonate catalyze acetoacetate formation from mevalonate, mevaldate, and β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (CoA). Conversion of mevalonate to acetoacetate involves formation of free β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA, but not free mevaldate. The reaction favors mevalonate oxidation, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, rather than nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, acts as oxidant.  相似文献   

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