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Social groups of acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) range in size from unaided pairs to 15 adults. Behavioural indicators of mate guarding, assumed incest avoidance and observations of egg-laying indicate that social organization ranges from monogamous pairs to groups with up to seven male and three female putative cobreeders plus up to 10 nonbreeding helpers. In addition, groups occasionally lack a putative breeder throughout the breeding season. Here we report results from multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 372 nestlings from 123 nests in groups with putative cobreeders of one or both sexes. No extra-group fertilizations were found. Putative cobreeding males within social groups shared paternity. However, the most reproductively successful male was, on average, almost three times as successful as the next most successful and additional males only occasionally sired offspring. In contrast, cobreeding females shared parentage equally. Helpers never bred incestuously when their opposite-sex parent (or another relative, such as their uncle) held breeding status in the group. However, during breeding male vacancies, 14 nestlings were produced when helper males bred incestuously with their mother. Both male and female helpers usually became successful cobreeders with their same-sex parent following replacement of the opposite-sex breeder(s) by unrelated individuals. 相似文献
Extrapair paternity, inclusive fitness, and within-group benefits of helping in western bluebirds 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
In central coastal California, USA, 3–16% of western bluebird ( Sialia mexicana ) pairs have adult male helpers at the nest. Demographic data on a colour-ringed population over a 13-year period indicate that helpers gain a small indirect fitness benefit through increases in the number of young fledged from nests of close kin. A small proportion of adult helpers (16%) that were able to breed and help simultaneously had higher annual inclusive fitness than males that only bred. These males comprised such a minor proportion of helpers that the mean fitness of helpers was still lower than the mean fitness of independent breeders. We used DNA fingerprinting to determine whether extrapair fertilizations alter within-group benefits enough to tip the balance in favour of helping behaviour. Overall, 19% of 207 offspring were sired by males other than their social father and extrapair fertilizations occurred in 45% of 51 nests. Intraspecific brood parasitism was rare so that mean mother-nestling relatedness approximated the expected value of 0.5. Extrapair paternity reduced putative father-offspring relatedness to 0.38. Mean helper-nestling relatedness was 0.41 for helpers assisting one or both parents and 0.28 for helpers aiding their brothers. Helpers rarely sired offspring in the nests at which they helped. Helping was not conditional on paternity and helpers were not significantly more closely related to offspring in their parents' nests than to offspring in their own nests. Although helpers may derive extracurricular benefits if helping increases their own or their father's opportunities for extrapair fertilizations, within-nest inclusive fitness benefits of helping do not compensate males for failing to breed. Breeding failure and constraints on breeding are the most likely explanations for why most helpers help. 相似文献
In this study, DNA fingerprints from 32 unrelated domestic pigs were analysed and screened for breed-specificity. Three breed groups were analysed: Chinese Meishan, Large White and a collection of other European breeds. Ninety-three distinct and variable bands were used to estimate genetic distances between the animals. Between the groups these individual genetic distances substantially exceeded those within a group. Linear discriminant analysis showed that the 23 most common DNA fragments revealed sufficient breed-specificity as to assign each pig correctly to its breed or breed group. These findings, although based on a small sample, indicate that selective use of minisatellite variation in pigs appears to be a valuable novel approach toward the development of breed DNA profiles and the resolution of breed relationships. 相似文献
Bacterial plasmids with stringently regulated copy numbers have directly repeated DNA sequences, termed iterons, in the vicinity of their replication origins. These sequences bind a specific protein exerting a key role in the initiation of plasmid replication. Plasmids P1, pSC101 and RFS1010 have different iteron sequences and belong to three different incompatibility groups. Used as DNA probes each of these plasmids generates specific patterns in mammals similar to those obtained by the DNA fingerprinting technique. The iteron-containing regions were identified as the part of the plasmids responsible for those patterns by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified DNA segments that contained the iteron regions as probes. 相似文献
