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In the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina , α and γ peaks of reduced cytochrome b were distinctly observed but no peaks of cytochrome a and cytochrome c were found in the difference spectra between H2O2 oxidized and the aerobic suspensions of the immotile spermatozoa, which were obtained by an incubation of the suspension of spermatozoa and the glutaraldehyde-fixed eggs for 15 min at 20°C. A similar profile of difference spectrum was also obtained between the aerobic sperm suspension containing antimycin A and the H2O2 oxidized one. In Hemicentrorus pulcherrimus , faint peaks of reduced cytochrome a and cytochrome c , as well as evident peaks of cytochrome b , were also found in the difference spectra between aerobic suspension of the fixed-egg-reacted spermatozoa and the H2O2 oxidized one. In intact swimming spermatozoa of A. crassispina as well as H. pulcherrimus , no peaks of reduced cytochromes were found under aerobic condition. These results suggest that the inhibition of sperm respiration by the fixed eggs is due, at least in part, to the blockage of electron transport in a span between cytochrome b and cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Hemagglutinating activity for human type A erythrocytes was detected in a sperm extract obtained by treatment with Triton X-100 of spermatozoa from the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Among tested sugars only N-acetyl-D-galactosamine had any inhibitory effect on the hemagglutinating activity of the sperm extract. The lectin was purified by a combination of affinity chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography. A single band was obtained after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified lectin, corresponding to an apparent molecular weight of 15,000 daltons. Trypsin-generated fragments of the surface of eggs significantly inhibited hemagglutination of erythrocytes by the purified lectin. The biological role of the sperm lectin is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the responsible components of isolated sperm centrioles for the aster induction in sea urchin eggs, the sperm centriolar fraction was treated with various enzymes and was injected into the unfertilized eggs, then the aster formation in first division was observed after fertilization.
Treatment with 1 μg/ml or higher concentration of trypsin inhibited the centriolar activity for aster induction, whereas the treatment with 50 μg/ml of DNase 1, 80 μg/ml of RNase A, 40 μg/ml of RNase T1, or 0.1 μg/ml of trypsin had no inhibitory effect to induce asters. Injection of 0.5 μg/ml of RNase A or 1 mUg/ml of RNase T1 into the egg caused the detention of mitosis at the streak stage. To examine the temperature effect for aster induction, the centriolar fraction was pre-treated with boiling temperature, and it was found that the fraction became incapable to induce any aster.
Results obtained suggest that the effective components of the sperm centriolar fraction to induce asters in the fertilized sea urchin eggs are the proteins but not the nucleic acids. The aster inducing activity is destroyed by heat treatment.  相似文献   

Multiple asters can be artificially induced in sea urchin fertilized eggs by the microinjection of the centriolar fraction of sperm homogenate. Investigation was continued by the electron microscopy to determine whether the multi-aster formation was due to the centrioles or the contaminants in the injected sperm fraction. Thirty three asters in 3 operated eggs were thoroughly examined, and we confirmed that the presence of centrioles in the central region of 26 asters. We considered that the rest of them might contained the centrioles in the sections lost during the preparation procedures. Fragmented axoneme, the plug of electron dense material, and the centriolar fossa, which were usually accompanied with the isolated centrioles, disappeared from the centrioles in these multiple asters. However, electron dense, amorphous materials were formed associating with the triplet blades and distributed around the centrioles. Many astral microtubules were terminated in these pericentriolar materials. Results obtained suggest that, although the pericentriolar material is acting as the microtubule organizing center, all multiple asters, except those derived from fertilization (2 asters per egg), are most likely induced by the injected centrioles and not by the contaminants.  相似文献   

Sperm respiration and motility of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus were studied at pH 6.8 in the presence of a synthetic jelly peptide (Gly-Phe-Asp-Leu-Asn-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Gly) and monovalent cationic ionophores. The synthetic peptide stimulated sperm respiration and motility to the level of that found in normal sea water (pH 8.2) with half-maximal stimulation at approximately 100 pM. Monensin and valinomycin also stimulated sperm respiration with half-maximal effects at 7 μM and 0.7 μM, respectively. The stimulation of sperm respiration by the peptide and monensin was dependent on external Na+, but was not dependent on the osmolarity of the suspending medium. Approximately 50 mM Na+ was required for half-maximal respiratory responses to the peptide and monensin.  相似文献   

