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Monoclonal antibodies of high affinity (approximately 10(9) M-1) for sperm whale myoglobin were studied to pinpoint the antigenic determinants with which they interact. None of 6 different monoclonal antibodies tested reacted with any of the 3 CNBr cleavage fragments which encompass the whole sequence of myoglobin, an indication that they react with determinants present only on the native structure. To identify these sites, we compared the affinities of each antibody for a series of 14 mammalian myoglobins of known sequence and similar tertiary structure. Correlation of sequence differences with relative affinities allowed us, thus far, to identify critical antigenic residues recognized by 3 of the antibodies. Two of these antibodies recognize groups of residues which are far apart in primary structure but close together in the 3-dimensional structure of the native myoglobin molecule, i.e. topographic determinants. The third antibody distinguishes 140 Lys leads to Asn plus, probably, surface residues nearby. These determinants differ from previously reported antigenic sites on sperm whale myoglobin both in that they are topographic, rather than sequential, and in that almost all the critical residues recognized by these antibodies are outside the previously reported sites. Monoclonal antibodies are sensitive to subtle changes, e.g. Glu leads to Asp, in the antigenic site.  相似文献   

A series of seven monoclonal antibodies directed at determinants on human peripheral blood monocytes were produced and characterized. The antibodies were separated into three groups based on cell distribution and percentages of monocytes bearing antigen. Hybridoma antibodies, termed OKM1, OKM9, and OKM10, recognized antigen(s) expressed on the majority of adherent monocytes, null cells, and granulocytes. The second group, comprising OKM5 and OKM8, reacted with most adherent monocytes and platelets. OKM3 and OKM6, comprising a third group of antibodies, reacted with a subpopulation of adherent monocytes and platelets. OKM antibodies were not expressed on lymphocytes, thymocytes, and lymphoblastoid cells, with the exception of OKM3 which reacted with three B-cell lines. SDS gels of immunoprecipitates formed with OKM antibodies yielded the following tentative molecular weight results: OKM1 and OKM9 antigens appeared to be 160,000 (nonreduced) and 170,000 (reduced); OKM10 precipitated two polypeptides of 170,000 and 115,000 (reduced); OKM5 and OKM8 precipitated a single polypeptide of 88,000 (reduced, nonreduced); OKM6 antigen appeared to be 116,000 (nonreduced) and 130,000 (reduced).  相似文献   

We describe a first attempt to study the antibody-combining sites recognized by monoclonal antibodies raised against the beta-subunit of human choriogonadotropin (hCG). Two groups of antibodies were first defined by their ability to recognize only the free beta-subunit or the free and combined subunit. Antibodies FBT-11 and FBT-11-L bind only to hCG beta-subunit but not to hCG, whereas antibodies FBT-10 and D1E8 bind to both the beta-subunit and the hormone. In both cases, the antigenic determinants were localized to the core of the protein (residues 1-112), indicating the weak immunogenicity of the specific carboxyl-terminal extension of hCG-beta. Nine synthetic peptides spanning different regions of hCG-beta and lutropin-beta were assessed for their capacity to inhibit antibody binding. A synthetic peptide inclusive of the NH2-terminal region (residues 1-7) of the hCG beta-subunit was found to inhibit binding to the radiolabeled subunit of a monoclonal antibody specific for free hCG-beta (FBT-11). Further delineation of the antigenic site recognized by this antibody provided evidence for the involvement of fragment 82-92. Moreover, monoclonal antibody FBT-11 inhibited the recombination of hCG-beta to hCG-alpha, indicating that its antigenic determinant might be located nearby or in the hCG-beta portion interacting with the alpha-subunit. Binding of monoclonal antibody FBT-10, corresponding to the second antigenic determinant, was weakly inhibited by fragment 82-105 and did not impair the recombination of the hCG beta-subunit to the hCG alpha-subunit. Its combining site appeared to be located in a region of the intact native choriogonadotropin present at the surface of the hormone-receptor complex.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies derived from ten hybrid cell clones, generated against porcine zona pellucida gave strong immunofluorescence with zona but the pattern varied from patchy, thin rim to heavy precipitation type of rim. Five of the 6 monoclonals studied prevented the binding of the porcine epididymal sperm to homologous oocytesin vitro, whereas the sixth one was partially effective. All of the 6 monoclonale of this batch inhibited the lysis of zonae by proteolytic enzymes even at dilutions up to 1 × 10−3. Three of the four monoclonals prepared in a subsequent batch gave strong immunofluorescent reactions and had high titres as determined by enzyme immunoassay. These monoclonals did not, however, protect the zonae against lysis by proteolytic enzymes. These properties are suggestive of the heterogeneity of the antigenic determinants in zona and emphasize the employment of appropriate bioassays for screening and selection of bioeffective antibodies.  相似文献   

