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The global extended Kalman filtering (EKF) algorithm for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is plagued by the drawback of high computational cost and storage requirement. In this paper, we present a local EKF training-pruning approach that can solve this problem. In particular, the by-products, obtained along with the local EKF training, can be utilized to measure the importance of the network weights. Comparing with the original global approach, the proposed local approach results in much lower computational cost and storage requirement. Hence, it is more practical in solving real world problems. Simulation showed that our approach is an effective joint-training-pruning method for RNNs under online operation.  相似文献   

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are widely used in computational neuroscience and machine learning applications. In an RNN, each neuron computes its output as a nonlinear function of its integrated input. While the importance of RNNs, especially as models of brain processing, is undisputed, it is also widely acknowledged that the computations in standard RNN models may be an over-simplification of what real neuronal networks compute. Here, we suggest that the RNN approach may be made computationally more powerful by its fusion with Bayesian inference techniques for nonlinear dynamical systems. In this scheme, we use an RNN as a generative model of dynamic input caused by the environment, e.g. of speech or kinematics. Given this generative RNN model, we derive Bayesian update equations that can decode its output. Critically, these updates define a 'recognizing RNN' (rRNN), in which neurons compute and exchange prediction and prediction error messages. The rRNN has several desirable features that a conventional RNN does not have, e.g. fast decoding of dynamic stimuli and robustness to initial conditions and noise. Furthermore, it implements a predictive coding scheme for dynamic inputs. We suggest that the Bayesian inversion of RNNs may be useful both as a model of brain function and as a machine learning tool. We illustrate the use of the rRNN by an application to the online decoding (i.e. recognition) of human kinematics.  相似文献   

We provide a decidable hierarchical classification of first-order recurrent neural networks made up of McCulloch and Pitts cells. This classification is achieved by proving an equivalence result between such neural networks and deterministic Büuchi automata, and then translating the Wadge classification theory from the abstract machine to the neural network context. The obtained hierarchy of neural networks is proved to have width 2 and height omega + 1, and a decidability procedure of this hierarchy is provided. Notably, this classification is shown to be intimately related to the attractive properties of the considered networks.  相似文献   

The complex-valued backpropagation algorithm has been widely used in fields of dealing with telecommunications, speech recognition and image processing with Fourier transformation. However, the local minima problem usually occurs in the process of learning. To solve this problem and to speed up the learning process, we propose a modified error function by adding a term to the conventional error function, which is corresponding to the hidden layer error. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is capable of preventing the learning from sticking into the local minima and of speeding up the learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to speed up the operation of time delay neural networks. The entire data are collected together in a long vector and then tested as a one input pattern. The proposed fast time delay neural networks (FTDNNs) use cross correlation in the frequency domain between the tested data and the input weights of neural networks. It is proved mathematically and practically that the number of computation steps required for the presented time delay neural networks is less than that needed by conventional time delay neural networks (CTDNNs). Simulation results using MATLAB confirm the theoretical computations.  相似文献   

Protein secondary structure (PSS) prediction is an important topic in bioinformatics. Our study on a large set of non-homologous proteins shows that long-range interactions commonly exist and negatively affect PSS prediction. Besides, we also reveal strong correlations between secondary structure (SS) elements. In order to take into account the long-range interactions and SS-SS correlations, we propose a novel prediction system based on cascaded bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN). We compare the cascaded BRNN against another two BRNN architectures, namely the original BRNN architecture used for speech recognition as well as Pollastri's BRNN that was proposed for PSS prediction. Our cascaded BRNN achieves an overall three state accuracy Q3 of 74.38\%, and reaches a high Segment OVerlap (SOV) of 66.0455. It outperforms the original BRNN and Pollastri's BRNN in both Q3 and SOV. Specifically, it improves the SOV score by 4-6%.  相似文献   

