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A fractal analysis of a confirmative nature only is presented for the binding of estrogen receptor (ER) in solution to its corresponding DNA (estrogen response element, ERE) immobilized on a sensor chip surface [J. Biol. Chem. 272 (1997) 11384], and for the cooperative binding of human 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) receptor (VDR) to DNA with the 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor (RXR) [Biochemistry 35 (1996) 3309]. Ligands were also used to modulate the first reaction. Data taken from the literature may be modeled by using a single- or a dual-fractal analysis. Relationships are presented for the binding rate coefficient as a function of either the analyte concentration in solution or the fractal dimension that exists on the biosensor surface. The binding rate expressions developed exhibit a wide range of dependence on the degree of heterogeneity that exists on the surface, ranging from sensitive (order of dependence equal to 1.202) to very sensitive (order of dependence equal to 12.239). In general, the binding rate coefficient increases as the degree of heterogeneity or the fractal dimension of the surface increases. The predictive relationships presented provide further physical insights into the reactions occurring on the biosensor surface. Even though these reactions are occurring on the biosensor surface, the relationships presented should assist in understanding and in possibly manipulating the reactions occurring on cellular surfaces.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis of the association and dissociation (whereever applicable) of Cre-loxP interactions and drug-liposome interactions on a sensor chip surface is presented. In both of these cases a dual-fractal analysis is required to adequately describe the association kinetics. The dissociation kinetics for Cre-loxP interactions is adequately described by a single-fractal analysis. The dual-fractal analysis used to describe the association kinetics of Cre-loxP interactions is consistent with the original two-step mechanism presented using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Our analysis includes both diffusion and surface effects by introducing the fractal dimension which makes quantitative the degree of heterogeneity on the sensor chip surface. Affinities are provided. Only the association kinetics were analysed for drug-liposome interactions since the initial sections of the dissociation curves were too steep to obtain reasonable drug-liposome complex concentration values on the sensor chip with time. Attempts made to relate the association rate coefficients with the molecular weight of the drug were unsuccessful. On using desipramine and imipramine as "arbitrarily selected standards" or "references" (only C, H, and N atoms present), it was noticed from the data analysed that the inclusion of the O and S atoms in the drug leads to a decrease in the association rate coefficients, ka1 (or k1) and ka2 (or k2) (compared with the arbitrarily selected standards or references). Similarly, the addition of the Cl atom in the drug leads to an increase in the association rate coefficient (compared with the arbitrarily selected standards or references). More data needs to be analysed to determine whether this is true for other drugs also.  相似文献   

A mathematical approach using fractal concepts is presented for modeling the binding and dissociation interactions between analytes and nuclear estrogen receptors (ER) occurring on surface plasmon resonance biosensor chip surfaces. A kinetic knowledge of the binding interactions mediated by ER would help in better understanding the carcinogenicity of these steroidogenic compounds and assist in modulating these reactions. The fractal approach is applied to analyte-ER interaction data obtained from literature. Numerical values obtained for the binding and dissociation rate coefficients are linked to the degree of roughness or heterogeneity (fractal dimension, D(f)) present on the biosensor surface. For example, a single-fractal analysis is used to describe the binding and dissociation phases for the binding of estradiol and ERalpha in solution to clone 31 protein immobilized on a biosensor chip (C-S. Suen et al., 1998, J. Biol. Chem. 273(42), 27645-27653). The binding and the dissociation rate coefficients are 27.57 and 8.813, respectively, and the corresponding fractal dimensions are 1.986 and 2.268, respectively. In some examples dual-fractal models were employed to obtain a better fit of either the association or the dissociation phases or for both. Predictive relationships are developed for (a) the binding and the dissociation rate coefficients as a function of their respective fractal dimensions and (b) the ratio K(A) (= k/k(d)) as a function of the ratio of the fractal dimensions (D(f)/D(fd)). The analysis should provide further physical insights into the ER-mediated interactions occurring on biosensor and other surfaces.