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Reactive changes in hippocampal astrocytes are frequently encountered in association with temporal lobe epilepsy in humans and with drug or kindling-induced seizures in animal models. These reactive changes generally involve increases in astrocyte size and number and often occur together with neuronal loss and synaptic rearrangements. In addition to producing astrocytic changes, seizure activity can also produce reactive changes in microglia, the resident macrophages of brain. In this study, we examined the effects of recurrent seizure activity on hippocampal neurons and glia in the epileptic EL mouse, a natural model of human multifactorial idiopathic epilepsy and complex partial seizures. Timm staining was used to evaluate infrapyramidal mossy fiber organization and the optical dissector method was used to count Nissl-stained neurons in hippocampus of adult (about one year of age) EL mice and nonepileptic C57BL/6J (B6) and DDY mice. Immunostaining forglial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and Iba1, an actin cross-linking molecule restricted to macrophages and microglia, was used to evaluate astrocytes and microglia, respectively. The EL mice experienced about 25–30 complex partial seizures with secondary generalization during routine weekly cage changing. No significant differences were found among the mouse strains for Timm staining scores or for neuronal counts in the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal fields or in the hilus. However, the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes was significantly elevated in the stratum radiatum and hilus of EL mice, while microglia appeared hyper-ramified and were more intensely stained in EL mice than in the B6 or DDY mice in the hilus, parietal cortex, and pyriform cortex. The results indicate that recurrent seizure activity in EL mice is associated with abnormalities in hippocampal astrocytes and brain microglia, but is not associated with obvious neuronal loss or mossy fiber synaptic rearrangements. The EL mouse can be a useful model for evaluating neuron-glia interactions related to idiopathic epilepsy.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is one of the most common but genetically complex neurological disorders in humans. Identifying animal models that recapitulate human epilepsies is important for pharmacological studies of anticonvulsants, dissection of molecular and biochemical pathogenesis of epilepsy, and discovery of epilepsy susceptibility genes. We discovered that the PL/J inbred mouse strain is susceptible to handling- and rhythmic tossing–induced seizure. The tonic–clonic and generalized seizures observed after induction were accompanied by abnormal EEGs, similar to seizures observed in EL and SWXL-4 mice. PL/J mice also had an extremely low threshold to electroconvulsive seizures compared to other strains and showed variable sensitivity to pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures. Gross neurostructural abnormalities were not found in PL/J mice. Crosses with the seizure-resistant C57BL/6 J strain revealed semidominant inheritance of the rhythmic tossing seizure trait with low penetrance. F2 progeny indicated that the genetic inheritance of seizure susceptibility in PL/J is non-Mendelian. We crossed DBA/2 J mice, which are resistant to rhythmic tossing seizure but susceptible to audiogenic seizures, to PL/J. We found that seizure penetrance in (DBA/2 J × PL/J)F1 mice was similar to the penetrance in (C57BL/6 J × PL/J)F1 mice but the severity and frequency of seizure were higher in (DBA/2 J × PL/J)F1 mice. The PL/J strain serves as an interesting new model for studying the genetics, neurobiology, and pharmacology of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Febrile seizures (FS) are the most prevalent seizures in children. Although FS are largely benign, complex FS increase the risk to develop temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Studies in rat models for FS have provided information about functional changes in the hippocampus after complex FS. However, our knowledge about the genes and pathways involved in the causes and consequences of FS is still limited. To enable molecular, genetic and knockout studies, we developed and characterized an FS model in mice and used it as a phenotypic screen to analyze FS susceptibility. Hyperthermia was induced by warm air in 10- to 14-day-old mice and induced FS in all animals. Under the conditions used, seizure-induced behavior in mice and rats was similar. In adulthood, treated mice showed increased hippocampal Ih current and seizure susceptibility, characteristics also seen after FS in rats. Of the seven genetically diverse mouse strains screened for FS susceptibility, C57BL/6J mice were among the most susceptible, whereas A/J mice were among the most resistant. Strains genetically similar to C57BL/6J also showed a susceptible phenotype. Our phenotypic data suggest that complex genetics underlie FS susceptibility and show that the C57BL/6J strain is highly susceptible to FS. As this strain has been described as resistant to convulsants, our data indicate that susceptibility genes for FS and convulsants are distinct. Insight into the mechanisms underlying seizure susceptibility and FS may help to identify markers for the early diagnosis of children at risk for complex FS and TLE and may provide new leads for treatment.  相似文献   