Selection of machine learning techniques requires a certain sensitivity to the requirements of the problem. In particular, the problem can be made more tractable by deliberately using algorithms that are biased toward solutions of the requisite kind. In this paper, we argue that recurrent neural networks have a natural bias toward a problem domain of which biological sequence analysis tasks are a subset. We use experiments with synthetic data to illustrate this bias. We then demonstrate that this bias can be exploitable using a data set of protein sequences containing several classes of subcellular localization targeting peptides. The results show that, compared with feed forward, recurrent neural networks will generally perform better on sequence analysis tasks. Furthermore, as the patterns within the sequence become more ambiguous, the choice of specific recurrent architecture becomes more critical.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel efficient learning algorithm towards self-generating fuzzy neural network (SGFNN) is proposed based on ellipsoidal basis function (EBF) and is functionally equivalent to a Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy system. The proposed algorithm is simple and efficient and is able to generate a fuzzy neural network with high accuracy and compact structure. The structure learning algorithm of the proposed SGFNN combines criteria of fuzzy-rule generation with a pruning technology. The Kalman filter (KF) algorithm is used to adjust the consequent parameters of the SGFNN. The SGFNN is employed in a wide range of applications ranging from function approximation and nonlinear system identification to chaotic time-series prediction problem and real-world fuel consumption prediction problem. Simulation results and comparative studies with other algorithms demonstrate that a more compact architecture with high performance can be obtained by the proposed algorithm. In particular, this paper presents an adaptive modeling and control scheme for drug delivery system based on the proposed SGFNN. Simulation study demonstrates the ability of the proposed approach for estimating the drug's effect and regulating blood pressure at a prescribed level.  相似文献   

MacNeil D  Eliasmith C 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e22885
A central criticism of standard theoretical approaches to constructing stable, recurrent model networks is that the synaptic connection weights need to be finely-tuned. This criticism is severe because proposed rules for learning these weights have been shown to have various limitations to their biological plausibility. Hence it is unlikely that such rules are used to continuously fine-tune the network in vivo. We describe a learning rule that is able to tune synaptic weights in a biologically plausible manner. We demonstrate and test this rule in the context of the oculomotor integrator, showing that only known neural signals are needed to tune the weights. We demonstrate that the rule appropriately accounts for a wide variety of experimental results, and is robust under several kinds of perturbation. Furthermore, we show that the rule is able to achieve stability as good as or better than that provided by the linearly optimal weights often used in recurrent models of the integrator. Finally, we discuss how this rule can be generalized to tune a wide variety of recurrent attractor networks, such as those found in head direction and path integration systems, suggesting that it may be used to tune a wide variety of stable neural systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of stability analysis for recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays and polytopic uncertainties. Parameter-dependent Lypaunov functionals are employed to obtain sufficient conditions that guarantee the robust global exponential stability of the equilibrium point of the considered neural network. The derived stability criteria are expressed in terms of a set of relaxed linear matrix inequalities, which can be easily tested by using commercially available software. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

 Taking a global analogy with the structure of perceptual biological systems, we present a system composed of two layers of real-valued sigmoidal neurons. The primary layer receives stimulating spatiotemporal signals, and the secondary layer is a fully connected random recurrent network. This secondary layer spontaneously displays complex chaotic dynamics. All connections have a constant time delay. We use for our experiments a Hebbian (covariance) learning rule. This rule slowly modifies the weights under the influence of a periodic stimulus. The effect of learning is twofold: (i) it simplifies the secondary-layer dynamics, which eventually stabilizes to a periodic orbit; and (ii) it connects the secondary layer to the primary layer, and realizes a feedback from the secondary to the primary layer. This feedback signal is added to the incoming signal, and matches it (i.e., the secondary layer performs a one-step prediction of the forthcoming stimulus). After learning, a resonant behavior can be observed: the system resonates with familiar stimuli, which activates a feedback signal. In particular, this resonance allows the recognition and retrieval of partial signals, and dynamic maintenence of the memory of past stimuli. This resonance is highly sensitive to the temporal relationships and to the periodicity of the presented stimuli. When we present stimuli which do not match in time or space, the feedback remains silent. The number of different stimuli for which resonant behavior can be learned is analyzed. As with Hopfield networks, the capacity is proportional to the size of the second, recurrent layer. Moreover, the high capacity displayed allows the implementation of our model on real-time systems interacting with their environment. Such an implementation is reported in the case of a simple behavior-based recognition task on a mobile robot. Finally, we present some functional analogies with biological systems in terms of autonomy and dynamic binding, and present some hypotheses on the computational role of feedback connections. Received: 27 April 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 15 January 2002  相似文献   