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis is presented for (a) analyte-receptor binding and dissociation kinetics and (b) dissociation kinetics alone for biosensor applications. Emphasis is placed on dissociation kinetics. Data taken from the literature may be modeled, in the case of binding, using a single-fractal analysis or a dual-fractal analysis. The dual-fractal analysis represents a change in the binding mechanism as the reaction progresses on the surface. A single-fractal analysis is adequate to model the dissociation kinetics in the examples presented. Predictive relationships developed for the dissociation rate coefficient(s) as a function of the analyte concentration are of particular value since they provide a means by which the dissociation rate coefficients may be manipulated. Relationships are also presented for the binding and dissociation rate coefficients as a function of their corresponding fractal dimension, D(f), or the degree of heterogeneity that exists on the surface. When analyte-receptor binding or dissociation is involved, an increase in the heterogeneity on the surface (increase in D(f)) leads to an increase in the binding and in the dissociation rate coefficient.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis of DNA binding and dissociation kinetics on biosensor surfaces is presented. The fractal approach provides an attractive, convenient method to model the kinetic data taking into account the effects of surface heterogeneity brought about by ligand immobilization. The fractal technique can be used in conjunction or as an alternate approach to conventional modeling techniques, such as the Langmuir model, saturation model, etc. Examples analyzed include a DNA molecular beacon biosensor and a plasmid DNA-(cationic polymer) interaction biosensor. The molecular beacon example provides some insights into the nature of the surface and how it influences the binding rate coefficients. The DNA-cationic polymer interaction example provides some quantitative results on the binding and dissociation rate coefficients. Data taken from the literature may be modeled, in the case of binding, using a single-fractal analysis or a dual-fractal analysis. The dual-fractal analysis results indicate a change in the binding mechanism as the reaction progresses on the surface. A single-fractal analysis is adequate to model the dissociation kinetics in the example presented. Relationships are presented for the binding rate coefficients as a function of their corresponding fractal dimension, D(f), which is an indication of the degree of heterogeneity that exists on the surface. When analyte-receptor binding is involved, an increase in the heterogeneity of the surface (increase in D(f)) leads to an increase in the binding rate coefficient.  相似文献   


Adenosine receptors (ARs) belong to family A of GPCRs that are involved in many diseases, including cerebral and cardiac ischemic diseases, immune and inflammatory disorders, etc. Thus, they represent important therapeutic targets to treat these conditions. Computational techniques such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations permit researchers to obtain structural information about these proteins, and principal component analysis (PCA) allows for the identification of collective motions. There are available structures for the active form (3QAK) and the inactive form (3EML) of A2AR which permit us to gain insight about their activation/inactivation mechanism. In this work, we have proposed an inverse strategy using MD simulations where the active form was coupled to the antagonist caffeine and the inactive form was coupled to adenosine agonist. Moreover, we have included four reported thermostabilizing mutations in the inactive form to study A2AR structural differences under different conditions. Some observations stand out from the PCA studies. For instance, the apo structures showed remarkable similarities, and the principal components (PCs) were rearranged in a ligand-dependent manner. Additionally, the active conformation was less stable compared to the inactive one. Some PCs inverted their direction in the presence of a ligand, and comparison of the PCs between 3EML and 3EML_ADN showed that adenosine induced major changes in the structure of A2AR. Rearrangement of PCs precedes and drives conformational changes that occur after ligand binding. Knowledge about these conformational changes provides important insights about the activity of A2AR.