We investigated the temporal alterations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) immunoreactivity in the hippocampus after seizure onset. Expression of ACTH was observed within interneurons in the pre-seizure group of seizure sensitive gerbils, whereas its immunoreactivities were rarely detected in seizure resistant gerbil. Three hr after the seizure, ACTH immunoreactivity was significantly increased in interneurons within all hippocampal regions. On the basis of their localization and morphology through immunofluorescence staining, these cells were identified as GABAA α1-containing interneurons. At the 12 hr postictal period, ACTH expression in these regions was down-regulated, in a similar manner to the pre-seizure group of gerbils. These findings support the increase in ACTH synthesis that contributes to a reduction of corticotrophin-releasing factor via the negative feedback system which in turn provides an opportunity to enhance the excitability of GABAergic interneurons. Therefore, ACTH may play an important role in the reduction of excitotoxicity in all hippocampal regions. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(2): 80-85]  相似文献   

产量是最为复杂的数量性状,对它的遗传机理了解甚微。近15年来,许多学者利用随机分离群体定位了许多影响水稻产量及其组分的QTL,即以QTL定位的方法对产量潜力进行遗传剖析。试验证明上位性效应对产量及其组分性状遗传变异起着重要作用,但目前大多数QTL研究仍侧重于发掘和克隆单个主效QTL,然而对单一基因/QTL的深入了解还不足以诠释复杂性状遗传基础的全貌,还没有为育种家提供足够的可应用于分子标记辅助育种的遗传信息并用于提高水稻产量。笔者认为今后的数量性状研究尚需加强复杂性状QTL遗传网络的发掘,在改良水稻品种性状的同时发展并完善QTL研究。  相似文献   

EL/Suz (EL) mice experience recurrent seizures that are similar to common partial complex epilepsy in humans. In the mice, seizures occur naturally at 90–100 days of age, but can be induced in younger mice and analyzed as a semi-quantitative trait after gentle rhythmic stimulation. A previous genetic mapping study of EL backcrosses to the strains ABP/LeJ or DBA/2J showed two quantitative trait loci (QTL) with large effects on seizure frequency (El1, Chr 9; El2, Chr 2) and implied the existence of other QTL with lesser effects. To further the understanding of EL-derived seizure alleles, we examined intercross progeny of EL and the strains ABP/LeJ and DDY/Jcl, and also a backcross of (EL x DDY)F1 hybrids to DDY. A new large-effect seizure frequency QTL was found (El5, Chr 14), a more minor QTL confirmed (El3, Chr 10), and two additional QTL proposed (El4, Chr 9; El6, Chr 11). The serotonin receptor gene, Htr2a, maps near and is a candidate for El5, and linkages of other serotonin receptor genes to seizure frequency QTL are noted. In addition, a strong gender effect was revealed, and epistasis was found between Chr 9 and Chr 14 markers. Despite this progress, however, our results revealed a more complex determinism of epilepsy in EL mice than previously described. In particular, no single El locus or pair was essential for frequent seizures, as QTL with large effects, such as El5, El2, and El1, were highly dependent on genetic context. Our studies highlight the importance of gene interaction in some complex mammalian traits defined by natural variation.  相似文献   

