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The organization of underwater foraging behaviour by mink (Mustela vison) was examined using multivariate analyses, thus enabling the role of fish density and the effect of cover in shaping the mink's hunting effort to be clarified. The effect of the mink's oxygen limitation was more strongly linked to the availability of cover for the prey than to the density of fish provided. Foraging economics accounted for approximately 51% of the variance in behaviour pattern whilst oxygen constraints took out a further 23%. Open waters are deemed unsuitable hunting grounds for this predator because mink lack the underwater endurance necessary for effective pursuit of detected prey.  相似文献   

Plunge-diving is a specialised hunting tactic used by some avian predators to overcome the high buoyancy encountered near the water surface and surprise prey. However, plunge-diving is effective only to a certain depth; to access deeper prey, birds need to use an additional method of propulsion, e.g. wings or feet. We used miniature accelerometers to record the details of the aerial and underwater phases of plunge dives by northern gannets Morus bassanus . Birds never reached depths >11  m using the momentum of the aerial part of the plunge dive and had to flap their wings underwater to gain additional depth. A biomechanical model demonstrates that little additional depth can be obtained from momentum alone when initiating a plunge from heights >40  m. Thus, the additional energy required to attain greater starting heights is not rewarded by reaching significantly greater depths. However, by using their wings underwater, gannets were able to more than double the depth attained (up to 24  m). It appears that prey may be captured by surprise in the first 10  m of the water column, whereas wing-propelled pursuit is required to catch prey at deeper depths, a strategy likely to be used only for prey of sufficient profitability to justify the cost of flapping the gannet's large wings underwater. Our study demonstrates the importance of understanding the constraints placed on predators by the physical environment when interpreting predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Animal behavioral patterns can help us understand physiological and ecological constraints on animals and its influence on fitness. The surfacing patterns of aquatic air-breathing mammals constitute a behavioral pattern that has evolved as a trade-off between the need to replenish oxygen stores at the surface and the need to conduct other activities underwater. This study aims to better understand the surfacing pattern of a marine top predator, the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), by investigating how their dive duration and surfacing pattern changes across their activity range. Activities were classified into resting, traveling, surface feeding and foraging at depth. For each activity, we classified dives into short and long dives and then estimated the temporal dependence between dive types. We found that minke whales modified their surfacing pattern in an activity-specific manner, both by changing the expression of their dives (i.e. density distribution) and the temporal dependence (transition probability) between dive types. As the depth of the prey layer increased between activities, the surfacing pattern of foraging whales became increasingly structured, going from a pattern dominated by long dives, when feeding at the surface, to a pattern where isolated long dives were followed by an increasing number of breaths (i.e. short dives), when the whale was foraging at depth. A similar shift in surfacing pattern occurred when prey handling time (inferred from surface corralling maneuvers) increased for surface feeding whales. The surfacing pattern also differed between feeding and non-feeding whales. Resting whales did not structure their surfacing pattern, while traveling whales did, possibly as a way to minimize cost of transport. Our results also suggest that minke whales might balance their oxygen level over multiple, rather than single, dive cycles.  相似文献   

The energetic costs of swimming at the surface (swimming) and swimming underwater (diving) are compared in tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula) and three species of penguins, the gentoo (Pygoscelis papua), the king (Aptenodytes patagonicus), and the emperor (Aythya forsteri). Ducks swim on the surface and use their webbed feet as paddles, whereas penguins tend to swim just below the surface and use their flippers as hydrofoils, the latter being much more efficient. Penguins are more streamlined in shape. Thus, the amount of energy required to transport a given mass of bird a given distance (known as the cost of transport) is some two to three times greater in ducks than in penguins. Ducks are also very buoyant, and overcoming the force of buoyancy accounts for 60% and 85% of the cost of descent and remaining on the bottom, respectively, in these birds. The energy cost of a tufted duck diving to about 1.7 m is similar to that when it is swimming at its maximum sustainable speed at the surface (i.e., approximately 3.5 times the value when resting on water). Nonetheless, because of the relatively short duration of its dives, the tufted duck dives well within its calculated aerobic dive limit (cADL, usable O(2) stores per rate of O(2) usage when underwater). However, these three species of penguins have maximum dive durations ranging from 5 min to almost 16 min and maximum dive depths from 155 to 530 m. When these birds dive, they have to metabolise at no more than when resting in water in order for cADL to encompass the duration of most of their natural dives. In gentoo and king penguins, there is a fall in abdominal temperature during bouts of diving; this may reduce the oxygen requirements in the abdominal region, thus enabling dive duration to be extended further than would otherwise be the case.  相似文献   

