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The diphyllobothriidean cestode Schistocephalus solidus typically infects threespine sticklebacks that are too small to allow the parasite to reach a mature size. As a result, the parasite must allow further growth of its host to reach the size at which it becomes competent to infect and reproduce in the definitive host. At times, however, intensity of infection can be high, leading to crowding among parasites and to heavy burdens causing mortality among hosts. Our data show that, during a previously observed epizootic, large percentages of plerocercoids (average 75% per host, 82% among all parasites pooled) did not grow to become massive enough in 1-yr-old threespine sticklebacks to be capable of establishment and maturation in the definitive host. Massive deaths of 1-yr-old sticklebacks due to infection during the epizootic resulted in the great misfortune of a disaster for a large number of parasites, resulting in dramatically reduced transmission of S. solidus.  相似文献   

In organisms with complex life cycles, fitness often increases with body size at the transition from larva to adult. The translation of larval size into fitness, however, can depend on the source of size variation, with size, per se, not always increasing adult success. In parasitic worms, many factors influence larval growth, but little is known about the consequences of this growth variation. We examined how the size of the tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus in its copepod first intermediate host affects infection success and growth in the stickleback second host. Moreover, we assessed whether the conspicuous growth variation caused by copepod size is fitness‐relevant. Using larvae of the same age, we found that larger worms had a substantially higher infection probability and they tended to still be slightly larger after several months of growth in fish. However, big larvae from bigger copepods did not have higher fitness, suggesting that being large relative to the host, but not necessarily large in general, is important. These findings clarify some aspects of the life history strategy of S. solidus (e.g. why there is a flat ontogenetic reaction norm across copepod stages), but also raise questions (e.g. why growth costs have been hard to document). More generally, our results indicate that larval size can correlate with fitness in helminths, but that not all size variation is predictive of success in the next host.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. We review the available measurements of assimilation efficiency in birds and find a strong dependence upon food ingested, regardless of bird taxa.
  • 2.2. Assimilation efficiency in birds is about 75% for most food types, except plants (36.9%) and fruits (41%).

A review is presented of what we know and what we suspect regarding the formation of coronary arteriosclerotic lesions in salmonids. Coronary lesions are a fact of life for both Atlantic and Pacific species of migrating salmon. Severe forms of lesions, usually restricted to the main coronary artery, are typically found in the majority of a salmon population when they are spawning. Vascular injury to the coronary artery, as a result of the bulbus arteriosus being excessively distended, is proposed as an initiating mechanism for coronary lesion formation, possibly explaining why severe lesions are restricted primarily to the main coronary artery. Evidence is presented that coronary arteriosclerosis in salmonids develops in immature fish, well before maturation, and progresses with age. Growth and growth rate are implicated in lesion progression. A faster growth rate could produce a more stressful life style, which in turn initiates more coronary vascular injury. Dietary factors, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (and their metabolites), can significantly stimulate vascular smooth muscle proliferation in the salmon coronary artery, but a possible linkage to the progression of coronary lesions has yet to be studied. Whether coronary lesions negatively impact blood flow to the salmon heart has not been properly studied. Nevertheless, the coronary blood supply to the heart has functional importance when salmon exercise and the coronary flow reserve may be reached when fish swim under mild hypoxic conditions. If coronary arterial lesions do adversely affect blood flow to the heart, the selective effects would be most prominent in years when upstream migration conditions are particularly severe.  相似文献   

Although the agricultural use of genetically engineered (GE) plants has been employed extensively, its adoption is still controversial and its impact on arthropods has rarely been scrutinized at the community level. If this technology is aimed at a drastic reduction of a key community component, significant community-level impact is expected and needs to be assessed. Thus, food web analysis was used to assess the short-term impact of genetically modified maize plants, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), expressing insecticidal proteins of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (i.e., Bt maize), on the associated arthropod assemblage in a neotropical scenario. Arthropods associated with winter and summer cultivations with Bt and non-Bt (isoline) maize were thus sampled using sweep nets and whole-plant collections throughout the plant phenological cycle. The collected information was used to build a plant-consumer-predator trivariate network based on data of individual arthropod body mass, numerical abundance, and biomass abundance using food web analysis. Eighty-five arthropod species were sampled, and whereas cultivation season significantly affected arthropod species richness and abundance, only marginal differences existed between maize hybrids (Bt vs. non-Bt). The recognized food webs also indicated significant differences between seasons. In contrast, Bt-maize-hosted food webs were similar to those of the non-Bt isoline indicating no significant impact on arthropod food webs. Nonetheless, Bt maize did not provide significant control of the target pest species, the fall armyworm, nor did it lead to higher crop yield, raising questions about its current usefulness in the region.  相似文献   