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis is used to analyze the influence of: (a) electrostatic interactions on binding and dissociation rate coefficients for antibodies HH8, HH10, and HH26 in solution to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) immobilized on a sensor chip surface [Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 2946]; and (b) the binding and dissociation of recombinant Fab in solution to random NHS-coupled Cys-HEL and oriented thiol-coupled Cys-HEL immobilized on a sensor chip surface [Methods 20 (2000) 310]. Single- and dual-fractal models were employed to fit the data. Values of the binding and the dissociation rate coefficient(s) and the fractal dimensions were obtained from a regression analysis provided by Corel Quattro Pro 8.0 (Corel Corporation Limited, Ottawa, Canada. 1997). The binding rate coefficients are quite sensitive to the degree of heterogeneity on the sensor chip surface. It is of interest to compare the results obtained by the fractal analysis with that of the original analysis [Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 2946]. For example, as one goes from the binding of 21 nM HH10/HEL to the binding of 640 nM HH10/HEL(K97A), Sinha et al. [Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 29461 indicate that the enhancement of diffusional encounter rates may be due to 'electrostatic steering' (a long-range interaction). Our analysis indicates that there is an increase in the value of the fractal dimension, Df1 by a factor of 1.12 from a value of 2.133-2.385. This increase in the degree of heterogeneity on the surface leads to an increase in the binding rate coefficient, k1 by a factor of 1.59 from 12.92 to 20.57. The fractal analysis of binding and dissociation of recombinant Fab in solution to random NHS-coupled Cys-HEL and oriented thiol-coupled Cys-HEL immobilized on a sensor chip [Methods 20 (2000) 310] surface are consistent with the degree of heterogeneity present on the sensor chip surface for the random and the oriented case. As expected, the random case will exhibit a higher degree of heterogeneity than the oriented case, leading to subsequently a higher binding rate coefficient.  相似文献   

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are versatile two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials used in biosensing applications due to their excellent physical and chemical properties. Due to biomaterial target properties, biosensors' most significant challenge is improving their sensitivity and stability. In environmental analysis, TMDCs have demonstrated exceptional pollutant detection and removal capabilities. Their high surface area, tunable electronic properties, and chemical reactivity make them ideal for sensors and adsorbents targeting various contaminants, including heavy metals, organic pollutants, and emerging contaminants. Furthermore, their unique electronic and optical properties enable sensitive detection techniques, enhancing our ability to monitor and mitigate environmental pollution. In the food analysis, TMDCs-based nanomaterials have shown remarkable potential in ensuring food safety and quality. These nanomaterials exhibit high specificity and sensitivity for detecting contaminants, pathogens, and adulterants in various food matrices. Their integration into sensor platforms enables rapid and on-site analysis, reducing the reliance on centralized laboratories and facilitating timely interventions in the food supply chain. In biomedical studies, TMDCs-based nanomaterials have demonstrated significant strides in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Their biocompatibility, surface functionalization versatility, and photothermal properties have paved the way for novel disease detection, drug delivery, and targeted therapy approaches. Moreover, TMDCs-based nanomaterials have shown promise in imaging modalities, providing enhanced contrast and resolution for various medical imaging techniques. This article provides a comprehensive overview of 2D TMDCs-based biosensors, emphasizing the growing demand for advanced sensing technologies in environmental, food, and biomedical analysis.  相似文献   

To differentiate NPY receptor subtypes, Y1 and Y2, in terms of their impact on feeding behavior, the intact molecule NPY(1–36) and the 3 fragments, NPY(2–36), the Y1 agonist [Leu31,Pro34]NPY, and the Y2 agonist NPY(13–36), were injected (100 pmol/0.3 μl) into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of freely feeding rats. A computer-automated data acquisition system was employed in these experiments to permit a detailed analysis of feeding over the 12-h nocturnal cycle, in animals maintained on pure macronutrient diets. The results demonstrate that: 1) NPY(1–36) potentiates feeding behavior, primarily carbohydrate ingestion, by increasing the size and duration of the first meal after injection, rather than by affecting meal number or feeding rate, suggesting that NPY acts through mechanisms of satiety. The potentiation of carbohydrate intake occurs in association with a suppression of protein intake, which is strongest during the second meal after injection and which further increases the proportion of carbohydrate in the diet. No changes in fat ingestion are seen. 2) NPY(2–36), with the N-terminal tyrosine residue deleted, is equally potent to NPY(1–36) in potentiating carbohydrate intake and increasing meal size; however, it is less selective than NPY(1–36), producing an additional, smaller increase in consumption of protein. 