Air-breathing divers are assumed to have evolved to apportion their time between surface and underwater periods to maximize the benefit gained from diving activities. However, whether they change their time allocation depending on the aim of the dive is still unknown. This may be particularly crucial for ‘surfacers’ because they dive for various purposes in addition to foraging. In this study, we counted breath events at the surface and estimated oxygen consumption during resting, foraging and other dives in 11 green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the wild. Breath events were counted by a head-mounted acceleration logger or direct observation based on an animal-borne video logger, and oxygen consumption was estimated by measuring overall dynamic body acceleration. Our results indicate that green turtles maximized their submerged time, following this with five to seven breaths to replenish oxygen for resting dives. However, they changed their dive tactic during foraging and other dives; they surfaced without depleting their estimated stores of oxygen, followed by only a few breaths for effective foraging and locomotion. These dichotomous surfacing tactics would be the result of behavioural modifications by turtles depending on the aim of each dive.  相似文献   

During the last few years, the development of animal-borne still cameras and video recorders has enabled researchers to observe what a wild animal sees in the field. In the present study, we deployed miniaturized video recorders to investigate the underwater foraging behavior of Imperial cormorants (Phalacrocorax atriceps). Video footage was obtained from 12 animals and 49 dives comprising a total of 8.1 h of foraging data. Video information revealed that Imperial cormorants are almost exclusively benthic feeders. While foraging along the seafloor, animals did not necessarily keep their body horizontal but inclined it downwards. The head of the instrumented animal was always visible in the videos and in the majority of the dives it was moved constantly forward and backward by extending and contracting the neck while travelling on the seafloor. Animals detected prey at very short distances, performed quick capture attempts and spent the majority of their time on the seafloor searching for prey. Cormorants foraged at three different sea bottom habitats and the way in which they searched for food differed between habitats. Dives were frequently performed under low luminosity levels suggesting that cormorants would locate prey with other sensory systems in addition to sight. Our video data support the idea that Imperial cormorants’ efficient hunting involves the use of specialized foraging techniques to compensate for their poor underwater vision.  相似文献   

During the breeding season from January to mid-April, adult male Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) dive repeatedly for an average duration of 4–6 min and give stereotyped underwater vocal displays. Between dives, they surface for 1–2 min, take 4–6 breaths, and give stereotyped vocalizations between breaths. Male walruses vocalize in the presence of groups of females and calves, young adult males, or by themselves as lone singers. This pattern is repeated throughout the breeding season and can be maintained for extended periods, sometimes exceeding 48 h. The prolonged underwater vocal displays of male walruses seem possible because the animals do not exceed the aerobic dive limit (ADL), estimated to be 9.8 min for a 1,100-kg animal, nor do they exceed the behavioral ADL of 7.9 min, determined from the histogram of dives for males singing alone. The number of breaths taken after dives and the postdive surface times remained fairly constant despite dive duration, suggesting that the walruses remained within their aerobic dive limits. The duration of most dives made by displaying males vocalizing alone during the breeding season, and dive duration of walruses feeding for protracted periods outside the breeding season, are both roughly half the estimated ADL.  相似文献   

