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Tullimonstrum gregarium, also known as the Tully monster, is a well-known phylogenetic enigma, fossils of which have been found only in the Mazon Creek Lagerstätte. The affinities of Tullimonstrum have been debated since its discovery in 1966, because its peculiar morphology with stalked eyes and a proboscis cannot easily be compared with any known animal morphotypes. Recently, the possibility that Tullimonstrum was a vertebrate has attracted much attention, and it has been postulated that Tullimonstrum might fill a gap in the fossil record of early vertebrates, providing important insights into vertebrate evolutionary history. With the hope of resolving this debate, we collected 3D surface data from 153 specimens of Tullimonstrum using a high-resolution laser 3D scanner and conducted x-ray micro-computed tomographic (μCT) analysis of stylets in the proboscis. Our investigation of the resulting comprehensive 3D morphological dataset revealed that structures previously regarded as myomeres, tri-lobed brain, tectal cartilages and fin rays are not comparable with those of vertebrates. These results raise further doubts about its vertebrate affinities, and suggest that Tullimonstrum may have been either a non-vertebrate chordate or a protostome.  相似文献   

Because they lack some gnathostome-specific traits, cyclostomes have often been regarded as representing an intermediate state linking non-vertebrate chordates and gnathostomes. To understand the evolutionary origins of the jaw and paired fins, lamprey embryos and larvae have been used as comparative models. The lack of the jaw–neck region is a conspicuous feature specific to cyclostomes; however, the absence of these features has been largely neglected both in evolutionary developmental studies and in the field of classical comparative embryology. This review seeks to develop a possible evolutionary scenario of the vertebrate neck muscles by taking the cucullaris (trapezius) muscle as the focus. By combining the comparative embryology of lampreys and gnathostomes, and considering the molecular-level developmental mechanism of skeletal muscle differentiation, this review argues that the establishment of the vertebrate neck deserves to be called an evolutionary novelty based on the remodeling of mesenchymal components between the cranium and the shoulder girdle, which involves both mesodermal and neural crest cell lineages.  相似文献   

A ten armed fossil from the Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Shale and belonging to the famous Mazon Creek biota is described as a cephalopod. Apart from a superficial resemblance to the coleoids, there is little basis for an assessment of the animal's affinities. A mineralized Bask shaped structure preserved in calcite and seen in both part and counterpart in fragmentary form may represent the fossilized remains of an internal organ such as the stomach or ink sac A small, dark circular spot positioned anterior to the appendages could be the animal's eye although mere is no internal structure visible. The extremely rare occurrence of Palaeozoic cephalopods with soft parts has so far been Ended to the Francis Creek Shale and the Devonian Hunsrückschiefer of Germany. The Mazon Creek biota includes many fossils which show a remarkable standard of soft part preservation which in some cases includes the fossilization of eye spots and stomach traces. Previously deserted Mazon Creek cephalopods have included the tentacular impression of a squid complete with arm hooks, and the radulae and shells of both coleoids and nautiloids. The specimen described here is the first from the Palaeozoic to show any hint of organ preservation.  相似文献   

Two groups of proteins were isolated from the retina and pigment epithelium of eight-day-old chick embryos. Experiments with suspension cultures of retinal cells demonstrated that only the retinal extracts and the fraction of its acidic proteins can stimulate cell aggregation in vitro. Analysis by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography showed that fractions of acidic and basic retinal proteins, which markedly differ in their electric charge and biological activity, have similar composition. To study the effect of these proteins on the morphological and functional state of pigment epitheliumin vitro, a new experimental model is proposed, with the posterior segment of the newt (Pleurodeles waltl) eye used as a test tissue. The fraction of basic proteins isolated from the chick embryonic pigment epithelium stabilized cell differentiation in the newt pigment epithelium. The analyzed proteins proved to be biologically active at extremely low doses, corresponding to 10−12 M solutions.  相似文献   

