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The relationship between the diadinoxanthin cycle and changes in fluorescence yield in the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri Lemm. (clone CH10, Amorient Aquafarm, Inc., Hawaii) was investigated. High-light-induced changes in fluorescence yield and xanthophyll de-epoxidation occurred very rapidly (first order rate constant 1.60 min?1). The observed light-induced changes in diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin concentration were consistent with a two-pool scheme for diadinoxanthin, one of which does not undergo de-epoxidation. Changes in xanthophyll concentration correlated with changes in in vivo absorbance indicating that diadinoxanthin cycle activity in vivo can be monitored spectrophotometrically. However, changes in cell absorbance were small relative to total optical absorption cross section. Increases in the concentration of diatoxanthin were linearly correlated with increases in the rate constant for thermal de-excitation in the antenna of photosystem II (PSII). Antenna quenching produced or mediated by diatoxanthin may, thus, protect the PSII reaction center in diatoms. Changes in the maximum fluorescence yield suggested that changes in the reaction center also contributed to nonphotochemical quenching of fluorescence. Thus, reaction center quenching affected the relationship between antenna quenching and changes in photochemical efficiency producing the effect of a decrease in fluorescence yield without a decrease in photochemical efficiency.  相似文献   

The diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. (SAG 1020‐a) was cultured under high‐light (HL) and low‐light (LL) conditions with either high (12 μM) or low (1 μM) iron in the media. Changes in cell morphology, especially cell volume and chloroplast size, were observed in cells grown under low iron. In contrast, HL had a much stronger influence on the photosynthetic apparatus. PSII function was unimpaired under lowered iron supply, but its quantum efficiency and reoxidation rate were reduced under HL conditions. As reported before, HL induced changes in antenna polypeptide composition. Especially the amount of Fcp6, an antenna protein related to LI818 and known to be involved in photoprotection, was increased under HL but was significantly reduced under lowered iron. The diatoxanthin content correlated with the amount of Fcp6 in isolated FCPa antenna complexes and was thus increased under HL and reduced under low iron as well. While the diatoxanthin (Dt) content of whole cells was enhanced under HL, no decrease was observed under lowered iron supply, ruling out the possibility that the decreased amounts in FCPa were due to a hampered diadinoxanthin de‐epoxidase activity under these conditions. Thus, diatoxanthin not bound to FCPa has to be responsible for protection under the slight reduction in iron supply used here.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, ionic composition, and conductivity on growth rates of ten strains of Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmerman (mostly var. subsalsum Johan. & Rushf.) were studied. Lipid content of stressed and unstressed cells and fatty acid composition were also determined. Considerable physiological variability was observed in the ten strains, although principal components analysis of physiological data indicated that all strains fell into one of two major groups: C. muelleri (var. muelleri and var. subsalsum) and an undescribed Chaetoceros species morphologically close to C. muelleri var. subsalsum. A high degree of agreement was found among morphological, physiological, and biochemical data sets, indicating that physiological and biochemical data may be helpful in making taxonomic decisions in diatoms, particularly in taxa with few morphological characters. We also conclude that nonmorphological characters such as those employed in the present study can be used to test phylogenetic hypotheses formulated from traditional morphological data.  相似文献   

Five taxa of Chaetoceros occur in inland waters of North America. These most commonly occur in waters with elevated total dissolved solids in arid regions of the western United States and Canada. Chaetoceros amanita Cleve-Euler is characterized by consistently forming relatively long chains of cells and having very spinose primary resting spore valves. Chaetoceros elmorei Boyer also forms long chains of cells which are connected by evident valvar processes; spores are nearly always smooth. Chaetoceros muelleri Lemm. may form short chains with processes between sibling valves, but also produces solitary cells lacking processes. Chaetoceros muelleri var. subsalsum (Lemm.)Johansen et Rushforth is similar to the nominate but never produces cells with Processes. Both of the C. muelleri varieties produce spores with smooth primary valves. Chaetoceros simplex Ostenfeld is characterized by a noncolonial habit, cells lacking processes and the production of resting spores with warty to some what spinose primary valves.  相似文献   