Detailed information acquired using tracking technology has the potential to provide accurate pictures of the types of movements and behaviors performed by animals. To date, such data have not been widely exploited to provide inferred information about the foraging habitat. We collected data using multiple sensors (GPS, time depth recorders, and accelerometers) from two species of diving seabirds, razorbills (Alca torda,= 5, from Fair Isle, UK) and common guillemots (Uria aalge,= 2 from Fair Isle and = 2 from Colonsay, UK). We used a clustering algorithm to identify pursuit and catching events and the time spent pursuing and catching underwater, which we then used as indicators for inferring prey encounters throughout the water column and responses to changes in prey availability of the areas visited at two levels: individual dives and groups of dives. For each individual dive (= 661 for guillemots, 6214 for razorbills), we modeled the number of pursuit and catching events, in relation to dive depth, duration, and type of dive performed (benthic vs. pelagic). For groups of dives (= 58 for guillemots, 156 for razorbills), we modeled the total time spent pursuing and catching in relation to time spent underwater. Razorbills performed only pelagic dives, most likely exploiting prey available at shallow depths as indicated by the vertical distribution of pursuit and catching events. In contrast, guillemots were more flexible in their behavior, switching between benthic and pelagic dives. Capture attempt rates indicated that they were exploiting deep prey aggregations. The study highlights how novel analysis of movement data can give new insights into how animals exploit food patches, offering a unique opportunity to comprehend the behavioral ecology behind different movement patterns and understand how animals might respond to changes in prey distributions.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the crocodilian M. diaphragmaticus extends the duration of dives by disabling this muscle in a group of juvenile American alligators and comparing the duration of their dives to the duration of the dives of animals in which the muscle remained intact. We studied the groups while they were fasting, 1 h after they had eaten a meal with a density that was either greater or less than water, and at 22 and 28 °C. We found that the duration of dives was longer for the control group compared to animals without a functional M. diaphragmaticus, both when fasting and after having consumed the denser meal. The warmer temperature significantly decreased the duration of the dives for both groups, as did eating in general. The preponderance of these data indicates that transection of the diaphragmaticus reduced time spent underwater, but the mechanism for this reduction is unknown. Lack of a functional diaphragmaticus could impair the animals’ ability to inspire sufficient air to support the dive, but we think this explanation is unlikely because both groups were able to float at the surface and thus needed to reduce lung volume to dive. An alternative explanation is that the effect on duration is a consequence of an impairment of a locomotor rather than ventilatory function of the muscle.  相似文献   

Our model of decompression sickness determines the cumulative probability of developing symptoms of this illness by the exponential equation whose index is the integral cumulative risk function of all body tissue lesions by bubbles, F cum(t) = ΣF n(t). The underwater dives may be considered as practically safe in the context of this model when the function F cum(t) during its growth will not exceed some small value F cum-max = ΣF n-max. Using hypothetical values of parameters of tissues and functions F n(t), we calculated the curves depth-duration for practically safe non-stop dives with air and with mixtures of oxygen with helium, neon and argon. Doing so, we obtained the distributions of values F n-max in regard to the values of inert gas washout half-times from tissues which show that the tissues experienced the largest risks of bubble lesions are different for dives with different duration. The comparison of the indicated curves shows that the short-term dives with air are less dangerous and the long-term dives are more dangerous than the dives with helium-oxygen mixture. At the same time, the least risk of bubble lesions of tissues arises at dives with neon-oxygen mixture and the greatest risk arises at dives with argon-oxygen mixture.  相似文献   

Information on dive and pause times and the numbers of dives in a sequence were obtained for six guillemots and single razorbill and puffin. There were marked differences in diving performance between the species with the order of ranking, in descending order of dive and pause duration, being guillemot, razorbill and puffin. For guillemots, 80% of dives were of 20–119 sec duration and 80% of pauses were 0–59 sec; the maximum dive lasted 202 sec. Puffin dives and pauses were much shorter, with 81% of dives lasting 0–39 sec and 95% of pauses being less than 20 sec, the longest dive was 115 sec. Comparisons of diving sequences made by the same individual indicated some flexibility in all aspects of the sequence but there were broad interspecific differences in the organization of the sequence. The puffin generally made a large number of relatively short dives separated by very short pauses which resulted in a high diving rate (1–5 dives/min) and the bird spending 78% of its time underwater. In contrast, guillemots had much shorter sequences with a few long dives and pauses and lower rates of diving (0–5-0-6 dives/min) and proportions of time underwater (61–65%). Guillemots and puffins may forage at different depths and have different foraging strategies.  相似文献   

In diving birds and mammals, bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction potentially isolate muscle from the circulation. During complete ischemia, ATP production is dependent on the size of the myoglobin oxygen (O(2)) store and the concentrations of phosphocreatine (PCr) and glycogen (Gly). Therefore, we measured PCr and Gly concentrations in the primary underwater locomotory muscle of emperor penguin and modeled the depletion of muscle O(2) and those energy stores under conditions of complete ischemia and a previously determined muscle metabolic rate. We also analyzed stroke rate to assess muscle workload variation during dives and evaluate potential limitations on the model. Measured PCr and Gly concentrations, 20.8 and 54.6 mmol kg(-1), respectively, were similar to published values for nondiving animals. The model demonstrated that PCr and Gly provide a large anaerobic energy store, even for dives longer than 20 min. Stroke rate varied throughout the dive profile, indicating muscle workload was not constant during dives as was assumed in the model. The stroke rate during the first 30 s of dives increased with increased dive depth. In extremely long dives, lower overall stroke rates were observed. Although O(2) consumption and energy store depletion may vary during dives, the model demonstrated that PCr and Gly, even at concentrations typical of terrestrial birds and mammals, are a significant anaerobic energy store and can play an important role in the emperor penguin's ability to perform long dives.  相似文献   