Marieke Lettink Ian G. Jamieson Craig D. Millar David M. Lambert 《Conservation Genetics》2002,3(4):427-434
The takahe (Porphyrio hochstetteri) is ahighly endangered flightless rail that isendemic to New Zealand. Only one remnantpopulation of takahe (120 adults) is left inthe wild in Fiordland, which has been thesource for introductions to four predator-freeislands. The objective of the present studywas to determine the mating system andamount of genetic variation in takahe usingmultilocus DNA profiling, in order to assist inthe management of the island populations. There was no evidence of extra-pair paternityfor the 27 (73%, n = 37) offspring towhich paternity could be resolved. Thepaternity of the remaining 10 offspring couldnot be resolved due to low levels ofminisatellite DNA variation, but in none wasthe resident male excluded. Overall, the DNAresults along with behavioral and life historyinformation indicate that extra-pairfertilizations should be rare or absent, andtakahe join a small but growing list oflong-lived species of birds that have beenshown to exhibit genetic monogamy. Inaddition, the levels of minisatellite DNAvariation detected in takahe are low relativeto those reported for most other known outbredavian populations, and are consistent with theevidence of the takahe's persistence as asmall, isolated population in Fiordland over atleast the last 100 years. The low geneticvariation is discussed in relation to possibleevidence of environment depended inbreedingdepression in translocated island populationsof takahe. 相似文献
We report here the isolation in the house sparrow Passer domesticus of a highly variable minisatellite locus. When used as a probe at high stringency, this minisatellite crosshybridizes to a specific and variable locus in many different species in the family Passeridae. Moreover, it also detects a variable locus in species belonging to several other families of passerines which suggests that this probe will be useful in at least one–third, and perhaps about one–half, of all bird species. 相似文献
Decker Mark D.; Parker Patricia G.; Minchella Dennis J.; Rabenold Kerry N. 《Behavioral ecology》1993,4(1):29-35
Recent research has indicated that avian mating systems maycommonly deviate from monogamy due to extrapair fertilizations(EPFs). Because the majority of avian species have long beenconsidered monogamous, accurate measurement of the frequencyof EPFs in a variety of species is important to enhance understandingof the evolution of avian mating systems. We used DNA fingerprintingto investigate the apparently monogamous mating system of blackvultures (Coragyps airaius) by assaying parentage within severalnuclear families. Monogamy is suggested in black vultures becausemated pairs exhibit long-term pair bonding and year-round association,and share incubation and nestling feeding duties equally. Thirtytwobreeders and 36 nestlings representing 16 complete nuclear familieswere tagged for individual identification and sampled for DNAanalysis using 2 restriction enzymes and 3 probes for hypervariableregions. Putative parents were assigned parentage in all cases.We empirically examined the probability of detecting EPFs bycomparing nestlings' fingerprints to those of a putative parentand another randomly chosen adult. All putative parents couldbe assigned with 95%confidence and all outside adults couldbe similarly excluded. There is therefore no evidence for successfulEPFs in this population, indicating a mating system that doesnot deviate from strict monogamy. The complex social behaviorof black vultures may eliminate the opportunity for EPFs dueto the prohibition of copulations in the presence of relatives. 相似文献
Peter Nonacs 《Ecology and evolution》2019,9(18):10163-10175
A multitude of factors may determine reproductive skew among cooperative breeders. One explanation, derived from inclusive fitness theory, is that groups can partition reproduction such that subordinates do at least as well as noncooperative solitary individuals. The majority of recent data, however, fails to support this prediction; possibly because inclusive fitness models cannot easily incorporate multiple factors simultaneously to predict skew. Notable omissions are antagonistic selection (across generations, genes will be in both dominant and subordinate bodies), constraints on the number of sites suitable for successful reproduction, choice in which group an individual might join, and within‐group control or suppression of competition. All of these factors and more are explored through agent‐based evolutionary simulations. The results suggest the primary drivers for the initial evolution of cooperative breeding may be a combination of limited suitable sites, choice across those sites, and parental manipulation of offspring into helping roles. Antagonistic selection may be important when subordinates are more frequent than dominants. Kinship matters, but its main effect may be in offspring being available for manipulation while unrelated individuals are not. The greater flexibility of evolutionary simulations allows the incorporation of species‐specific life histories and ecological constraints to better predict sociobiology. 相似文献