Robert Malouf 《Morphology》2017,27(4):431-458
In traditional word-and-paradigm models of morphology, an inflectional system is represented via a set of exemplary paradigms. Novel wordforms are produced by analogy with previously encountered forms. This paper describes a recurrent neural network which can use this strategy to learn the paradigms of a morphologically complex language based on incomplete and randomized input. Results are given which show good performance for a range of typologically diverse languages.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new evolutionary technique to train three general neural networks. Based on family competition principles and adaptive rules, the proposed approach integrates decreasing-based mutations and self-adaptive mutations to collaborate with each other. Different mutations act as global and local strategies respectively to balance the trade-off between solution quality and convergence speed. Our algorithm is then applied to three different task domains: Boolean functions, regular language recognition, and artificial ant problems. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm is very competitive with comparable evolutionary algorithms. We also discuss the search power of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

Farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) is a common substrate for a variety of prenyltransferases for synthesizing isoprenoid compounds. In this study, (2E,6E)-8-O-(N-methyl-2-aminobenzoyl)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octandien-1-pyrophosphate (MANT-O-GPP), a fluorescent analog of FPP, was synthesized and demonstrated as a satisfactory substrate for Escherichia coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (UPPS) with a Km of 1.5 μM and a kcat of 1.2 s−1 based on [14C]IPP consumption. Interesting, we found that its emission fluorescence intensity at 420 nm increased remarkably during chain elongation, thereby useful for real-time monitoring kinetics of UPPS to yield a Km of 1.1 μM and a kcat of 1.0 s−1, consistent with those measured using radiolabeled substrate. Using this assay, the IC50 of a known UPPS inhibitor farnesyl thiopyrophosphate (FsPP) was confirmed. Our studies provide a convenient and environmentally friendly alternative for kinetics and inhibition studies on UPPS drug target.  相似文献   

A volume learning algorithm for artificial neural networks was developed to quantitatively describe the three-dimensional structure-activity relationships using as an example N-benzylpiperidine derivatives. The new algorithm combines two types of neural networks, the Kohonen and the feed-forward artificial neural networks, which are used to analyze the input grid data generated by the comparative molecular field approach. Selection of the most informative parameters using the algorithm helped to reveal the most important spatial properties of the molecules, which affect their biological activities. Cluster regions determined using the new algorithm adequately predicted the activity of molecules from a control data set.  相似文献   

Neural population dynamics are often highly coordinated, allowing task-related computations to be understood as neural trajectories through low-dimensional subspaces. How the network connectivity and input structure give rise to such activity can be investigated with the aid of low-rank recurrent neural networks, a recently-developed class of computational models which offer a rich theoretical framework linking the underlying connectivity structure to emergent low-dimensional dynamics. This framework has so far relied on the assumption of all-to-all connectivity, yet cortical networks are known to be highly sparse. Here we investigate the dynamics of low-rank recurrent networks in which the connections are randomly sparsified, which makes the network connectivity formally full-rank. We first analyse the impact of sparsity on the eigenvalue spectrum of low-rank connectivity matrices, and use this to examine the implications for the dynamics. We find that in the presence of sparsity, the eigenspectra in the complex plane consist of a continuous bulk and isolated outliers, a form analogous to the eigenspectra of connectivity matrices composed of a low-rank and a full-rank random component. This analogy allows us to characterise distinct dynamical regimes of the sparsified low-rank network as a function of key network parameters. Altogether, we find that the low-dimensional dynamics induced by low-rank connectivity structure are preserved even at high levels of sparsity, and can therefore support rich and robust computations even in networks sparsified to a biologically-realistic extent.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of robust exponential stability for a class of recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays and parameter uncertainties. The time delays are not necessarily differentiable and the uncertainties are assumed to be time-varying but norm-bounded. Sufficient conditions, which guarantee that the concerned uncertain delayed neural network is robustly, globally, exponentially stable for all admissible parameter uncertainties, are obtained under a weak assumption on the neuron activation functions. These conditions are dependent on the size of the time delay and expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and less conservatism of the proposed stability results.  相似文献   

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