A phenomenon of dimorphism in spermatozoa has been revealed for the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus. The spermatozoa are different in the configuration of the circular mitochondrion. The bulk of male gametes (73.4%) have a symmetrical mitochondrion, whereas the remainder spermatozoa (26.6%) have an asymmetrical one. No other ultrastructural differences in the structure of spermatozoa have been revealed. The two types of spermatozoa are supposed to represent different kinds of normal gametes capable of fertilization.  相似文献   

During initial several minutes after fertilization, sea urchin eggs exhibited high rate of respiration which was only slightly inhibited by cyanide. This cyanide-insensitive respiration was inhibited by calcium antagonists, diltiazem and verapamil, and calmodulin antagonists, N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalensulfonamide hydrochloride (W-7), N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide hydrochloride (W-5) and chlorpromazine, which were added within 1 min after insemination. The inhibitory effect of W-7 on cyanide-insensitive respiration was higher than that of W-5. Cyanide-sensitive respiration of fertilized eggs observed after this initial period was not inhibited by these compounds. Ca2+ influx in eggs just after fertilization was inhibited by calcium antagonists but was rather enhanced by calmodulin antagonists. Fertilization-induced stimulation of cyanide-insensitive respiration probably results from calmodulin-dependent reactions which are activated by Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , showed marked decrease in respiration, and arrested movement after interaction with the fixed eggs. Immotile spermatozoa that had reacted with fixed eggs contained higher levels of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs than normal motile spermatozoa. On treatment with carnitine, the immotile spermatozoa became motile again and their intracellular concentrations of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs decreased. On incubation with anti-mycin A or CN for 20 min, the motility of normal spermatozoa decreased gradually but their long chain fatty acyl-CoA content changed only slightly. The decrease in sperm motility in the latter case was probably due to decrease in the level of ATP, resulting from inhibition of respiration by antimycin A or CN. The motility of spermatozoa extracted with Triton X-100 was restored by ATP and their movement was inhibited by long chain fatty acyl-CoAs, such as myristoly CoA and palmitoyl-CoA, but was not by short chain fatty acyl-CoAs, such as acetyl-CoA, propionyl CoA and butyryl-CoA. Na-palmitate, Na-myristate and CoA did not inhibit the reactivation of extracted spermatozoa by ATP.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa can enter the separated blastomeres of 8- and 16-cell stage embryos, the cells of blastulae and even somatic cells of the oesophagus wall of an adult sea urchin, under certain conditions. In the presence of egg jelly solution, the rate of entrance of spermatozoa is remarkably increased. In the case of the blastomere of 8-cell stage embryos, characteristic cytoplasmic protrusions are formed at the sites of sperm entry, in succession to the formation of the cytoplasmic bulge. These protrusions elongate until 4 min after insemination, and then they retract gradually. The nucleus of penetrated sperm swells and decondenses to form a pronucleus. In most cases, the pronucleus seems to fuse with the preexisting diploid nucleus of the blastomere. When the dissociated oesophagus cells were inseminated, a certain type of the cells was found to fuse with spermatozoa, although the percentage of fused cells was very low.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (108 cells/ml), preincubated with unfertilized eggs deprived of jelly coats (more than l05 cells/ml) at 20°C for 20min in Mg2+ free artificial sea water containing 1 mM Ca2+ (MFASW), exhibited very low respiration, which was enhanced by 2, 4 dinitrophenol (DNP). The fertilization rate in MFASW was usually less than 5% and was about 25% at most. Preincubation with fertilized eggs (with and without a fertilization membrane) in MFASW did not reduced the respiratory rate of spermatozoa. The rate of sperm respiration was lower in MFASW than in artificial sea water (ASW), but was higher than the respiratory rate of spermatozoa preincubated in MFASW with unfertilized eggs. Sperm respiration in MFASW or in ASW was not stimulated by 2, 4 dinitrophenol. Almost complete inhibition of sperm respiration was obtained with unfertilized eggs fixed with glutaraldehyde at concentrations of above 105 cells/ml in MFASW and of about l04 cells/ml in ASW. The respiratory rate of spermatozoa treated with fixed eggs was enhanced by DNP. It is concluded that the respiratory rate of the spermatozoa is reduced by their interaction with unfertilized eggs before their penetration into the eggs.  相似文献   

In unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , fertilization membrane formation was induced by an incubation with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for several min at 20°c followed by another incubation in an ice bath. The number of eggs with fertilization membrane, thus obtained, increased in relation to the concentration of DMSO between 1 and 3% (v/v) and was higher than 75% at concentrations above 3%. Fertilization membrane formation by this treatment occurred in Ca2+ free- or Ca2+, Mg2+ free- artificial sea water containing EGTA (50 mM) and was inhibited by verapamil. In the presence of DMSO, the membrane formation was also induced by 2, 4-dinitrophenol or cyanide in considerable number of eggs at 20°c. Eggs remained fertilizable, even when they were kept with DMSO for 1 hr at 20°c. DMSO slightly enhanced respiratory rate in unfertilized eggs and substantially reduced it in fertilized eggs. DMSO-treated eggs exhibited cyanide-insensitive respiratory burst following chilling in an ice bath or by adding DNP or cyanide, in a similar manner to the burst induced by sperm.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs stained with fluorescein-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (F-WGA) before or after fixation showed a marked accumulation of fluorescence at the cleavage furrow in the first and the second cell divisions. WGA receptors (WGA-binding membrane glycoproteins) were redistributed to the equatorial region through several steps in compressed eggs. Accumulated WGA receptors showed a distribution similar to that of contractile-ring microfilaments throughout most of the steps. Therefore, the former is probably associated with the latter directly or indirectly. Labeling with F-WGA provides a simple method to detect contractile-ring microfilaments in living eggs. Treatment of eggs with colcemid shortly before cytokinesis dispersed the ring-like accumulation of WGA receptors together with contractile-ring microfilaments. This result suggests that microtubule structures, probably asters, are involved in the redistribution of WGA receptors. Cytochalasin B prevented furrowing when it was applied shortly before cytokinesis. While contractile-ring microfilaments showed a spotty distribution in the expected furrow region, WGA receptors were normally redistributed. Furthermore, a higher concentration of the drug allowed the appearance of accumulated WGA receptors in compressed eggs although the development into a ring-like configuration was inhibited. These observations suggest the possibility that the redistribution of WGA receptors is involved in the formation of contractile ring.  相似文献   

Immediately after fertilization sea urchin eggs undergo an increase in cytoplasmic pH from 6.8 to 7.2. This pH change occurs by activation of a Na+/H+ antiporter, and is a necessary signal for later steps in metabolic activation of development. Activators of protein kinase C such as phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and diacylglycerol produce a similar pH increase in eggs. Phosphorylation of the antiporter or a regulatory protein may be a step in activating Na+/H+ exchange. Here we show that treatment of sea urchin eggs ( S. purpuratus ) with PMA results in increased phosphorylation of over a dozen proteins. Of these, three proteins of Mr=240, 92 and 80 kD are located in the egg cortex; under-representation of these bands in isolated cortical granules suggests that they are plasma membrane-associated. Phosphorylation of the 92 kD band is concentration-dependent over a range of 10 to 1000 nM PMA and occurs over a time-course of 1 to 3 min. Phosphoamino acid analysis indicates that phosphorylation is on serine residues. Phosphorylation appeares to be mediated by protein kinase C since the inactive PMA analogue, 4α-phorbol 12, 13-didecanoate, does not induce phosphorylation nor does experimental alkalinization of the egg cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Investigations were made on the role of the cytoskeleton in the onset of ionic events following fertilization of sea urchin eggs. Events which depend upon phosphoinositide metabolism, such as the cortical reantion and acid release are affected by cytochalasin B (CB) after fertilization but not after activation of eggs with the ionophore A23187. These findings suggest that the sequence of events following sperm-egg attachment depends on the cytoskeleton. CB also inhibits the Na+ pump and alanine uptake when added before insemination and during the following 30 min. These results argue for a role of the egg cortex cytoskeleton in activation of the Na+ pump by fertilization. We propose that the inhibitory effect of CB on the development of amino-acid uptake after fertilization may result from an increase in the Na+ content of the egg resulting from Na+ pump suppression rather than from direct blockage of the carrier.  相似文献   