More than 90% of birds are socially monogamous, although genetic studies indicate that many are often not sexually monogamous. In the present study, DNA fingerprinting was used to estimate the genetic relationships between nestlings belonging to the same broods to evaluate the mating system in the socially monogamous macaw, Ara ararauna. We found that in 10 of 11 broods investigated, the nestlings showed genetic similarity levels congruent with values expected among full-sibs, suggesting that they shared the same parents. However, in one brood, the low genetic similarity observed between nestlings could be a result of intraspecific brood parasitism, intraspecific nest competition or extra-pair paternity. These results, along with available behavioral and life-history data, imply that the blue-and-yellow macaw is not only socially, but also genetically monogamous. However, the occurrence of eventual cases of extra-pair paternity cannot be excluded. 相似文献
Hilary C. Miller David M. Lambert Craig D. Millar Bruce C. Robertson Edward O. Minot 《Conservation Genetics》2003,4(3):265-274
An important goal of the conservationmanagement program of the critically endangeredground parrot, the New Zealand kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) is the determination ofparentage and levels of genetic diversitywithin the remaining population. Our previousmicrosatellite DNA studies have shown that allindividuals of this species except one arehomozygous at seven loci examined. Incontrast, we now show that a minisatellite DNAanalysis of kakapo provides sufficientvariation to conduct paternity analyses anddetect heterogeneity within the 86 livingkakapo. The sole remaining Fiordland kakapo,Richard Henry, is shown to be geneticallydivergent from individuals originating from theonly other remaining population on StewartIsland, suggesting that two lineages of kakapoare present in the extant population. This hasparticular significance for the conservationmanagement goal of maintenance of the maximumgenetic diversity in the species as a whole. The example of the kakapo illustrates thatminisatellite DNA markers can be useful incases where microsatellite DNA fails to showsufficient variation. 相似文献
Summary Previous studies have shown that extra-pair fertilizations are much less frequent in Non-Passeriformes, especially in raptors, than in Passeriformes. Low breeding densities, high breeding synchrony and high rates of paternal effort have been discussed as possible causes of these low extra-pair fertilization rates. Using DNA fingerprinting, we studied the mating system of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in a population of relatively high breeding density and comparatively low breeding synchrony. We found no cases of extra-pair fertilization among 53 nestlings of 16 breeding pairs. We conclude that paternal effort is probably the most important factor in preventing extra-pair fertilizations in Little Owls.
Genetische Vaterschaftsanalysen bei Steinkäuzen (Athene noctua): Beeinflußt der hohe elterliche Aufwand der Männchen das Auftreten von Vaterschaften außerhalb des Paarbundes?
Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Befruchtungen außerhalb des Paarbundes bei Nicht-Singvogelarten wesentlich seltener vorkommen als bei Singvögeln. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Greifvögel. Als Ursache für das seltene Auftreten von Befruchtungen außerhalb des Paarbundes in dieser Gruppe werden niedrige Brutpaardichten, eine hohe Brutsynchronisation und ein hoher elterlicher Aufwand auf Seiten der Männchen diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Studie haben wir das Paarungssystem des Steinkauzes (Athene noctua) in einer Population im Kreis Viersen (Niederrhein) mit Hilfe des DNA-Fingerprinting untersucht. Diese Population wies eine relativ hohe Brutpaardichte und eine vergleichsweise niedrige Brutsynchronisation auf. Bei der Analyse von 16 Bruten, die insgesamt 53 Nestlinge enthielten, konnte kein einziger Fall einer Befruchtung außerhalb des Paarbundes nachgewiesen werden. Dies führt uns zu dem Schluss, dass der wichtigste Faktor für die genetische Monogamie — zumindest beim Steinkauz — das hohe Maß des väterlichen Aufwandes bei der Brutversorgung ist.相似文献