Summary The oxygen storage capacity and partitioning of body oxygen reserves were compared in summer-and winter-acclimatized muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus). Blood volume, blood oxygen capacity, and skeletal muscle myoglobin content were higher in December than in July (P<0.02). Total lung capacity increased only slightly in winter (P>0.05). The oxygen storage capacity of a diving muskrat was calculated at 25.2 ml O2 STPD · kg-1 in July, compared to 35.7 ml O2 STPD · kg-1 in December. Blood comprised the major storage compartment in both seasons, accounting for 57% and 65% of the total oxygen stores in summer and winter, respectively. Based on available oxygen stores and previous estimates of the cost of diving, the aerobic dive limit (ADL) increased from 40.9 s in July to 57.9 s in December. Concurrent behavioral studies suggested that most voluntary diving by muskrats is aerobic. However, the proportion of dives exceeding the calculated ADL of these animals was shown to vary with the context of the dive. Only 3.5% of all dives initiated by muskrats floating in the water exceeded their estimated ADL. Provision of a dry resting site and access to a submerged food source increased this proportion to 18–61%, depending on the underwater distance that foraging muskrats were required to swim. Serial dives exceeding the estimated ADL were not accompanied by extended postdive recovery periods.Abbreviations ADL acrobic dive limit - Hb hemoglobin - Hct hematocrit - Mb myoglobin - PaO2 arterial O2 tension - STPD standard temperature and pressure, dry  相似文献   

Northern gannets (Sula bassana) are considered to obtain prey usually by rapid, vertical, shallow plunge dives. In order to test this contention and investigate underwater foraging behaviour, we attached two types of data-logging systems to 11 parental northern gannets at Funk Island in the North-Wiest Atlantic. We documented, for the first time to the authors' knowledge, gannets performing long, flat-bottomed, U-shaped dives that involved underwater wing propulsion as well as rapid, shallow, V-shaped dives. The median and maximum dive depths and durations were 4.6 and 22.0 m and 8 and 38 s, respectively. Short, shallow dives were usually V-shaped and dives deeper than 8 m and longer than 10 s were usually U-shaped, including a period at constant depth (varying between 4 and 28s with median 8s). Diving occurred throughout the daylight period and deepest dives were performed during late morning. On the basis of motion sensors in the loggers and food collections from telemetered birds, we concluded that extended, deep dives were directed at deep schools of capelin, a small pelagic fish, and we hypothesized that V-shaped dives were aimed at larger, pelagic fishes and squids. Furthermore, these V-shaped dives allowed the birds to surprise their pelagic prey and this may be critical because the maximum swimming speeds of the prey species may exceed the maximum dive speeds of the birds.  相似文献   

Summary Time-depth recorders were used to study the diving and haulout behavior of six crabeater seals in the marginal. ice edge zone of the Weddell Sea during March 1986. Haulout patterns revealed the seals' clear preference for diving during darkness and hauling out onto sea ice during daylight. Seals did not necessarily haul out every day; individual seals hauled out on 80–100% of days during the study period. Four general dive types were identified: 1) traveling dives, 2) foraging dives, 3) crepuscular foraging dives, and 4) exploratory dives. Nearly continual diving occurred for extended periods (about 16 h) nightly, with one individual diving up to 44 h without interruption. Foraging dives occurring during crepuscular periods were deeper than those made during the darkest hours. The authors suggest that the distinct diel pattern of dive timing and depth may be related to possible predator avoidance behavior by the seals' principal prey, Antarctic Krill.  相似文献   