3) The stimulatory effect of these peptides on carbohydrate intake and meal size is similarly observed, with somewhat reduced potency, after PVN injection of the selective Y1 agonist [Leu31,Pro34]NPY which, like NPY(1–36), also reduces protein intake. 4) The Y2 receptor agonist, NPY(13–36), causes a decrease in the ingestion of carbohydrate, a smaller decline in protein intake, and a reduction in meal size. It is proposed that hypothalamic Y1 receptors mediate the stimulatory effect of NPY on carbohydrate intake and meal size, while Y2 receptors have the opposite effect of suppressing carbohydrate intake, possibly by altering presynaptic release of monoamines known to influence nutrient ingestion.  相似文献   

Adenosine (ADO) is a well-known regulator of a variety of physiological functions in the heart. In stress conditions, like hypoxia or ischemia, the concentration of adenosine in the extracellular fluid rises dramatically, mainly through the breakdown of ATP. The degradation of adenosine in the ischemic myocytes induced damage in these cells, but it may simultaneously exert protective effects in the heart by activation of the adenosine receptors. The contribution of ADO to stimulation of protective effects was reported in human and animal hearts, but not in rat hearts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of adenosine A1 and A3 receptors (A1R and A3R), in protection of isolated cardiac myocytes of newborn rats from ischemic injury. The hypoxic conditions were simulated by exposure of cultured rat cardiomyocytes (4–5 days in vitro), to an atmosphere of a N2 (95%) and CO2 (5%) mixture, in glucose-free medium for 90 min. The cardiotoxic and cardioprotective effects of ADO ligands were measured by the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) into the medium. Morphological investigation includes immunohistochemistry, image analysis of living and fixed cells and electron microscopy were executed. Pretreatment with the adenosine deaminase considerably increased the hypoxic damage in the cardiomyocytes indicating the importance of extracellular adenosine. Blocking adenosine receptors with selective A1 and A3 receptor antagonists abolished the protective effects of adenosine. A1R and A3R activation during the hypoxic insult delays onset of irreversible cell injury and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential as assessed using DASPMI fluorochrom. Cardioprotection induced by the A1R agonist, CCPA, was abolished by an A1R antagonist, DPCPX, and was not affected by an A3R antagonist, MRS1523. Cardioprotection caused by the A3R agonist, Cl-IB-MECA, was antagonized completely by MRS1523 and only partially by DPCPX. Activation of both A1R and A3R together was more efficient in protection against hypoxia than by each one alone. Our study indicates that activation of either A1 or A3 adenosine receptors in the rat can attenuate myocyte injury during hypoxia. Highly selective A1R and A3R agonists may have potential as cardioprotective agents against ischemia or heart surgery.  相似文献   

Functional supersensitivity of mesolimbic and striatal dopamine receptors has been suggested to contribute to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and tardive dyskinesia. Using the rodent model of chronic administration of the neuroleptic haloperidol, we investigated the possible desensitizing effects of a tripeptide structurally unrelated to dopamine agonists, L-prolyl-L-leucyl-glycinamide (PLG) on mesolimbic and striatal dopaminergic receptor supersensitivity. Administration of PLG either prior to or after chronic haloperidol, inhibited the supersensitivity of dopamine receptors. The results have implications for pharmacological intervention in preventing tardive dyskinesia and relapse psychosis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Continuous monitoring of glucose and sugar sensing plays a vital role in diabetes control. The drawbacks of the present enzyme‐based sugar sensors have encouraged the investigation into alternate approaches to design new sensors. The popularity of fluorescence sensors is due to their ability to bind reversibly to compounds containing diol. In this study we investigated the binding ability of phenyl boronic acid P1 for monosaccharides and disaccharides (sugars) in aqueous medium at physiological pH 7.4 using steady‐state fluorescence and absorbance. P1 fluorescence was quenched due to formation of esters with sugars. Absorbance and fluorescence measurements led to results that indicated that the sugars studied could be ordered in terms of their affinity to P1, as stated: sucrose > lactose > galactose > xylose > ribose > arabinose. In each case, the slope of modified Stern–Volmer plots was nearly 1, indicating the presence of only a single binding site in boronic acids for sugars. Docking studies were carried out using Schrodinger Maestro v.11.2 software. The binding affinity of phenyl boronic acid P1 with periplasmic protein (PDB ID 2IPM and 2IPL) was estimated using GlideScore.