Animals are the principal vectors of dispersal for a large number of plant species. Unfortunately it is not easy to discern their movement patterns or the fate of their dispersed seeds. Many animals transport seeds by consuming them and then, some time later, defecating them. Others gather seeds and then store them for later consumption. Both circumstances lead to a set of seeds that have been dispersed in a clumped pattern, which offers a unique opportunity to assess seed movements. We introduce a novel approach that uses maternally inherited seed tissue to quantify the genetic structure of dispersed seed pools. This direct approach measures the genetic variability within and among seed pools, and estimates the scale of seed movement, without requiring a highly polymorphic battery of markers or the location and genotypes of all possible seed parents. We demonstrate this approach with the specific case of seed transport of valley oak (Quercus lobata) acorns by acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus). These territorial birds store acorns in drilled holes in the bark of trees, called granaries. We sampled stored acorns from different granaries, extracted DNA from the maternally inherited pericarp, and then assessed individuals for three microsatellite markers. We found extremely high genetic structure among granaries, a low number of effective seed donors per granary, and restricted seed movement. A maternity analysis performed on the same sample with seven microsatellites confirms acorn transport is limited to approximately 100-m radius. Our findings provide insight into the foraging and seed-dispersal behaviour of acorn woodpeckers, with an approach that can be widely extended to other systems. 相似文献
Leggett HC El Mouden C Wild G West S 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2012,279(1732):1405-1411
Empirical data suggest that low levels of promiscuity have played a key role in the evolution of cooperative breeding and eusociality. However, from a theoretical perspective, low levels of promiscuity can favour dispersal away from the natal patch, and have been argued to select against cooperation in a way that cannot be explained by inclusive fitness theory. Here, we use an inclusive fitness approach to model selection to stay and help in a simple patch-structured population, with strict density dependence, where helping increases the survival of the breeder on the patch. Our model predicts that the level of promiscuity has either no influence or a slightly positive influence on selection for helping. This prediction is driven by the fact that, in our model, staying to help leads to increased competition between relatives for the breeding position-when promiscuity is low (and relatedness is high), the best way to aid relatives is by dispersing to avoid competing with them. Furthermore, we found the same results with an individual-based simulation, showing that this is not an area where inclusive fitness theory 'gets it wrong'. We suggest that our predicted influence of promiscuity is sensitive to biological assumptions, and that if a possibly more biologically relevant scenario were examined, where helping provided fecundity benefits and there was not strict density dependence, then low levels of promiscuity would favour helping, as has been observed empirically. 相似文献
Corey R. Freeman-Gallant 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1996,50(4):1631-1637
Surveys of genetic population structure are often limited to large geographic scales because geographically close populations are indistinguishable. Genetic uniformity across adjacent demes can be interpreted as evidence for cohesion (panmixia) or recent divergence. However, poor genetic resolution at microgeographic scales can also arise from the use of overly conservative (slowly evolving) markers. This study examines the ability of hypervariable, minisatellite loci to discriminate among geographically close populations of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) and to track morphological differentiation at a microgeographic scale (interregional distance < 55 km). Savannah sparrows breeding at five island and two mainland sites in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada, show concordant patterns of variation in external morphology (seven characters) and multilocus DNA fingerprinting profiles (Sxy): island sparrows are phenotypically larger and genetically more similar to each other than they are to mainland sparrows. This pattern of variation is consistent with both adaptive (natural selection) and nonadaptive (genetic drift) mechanisms of population divergence. Based on minisatellite diversity, the effective size of both island and mainland populations is 37, an estimate substantially lower than census population sizes. These data are discordant with observations of sparrow vagility and abundance and suggest a closer examination of microgeographic patterns in avian systems. 相似文献
We estimated the rate of extra‐pair fertilizations (EPFs) in waved albatrosses (Phoebastria irrorata) on Isla Española, Galápagos, Ecuador, using multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting. Waved albatrosses are socially monogamous, long‐lived seabirds whose main population is on Española. Aggressive extra‐pair copulation (EPC) attempts have been observed in the breeding colony during the days preceding egg‐laying. Our genetic analyses of 16 families (single chicks and their attending parents) revealed evidence of EPFs in four families. In all cases males were the excluded parent. These data suggest that waved albatrosses have an unusually high rate of EPF relative to taxa with similar life histories. Future behavioural observations will determine the extent to which forced vs. unforced EPCs contribute to this high EPF rate. 相似文献