Detergent treatment of sea urchin eggs at the mid 4-cell stage results in prevention of micromere segregation at the fourth cleavage. In these embryos not only the formation of the primary mesenchyme is suppressed, but synchrony of cell division, which is the rule during the first four cleavage cycles, continues for several cycles after the 16-cell stage while the typical mitotic phase wave that sets in after micromere segregation is abolished.
These results support the hypothesis that micromeres act as coordinators of the mitotic activity of the embryo.  相似文献   

Unfertilized sea urchin eggs were pre-treated with 2–10 mM procaine sea water for 10 min and then fertilized 5 min later. These eggs hatched about 1–1.5 hr earlier than the control eggs. This acceleration of hatching seems to be the result of a reduction in the individual cleavage cycles. In the second series of experiments, eggs were inseminated at 5, 30 and 60 min after the procaine treatments. In this case, the rate of accelerated cleavage decreased gradually, as the intervals between the treatments and insemination were extended. Next, the minimum time-length of procaine treatment to accelerate cleavage was determined. When eggs were immersed in procaine for 1 min, cleavage was accelerated as in the case of 10 min-treatment, although acceleration to the same degree required higher concentrations of procaine solution. When fertilized eggs were post-treated with procaine, cleavage was also accelerated, but both the rate of acceleration and the effective concentrations decreased with time after fertilization.  相似文献   

The earliest known event in the sequence leading to mitosis is the duplication of cell centers. The present investigation shows that the synthesis of DNA, although closely following it in time, is initiated entirely independently of this prior event. Fertilized eggs of the sea urchin, S. purpuratus, were exposed to β-mercaptoethanol at intervals during development. This substance, when introduced at appropriate times, blocks mitosis and also prevents duplication of centers. Whether or not duplication of centers had already occurred before introduction of the blocking agent was determined by observing the division patterns of eggs after the mercaptoethanol was removed: division of one cell into two, or of two into four indicated that duplication had not occurred; division of one into four or of two into eight, that it had. Incorporation of H3-labeled thymidine into DNA, as demonstrated by autoradiography, showed that DNA synthesis took place during the mercaptoethanol block regardless of whether or not the centers had already duplicated. Thus the two major reproductive events of the mitotic sequence, although normally coordinated in time, can be dissociated experimentally and shown to function independently.  相似文献   

We characterized putative receptors specific for sperm-activating peptide I (SAP-I: GFDLNGGGVG) in spermatozoa of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, using both binding and crosslinking techniques. Analysis of the data obtained from the equilibrium binding of a radioiodinated SAP-I analogue [GGGY(125I)-SAP-I] to H. pulcherrimus spermatozoa showed the presence of two classes of receptors specific for SAP-I in the spermatozoa. The incubation of intact spermatozoa as well as sperm tails or sperm membranes prepared from H. pulcherrimus spermatozoa with GGGY(125I)-SAP-I and a chemical crosslinking reagent, disuccinimidyl suberate, resulted in the radiolabelling of a 71 kDa protein. The protein appears to be associated with a 220 kDa wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding protein. A cDNA encoding the 71 kDa protein was isolated from a H. pulcherrimus testis cDNA library. The cDNA was 2443 bp long and an open reading frame predicted a protein of 532 amino acids containing a 30-residue amino-terminal signal peptide, followed by the same sequence as the N-terminal sequence of the 71 kDa protein. The amino acid sequence of the matured 71 kDa protein is strikingly similar to the 77 kDa protein of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (95.5% identical) and also similar to cysteine rich domain of a human macrophage scavenger receptor. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that mRNA of 2.6 kb encoding the 71 kDa protein was expressed only in the testis.  相似文献   

The spines of pencil and lance urchins Heterocentrotus mammillatus and Phyllacanthus imperialis were studied as a modelof light-weight material with high impact resistance.The complex and variable skeleton construction ("stereom") of body andspines of sea urchins consists of highly porous Mg-bearing calcium carbonate.This basically brittle material with pronouncedsingle-crystal cleavage does not fracture by spontaneous catastrophic device failure but by graceful failure over the range of tensof millimeter of bulk compression instead.This was observed in bulk compression tests and blunt indentation experiments onregular,infiltrated and latex coated sea urchin spine segments.Microstructural characterization was carried out using X-raycomputer tomography,optical and scanning electron microscopy.The behavior is interpreted to result from the hierarchicstructure of sea urchin spines from the rnacroscale down to the nanoscale.Guidelines derived from this study see ceramics withlayered porosity as a possible biomimetic construction for appropriate applications.  相似文献   

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