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional models of the five human muscarinic receptors were obtained from their known sequences. Homology modelling based on the crystallographic structure of bovine rhodopsin yielded models compatible with known results from site-directed mutagenesis studies. The only exceptions were the cytoplasmic loop 3 (CL3) in the five receptors, and the large C-terminal domain in M(1). Here, homology modelling with other closely related proteins allowed to solve these gaps. A detailed comparative discussion of the five models is given. The second part of the work involved docking experiments with the physiological ligand acetylcholine, again yielding results entirely compatible with results from mutagenesis experiments. The study revealed analogies and differences between the five receptors in the residues, and interactions leading to the recognition and binding of acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the relative roles of environment and space in driving bird species distribution and to identify relevant drivers of bird assemblage composition, in the case of a fine‐scale bird atlas data set. Location The study was carried out in southern Belgium using grid cells of 1 × 1 km, based on the distribution maps of the Oiseaux nicheurs de Famenne: Atlas de Lesse et Lomme which contains abundance for 103 bird species. Methods Species found in < 10% or > 90% of the atlas cells were omitted from the bird data set for the analysis. Each cell was characterized by 59 landscape metrics, quantifying its composition and spatial patterns, using a Geographical Information System. Partial canonical correspondence analysis was used to partition the variance of bird species matrix into independent components: (a) ‘pure’ environmental variation, (b) spatially‐structured environmental variation, (c) ‘pure’ spatial variation and (d) unexplained, non‐spatial variation. Results The variance partitioning method shows that the selected landscape metrics explain 27.5% of the variation, whilst ‘pure’ spatial and spatially‐structured environmental variables explain only a weak percentage of the variation in the bird species matrix (2.5% and 4%, respectively). Avian community composition is primarily related to the degree of urbanization and the amount and composition of forested and open areas. These variables explain more than half of the variation for three species and over one‐third of the variation for 12 species. Main conclusions The results seem to indicate that the majority of explained variation in species assemblages is attributable to local environmental factors. At such a fine spatial resolution, however, the method does not seem to be appropriated for detecting and extracting the spatial variation of assemblages. Consequently, the large amount of unexplained variation is probably because of missing spatial structures and ‘noise’ in species abundance data. Furthermore, it is possible that other relevant environmental factors, that were not taken into account in this study and which may operate at different spatial scales, can drive bird assemblage structure. As a large proportion of ecological variation can be shared by environment and space, the applied partitioning method was found to be useful when analysing multispecific atlas data, but it needs improvement to factor out all‐scale spatial components of this variation (the source of ‘false correlation’) and to bring out the ‘pure’ environmental variation for ecological interpretation.  相似文献   

A low cost biosorbent, Corynebacterium glutamicum, was studied for the sorption of Reactive Red 4 (RR 4) and Methylene Blue (MB). The equilibrium isotherm data were well described by the Langmuir model. pH edge experiments showed that pH of the solution was an important controlling parameter in the sorption process. In the case of RR 4, with increases in the pH from 2 to 10, the uptake decreased from 52 to 1 mg/g; conversely, the uptake of MB increased and the maximum MB uptake was obtained at pH ≥ 9. An increase in the salt concentration strongly influenced the uptake of MB, but had no effect on that of RR 4. In order to identify the binding sites for the dye molecules, the biosorbent was potentiometrically titrated, the results of which showed the presents of four major functional group types on the biomass surface, which were confirmed by FTIR analysis. It was found that positively charged amine groups (Biomass-NH3 +) were the likely binding sites for anionic RR 4, and negatively charged carboxyl (Biomass-COO) and phosphate groups (Biomass-HPO4 ) played a role in the electrostatic attraction of cationic MB.  相似文献   