A central paradigm in invasion biology is that more releases of higher numbers of individuals increase the likelihood that an exotic population successfully establishes and persists. Recently, however, it has been suggested that, in cases where the data are sourced from historical records of purposefully released species, the direction of causality is reversed, and that initial success leads to higher numbers being released. Here, we explore the implications of this alternative hypothesis, and derive six a priori predictions from it. We test these predictions using data on Acclimatization Society introductions of passerine bird species to New Zealand, which have previously been used to support both hypotheses for the direction of causality. All our predictions are falsified. This study reaffirms that the conventional paradigm in invasion biology is indeed the correct one for New Zealand passerine bird introductions, for which numbers released determine establishment success. Our predictions are not restricted to this fauna, however, and we keenly anticipate their application to other suitable datasets.  相似文献   

Leech neurons, like those of other invertebrates and those of vertebrates, undergo specific interactions during development which serve to define their adult morphologies and synaptic connections. We review here several observations and experiments that illustrate these interactions. In particular, we consider how they shape and constrain peripheral arborizations and whether the evidence favors competition or inhibition as their mode of action.  相似文献   

Leech neurons, like those of other invertebrates and those of vertebrates, undergo specific interactions during development which serve to define their adult morphologies and synaptic connections. We review here several observations and experiments that illustrate these interactions. In particular, we consider how they shape and constrain peripheral arborizations and whether the evidence favors competition or inhibition as their mode of action.  相似文献   

Voigt  Hanno  Hülsmann  Stephan 《Hydrobiologia》2001,449(1-3):253-259
Ovaries from mature giant red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea were investigated histochemically and ultrastructurally. Four growing stages of the oocytes were distinguished: premeiosis stage, previtellogenetic stage, early vitellogenic stage and late vitellogenic stage. In addition, occasional resorptive oocytes were found. Oogonia and premeiotic oocytes were found in germinative zones. Previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes were localized in maturative zones. As vitellogenesis proceeded, oocytes showed a progressive development in the number of lipid droplets as well as in the extension of RER, constituted of dilated cisternae, uniformely scattered throughout the cytoplasm. The RER produced yolk granules and a lampbrush-like substance. The latter was released under the oolemma and constituted a characteristic cortical zone. The oolemma did not develop microvilli or micropinocytotic vesicles to incorporate yolk precursors. Thus, the protein yolk appeared to be of endogenous origin. Few somatic cells were found around the oocytes, but they never gave place to a continuous epithelial layer around oocytes, thus it is not possible to speak of ovarian follicle. The cytoplasm of these mesodermal-oocyte associated cells (MOAC) was characterized by a typical steroidogenic apparatus. Few resorptive immature oocytes were found inside late vitellogenic oocytes. Since the ovaries were packed with late vitellogenic oocytes and the few immature oocytes were hardly detectable, oocyte maturation occurred in a synchronous way.  相似文献   

ROBERT E. SIMMONS 《Ibis》1993,135(4):394-402
Increased population density often reduces reproductive output in breeding birds, but the underlying mechanisms (adaptive restraint v reduced food resources) behind decreased productivity are poorly understood. Here I correlatively and experimentally investigated the roles of food, breeding density, latitude, altitude and rainfall in limiting productivity of Wahlberg's Eagles Aquila wahlbergi throughout Africa. Breeding success in equatorial and subtropical Africa (0°–30°S) was highly density-dependent but showed no latitudinal or rainfall-related trends. Pairs in dense populations produced half as many young annually as pairs in low-density populations. Density (but not rainfall or latitude) also explained much of the geographic variation in the mean proportion of pairs attempting to breed each year and the incidence of two-egg clutches.
Breeding within populations was consistent with these density-dependent trends: incidence of two-egg clutches increased in a declining population, and productivity was inversely related to breeding density and rainfall combined. To determine if reduced food resources accounted for reduced output in dense populations, eight pairs were food supplemented: supplementary food failed to induce nonbreeding pairs to breed: nor did it induce earlier laying or increase egg size or clutch-size. Population density itself was unrelated to two correlates of food resources, rainfall and latitude. I conclude that population density influences most aspects of breeding in Wahlberg's Eagles, and reduced food resources do not appear to explain these trends. Hence, adaptive restraint may account for decreased annual reproduction in this species.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a research which analyzed the reporting on genetically modified crops and food in the Hungarian tabloids and political papers with the highest circulation from 1 May 2007 to 31 October 2009. Both quantitative and qualitative media analysis was conducted. It was found that in contrast to some Western countries the issue had low salience in the investigated period; it featured especially marginally in the tabloids. Two distinct valenced frames could be differentiated: a dominant ANTI-GM (Threat) frame – which was particularly frequent compared to what has been found for some other countries, and a minority PRO-GM (Advancement and Benefits) frame. Despite a range of similarities with what had been reported by previous research from some other countries, argumentation on the GMO topic in the Hungarian press had several distinct characteristics, one of which was the relative prominence of economic arguments against the technology.  相似文献   