Acclimation to ambient ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was examined in a subtropical marine diatom, Chaetoceros gracilis Schutt. Short-term exposure to UVR (<24 h) reduced the efficiency of photosynthetic energy conversion, carbon fixation, activity of 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-loxygenase (RUBISCO), and the rapid turnover of the putative Dl reaction center (32 kda) protein, whereas longer-term exposure to ambient UVR (24–48 h) revealed a steady-state acclimation, defined as recovery of carbon fixation and RUBISCO activity to rates equivalent to treatments without exposure to UVR. The turnover of D1 and chlorophyll a (Chl a) remained high during exposure to UVR. Efficiency of energy conversion by photosystem II, measured with double flash (pump and probe) fluorometry, increased by 24% in cells acclimated to UVR. Acclimation to UVR had no detectable effect on the functional absorption cross-section or cellular concentrations of Chl a, Chl c, or total carotenoids. However, the maximum rate of carbon fixation was reduced by UVR on a Chl a basis but remained unaffected on a per-cell basis. Response to UVR exposure in this subtropical diatom has two components: a short-term inhibitory response and a longer-term acclimation process that ameliorates the inhibition of carbon fixation.  相似文献   

The structure of the frustule of auxospores, resting spores and vegetative cells of Chaetoceros muelleri Lemm. are described with LM and SEM. Vegetative frustules are relatively small and lightly silicified, are not united into filaments, and appear unornamented under LM and SEM. The setae are circular to subcircular in transverse section with spines and puncta arranged in a spiral pattern. The resting spore and auxospore frustules are more silicified than the vegetative frustules and appear unornamented under LM and SEM. The auxospores of C. muelleri were previously unknown.  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin (Bacillariophyceae) was maintained in exponential growth under Fe‐replete and stressed conditions over a range of temperatures from 5 to 30° C. The maximum growth rate (GR) was observed at 20° C (optimal temperature) for Fe‐replete and ‐stressed cells. There was a gradual decrease in the GR decreasing temperatures below the optimum temperature; however, the growth rate dropped sharply as temperature increased above the optimum temperature. Fe‐stressed cells grew at half the growth rate of Fe‐replete cells at 20° C, whereas this difference became larger at lower temperatures. The change in metabolic activities showed a similar pattern to the change in growth rate temperature aside from their optimum temperature. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and respiratory electron transport system activity (ETS) per cell were maximal between 15 and 20° C, whereas cell‐specific photosynthetic rate (Pcell) was maximal at 20° C for Fe‐replete cells. These metabolic activities were influenced by Fe deficiency, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction that these activities should have an Fe dependency. The degree of influence of Fe deficiency, however, was different for the four metabolic activities studied: NRA > Pcell > ETS = GR. NRA in Fe‐stressed cells was only 10% of that in Fe‐replete cells at the same temperature. These results suggest that cells would have different Fe requirements for each metabolic pathway or that the priority of Fe supply to each metabolic reaction is related to Fe nutrition. In contrast, the order of influence of decreasing the temperature from the optimum temperature was ETS > Pcell > NRA > GR. For NRA, the observed temperature dependency could not be accounted for by the temperature dependency of the enzyme reaction rate itself that was almost constant with temperature, suggesting that production of the enzyme would be temperature dependent. For ETS, both the enzyme reactivity and the amount of enzyme accounted for the dependency. This is the first report to demonstrate the combined effects of Fe and temperature on three important metabolic activities (NRA, Pcell, and ETS) and to determine which activity is affected the most by a shortage of Fe. Cellular composition was also influenced by Fe deficiency, showing lower chl a content in the Fe‐stressed cells. Chl a per cell volume decreased by 30% as temperature decreased from 20 to 10° C under Fe‐replete conditions, but chl a decreased by 50% from Fe‐replete to Fe‐stressed conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate, phosphate, and iron starvation and resupply on photosynthetic pigments, selected photosynthetic proteins, and photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry were examined in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin (CCMP 1327). Although cell chlorophyll a (chl a) content decreased in nutrient-starved cells, the ratios of light-harvesting accessory pigments (chl c and fucoxanthin) to chl a were unaffected by nutrient starvation. The chl a-specific light absorpition coefficient (a*) and the functional absorption cross-section of PSII (σ) increased during nutrient starvation, consistent with reduction of intracellular self-shading (i.e. a reduction of the “package effect”) as cells became chlorotic. The light-harvesting complex proteins remained a constant proportion of total cell protein during nutrient starvation, indicating that chlorosis mirrored a general reduction in cell protein content. The ratio of the xanthophylls cycle pigments diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin to chl a increased during nutrient starvation. These pigments are thought to play a photo-protective role by increasing dissipation of excitation energy in the pigment bed upstream from the reaction centers. Despite the increase in diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin, the efficiency of PSII photochemistry, as measured by the ration of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of dark-adapted cells, declined markedly under nitrate and iron starvation and moderately under phosphate starvation. Parallel to changes in Fv/Fm were decreases in abundance of the reaction center protein D1 consistent with damage of PSII reaction centers in nutrient-starved cells. The relative abundance of the carboxylating enzyme, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO), decreased in response to nitrate and iron starvation but not phosphate starvation. Most marked was the decline in the abundance of the small subunit of RUBISCO in nitrate-starved cells. The changes in pigment content and fluorescence characteristics were typically reversed within 24 h of resupply of the limiting nutrient.  相似文献   

The enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) holds a key position in the microalgal antioxidant network. The present research focused on oxidative stress responses in the Antarctic diatom Chaetoceros brevis F. Schütt during transition to excess (including ultraviolet radiation [UVR]) and limiting irradiance conditions. Over a 4 d period, cellular responses of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS, a general oxidative stress indicator), SOD activity, photosynthetic and xanthophyll cycle pigments, PSII efficiency, and growth were determined. In addition, oxidative responses were measured during a daily cycle. Changing irradiance conditions significantly affected growth rates of C. brevis. PSII efficiency decreased significantly during periodic excess irradiance and increased under low irradiance conditions. Transition to excess irradiance increased the ratio of xanthophyll to light‐harvesting pigments, whereas the opposite was observed for cultures transferred to low irradiance. This acclimation process was completed after 2 d in the new irradiance environment. SOD activity increased significantly after the first day regardless of the new irradiance environment but returned to preexposure values on the fourth day. We hypothesize that SOD activity may be temporarily elevated in C. brevis after irradiance shifts, thereby reducing oxidative stress when photoacclimation is in progress.  相似文献   

The effects of iron limitation on photoacclimation to dynamic irradiance were studied in Phaeocystis antarctica G. Karst. and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grunow) W. Krieg. in terms of growth rate, photosynthetic parameters, pigment composition, and fluorescence characteristics. Under dynamic light conditions mimicking vertical mixing below the euphotic zone, P. antarctica displayed higher growth rates than F. cylindrus both under iron (Fe)–replete and Fe‐limiting conditions. Both species showed xanthophyll de‐epoxidation that was accompanied by low levels of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) during the irradiance maximum of the light cycle. The potential for NPQ at light levels corresponding to full sunlight was substantial in both species and increased under Fe limitation in F. cylindrus. Although the decline in Fv/Fm under Fe limitation was similar in both species, the accompanying decrease in the maximum rate of photosynthesis and growth rate was much stronger in F. cylindrus. Analysis of the electron transport rates through PSII and on to carbon (C) fixation revealed a large potential for photoprotective cyclic electron transport (CET) in F. cylindrus, particularly under Fe limitation. Probably, CET aided the photoprotection in F. cylindrus, but it also reduced photosynthetic efficiency at higher light intensities. P. antarctica, on the other hand, was able to efficiently use electrons flowing through PSII for C fixation at all light levels, particularly under Fe limitation. Thus, Fe limitation enhanced the photophysiological differences between P. antarctica and diatoms, supporting field observations where P. antarctica is found to dominate deeply mixed water columns, whereas diatoms dominate shallower mixed layers.  相似文献   