Several naturally occuring mutations in the human insulin gene are associated with diabetes mellitus. The three known mutant molecules, Wakayama, Los Angeles and Chicago were evaluated using molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) to analyse mechanisms of deprived binding affinity for insulin receptor (IR). Insulin Wakayama, is a variant in which valine at position A3 is substituted by leucine, while in insulin Los Angeles and Chicago, phenylalanine at positions B24 and B25 is replaced by serine and leucine, respectively. These mutations show radical changes in binding affinity for IR. The ZDOCK server was used for molecular docking, while AMBER 14 was used for the MD study. The published crystal structure of IR bound to natural insulin was also used for MD. The binding interactions and MD trajectories clearly explained the critical factors for deprived binding to the IR. The surface area around position A3 was increased when valine was substituted by leucine, while at positions B24 and B25 aromatic amino acid phenylalanine replaced by non-aromatic serine and leucine might be responsible for fewer binding interactions at the binding site of IR that leads to instability of the complex. In the MD simulation, the normal mode analysis, rmsd trajectories and prediction of fluctuation indicated instability of complexes with mutant insulin in order of insulin native insulin < insulin Chicago < insulin Los Angeles < insulin Wakayama molecules which corresponds to the biological evidence of the differing affinities of the mutant insulins for the IR.  相似文献   

The binding component C2II of the binary actin ADP-ribosylating C2-toxin from Clostridium botulinum is essential for intoxication of target cells. Activation by a protease leads to channel formation and this is presumably required for the transport of the toxic C2I component into cells. The C2II-channel is cation selective and contains a binding site for fluphenazine and structurally related compounds. Ion transport through C2II and in vivo intoxication is blocked when the sites are occupied by the ligands. C2II was reconstituted into artificial lipid bilayer membranes and formed ion permeable channels. The binding constant of chloroquine, primaquine, quinacrine, chloropromazine and fluphenazine to the C2II-channel was determined using titration experiments, which resulted in its block. The ligand-induced current noise of the C2II-channels was investigated using fast Fourier transformation. The noise of the open channels had a rather small spectral density, which was a function of the inverse frequency up to about 100 Hz. Upon addition of ligands to the aqueous phase the current through C2II decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Simultaneously, the spectral density of the current noise increased drastically and its frequency dependence was of Lorentzian type, which was caused by the on and off-reactions of the ligand-mediated channel block. The ligand-induced current noise of C2II was used for the evaluation of the binding kinetics for different ligands to the channel. The on-rate constant of ligand binding was between 10(7) and 10(9) M(-1) s(-1) and was dependent on the ionic strength of the aqueous phase. The off-rate varied between about 10 s(-1) and 3900 s(-1) and depended on the structure of the ligand. The role of structural requirements for the effective block of C2II by the different ligands is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This is the second of a series of four articles in which the chemical, enzymological and crystallographic work on Ribonucleate (deoxyribonucleate)-3-nucleotidohydrolase EC (staphylococcal nuclease, micrococcal nuclease) will be reviewed and correlated. This article discusses studies in solution delineating the extent of the binding site of the enzyme and identifying some of the particular amino acid residues that form this site. In addition, the effects of the very potent inhibitory combination of thymidine-3,5-diphosphate and Ca2+ on the conformation of the enzyme and its physical, chemical and enzymological properties will be reviewed.This article is the second of a series of four which provide a comprehensive review of the biochemistry of the staphylococcal nuclease. Part I (1) presented the details of its isolation and enzymology. Part III, in the next issue of this journal, will continue with a review of the three-dimensional structure and mechanism of enzyme action. Part IV will discuss polypeptide chain folding. Work from this laboratory has been supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and the Robert A. Welch Foundation to F. A. Cotton and E. E. Hazen, Jr.  相似文献   

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