Beta-catenin has been implicated in epilepsy because of its altered post seizure expression and the role of Wnt2 signaling in autism. To determine beta-catenin's role in seizure susceptibility, we injected penetylenetetrazol intraperitoneally in beta-catenin cerebral cortex- and hippocampus-specific knockout mice. We then analyzed the latency, number, and duration of four phases of seizure behaviors: (I) non-seizure activity, (II) myoclonic jerks, (III) generalized clonic seizures, and (IV) tonic seizures. The latencies to both death and Phase IV were significantly reduced in mutant mice. Mutant mice also spent significantly more time in Phases III and IV and showed significantly less time in the non-convulsive state (Phase I). Nissl and gold chloride staining indicated that the knockout mice had underdeveloped cortices, lacked a corpus callosum, and were missing hippocampal structures. This suggests that dysfunction of beta-catenin-mediated signaling pathways in mice leads to cortical malformation and increased seizure susceptibility.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is characterized by paradoxical patterns of neural activity. They may cause different types of electroencephalogram (EEG), which dynamically change in shape and frequency content during the temporal evolution of seizure. It is generally assumed that these epileptic patterns may originate in a network of strongly interconnected neurons, when excitation dominates over inhibition. The aim of this work is to use a neural network composed of 50 x 50 integrate-and-fire neurons to analyse which parameter alterations, at the level of synapse topology, may induce network instability and epileptic-like discharges, and to study the corresponding spatio-temporal characteristics of electrical activity in the network. We assume that a small group of central neurons is stimulated by a depolarizing current (epileptic focus) and that neurons are connected via a Mexican-hat topology of synapses. A signal representative of cortical EEG (ECoG) is simulated by summing the membrane potential changes of all neurons. A sensitivity analysis on the parameters describing the synapse topology shows that an increase in the strength and in spatial extension of excitatory vs. inhibitory synapses may cause the occurrence of travelling waves, which propagate along the network. These propagating waves may cause EEG patterns with different shape and frequency, depending on the particular parameter set used during the simulations. The resulting model EEG signals include irregular rhythms with large amplitude and a wide frequency content, low-amplitude high-frequency rapid discharges, isolated or repeated bursts, and low-frequency quasi-sinusoidal patterns. A slow progressive temporal variation in a single parameter may cause the transition from one pattern to another, thus generating a highly non-stationary signal which resembles that observed during ECoG measurements. These results may help to elucidate the mechanisms at the basis of some epileptic discharges, and to relate rapid changes in EEG patterns with the underlying alterations at the network level.  相似文献   

We mapped the quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contribute to the robust difference in maximal electroshock seizure threshold (MEST) between C57BLKS/J (BKS) and C57BL10S/J (B10S) mice. BKS, B10S, BKS × B10S F1 and BKS × B10S F2 intercross mice were tested for MEST at 8-9 weeks of age. Results of F2 testing showed that, in this cross, MEST is a continuously distributed trait determined by polygenic inheritance. Mice from the extremes of the trait distribution were genotyped using microarray technology. MEST correlated significantly with body weight and sex; however, because of the high correlation between these factors, the QTL mapping was conditioned on sex alone. A sequential series of statistical analyses was used to map QTLs including single-point, multipoint and multilocus methods. Two QTLs reached genome-wide levels of significance based upon an empirically determined permutation threshold: chromosome 6 (LOD = 6.0 at ~69 cM) and chromosome 8 (LOD = 5.7 at ~27 cM). Two additional QTLs were retained in a multilocus regression model: chromosome 3 (LOD = 2.1 at ~68 cM) and chromosome 5 (LOD = 2.7 at ~73 cM). Together the four QTLs explain one third of the total phenotypic variance in the mapping population. Lack of overlap between the major MEST QTLs mapped here in BKS and B10S mice and those mapped previously in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice (strains that are closely related to BKS and B10S) suggest that BKS and B10S represent a new polygenic mouse model for investigating susceptibility to seizures.  相似文献   

In eastern Australia and California, USA, one of the major lethal fungal diseases of lucerne (Medicago sativa) is Stagonospora root and crown rot, caused by Stagonospora meliloti. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in resistance and susceptibility to S. meliloti were identified in an autotetraploid lucerne backcross population of 145 individuals. Using regression analysis and interval mapping, we detected one region each on linkage groups 2, 6 and 7 that were consistently associated with disease reaction to S. meliloti in two separate experiments. The largest QTL on linkage group 7, which is associated with resistance to S. meliloti, contributed up to 17% of the phenotypic variation. The QTL located on linkage group 2, which is potentially a resistance allele in repulsion to the markers for susceptibility to S. meliloti, contributed up to 8% of the phenotypic variation. The QTL located on linkage group 6, which is associated with susceptibility to S. meliloti, contributed up to 16% of the phenotypic variation. A further two unlinked markers contributed 5 and 8% of the phenotypic variation, and were detected in only one experiment. A total of 517 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from Medicago truncatula were screened on the parents of the mapping population. Only 27 (6%) SSR markers were polymorphic and could be incorporated into the autotetraploid map of M. sativa. This allowed alignment of our M. sativa linkage map with published M. truncatula maps. The markers linked to the QTL we have reported will be useful for marker assisted selection for partial resistance to S. meliloti in lucerne.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) and QTL x environment (E) interaction effects for agronomic and malting quality traits were measured using a 123-point linkage map and multi-environment phenotype data from an F1-derived doubled haploid population of barley (Hordeum vulgare). The QTL × E interactions were due to differences in magnitude of QTL effects. Highly significant QTL effects were found for all traits at multiple sites in the genome. Yield QTL peaks and support intervals often coincided with plant height and lodging QTL peaks and support intervals. QTL were detected in the vicinity of a previously mapped Mendelian maturity locus and known function probes for- and-amylase genes. The average map density (9.6 cM) should be adequate for molecular marker-assisted selection, particularly since there were few cases of alternative favorable alleles for different traits mapping to the same or adjacent intervals.Oreg Agric Exp Stn J No. 10150  相似文献   