Evolution of polyandry in a communal breeding system 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The evolution of polyandry requires an asymmetrical factor thatfavors more matings per breeding female than per breeding male,thus reversing Bateman's principle. Here a model is presentedfor the evolution of avian cooperative polyandry. The modelshows that polyandry can evolve if communal breeding is initiallyadvantageous and if increasing clutch size beyond an optimumis detrimental. The advantage of communal breeding favors theaddition of more breeders (either males or females) and thusselects against breeding as single pairs (monogamy). The optimaldutch size creates the asymmetry that favors adding male breeders(polyandry) over adding female breeders (polygyny). Adding femalesis detrimental because females must lay eggs to reproduce andcan therefore increase the clutch size of the group. On theother hand, males can reproduce by sharing paternity withoutincreasing dutch size. It is shown that cooperative polyandryevolves either because it maximizes both male and female fitnessor because polygyny and monogamy are behaviorally unstable.Data from acorn woodpeckers support the assumptions of the modeland suggest that cooperative polyandry evolved because it isbehaviorally more stable. The persistence of monogamy and polygynyin acorn woodpeckers (at a lower incidence than polyandry) isalso examined. Polygyny in these birds represents a case ofthe Prisoner's Dilemma 相似文献
We report the isolation of a set of hypervariable minisatellite DNA sequences from a blue tit Parus caeruleus genomic DNA library. In our strategy, we cloned a minisatellite-rich DNA fraction into a charomid vector. The resulting cosmid library was screened with the two minisatellite DNA probes 33.6 and 33.15 for recombinants containing a minisatellite DNA insert. A total of 233 positive clones were isolated. Of 37 clones that have been analysed, nine gave polymorphic signals and can be used as single locus probes (SLPs). Four of the SLPs were investigated in more detail. The number of alleles, the heterozygosity and the mutation rate were estimated. Linkage analysis revealed that two of these loci were linked. The SLPs are of value to studies of the mating system and reproductive success in the blue tit, and may also be useful in population genetic studies. 相似文献
Robertson Bruce C.; Degnan Sandie M.; Kikkawa Jiro; Moritz Craig C. 《Behavioral ecology》2001,12(6):666-673
We investigated the genetic mating system of a socially monogamouspasserine bird, the Capricorn silvereye Zosterops lateralischlorocephalus, on an island of the Great Barrier Reef. Therewere no cases of extrapair paternity (EPP) among 122 offspringfrom 53 broods detectable by minisatellite or microsatelliteDNA fingerprinting. Behavioral observations of paired birdsshowed that this was not a consequence of efficacious paternityguards and that females did not engage in extrapair copulation(EPC). Frequency of intrapair copulations was also low, withonly 14 cases observed during 199 hours of observations ofthe 11 focal pairs in the fertile periods of females, and thiswas consistent with anatomical features of the cloacal protuberancein males. In this population, young birds form life-time pairbonds soon after gaining independence but females are obviouslynot attempting EPC possibly to redress this early mate choice.This is despite the fact that they breed in high density witha synchronous start and asynchronous spread of laying in aprotracted season and males do not positively exhibit mateguarding behavior when females are fertile. Our results supporthigh fidelity of socially monogamous birds on islands and areconsistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection is reducedwhere genetic variation in fitness is limited. 相似文献
RICHARD S. KING KATHERINE E. BRASHEAR MANDIN REIMAN 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(1):30-35
Abstract: The red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) is a widespread, adaptable species that continues to decline across North America. We examined stand, nest-tree, and cavity characteristics of red-headed woodpeckers in restored savannas within the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, Wisconsin, USA, during 2002 and 2003. Based on availability, red-headed woodpeckers selected snags and trees with greater dead limb length. Red-headed woodpeckers nested in areas with greater basal area, cavity density, snag density, limb-tree density, and total dead limb length. Red-headed woodpeckers exhibited a decadent-tree threshold that was most accurately measured by the number of trees with dead limbs around (0.04 ha) nests. We found that the probability of a red-headed woodpecker nest being present greatly increased above the decadent-tree threshold. Woodland managers throughout the red-headed woodpecker's extensive breeding range can use our results and recommendations to guide decadent-tree retention for this species. 相似文献