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The liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L. synthesizes various long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids including arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, neither of which is produced by higher plants. Here we report the effects of temperature on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid accumulation in the liverwort. The accumulation of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids increased significantly as the growth temperature decreased. Specifically, the relative content of eicosapentaenoic acid to total fatty acids at 5 °C was approximately 3-fold higher than at 25 °C. On the other hand, the accumulation of ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased at low temperatures. An analysis of gene expression indicated that the mRNA of the MpFAD3 gene for ER ω-3 desaturase increased significantly at 5 °C. These results indicate that in the liverwort the n-3 pathway was enhanced at low temperature, mainly via expression of the cold-induced ω-3 desaturase gene, leading to increased accumulation of eicosapentaenoic acid.  相似文献   

Brown RC  Lemmon BE  Horio T 《Protoplasma》2004,224(3-4):187-193
Summary. Unlike the astral mitotic spindle that is organized at discrete centriolar centrosomes, the spindle of land plants is typically anastral and its origin has remained obscure. Gamma tubulin (-tubulin), an important component of the centrosome, has been demonstrated at microtubule-nucleating sites in plant cells. Mitotic spindles of certain hepatics are initiated at distinct acentriolar polar organizers (POs) that appear de novo at the onset of mitosis. Data on the relationship of -tubulin to POs and to microtubule arrays throughout the cell cycle were collected from rapidly dividing cells of Marchantia polymorpha (Bryophyta) that were triple-stained for -tubulin, microtubules, and nuclei. POs at opposite ends of the elongated nucleus in early prophase stain brightly for -tubulin and astral microtubules emanating from them initiate the spindle. As the spindle develops, however, the -tubulin becomes dispersed from the highly concentrated spherical form of the POs to more diffusely organized cups at tips of the fusiform nucleus. By the end of prophase, all astral microtubules have disappeared and the -tubulin is located in several minipoles along the now broad polar regions of the spindle. At metaphase, -tubulin extends into the spindle itself. By telophase, the -tubulin has migrated from distal to proximal surfaces of the sister nuclei and extends into the phragmoplast. Upon completion of cytokinesis, -tubulin appears diminished and surrounds the nuclear envelopes. These data show that -tubulin is only briefly concentrated in the PO, migrates in a cell-cycle-specific manner, and is consistently present at all putative sites of microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

序列比较说明,重复DNA顺序pRRD9与水稻叶绿体基因组中编码QB蛋白的psbA基因存在高度的同源。用pRRD9亚克隆片段pRRD9R和片段pRRD9L对水稻的叶绿体和核DNA进行Southern杂交分析,揭示了psbA基因同源片段在某个进化时期由叶绿体基因组转移到水稻核基因组,而且两者在水稻进化过程中的变异程度存在明显的差异。利用它们对野生稻和栽培稻总DNA的Southern杂交分析,显示亚洲栽培稻与AA基因组型的野生稻有较近的亲缘关系,以及在部分野生稻产生特异的杂交带谱,说明它可以作为一种分子探针来研究水稻的进化问题。  相似文献   

在过去工作的基础上,改进了原生质体的分离技术、培养基及培养条件,成功地获得了大量水稻原生质体再生的愈伤组织。讨论了得到实验重复结果所需要的主要条件。  相似文献   

花生的胚芽外植体在附加KT、BA或ZT(2—5毫克/升)的MS培养基上培养时,可从基部切口处分化出具有数量众多的营养芽和花芽的芽簇。将芽簇切开后转移到同样的培养基上继续培养,两种芽都能不断分化。营养芽能够迅速生长成为完整的再生植株。花芽可进一步形成花蕾,并在既无根又无叶片的情况下开花。每天24小时光照,培养基中附加BA,有利于营养芽的分化和生长;而每天12或16小时光照,培养基中附加KT,有利于花芽的分化和开花。花生胚芽的离体培养不仅可为器官分化和开花生理的研究提供一种实验系统,而且可作为快速无性繁殖和种质保存的方法。  相似文献   

以海巴戟(Morinda citrifolia L.)种子为试材,在不剥除种皮的情况下,在MS无激素培养基上播种1年内未见发芽,在剥除种皮的情况下,在MS无激素培养基上发芽率最高,50d内可达75%。海巴戟子叶和下胚轴均能单独由细胞分裂素BA0.7~2.0mg/L诱导不定芽发生,不定芽可直接从外植体发生,也可从愈伤组织发生,添加生长素NAA0.05~0.1mg/L则完全抑制不定芽发生,同时强烈促进愈伤组织生长和不定根发生。带芽茎段在BA1.5mg/L配合低浓度生长素时均能通过腋芽萌发和不定芽发生而增殖。芽梢在NAA0.1mg/L、IBA0.1mg/L或IAA0.1mg/L均有根群发生,但NAA0.1mg/L诱导生根时切口愈伤组织较多,部分不定根由愈伤组织发生。而IAA0.1mg/L诱导生根时根群欠发达,以IBA0.1mg/L最佳。  相似文献   

MoP中。几or“qeeK“e np“enoc叱几eH“,IK几月aREPosaH“幻y3旧epe众双a日Ho一zP”朋eKa刀““nPo只。卫狱a助T nPHa月eKaTb K ee6e BH“MaH“e aHaToM阳·代PH溯oros,Ho,Ke咪a几eHH幻,八0代x flop OH“ocTaIOTc只Bce水cHe双OCTaToqHo”3y叨HH日MH· KaK H3留eTHo,HeRoTop目e eoe江eH。,0 Mop中朗orM“6e几RH”MeloTe只B Tpy仄axC·K .Hoffmann“H.weyoberzh(2572),:M:彻or”,月e丁,r”。neps目e6日几0 onoeaoaF .G,Parsons,(189斗).Qe仄yeTo及HaKoo丁Me丁。T、,qTo onoeaH“e Parson,毗八oe,aTo·qHo…  相似文献   