Mice deficient for the gene encoding the RNA-binding protein CELF4 (CUGBP, ELAV-like family member 4) have a complex seizure phenotype that includes both convulsive and non-convulsive seizures, depending upon gene dosage and strain background, modeling genetically complex epilepsy. Invertebrate CELF is associated with translational control in fruit fly ovary epithelium and with neurogenesis and neuronal function in the nematode. Mammalian CELF4 is expressed widely during early development, but is restricted to the central nervous system in adults. To better understand the etiology of the seizure disorder of Celf4 deficient mice, we studied seizure incidence with spatial and temporal conditional knockout Celf4 alleles. For convulsive seizure phenotypes, it is sufficient to delete Celf4 in adulthood at the age of 7 weeks. This timing is in contrast to absence-like non-convulsive seizures, which require deletion before the end of the first postnatal week. Interestingly, selective deletion of Celf4 from cerebral cortex and hippocampus excitatory neurons, but not from inhibitory neurons, is sufficient to lower seizure threshold and to promote spontaneous convulsions. Correspondingly, Celf4 deficient mice have altered excitatory, but not inhibitory, neurotransmission as measured by patch-clamp recordings of cortical layer V pyramidal neurons. Finally, immunostaining in conjunction with an inhibitory neuron-specific reporter shows that CELF4 is expressed predominantly in excitatory neurons. Our results suggest that CELF4 plays a specific role in regulating excitatory neurotransmission. We posit that altered excitatory neurotransmission resulting from Celf4 deficiency underlies the complex seizure disorder in Celf4 mutant mice.  相似文献   

林木遗传连锁图谱构建研究进展与发展方向   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
宋婉  陈晓阳  续九如  张志毅 《遗传》2003,25(6):749-756
本文就目前国内外林木连锁遗传图谱领域的研究进展进行了综述,指出了该领域研究中存在的主要问题,即一方面是作图个体的数量有限,另一方面是采用的标记以随机标记为主,导致了建成的图谱以及利用图谱获得的数量性状基因位点(QTLs)信息具有杂交组合特异性,造成了QTLs的可信度和在林木遗传改良以及标记辅助选择中的实用性降低等现象。针对存在的问题,讨论了根据林木生物学特点选择合适遗传标记的意义,指出进行林木比较作图研究的重要性和必要性。文中接着较为详尽地介绍了国外重要林木表达序列标签(EST)测序项目的研究进展,论述了功能已知和种间高度保守的表达序列标签多态性(ESTP)标记的由来,阐述了获得ESTP标记的主要方法,并指出应当利用ESTP标记进行林木遗传图谱构建、QTL定位和比较作图的研究。文中最后讨论了未来林木遗传图谱构建和QTL定位研究的发展方向,并探讨了我国在该领域取得重大进展的突破口,指出我国应首先进行杨树尤其是中国乡土杨树树种该方面的研究。 Abstract:The research progress in genetic linkage map construction of forest tree species both at home and abroad were reviewed in the paper.Two main problems involved in the field were discussed.One was the limitation of the number of individuals of mapping populations and the other was the random markers mostly employed by the majority of studies.These problems have resulted in crossing combination specificity in the constructed maps and the QTLs located on the basis of the maps.As a result,the QTLs discovered up to now have low credibility and poor practicability in marker-assisted selection.Therefore considering the biological characteristics of forest tree species,the selection of the most suitable genetic markers is crucial to obtain a high quality genetic linkage map,and it is both important and necessary to carry out comparative genetic mapping.Progress in the ongoing expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing projects were summarized and EST polymorphism (ESTP),the most informative and highly conservative marker with known function,as well as the main ESTP detection techniques were elaborated.It was pointed out that ESTP markers should be integrated into the present studies of genetic linkage map construction,QTL mapping and genome comparative mapping.Finally the future prospects in the fields of genetic linkage map and QTL mapping were discussed.In China,Such studies around Populus,especially in the local Populus species should make a breakthrough in the related fields.  相似文献   

