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Cerebral oxygen consumption during asphyxia in fetal sheep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cerebral blood flow and cerebral arteriovenous oxygen content difference were measured in 17 fetal sheep, and cerebral oxygen uptake was calculated. The measurements were made under control conditions and after profound fetal asphyxia induced of uterine blood flow for up to 90 min. In 14 of the fetal sheep, sequential measurements were made to examine hemodynamic changes and cerebral oxygen consumption at comparable intervals up to 36 min of asphyxia. These fetuses initially had elevated blood pressure and lowered heart rate became hypoxemic, hypercarbic, and acidotic. There was an initial decrease in cerebral oxygen consumption. Sequential measurements, however, showed a relative stability in this decreased oxygenation during 4 to 36 min of asphyxia despite a progressive metabolic acidosis. The cerebral fractional oxygen extraction remained unchanged despite a mean pH of 6.98 at 36 min. The calculated cerebral oxygen uptake during asphyxia in all 17 sheep was grouped according to whether the ascending aortic oxygen content was greater or less than 1.0 mmol/l. In the first group with mean ascending aortic oxygen content of 1.3 mmol/l, blood flow to the brain was increased and cerebral oxygen consumption was 85% of control. In the second group with mean arterial blood oxygen content of 0.8 mmol/l, there was a narrowing of the arteriovenous oxygen content difference, but no further increase in cerebral blood flow. Cerebral oxygen consumption was only 48% of control in this more asphyxiated group. We conclude that the degree of hypoxemia in the second group represents a point where physiologic mechanisms cannot compensate, and may be associated with neuronal damage.  相似文献   

We determined maximal exercise capacity and measured hemodynamics in 10 6-wk-old lambs with an aortopulmonary left-to-right shunt [S, 57 +/- 11%, (SD)] and in 9 control lambs (C) during a graded treadmill test 8 days after surgery. Maximal exercise capacity (3.7 +/- 0.2 km/h and 10 +/- 5% inclination vs. 4.0 +/- 0.9 km/h and 15 +/- 0% inclination, P less than 0.02) and peak oxygen consumption (25 +/- 7 vs. 34 +/- 8 ml O2.min-1.kg-1, P less than 0.02) were both lower in the shunt than in the control lambs. This was due to a lower maximal systemic blood flow in the shunt lambs (271 +/- 38 vs. 359 +/- 71 ml.min-1.kg-1, P less than 0.01). Despite their high maximal left ventricular output, which was higher than in the control lambs (448 +/- 87 vs. 359 +/- 71 ml.min-1.kg-1, P less than 0.05), the left-to-right shunt could not be compensated for during maximal exercise because of a decreased reserve in heart rate (S: 183 +/- 22 to 277 +/- 38 beats/min; C: 136 +/- 25 to 287 +/- 29 beats/min) and in left ventricular stroke volume (S: 1.8 +/- 0.3 to 1.6 +/- 0.4 ml/kg; C: 1.0 +/- 0.3 to 1.3 +/- 0.2 ml/kg). We conclude that exercise capacity of shunt lambs is lower than that of control lambs, despite a good left ventricular performance, because a part of the reserves for increasing the left ventricular output is already utilized at rest.  相似文献   

Drugs reported to stimulate fetal breathing (FB) were injected into a femoral vein of near-term fetal lambs during rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep. The primary response to NaCN, 0.25-0.5 mg, a dose which did not flatten the electrocorticogram, was a brief burst of gasping in any sleep state. When injected during REM sleep, NaCN caused the cessation of spontaneous FB and the onset of gasping. Stimulation of FB was observed infrequently. Caffeine (10 mg) and doxapram (3 mg) frequently caused an immediate change in sleep state or arousal. The incidence of FB increased concomitantly with a change to REM sleep or wakefulness (W), but FB still ceased with the onset of NREM sleep. When administered during an episode of spontaneous FB during REM sleep, both caffeine and doxapram caused stimulation of the frequency and depth of breathing. Pilocarpine (4 mg) caused arousal and gasping followed by prolonged vigorous breathing that was dependent on intact carotid sinus nerves. Indomethacin (120 mg over several hours) did not affect sleep states but induced FB in both NREM and REM sleep. In summary, in the fetus the primary effect of NaCN is to suppress spontaneous FB and induce gasping and the effects of pilocarpine, caffeine, and doxapram are intimately related to sleep states or arousal. Indomethacin causes the conversion from episodic fetal to continuous postnatal-type breathing. These data indicate the importance of assessing fetal state of consciousness in interpreting the respiratory response to drugs.  相似文献   