The mode of inheritance of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in rye × triticale intergeneric hybrids has been studied with the use of specific PCR markers for loci 18S/5S and 3rbcL in organelle DNA. In rye × triticale BC1, mtDNA copies of two types, paternal and maternal, have been found; in BC2 plants, only paternal mtDNA and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) have been detected. Mechanisms determining the inheritance and/or differential amplification of organelles of a specific type are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是世界重要的苹果害虫,原产于欧洲中南部,现在已经入侵世界5大洲71个国家。该入侵昆虫1953年首次报道在中国新疆发现,目前已入侵新疆、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、黑龙  相似文献   

地钱的培养与观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地钱(Marchantia polymorpha L.)是常见的苔藓植物。它的分布很广,无论在野外森林中、水池旁,市区庭院中、墙角下,只要是阴湿的土壤上,都可能找到。故在植物学教学中,都将地钱做为苔藓植物中苔纲的主要代表来介绍。  相似文献   

叶绿体DNA及其在植物系统学研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄瑶  马诚 《植物学通报》1994,11(2):11-25
叶绿体DNA及其在植物系统学研究中的应用黄瑶,李朝銮,马诚,吴乃虎(中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都,610041)(中国科学院发育生物学研究所,北京,100080)CHLOHOPLASTDNAANDITSAPPLICATIONTOPLANTSYSTE...  相似文献   

本试验采用常规压片技术,对两种应用较广的中药材——红花和党参的染色体核型进行了分析,其结果报道如下: 1.红花(图1):淋细胞染色体数为2n=24,有10对染色体具中部着丝点,1对具随体(表1),2对染色体为亚中部着丝点。核型公式为:2n=24=20m(2SAT)+4sm。染色体绝对长度介于1.990μm-3.483μm之间,相对长度变动幅度为3.663—4.649。  相似文献   

伊宁苹果蠹蛾(Carpocapsa pomonella L.)之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

红毛丹(Nephelium lappaceum L.)生态适应性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用欧氏距离统计方法,对海南18县市与泰国、马来西亚红毛丹主产区的7个主要气候因子间的距离相似程度进行了分析,发现海南岛保亭县是红毛丹最佳气候宜植区。这与海南试种结果完全吻合,通过实地调查、土样采集分析,结合多年观察以及同泰国、马来西亚产区对比分析,初步明确了引种红毛丹的生态环境条件要求。  相似文献   

民间用药洋紫荆(Bauhinia variegata L.)为豆科羊蹄甲属植物,广泛分布于我国南部省份。基于前人的研究,并未发现对洋紫荆花化学成分研究的相关报道,本文以采自云南德宏地区的洋紫荆(B.variegata)花为研究对象,运用各种柱色谱分离手段,从其乙酸乙酯部分中分离得到了8个化合物,经核磁共振波谱及质谱解析,分别鉴定为Isoliquiritigenin(1)、Naringenin(2)、Kaempferol(3)、Kaempferol-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(4)、Kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(5)、Caffeic acid(6)、(-)-Catechin(7)及Kaempferol-3-O-L-rhamnopyranoside(8)。化合物1和4为首次从该种植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

本文就我国唐松草属45种植物的花粉形态进行了系统的描述。根据我们的材料表明本属花粉形态特征十分一致,均为球形,散孔,直径为13—28微米。孔的数目为6—18,孔的形状、大小以及孔膜上的颗粒因种而异。外壁厚度为1.7一3.1微米,表面具小刺状雕纹和颗粒状肌理,外壁层次清楚或不清楚,两层。本文还将唐松草属花粉与其花粉形态相近的科属,如藜科、阿丁枫属和枫香属的花粉作了比较研究。  相似文献   

杨树是河南平原地区和西部山地造林的重要速生树种。近几年来由于青杨天牛的危害,已成为植树造林的严重威胁。根据1962年在郑州地区的调查,幼树被害株率达90%以上;枝梢被害率达8.4%左右。 青杨天牛分布于河南的郑州、开封、灵宝、洛阳、南阳、信阳、确山及北京等地。寄主发现有美杨(Populuspyramitalis Borkh)、毛白杨(P.tomentosa Carr.)、小叶  相似文献   

Accurate identification of parental plants and their hybrids is essential for an effective breeding programme. Traditional classification of cocoa varieties relies on the characterisation of agricultural traits at plant maturity. A rapid and reliable method is described, based on genotypic analysis. An efficient DNA isolation procedure was developed, yielding unsheared DNA of high purity. Two genetic fingerprinting techniques, RAPD and AFLP, were evaluated for their suitability in distinguishing cocoa varieties. RAPD analysis was unsatisfactory due to the low frequency of polymorphisms and poor reproducibility. AFLP was reliable in distinguishing phenotypically identical, known varieties of cocoa. Importantly, AFLP also revealed intra- and inter-varietal variation.Abbreviations: AFLP, amplified fragment length polymorphism; APS, ammonium persulphate; CTAB, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide; DEB, DNA extraction buffer; f.wt., fresh weight; NEB, nuclei extraction buffer; PMSF, phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride; RAPD, random amplified polymorphic DNA; T4 PNK, Bacteriophage T4 polynucleotide kinase; Taq, Thermus aquaticus; TBE, tris-borate-EDTA; TEMED, NNNN tetramethylethylenediamine.  相似文献   

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