玉米是世界上种植面积最大、总产量最高的粮食作物,其籽粒重量的70%来自于淀粉。淀粉不仅是人类及其他动物的主要能量来源,同时也是化工等行业的重要原料。利用拟南芥、水稻等模式植物,淀粉合成相关基因克隆与功能研究已取得较多进展。近年来,随着玉米淀粉含量相关遗传学研究的深入开展,通过数量性状位点(quantitative trait locus mapping,QTL)定位、全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study, GWAS)及各种组学分析方法,发现了较多新的与淀粉含量相关的遗传位点及候选基因,但是尚缺乏归纳总结。综述了玉米籽粒淀粉合成与调控研究进展,对玉米籽粒淀粉含量相关的QTL和基因进行汇总和分析,通过构建一致性物理图谱,提炼玉米籽粒淀粉含量遗传定位热点区间,这为进一步解析玉米籽粒淀粉合成与代谢相关基因的功能提供参考,并为分子标记辅助育种提供遗传资源。  相似文献   

利用置换系检测棉花第16染色体的产量、纤维品质QTLs   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
《Acta Botanica Sinica》2002,44(7):815-820

陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)和海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense L.)是两个栽培四倍体棉种.前者产量高、适应性广,后者纤维品质优良.置换了海岛棉一对染色体的陆地棉置换系是研究海陆杂种此对染色体上基因互作的优异材料.在对第16染色体的置换系(简称Sub 16)进行遗传评价的基础上,利用(TM-1×Sub 16)F2∶3家系对位于第16染色体上的重要农艺性状进行遗传分析,发现第16染色体上有铃重、衣分、衣指、纤维长度、第一果枝节位的QTLs 各2个,纤维伸长率、开花天数的QTL各 1个,没有检测到子指、纤维强度、麦克隆值的QTL.在构建第16染色体的RAPD、SSR分子标记连锁图基础上,利用分子标记对相应重要农艺性状进行区间作图,检测到铃重、开花天数、纤维长度、纤维伸长率的QTL各1个,在F2∶3株系群体中能解释的表型变异分别为15.2%、12.1%、19.7%和11.7%;检测到2个衣指QTLs,在F2∶3株系群体中能解释的表型变异分别为11.6%和41.9%;检测到3个衣分QTLs,在F2∶3株系群体中能解释的表型变异分别为8.7%、9.6%和29.2%.单标记检测到铃重、开花天数的QTL各1个,在F2∶3株系群体中能解释的表型变异分别为1.60%和4.63%.证明了第16染色体与铃重、衣分、衣指、纤维长度、纤维伸长率、开花天数等性状的关系.  相似文献   

利用连锁不平衡理论,人类遗传学家已能把影响人类疾病的质量基因定位在小至1cM区域内,有些基因已被克隆出来。罗泽伟等进一步发展统计分析方法检测及估算分子标记与QTL之间的连锁不平衡系数,从而提出了人类复杂遗传病高解析度基因定位的理论策略。以此为基础,进一步探讨了供试群体在双亲基因频率存在差异时检测QTL和检测QTL互作的方法,给出了有关的理论结果。  相似文献   

 A segregated F2 progeny derived from two highly divergent poplar species, Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides, was used to evaluate the genetic basis of canopy structure and function in a clonally replicated plantation. The QTLs of large effect on growth, branch, and leaf traits were identified using the Populus linkage map constructed by 343 molecular markers. Stem height and harvest index appeared to be under the control of few QTLs with major effects, whereas variation in stem basal area, volume, and dry weight might be due to many more QTLs. Branch and leaf traits on sylleptics tended to include more QTLs with major effects than those on proleptics. In the environment where the pedigree was tested, sylleptics were very frequent in the P. trichocarpa parent but rare in the P. deltoides parent. For sylleptic traits for which two or more QTLs were identified, however, increases in the trait values were conditioned not only by the P. trichocarpa alleles, but also by the P. deltoides alleles. Similar findings were found for traits on proleptics that were differently expressed between the two parents. For both sylleptic and proleptic branch types, dominance (ranging from partial to over) was observed. The QTLs on specific linkage groups were found to be responsible for relationships between stem growth and its developmental components. Similar QTL clustering was also observed for morphological or developmental integration in poplar, i.e., traits with similar developmental origins are more strongly correlated with one another than traits with different developmental origins. The implications of these molecular genetic results for ideotype breeding of poplars are discussed. Received: 15 July 1997/Accepted: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

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