The effects of high PAR (400–700 nm), UVA (315–400 nm), and UVB (280–315 nm) radiation on viability and photosynthesis were investigated for Chaetoceros brevis Schütt. This Antarctic marine diatom was cultivated under low, medium, and high irradiance and nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and iron limitation before exposure to a simulated surface irradiance (SSI) treatment, with and without UVB radiation. Light‐harvesting and protective pigment composition and PSII parameters were determined before SSI exposure, whereas viability was measured by flow cytometry in combination with a viability stain after the treatment. Recovery of PSII efficiency was measured after 20 h in dim light in a separate experiment. In addition, low and high irradiance acclimated cells were exposed outdoors for 4 h to assess the effects of natural PAR, UVA, and UVB on viability. Low irradiance acclimated cells were particularly sensitive to photo induced viability loss, whereas no viability loss was found after acclimation to high irradiance. Furthermore, nutrient limitation reduced sensitivity to photo induced viability loss, relative to nutrient replete conditions. No additional viability loss was found after UVB exposure. Sunlight exposed cells showed no additional UVB effect on viability, whereas UVA and PAR significantly reduced the viability of low irradiance acclimated cells. Recovery of PSII function was nearly complete in cultures that survived the light treatments. Increased resistance to high irradiance coincided with an increased ratio between protective‐ and light‐harvesting pigments before the SSI treatment, demonstrating the importance of nonphotochemical quenching by diatoxanthin for survival of near‐surface irradiance. We conclude that a sudden transfer to high irradiance can be fatal for low irradiance acclimated C. brevis.  相似文献   

Numerous microalgal species are infected by viruses that have the potential to control phytoplankton dynamics by reducing host populations, preventing bloom formation, or causing the collapse of blooms. Here we describe a virus infecting the diatom Chaetoceros cf. wighamii Brightw. from the Chesapeake Bay. To characterize the morphology and lytic cycle of this virus, we conducted a time‐course experiment, sampling every 4 h over 72 h following viral inoculation. In vivo fluorescence began to decline 16 h after inoculation and was reduced to <19% of control cultures by the end of experiment. TEM confirmed infection within the first 8 h of inoculation, as indicated by the presence of virus‐like particles (VLP) in the nuclei. VLP were present in two different arrangements: rod‐like structures that appeared in cross‐section as paracrystalline arrays of hexagonal‐shaped profiles measuring 12 ± 2 nm in diameter and uniformly electron‐dense hexagonal‐shaped particles measuring ~ 22–28 nm in diameter. Nuclei containing paracrystalline arrays were most prevalent early in the infection cycle, while cells containing VLP increased and then declined toward the end of the cycle. The proportion of nuclei containing both paracrystalline arrays and VLP remained relatively constant. This pattern suggests that rod‐like paracrystalline arrays fragmented to produce icosahedral VLP. C. cf. wighamii nuclear inclusion virus (CwNIV) is characterized by a high burst size (averaged 26,400 viruses per infected cell) and fast generation time that could have ecological implications on C. cf. wighamii population control.  相似文献   