By using four distinct monoclonal antibodies to CEA, the molecular profile of which was clarified in our accompanying companion paper, immunohistochemical distribution of the antigenic determinants on both cancerous and noncancerous tissues as well as fetal tissues was studied with the use of the immunoperoxidase method. All of the monoclonal antibodies recognize different antigenic determinants on the tissue section. None of the antibodies stained granulocytes in the peripheral blood or in the normal liver tissues tested. Three of our monoclonal antibodies stained columnar epithelial cells in morphologically normal colonic mucosa; however, monoclonal antibody YK024 did not stain them. This antibody was also found to be unreactive with intestinal metaplasia lesions of the stomach, but reacted with a 16-wk-old fetal stomach as well as with cancerous parts of the colon and of the stomach. Moreover, it was found that this monoclonal antibody mainly reacted with moderately or poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma lesions of the colon and the stomach. Periodic acid treatment in this study, together with trypsin treatment on the antigen as described in our accompanying companion paper, may suggest that this antibody recognizes the carbohydrate antigenic determinant in nature.  相似文献   

The reactions of mouse monoclonal HLA-A-, -B-, -C-specific antibodies on cells from 50 species were analyzed by binding assay. Antibodies which are monomorphic in humans generally show monomorphic behavior in other species and many significant cross-reactions were seen. Antibodies which recognize highly specific polymorphic determinants gave few cross-reactions with other species. Antibodies which recognize broad polymorphic determinants in humans cross-reacted in a polymorphic manner with many other species. The patterns of cross-reaction for both monomorphic and broadly polymorphic determinants correlated roughly with the current picture of phylogenetic relationships. These results show there are two fundamentally different classes of polymorphic determinants, one which appears relatively conserved in evolution and one which is the product of recent change. They probably correlate with the public and private antigens of mouse H-2 antigens. A simple genetic model ofHLA-A, -B, -C genes, whereby all specificities at a locus are true alleles, is sufficient to explain these patterns of cross-reaction. It seems likely that cross-reactions previously seen with alloantisera were due to broadly polymorphic antibodies rather than to allele-specific antibodies. If this were the case, then no experimental basis for Bodmer's model of MHC polymorphism being due to control of expression of a tandem array of genes exists.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - BSA bovine serum albumin - RAM rabbit anti-mouse IgG F(ab)2 fragments  相似文献   

Murine hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies to Mycobacterium bovis were produced and three soluble antigens were identified using radioimmunoassays and immunoblotting from polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels. Antibody MB3 (IgM, k chain) reacted with 20-100 kDal antigens produced by all mycobacterial strains examined while antibody MB5 (IgG2a, k chain) identified a 29.8 kDal antigen detected in field isolates of M. bovis and M. bovis strains Vallée and AN5. There was insignificant binding to M. bovis BCG, M. tuberculosis, M. microti, M. africanum, M. avium or M. paratuberculosis. Monoclonal antibody MB17 (IgA, k chain) reacted with a 17.4 kDal antigen present in M. bovis, M. tuberculosis and M. microti. Absorption of monoclonal antibodies with antigens from different species of Mycobacterium confirmed the specificities of MB3 and MB5 but the binding of MB17 was inhibited to some extent by all the extracts examined. The antigen identified by MB3 was present in purified protein derivative (PPD) from M. bovis, M. paratuberculosis and M. avium but antigens identified by MB5 and MB17 were not detected in these reagents.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were used to study neutralizing determinants on polypeptides of bovine herpesvirus 1. Two of three monoclonal antibodies which recognized nonoverlapping epitopes on a glycoprotein of 82,000 daltons were found to neutralize. A second group of monoclonal antibodies that individually precipitated five viral glycopolypeptides ranging in size from 102,000 to 55,000 daltons also neutralized. Two monoclonal antibodies which were the most efficient in neutralization recognized a non-glycosylated protein of 115,000 daltons which was the major polypeptide on the virus. A fourth group of monoclonal antibodies precipitated a non-glycosylated polypeptide of 91,000 daltons and several smaller polypeptides, but these antibodies demonstrated only limited neutralizing activity.  相似文献   