The retinal G protein-coupled receptor (RGR) is a protein that structurally resembles visual pigments and other G protein-coupled receptors. RGR may play a role as a photoisomerase in the production of 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of the visual pigments. As the proposed function of RGR, in a complex with 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5), is to regenerate 11-cis-retinal under light conditions and RDH5 is expected to function in the light-independent part of the retinoid cycle, we speculated that the simultaneous loss of function of both proteins should more severely affect the rhodopsin regeneration capacity. Here, we evaluated the role of RGR using rgr-/- single and rdh5-/-rgr-/- double knockout mice under a number of light conditions. The most striking phenotype of rgr-/- mice after a single flash of light includes light-dependent formation of 9-cis- and 13-cis-retinoid isomers. These isomers are not formed in wild-type mice because either all-trans-retinal is bound to RGR and protected from isomerization to 9-cis- or 13-cis-retinal or because RGR is able to eliminate these isomers directly or indirectly. After intense bleaching, a transient accumulation of all-trans-retinyl esters and an attenuated recovery of 11-cis-retinal were observed. Finally, even under conditions of prolonged light illumination, as investigated in vitro in biochemical assays or in vivo by electroretinogram (ERG) measurements, no evidence of catalytic-like photoisomerization-driven production of 11-cis-retinal could be attained. These and previous results suggest that RGR and RDH5 are likely to function in the retinoid cycle, although their role is not essential and regeneration of visual pigment is only mildly affected by the absence of both proteins in rod-dominated mice.  相似文献   

Melanosomes were recently shown to protect ARPE‐19 cells, a human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cell line, against oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. One postulated mechanism of antioxidant action of melanin is its ability to bind metal ions. The aim here was to determine whether melanosomes are competent to bind iron within living cells, exhibiting a property previously shown only in model systems. The outcomes indicate retention of prebound iron and accumulation of iron by granules after iron delivery to cells via the culture medium, as determined by both colorimetric and electron spin resonance analyses for bound‐to‐melanosome iron. Manipulation of iron content did not affect the pigment's ability to protect cells against H2O2, but the function of pigment granules within RPE cells should be extended beyond a role in light irradiation to include participation in iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

The limited fossil record of enteropneust hemichordates (acorn worms) and the few external features that distinguish the four families have provided a challenge to our understanding of the evolution of the group and their various feeding adaptations. The middle Pennsylvanian Saccoglossus testa sp. nov. from the Mazon Creek, Westfalian D Carbonate Formation, Francis Creek Shale of northern Illinois provides evidence for the exploitation of surface sediments. Saccoglossus testa has a long proboscis characteristic of the extant genus Saccoglossus, a specialist in surface deposit feeding. The collar is as long as it is wide. The anterior trunk lacks a distinctively wide branchial region. These three features distinguish it from its sympatric enteropneust species Mazoglossus ramsdelli Bardack that has a proboscis characteristic of an infaunal deposit feeder. It is the seventh known species of fossil enteropneust, including a resting trace of a Lower Triassic fossil that has collar lips that characterize the extant deep‐sea family Torquaratoridae, and which represents a second parallel evolution of surface deposit feeding. An analysis of the seven fossils shows that the earliest Enteropneusta had a relatively simple harrimaniid‐like body plan, and that the spengelid, the torquaratorid and lastly the most complex ptychoderid body plan appeared in that chronological order.  相似文献   


Nine siderite concretions from the Middle Pennsylvanian, Francis Creek Shale (Carbondale Formation, Desmoinesian Series, West‐phalian C‐D), in the Mazon Creek area, Will‐Kankakee Counties, Illinois, U.S.A. preserve clusters of impressions of small eggs. Differential staining of the matrix suggests that the eggs were originally spawn within gelatinous strings containing 1 or 2 rows of eggs. Unfortunately, these egg impressions lack the diagnostic features needed to identify the zoological taxon (taxa) from which they originated.  相似文献   