Kianicka, Irenej, Véronique Diaz, Sylvain Renolleau,Emmanuel Canet, and Jean-Paul Praud. Laryngeal and abdominal muscle electrical activity during periodic breathing in nonsedated lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2):669-675, 1998.We recently reported that glottic closure waspresent throughout central apneas in awake lambs. The present studytested whether glottic closure was also observed during periodicbreathing (PB). We attempted to induce PB in 21 nonsedated lambs onreturn from hypocapnic hypoxia to room air. Airflow and thyroarytenoid(a laryngeal constrictor, n = 16),cricothyroid (a laryngeal dilator, n = 10), and abdominal (n = 9) muscleelectrical activity (EMG) were monitored continuously. PB was observedin 16 lambs, with apneic phases in 8 lambs. Thyroarytenoid muscle EMGwas observed at the nadir of PB, either throughout apnea or withprolonged expiration during the lowest respiratory efforts. Phasicinspiratory cricothyroid muscle EMG and phasic expiratory abdominal EMGdisappeared at the nadir of PB. Active glottic closure at the nadir ofPB, without abdominal muscle contraction, could be a beneficialmechanism, preserving alveolar gas stores for continuing gas exchangeduring the apneic/hypopneic phase of PB. However, consequences ofactive glottic closure on ventilatory instability, either enhancing orreducing, are unknown.


Hypoxia-induced periodic breathing in newborn lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to elucidate the effect of hypoxia on the breathing rhythmicity and the effect of hypoxia on periodic breathing (PB) in two groups of newborn lambs (less than 2 days and 10 days of age). Lambs undergoing a hypoxic ventilatory test [0.08 inspired O2 fraction (FIo2) for 13 min] experienced no apnea or PB in hypoxia, but all developed PB during the 1-min period immediately after their abrupt return to 0.21 FIo2. This PB occurred when alternation of arterial PO2 and PCO2 in mild hypoxic and hypocapnic conditions induced an overshoot-undershoot response of the chemical drive to breathe. The magnitude of PB was found to be greater in the animals with a higher peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity to hypoxia but ceased altogether when the hypoxic-hypocapnic conditions were resolved. When these conditions were removed more quickly, that is, when the animals were returned either to 0.50 FIo2 or to 0.03 FIco2, no PB was observed. To clarify the role of hypoxia as a central depressant on the genesis of PB, we tested to determine whether additional central tissue hypoxia, using carboxyhemoglobin (30%), would worsen the episodes of PB. No effect on breathing rhythmicity was observed. These findings suggest not only that, in newborn animals and adults, the mechanisms of post-hypoxia-induced PB are identical but that the PB elicited in mild hypoxic conditions is a peripheral chemoreflex-mediated event rather than a centrally mediated one.  相似文献   

Experiments were done on chronically prepared fetal lambs, 125-135 days gestation, to test the effects of various catecholamines on fetal breathing (FB) as well as the influence of isoproterenol on the fetal respiratory response to hypoxemia. Bolus injections of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and isoproterenol (5-20 micrograms) were administered via the lingual artery or femoral or jugular vein during periods of FB activity or apnea. The effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine on FB were variable and not statistically significant. Isoproterenol produced a significant increase in FB, frequency of breathing, and mean inspiratory effort, when infused during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep but it failed to induce FB during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep. The positive response during REM sleep was absent following pretreatment with 3-5 mg propranolol and after bilateral section of the sinus nerves. The effect of hypoxia on FB was tested before and during constant infusion of isoproterenol (1 microgram/min iv). A reduction of the fetal arterial PO2 by 3-10 Torr produced the characteristic depression of FB in either situation. These results indicate that the fetal carotid body chemoreceptors can reflexly stimulate FB under certain circumstances but that their effectiveness is limited by more powerful inhibitory mechanisms such as those operative during NREM sleep and hypoxemia.  相似文献   

Experimental cryptosporidiosis in fetal lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fetal lambs were infected in utero with purified sporulated oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum in order to study pathogenesis and host cellular response to the enteropathogen. Ileal loops (IL) of fetuses, 124-130 days of gestation, were inoculated with 1-4 x 10(6) oocysts usually via cannulae in the abdominal wall of the ewe. Oocysts, both free and phagocytosed, were observed in the IL content as early as day 1 post-inoculation (PI). The percentage of oocysts phagocytosed by the host's polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN's) and mononuclear cells remained high up to day 13, the last day of examination. Numerous parasites were observed at days 6, 7, and 12 PI in the microvilli of the ileum with hypercellularity of the lamina propria, which consisted of a mixed infiltration of PMN's, mononuclear cells, including lymphoid cells, and a few eosinophils. Cytolysis and extrusion of epithelial cells, often heavily parasitized by various stages of the parasite, as well as inflammatory cells, were prominent in luminal contents. Germinal centers were prominent in mesenteric lymph nodes draining the infected loops by day 12 PI. Depletion of lymphoid cells was already present in Peyer's patches by day 4 PI.  相似文献   