Mice were immunized against hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) isolated from sera of asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis B virus. Their spleen cells were fused with mouse myeloma (NS-1) cells, and 5 clones of hybridoma cells secreting antibody against HBeAg (anti-HBe) were isolated. For the production of anti-HBe in large scale, cells were cultivated both in vitro and in the peritoneal cavity of ascitic mice. Although monoclonal antibodies produced by these clones showed a strong reactivity of anti-HBe in hemagglutination tests, individual monoclonal anti-HBe did not reveal any precipitin line in immunodiffusion. When 2 of the 5 monoclonal antibodies were mixed together, however, some combinations showed a precipitin line against HBeAg, whereas others did not. Utilizing solid-phase radioimmunoassay involving a number of combinations of monoclonal antibodies used for solid-phase and radiolabeling, the 5 antibodies were classified into 2 groups. Three of the anti-HBe antibodies were found to be directed to 1 determinant of HBeAg (determinant a); the remaining 2 to the other determinant (determinant b). Determinants a and b were detected on HBeAg in the serum, as well as on the polypeptide of 19,000 daltons (P19) derived from the nucleocapsid of hepatitis B virus. Monoclonal anti-HBe antibodies with different specificities may provide useful tools in delineating the antigenic structure of HBeAg and also in evaluating immune responses of the host directed to its subdeterminants.  相似文献   

Normal human diploid fibroblasts exhibit a limited lifespan in vitro and are used as a model to study in vivo aging. Monoclonal antibodies were generated against partially purified surface membranes from human diploid fibroblasts at the end of their lifespan (senescent). Three hybridomas were isolated that secreted antibodies reacting to cellular determinants expressed specifically on senescent human fibroblasts of different origin, including neonatal foreskin, embryonic lung, and adult skin punch biopsy, but not expressed on matched young cells. The antibodies did not bind to immortal human cells and normal young cells made reversibly nondividing, indicating the antigens are not expressed in cells that are not senescent. The antibodies identified senescent cells in a mixed cell population and expression of the senescent cell antigens correlated strongly with the cells inability to synthesize DNA at the onset of senescence. The antigens appeared to be cell surface or extracellular matrix associated, and the epitopes were destroyed by mild trypsin treatment. Western analysis indicated all three antibodies reacted with fibronectin. Though the antigenic determinants on the fibronectin molecule were not accessible in the intact young cell, the epitopes were present in fibronectin extracted from both senescent and young cells, as well as purified human plasma fibronectin. These antibodies and the senescent specific expression of the antigens provide powerful tools to investigate the mechanisms leading to in vitro senescence. This may enable us to investigate directly the relationship between cellular aging and aging of the individual.  相似文献   

We have generated a new series of monoclonal antibodies recognizing allotypic determinants on mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b. In this communication we describe their reactivity at the molecular level. A number of genetic specificities (as defined by reactivity with sera from inbred strains) were divided into subspecificities (allotopes) by these analyses. With the exception of one allotope located in the hinge region of Igh-1 b, all other 23 allotopes examined were preserved upon reduction and alkylation of immunoglobulin antigens. To further analyze the role of immunoglobulin conformation in presenting the allotopes, we assayed their presence on mixed Igh-1a/Igh-4a heavy chain molecules. The Igh-1a determinants were maintained, but the Igh-4a determinants were lost. Taken together, our results indicate that genetic polymorphisms at the Igh loci generate an enormous antigenic complexity, much of which relies on tertiary and quaternary protein structure for expression.  相似文献   

We have generated a new series of monoclonal antibodies recognizing allotypic determinants on mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b. In this communication we describe their reactivities with immunoglobulins of the inbred mouse strains. Comparison with serology charts indicates that many of these monoclonal antibodies detect allotypic specificities previously defined by conventional antisera; others define previously undescribed specificities. Strain and isotype distribution allows us to assign five new allotypic specificities to Igh-1 and three new specificities to Igh-3. In addition, on the basis of reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies, we have defined a new Igh haplotype in SWR/J mice, Igh p.Abbreviations used in this paper Igh immunoglobulin heavy chain - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MCA) to streptococcal group A polysaccharide (A-PS) were prepared. Precipitating MCA are directed to the determinant common for A-PS and streptococcal group L polysaccharide (L-PS). The antibodies react in the immunodiffusion test and give identity reaction in A- and L-PS tests. Other MCA are non-precipitating but react with A-PS studied by immunoenzyme method. The reasons for the formation of precipitating and non-precipitating MCA to different antigenic determinants of A-PS are discussed.  相似文献   