Resting spores (hypnospores) of Chaetoceros diadema (Ehrenberg) Gran, Chaetoceros vanheurckii Gran, and Chaetoceros didymus Ehrenberg were collected from a large plastic enclosure moored in Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada. The effects of combinations of temperature and irradiance on the germination of these resting spores were investigated. Nutrient uptake, carbon fixation, and changes in the photosynthetic capacity of the germinating spores were also examined. Resting spores germinated optimally at combinations of temperature and irradiance similar to those in the environment during sporulation. They did not germinate at irradiances 1.3 μEin m?2 s?1 or temperatures >25.3° C. Nitrate, phosphate and silicate were taken up after the resting spores had germinated and resumed vegetative growth. Chlorophyll a fluorescence in vivo, and the DCMU-induced increase in in vivo fluorescence also increased after the resting spores had germinated. Resting spores began to fix carbon as soon as they were placed in light. Spores remained viable for at least 645 d. The length of time between first exposure to light and germination did not change during this period; however, the percentage of viable resting spores decreased markedly. None of the Chaetoceros spores germinated after 737 d of storage at 2–4° C in darkness.  相似文献   

The carbon partitioning of the epipelic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reiman and Lewin isolated from the Adriatic Sea was studied in the laboratory under varying scenarios of nutrient limitation. Total number of cells, photosynthesis measured at 695 μmol photons·m 2·s 1 irradiance (P695- μ mol), chlorophyll ( a + c ) content, respiration, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), total particulate carbohydrate (TPC), and dissolved carbohydrate were evaluated under nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies in culture. The highest total number of cells was found in the control, whereas the nitrogen-limited treatment showed the lowest value. During the transition phase of growth, photosynthesis in the nitrogen-limited treatment was 3-fold lower than in the phosphorus-limited treatment and 4-fold lower than in the control. Differences in respiration rates and chlorophyll ( a + c ) content were even more marked. Dissolved carbohydrate remained the same in all the treatments, whereas during the transition and stationary phase, EPS presented the highest values under phosphorus limitation and the lowest in the control treatment. The production of EPS was closely linked to the periods of carbon assimilation (transition phase) in the nutrient depleted treatments, especially in the phosphorus-limited treatment. These results point out the relevance of the nutrient imbalance (nitrogen or phosphorus) in the production of EPS by the benthic or resuspended diatoms and suggest that these diatoms play an important role in nutrient-unbalanced systems like sediments or marine snow.  相似文献   

Lipid composition in extracted samples of Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmermann was studied with 13C‐NMR and distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer (DEPT) 13C‐NMR, resulting in well‐resolved 13C‐NMR spectra with characteristic resonance signals from carboxylic, olefinic, glyceryl, methylene, and methyl groups. The application of a DEPT pulse sequence aided in the assignment of methylene and methine groups. Resonance signals were compared with literature references, and signal assignment included important unsaturated fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic and also phospholipids and glycerols. Results from the extracted samples were used to assign resonance signals in a high‐resolution magic angle spinning (HR MAS) DEPT 13C spectrum from whole cells of C. muelleri. The NMR analysis on whole cells yielded equally good information on fatty acids and also revealed signals from carbohydrates and amino acids. Broad resonance signals and peak overlapping can be a problem in whole cell analysis, but we found that application of HR MAS gave a well‐resolved spectrum. The chemical shift of metabolites in an NMR spectrum depends on the actual environment of nuclei during analysis, and some differences could therefore be expected between extracted and whole cell samples. The shift differences were small, and assignment from analysis of lipophilic extract could be used to identify peaks in the whole cell spectrum. HR MAS 13C‐NMR therefore offers a possibility for broad‐range metabolic profiling directly on whole cells, simultaneously detecting metabolites that are otherwise not detected in the same analytical set up and avoiding tedious extraction procedures.  相似文献   