The choroid plexus epithelium within the brain ventricles orchestrates blood‐derived monocyte entry to the central nervous system under injurious conditions, including when the primary injury site is remote from the brain. Here, we hypothesized that the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) serves a parallel role, as a gateway for monocyte trafficking to the retina following direct or remote injury. We found elevated expression of genes encoding leukocyte trafficking determinants in mouse RPE as a consequence of retinal glutamate intoxication or optic nerve crush (ONC). Blocking VCAM‐1 after ONC interfered with monocyte infiltration into the retina and resulted in a local pro‐inflammatory cytokine bias. Live imaging of the injured eye showed monocyte accumulation first in the RPE, and subsequently in the retina, and peripheral leukocytes formed close contact with the RPE. Our findings further implied that the ocular milieu can confer monocytes a phenotype advantageous for neuroprotection. These results suggest that the eye utilizes a mechanism of crosstalk with the immune system similar to that of the brain, whereby epithelial barriers serve as gateways for leukocyte entry.  相似文献   

Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells are central to retinal health and homoeostasis. Dysfunction or death of RPE cells underlies many age‐related retinal degenerative disorders particularly age‐related macular degeneration. During aging RPE cells decline in number, suggesting an age‐dependent cell loss. RPE cells are considered to be postmitotic, and how they repair damage during aging remains poorly defined. We show that RPE cells increase in size and become multinucleate during aging in C57BL/6J mice. Multinucleation appeared not to be due to cell fusion, but to incomplete cell division, that is failure of cytokinesis. Interestingly, the phagocytic activity of multinucleate RPE cells was not different from that of mononuclear RPE cells. Furthermore, exposure of RPE cells in vitro to photoreceptor outer segment (POS), particularly oxidized POS, dose‐dependently promoted multinucleation and suppressed cell proliferation. Both failure of cytokinesis and suppression of proliferation required contact with POS. Exposure to POS also induced reactive oxygen species and DNA oxidation in RPE cells. We propose that RPE cells have the potential to proliferate in vivo and to repair defects in the monolayer. We further propose that the conventionally accepted ‘postmitotic’ status of RPE cells is due to a modified form of contact inhibition mediated by POS and that RPE cells are released from this state when contact with POS is lost. This is seen in long‐standing rhegmatogenous retinal detachment as overtly proliferating RPE cells (proliferative vitreoretinopathy) and more subtly as multinucleation during normal aging. Age‐related oxidative stress may promote failure of cytokinesis and multinucleation in RPE cells.  相似文献   

The affinity of Tullimonstrum gregarium, a pincer‐mouthed, soft bodied bilaterian, has been subject to debate since its recovery from Carboniferous coal deposits at Mazon Creek, Illinois. After decades of impasse focused on mollusc, arthropod and annelid attributes, two recent, yet conflicting, high‐profile studies concluded that the ‘Tully Monster’ is a vertebrate, a relative of lampreys or jawed fishes. Here, we find that structures described as supporting vertebrate, and particularly crown vertebrate, affinity face significant challenges from biological, functional and taphonomic perspectives. Problems with comparator choice, interpretation of taphonomic processes at Mazon Creek and estimation of convergence within the bilaterian tree may have misled these recent studies, leading to conclusions which do not accommodate current understanding of the vertebrate record. For example, the absence of taphonomically‐expected synapomorphies in Tullimonstrum (e.g. otic capsules, body pigment) calls into question vertebrate identity and implies that convergence or deeper origins are responsible for vertebrate‐like traits. Further, phylogenetic placement within vertebrates is only made possible by the constraints of a chordate‐only dataset with limited outgroups and use of selective characters. Long‐discussed alternative placements among molluscs (e.g. heteropod gastropods), arthropods (e.g. anomalocarids) or elsewhere within non‐vertebrate deuterostomes are more congruent. Indeed, many of these lineages independently evolved vertebrate‐like traits, including complex eyes and ‘teeth’. Thus, given the totality of evidence, Tullimonstrum should be excluded from the vertebrate crown. Potential assignments for aberrant bilaterians, common throughout the Palaeozoic fossil record, need to be considered in light of the number and likelihood of required exceptions to established schemes.  相似文献   