Tanaka, T., Y. Ohira, M. Danda, H. Hatta, and I. Nishi.Improved fatigue resistance not associated with maximum oxygen consumption in creatine-depleted rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82 (6): 1911-1917, 1997.Effects offeeding of either creatine or its analog -guanidinopropionic acid(-GPA) on endurance work capacity and oxygen consumption werestudied in rats. Resting high-energy phosphate contents inhindlimb muscles were lower in the -GPA group and higher in thecreatine group than in controls. The glycogen contents in restinghindlimb muscles of rats fed -GPA were significantly higher thanthose in controls. The endurance run and swimming times to exhaustionwere significantly greater (32-70%) in the -GPA group than inthe control and creatine groups. However, there were nobeneficial effects on the maximum oxygen consumption (O2 max) and oxygentransport capacity of blood by the feeding of -GPA. None of theseparameters were significantly influenced by creatine supply. Bothmaximum exercise time andO2 max in the -GPAgroup were not changed by normalization of glycogen levels. Theactivities of mitochondrial enzymes in skeletal muscles were higher inthe -GPA group than in the controls. Thus endurance capacity isimproved if the respiratory capacity of muscles is increased, even whenthe contents of high-energy phosphates in muscles are lower. Increasedendurance capacity was not directly associated with the elevated levelsof muscle glycogen, oxygen transport capacity of blood, orO2 max.


We aimed to determine the effects of the electrocortical (ECoG) cycle on fetal heart rate and its autonomic control under normoxaemic and hypoxaemic conditions. Heart rate was measured and selective pharmacological blockade was used to quantify sympathetic and parasympathetic tone in low voltage (LV) and high voltage (HV) ECoG. We studied 3 groups of fetal lambs: 6 normal-sized, normoxaemic fetuses (control); 5 growth-retarded, normoxaemic carunclectomy fetuses (carunclectomy-normoxaemic); and 5 growth-retarded, hypoxaemic carunclectomy fetuses (carunclectomy-hypoxaemic). We found slower heart rate in LV compared to HV ECoG in all groups. This was explained by greater parasympathetic tone in LV in all groups, and by a complementary change of sympathetic tone in control fetuses. Hypoxaemic fetuses had slower heart rate than normoxaemic fetuses in both ECoG states. This was due to augmented parasympathetic tone (in LV ECoG) and reduced sympathetic tone (in LV and HV ECoG). We conclude that complementary changes of autonomic tone underly the normal variation of fetal heart rate with the ECoG cycle, with the parasympathetic arm dominant in LV and the sympathetic arm dominant in HV ECoG. In chronic hypoxaemia, complementary changes of autonomic tone contribute to slowing of fetal heart rate. Increased parasympathetic tone and decreased sympathetic tone may enhance cardiac efficiency when the oxygen supply is chronically reduced.  相似文献   

During the latter third of gestation, the number of resistance vessels in the lungs of the fetal sheep increases by 10-fold even after correction for lung growth. We measured pulmonary arterial pressure and blood flow directly and calculated total pulmonary resistance (pressure divided by flow) in intrauterine fetal lambs at 93-95 days and at 136 days of gestation (term is 145-148 days). In addition, we used a hyperbaric chamber to increase oxygen tension in the fetuses and measured the effect on the pulmonary circulation. When corrected for wet weight of the lungs, pulmonary blood flow did not change with advancing gestation (139 +/- 42 to 103 +/- 45 ml.100 g-1.min-1). Pulmonary arterial pressure increased (42 +/- 5 to 49 +/- 3 mmHg); thus total pulmonary resistance increased with advancing gestation from 0.32 +/- 0.12 to 0.55 +/- 0.21 mmHg.100 g.min.ml-1. If the blood flow is corrected for dry weight of the lungs, neither pulmonary blood flow nor total pulmonary resistance changed with advancing gestation. Increasing oxygen tension increased pulmonary blood flow 10-fold in the more mature fetuses but only 0.2-fold in the less mature fetuses. At the normal low oxygen tension of the fetus, pulmonary blood flow does not increase between these two points of gestation in the fetal lamb despite the increase in vessel density in the lungs. However, during elevated oxygen tension, pulmonary blood flow does increase in proportion to the increase in vessel density.  相似文献   

Fetal breathing movements (FBM) and lung liquid volume are known to affect lung development, but little is known about mechanisms controlling movement of liquid through the upper respiratory tract (URT). Therefore we measured resistances of the URT in 8 unanesthetized fetal sheep during late gestation while FBM were monitored from pressures in the lower trachea or from electromyogram of respiratory muscles. URT resistance to liquid flow toward the amniotic sac increased from 3.5 +/- 1.9 Torr X ml-1 X min during episodes of FBM to 21.1 +/- 5.7 Torr X ml-1 X min during apnea. Laryngeal resistance during apnea was greater (P less than 0.001) than supralaryngeal resistance in each of six fetuses in which URT resistance was partitioned. Fetal paralysis abolished the increase in laryngeal resistance to efflux that was previously related to the high-voltage electrocortical state and apnea. We were unable to quantify URT resistance to fluid movement toward the lungs because the larynx acted as a valve, permitting flow toward the lungs only in the presence of FBM. The supralaryngeal portion of the URT also apparently acts as a valve, normally preventing the entry of amniotic fluid into the pharynx. These findings help to explain our earlier observations that efflux of liquid from the fetal lungs is greater during episodes of FBM than during apnea.  相似文献   

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