In a study of almost 16 000 nest records from seven swallow species across the entire Western Hemisphere, clutch sizes decline with relative laying date in each population, but the slope of this decline grows steeper with increasing distance from the equator. Late‐laying birds at all latitudes lay clutches of similar sizes, suggesting that latitudinal differences may be driven primarily by earlier‐laying birds. Focused comparisons of site‐years in North America with qualitatively different food availability indicate that food supply significantly affects mean clutch size but not the clutch size–lay date regression. Other studies on the seasonality of swallow food also indicate that steeper clutch size–lay date declines in the North are not caused by steeper earlier food peaks there. The distribution of lay dates grows increasingly right‐skewed with increasing latitude. This variation in lay‐date distributions could be due to the predominance of higher quality, early‐laying (and large‐clutched) individuals among populations at higher latitudes, resulting from latitudinal variation in mortality rates and the intensity of sexual selection. Our results underscore the importance of studying clutch size and lay date in tandem and suggest new research into the causes of their joint geographic variation.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic theory postulates that gliding airspeed, a major flight performance component for soaring avian migrants, scales with bird size and wing morphology. We tested this prediction, and the role of gliding altitude and soaring conditions, using atmospheric simulations and radar tracks of 1346 birds from 12 species. Gliding airspeed did not scale with bird size and wing morphology, and unexpectedly converged to a narrow range. To explain this discrepancy, we propose that soaring‐gliding birds adjust their gliding airspeed according to the risk of grounding or switching to costly flapping flight. Introducing the Risk Aversion Flight Index (RAFI, the ratio of actual to theoretical risk‐averse gliding airspeed), we found that inter‐ and intraspecific variation in RAFI positively correlated with wing loading, and negatively correlated with convective thermal conditions and gliding altitude, respectively. We propose that risk‐sensitive behaviour modulates the evolution (morphology) and ecology (response to environmental conditions) of bird soaring flight.  相似文献   

Use of food and habitat of the two sympatric, territorial mugiloidid fishes Parapercis polyophthalma (Cuvier) and P. clathrata Ogilby, which have similar body size and morphology, were examined in the fringing coral reef area at Iriomote Island, one of the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. Both species preyed mainly on decapod crustaceans, and the dietary overlap value was intermediate (0.528). Differences in resource utilization between the two species were conspicuous in habitat rather than in food. ≈60% of the P. polyophthalma population was found on sandy flats of the reef flat zone, while > 90 % of the P. clathrata population occurred at channel areas. In addition to this macrohabitat segregation, both species showed a substantial microhabitat separation at channels where they coexisted with nearly the same densities: P. polyophthalma was numerically dominant on a sandy rubble substratum, whereas P. clathrata was abundant on a rubble substratum. A reciprocal removal experiment demonstrated that this microhabitat separation was an outcome of current competitive interactions between them. P. polyophthalma is an aggressively dominant species and so can predominantly occupy its optimal microhabitat i.e., sandy rubble substratum, at channels, while the subordinate P. clathrata is constrained to shift its microhabitat to a rubble substratum unsuitable for the dominant. Although a density-manipulation experiment for the macrohabitat segregation was not carried out in this study, circumstantial evidence suggested that the segregation is probably attributable to differences in habitat adaptation between the species which need not be the consequence of competition. These results indicate that the structure of the two-species guild may be determined by both competitive and noncompetitive mechanisms.  相似文献   

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