Autolysis kinetics in axenic cultures of the diatom Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow were studied under nutrient limitation in continuous cultures and under nutrient starvation in batch-mode cultures obtained by switching off nutrient supply in the continuous cultures. Under N limitation, the specific algal autolysis rates (δ, day?1) were found constant at 0.014 ± 0.002 day?1over a broad range of specific dilution rates (D, day?1) (0.09–0.56 day?1), implying an intrinsic death factor independent of the physiologzc state of the algal cells. Under P limitation, 8 was inversely related to D and ranged between 0.067 and 0.005 day?1 at D = 0.17–0.44 day?1. Under conditions of nutrient stamation, the degree of algal nutrient deficiency prior to stamation affected autolysis rates (δb, day?1) and subsequently survival of the algal cultures. Nitrogen-starved D. brightwellii showed highest δb (maximum, 0.10 day?1) when precultured at the higher growth rates. Phosphorus stamation led to highest δb (maximum, 0.21 day?1) in the cultures preconditioned at the lower steady state growth rates. The lower death rates for D. brightwellii under limitation and starvation of N compared to P suggest that D. brightwellii was better equipped to handle N than P deficiency. The present results showed that cell lysis induced by nutrient stress was a significant cause of mortality in D. brightwellii and provided more insight into the field distribution of this neritic diatom.  相似文献   

The growth of setae in post-division Chaeloceros gracilis Schütt was triphasic. Following cell separation there was an initial lag phase of about 30 min after which setae grew linearly at rates ranging from 0.20 to 0.38 μm-min?1. The growth rate was independent of whether diatoms cultured in medium containing 200 μM Si were transferred for experimentation to media containing 10 or 200 μM Si. When developing setae had attained a length of approximately 2 μm, their growth rate slowed as they entered a clearly defined plateau phase. The amount of silicon per unit length of setae was found to be 0.02 pg Si μm?1, and the deposition rate was estimated as 0.005 Pg Si min?1. Transmission electron microscopy revealed an axial structure resembling a microlubule extending the length of each seta and membrane bound polyphosphate bodies postulated to be the energy source for growth and associated biomineralization processes.  相似文献   

Cultures of Isochrysis galbana Parks and Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin were grown in iron-limited chemostats. With increasing iron deficiency, photosynthetic rate per cell and assimilation number decreased. The pattern of photosynthesis was also altered; in Fe deficient cells the proportion of 14C fixed in glycine and serine decreased with an accompanying increase into alanine after 3 min assimilation. Although there was no significant effect of Fe deficiency on the proportion of 14C incorporated into total amino acids and amides, the percentage of total 14C fixed in protein increased with increasing Fe deficiency. Cellular levels of chlorophyll a, carotenoids, cytochromes and protein also decreased with increasing Fe deficiency. However, the reduction in chlorophyll a/cell was not as great as that of cytochrorne f1 and Fe deficient cells therefore showed a marked increase in chlorophyll a:cytochrorne f1 ratio.  相似文献   

Diatoms are the main primary producers in the Southern Ocean, governing the major nutrient cycles. Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O’Meara) Hust. is the most abundant diatom species in the Southern Ocean and its paleo‐oceanographic record is frequently used to reconstruct the past position and nutrient characteristics of the Antarctic polar front. Here we report on the responses of F. kerguelensis on prolonged exposure to a range of iron concentrations, allowing a characterization of morphological and nutrient‐depletion changes in relation to iron status. Under iron limitation, F. kerguelensis grew slower, cells became smaller, chains became shorter, and the nutrient‐depletion ratios changed. Prolonged exposure to iron limitation caused F. kerguelensis to decrease its surface area and volume 2‐fold, and to increase its surface‐to‐volume ratio by 25%. With the decrease in growth rates, silicon (Si) and phosphorus (P) depletion per cell remained fairly constant, but when normalized per surface area (Si) or per cell volume (P), depletion increased. In contrast, nitrogen (N) depletion per cell decreased significantly together with the decrease in growth rates but was constant when normalized per cell volume. The different response in Si, P, and N depletion resulted in changes in the nutrient‐depletion ratios, most notably in the Si:N ratio, which significantly increased, and in the N:P ratio, which significantly decreased with decreasing growth rates. It is concluded that under iron limitation, variation in cell size and/or nutrient depletion ultimately can cause changes in oceanic biogeochemical nutrient cycles. It enables the use of cell size of F. kerguelensis as a paleo‐oceanographic proxy.  相似文献   

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