Summary A method of preparing monolayer cultures of retinal pigment epithelium from normal pigmented neonatal rats is described. Critical features include incubating the eyes in balanced salt solution and treating with trypsin before dissecting the eyes. The tissue also has been cultured from RCS rats with inherited retinal degeneration. Since the pigment epithelium has been shown to be the primary site of action of the gene for retinal dystrophy in the RCS rat, the method should be useful in studying the defect(s) associated with this mutation. This work was supported by grants from the National Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland, and the George Gund Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio. Breeding pairs of RCS-p+ rats were provided through National Institutes of Health Research Contract EY-3-2133 to Dr. R. L. Sidman.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we used differential proteomics to identify retinal proteins whose steady‐state levels were altered in an experimental system in which photoreceptor outer segments were improperly folded. We determined that the steady‐state level of cellular retinol binding protein 1 (CRBP1) was downregulated in eyes lacking organized outer segments. The purpose of this study was to determine if CRBP1 is a plausible candidate for regulating outer segment assembly. We used Morpholinos to directly test the hypothesis that a decreased level of CRBP1 protein was associated with the misfolding of outer segments. Results from these studies indicate that downregulation of CRBP1 protein resulted in aberrant assembly of outer segments. Because CRBP1 plays a dual role in the retina—retinal recycling and generation of retinoic acid—we evaluated both possibilities. Our data demonstrate that outer segment folding was not modified by 11‐cis retinal supplementation, suggesting that CRBP1 influences outer segment assembly through a mechanism unrelated to rhodopsin regeneration. In contrast, retinoic acid is required for the proper organization of nascent outer segment membranes. The localization of CRBP1 within Muller cells and the RPE and its demonstrated role in modulating the proper folding of nascent outer segment membranes through retinoic acid further elucidates the role of these cells in directly influencing photoreceptor physiology. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 623–635, 2010  相似文献   

The timing and sequence of events underlying the origin and early evolution of vertebrates remains poorly understood. The palaeontological evidence should shed light on these issues, but difficulties in interpretation of the non-biomineralized fossil record make this problematic. Here we present an experimental analysis of decay of vertebrate characters based on the extant jawless vertebrates (Lampetra and Myxine). This provides a framework for the interpretation of the anatomy of soft-bodied fossil vertebrates and putative cyclostomes, and a context for reading the fossil record of non-biomineralized vertebrate characters. Decay results in transformation and non-random loss of characters. In both lamprey and hagfish, different types of cartilage decay at different rates, resulting in taphonomic bias towards loss of 'soft' cartilages containing vertebrate-specific Col2α1 extracellular matrix proteins; phylogenetically informative soft-tissue characters decay before more plesiomorphic characters. As such, synapomorphic decay bias, previously recognized in early chordates, is more pervasive, and needs to be taken into account when interpreting the anatomy of any non-biomineralized fossil vertebrate, such as Haikouichthys, Mayomyzon and Hardistiella.  相似文献   

Ultrasound (US) assisted drug delivery is receiving interest in treating posterior eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy due to its ability to maximize drug penetration into difficult to reach tissues. Despite its promise, the technique has only been investigated using healthy cell and tissue models, with no evidence to date about its safety in active disease. As a result, the aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of US administration in vitro in retinal pigment epithelial cells under normal and high glucose conditions. US protocols within the presently accepted safety threshold were applied and their influence on cell membrane and tight junction integrity as well as intracellular inflammation was evaluated using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), zona occludens-1 (ZO-1), fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran dye leak and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) assays, respectively. Under high glucose conditions, US application increased LDH release and resulted in loss of ZO-1 labeling at 2 h; however, normal levels were restored within 24 h. US within its safety parameters did not induce any FITC-dextran dye leak or NF-κB nuclear translocation in normal or high glucose conditions. In conclusion, our results suggest that while high glucose conditions increase cell susceptibility to US-mediated stress, basal conditions can be restored within 24 h without long-lasting cell damage.  相似文献   

Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a highly polarized epithelial monolayer lying between the photoreceptor layer and the Bruch membrane. It is essential for vision through participating in many critical activities, including phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments, recycling the visual cycle-related compounds, forming a barrier to control the transport of nutrients, ions, and water, and the removal of waste. Primary cilia are conservatively present in almost all the vertebrate cells and acts as a sensory organelle to control tissue development and homeostasis maintenance. Numerous studies reveal that abnormalities in RPE lead to various retinal diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular oedema, but the mechanism of primary cilia in these physiological and pathological activities remains to be elucidated. Herein, we summarize the functions of primary cilia in the RPE development and the mutations of ciliary genes identified in RPE-related diseases. By highlighting the significance of primary cilia in regulating the physiological and pathological processes of RPE, we aim to provide novel insights for the treatment of RPE-related retinal diseases.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that coculturing of retinal progenitor cells (RPC) with retinal pigment epithelial cells significantly biases the standard in vitro RPC differentiation patterns. In particular, in cocultivation experiments RPCs lost the ability to differentiate spontaneously and displayed approximately 2.1-2.4-fold increase in immunoreactivity to the neural stem cell marker nestin and approximately 1.6-1.7-fold increase in rod photoreceptor cell rhodopsin marker immunoreactivity. The data suggest the influence of the intercellular interaction networks on RPC differentiation.  相似文献   

By use of a new high-resolution high-pressure liquid chromatographic method for the separation of isomeric forms of retinol, retinal, retinyl ester and retinal oxime, various retinoids were analyzed in separated retinal pigment epithelial tissue or neural retinal tissue from fresh bleached bovine eyes after incubation in the dark at either 30 or 4°C for 90 min. 11-cis-Retinoids significantly increased during incubation at 30°C, relative to those at 4°C, in the retinal pigment epithelium, but not in the retina. The major forms of vitamin A in incubated retinal pigment epithelium and neural retina were retinyl esters (70%) and all-trans-retinol (69%), respectively. Thus, in keeping with observations on the isomerization of radioactive retinol in homogenates of eye tissues, the retinal pigment epithelium seems to be the primary site of 11-cis-retinoid formation from endogenous all-trans-retinoids in the bovine eye.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of the vertebrate jaw persists as a deeply puzzling mystery. More than 99% of living vertebrates have jaws, but the evolutionary sequence that ultimately gave rise to this highly successful innovation remains controversial. A synthesis of recent fossil and embryological findings offers a novel solution to this enduring puzzle. The Mandibular Confinement Hypothesis proposes that the jaw evolved via spatial confinement of the mandibular arch (the most anterior pharyngeal arch within which the jaw arose). Fossil and anatomical evidence reveals: (i) the mandibular region was initially extensive and distinct among the pharyngeal arches; and (ii) with spatial confinement, the mandibular arch acquired a common pharyngeal pattern only at the origin of the jaw. The confinement occurred via a shift of a domain boundary that restricted the space the mesenchymal cells of the mandibular arch could occupy. As the surrounding domains replaced mandibular structures at the periphery, this shift allowed neural crest cells and mesodermal mesenchyme of the mandibular arch to acquire patterning programs that operate in the more posterior arches. The mesenchymal population within the mandibular arch was therefore no longer required to differentiate into specialized feeding and ventilation structures, and was remodelled into a jaw. Embryological evidence corroborates that the mandibular arch must be spatially confined for a jaw to develop. This new interpretation suggests neural crest as a key facilitator in correlating elements of the classically recognized vertebrate head ‘segmentation’.  相似文献   

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