Utilizing the technique of fluorescence-activated cell sorting and monoclonal antibodies directed at rat membrane antigens, various subpopulations of Lewis bone marrow cells were isolated and subsequently transfused into sublethally irradiated, histocompatible NBr recipient rats by either intravenous or intrathymic inoculation. Recipient rats were sacrificed and cell suspensions from thymus and other lymphoid tissue were examined for the presence of the RT7.1 marker on Lewis thymus-derived lymphocytes by fluorescence-activated cell analysis. From these studies, the population of Lewis bone marrow cells that could reconstitute T cells in the NBr rats was found to be Ox-22 negative, Ox-7 positive, W3/13 positive, and Ox-18 positive. Further analysis characterized the prothymocyte as being Ox-7 upper 20% positive and W3/13 weakly positive. In addition this marrow cell population was able to protect lethally irradiated Lewis rats (9.5 Gy) in 30-day survival tests. These studies have indicated that the prothymocyte either has been derived from the Ox-22 negative, Ox-7 upper 20% positive, and W3/13 positive marrow cells or, like the hematopoietic stem cell, this cell has also been characterized by this phenotype.  相似文献   

An initial attempt to prepare monoclonal antibodies specific for the Dictyostelium discoideum lysosomal enzyme beta-glucosidase was unsuccessful. All of the antibodies resulting from this fusion recognized an extremely immunogenic epitope that is present on all of the lysosomal enzymes of Dictyostelium. In two succeeding fusions, changes in the immunization schedule intended to increase the immune response to enzyme-specific epitopes were not entirely successful. Although nine hybridomas producing antibodies specific for beta-glucosidase resulted from these two fusions, most (70%) of the cell lines isolated secrete antibodies that recognize the shared, immunodominant epitope. Moreover, the nine beta-glucosidase-specific antibodies proved to be of limited utility since none recognize the native enzyme. Therefore, we attempted to tolerize a BALB/c mouse to the common epitope by injecting the lysosomal enzyme, N-acetylglucosaminidase, within 40 h after birth. As an adult, this animal was immunized with beta-glucosidase. Fusion of the spleen cells from this mouse with myeloma cells resulted in the isolation of nine hybridoma lines that produce antibodies specific for beta-glucosidase. No antibodies reactive with the common epitope were detected. These results suggest that tolerization may provide a means whereby an undesired class of antibody-producing cell lines can be selectively eliminated from the products of a fusion.  相似文献   

A method for localization of antigenic determinants in a polypeptide chain of unknown primary structure was proposed. A protein is modified at NH2-terminal and epsilon-NH2-groups of lysine residues with maleic anhydride and then is subjected to partial enzymatic cleavage. Newly formed NH2-terminal groups are tagged with radioiodinated Bolton--Hunter's reagent. The labeled fragments of the antigen are then demaleylated. Comparison of the two longest labeled fragments, only one of which still binds monoclonal antibody, makes it possible to define the location of the antigenic determinant along the polypeptide chain. The method was tested on the bovine tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase using earlier prepared monoclonal antibodies against this enzyme.  相似文献   

Antigenic sites for six monoclonal antibodies that bind to the alpha subunit (G alpha) of the photoreceptor guanyl nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein or transducin) have been determined. Five of these antibodies (4A, 7A, 7B, 7C, and 7D) were shown in the preceding paper (Hamm, H. E., Deretic, D., Hofmann, K. P., Schleicher, A., and Kohl, B. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 10831-10838) to block G-protein-rhodopsin interaction. We have blotted tryptic and chymotryptic peptides of G-protein to nitrocellulose paper and found that these antibodies bind to peptides that contain the COOH-terminal end of the protein assessed by 32P-ADP-ribosylation of the COOH-terminus by pertussis toxin. The antigenic site is not exactly at the COOH-terminus since the antibodies also bind two peptides which lack a 2-kDa piece from the COOH-terminus. Antigenic sites are therefore on the 7-kDa chymotryptic peptide and 5-kDa tryptic peptide more than 2 kDa away from the COOH-terminus. Further evidence for this antigenic site comes from the ability of these antibodies to block pertussis toxin-mediated ADP-ribosylation while still binding to the previously ADP-ribosylated protein both on nitrocellulose blots and in immunoprecipitations. Antibody 4H, which was shown not to interrupt any of the functions studied, binds to the 11-kDa major tryptic fragment. To aid in the mapping of these sites onto the surface of G alpha, a model of the three-dimensional structure of G alpha has been generated using the G alpha primary sequence, predicted secondary structure, hydropathy plot, and the constraints of the GDP-binding site of the GTP-binding protein elongation factor Tu solved by Jurnak (Jurnak, F. (1985) Science 230, 32-36).  相似文献   

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