Aquatic birds have access to limited amounts of usable oxygen when they forage (dive) underwater, so the major physiological constraint to their behaviour is the need to periodically visit the water surface to replenish these stores and remove accumulated carbon dioxide. The size of the oxygen stores and the rate at which they are used (V dot o2) or carbon dioxide accumulates are the ultimate determinants of the duration that aquatic birds can remain feeding underwater. However, the assumption that the decision to terminate a dive is governed solely by the level of the respiratory stores is not always valid. Quantification of an optimal diving model for tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula) shows that while they dive efficiently by spending a minimum amount of time on the surface to replenish the oxygen used during a dive, they dive with nearly full oxygen stores and surface well before these stores are exhausted. The rates of carbon dioxide production during dives and removal during surface intervals are likely to be at least as important a constraint as oxygen; thus, further developments of optimal diving models should account for their effects. In the field, diving birds will adapt to changing environmental conditions and often maximise the time spent submerged during diving bouts. However, other factors influence the diving depths and durations of aquatic birds, and in some circumstances they are unable to forage sufficiently well to provide food for their offspring. The latest developments in telemetry have demonstrated how diving birds can make physiological decisions based on complex environmental factors. Diving penguins can control their inhaled air volume to match the expected depth, likely prey encounter rate, and buoyancy challenges of the following dive.  相似文献   

Ticks are blood-feeding arthropods known for their long survivability off the host. Although ticks are terrestrial, they can survive extended periods of time submerged underwater. A plastron is an alternative respiration system that can absorb oxygen from water via a thin layer of air trapped by hydrophobic hairs or other cuticular projections. The complex spiracular plate of ticks has been postulated to serve as a plastron but that function has not been verified. This study provides evidence of plastron respiration in the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, and for the first time confirmed the existence of plastron respiration in Ixodidae. Longer survival rates in oxygenated water indicate that underwater respiration requires oxygen. Wetting the spiracular plate with alcohol debilitates any potential plastron function and lowers the survival rate. Survival underwater may also be enhanced by metabolic depression and possibly anaerobic respiration. This study describes the first example of plastron respiration in the Ixodidae.  相似文献   

The impact of social factors on the improvement of hunting skills of juvenile marsh harriers during their first autumnal migration were studied in SE Poland. While foraging with adult birds, juveniles performed more dives on prey both in terms of number of trials and rates. Hunting sessions of juveniles were more efficient in the presence of adults than in the absence of adults. Juveniles hunting with adults and other juveniles could select adequate habitat patches in which access to prey is easier. The role of vertical and horizontal transmission of information in the development of hunting skills in juvenile marsh harrier were confirmed because faster development of hunting ability was achieved in the social hunting after the end of their postfledging dependency period.  相似文献   

Diving animals must endeavor to increase their dive depths and prolong the time they spend exploiting resources at depth. Results from captive and wild studies suggest that many diving animals extend their foraging bouts by decreasing their metabolisms while submerged. We measured metabolic rates of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) trained to dive to depth in the open ocean to investigate the relationships between diving behaviour and the energetic costs of diving. We also constructed a general linear model to predict the oxygen consumption of sea lions diving in the wild. The resultant model suggests that swimming distance and depth of dives significantly influence the oxygen consumption of diving Steller sea lions. The predictive power of the model was tested using a cross-validation approach, whereby models reconstructed using data from pairs of sea lions were found to accurately predict the oxygen consumption of the third diving animal. Predicted oxygen consumption during dives to depth ranged from 3.37 L min− 1 at 10 m, to 1.40 L min− 1 at 300 m over a standardized swimming distance of 600 m. This equated to an estimated metabolic rate of 97.54 and 40.52 MJ day− 1, and an estimated daily feeding requirement of 18.92 and 7.96 kg day− 1 for dives between 10 and 300 m, respectively. The model thereby provides information on the potential energetic consequences that alterations in foraging strategies due to changes in prey availability could have on wild populations of sea lions.  相似文献   

First records of dive durations for a hibernating sea turtle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first published record, from the early 1970s, of hibernation in sea turtles is based on the reports of the indigenous Indians and fishermen from Mexico, who hunted dormant green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Gulf of California. However, there were no successful attempts to investigate the biology of this particular behaviour further. Hence, data such as the exact duration and energetic requirements of dormant winter submergences are lacking. We used new satellite relay data loggers to obtain the first records of up to 7h long dives of a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) overwintering in Greek waters. These represent the longest dives ever reported for a diving marine vertebrate. There is strong evidence that the dives were aerobic, because the turtle surfaced only for short intervals and before the calculated oxygen stores were depleted. This evidence suggests that the common belief that sea turtles hibernate underwater, as some freshwater turtles do, is incorrect.  相似文献   

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