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The bacteriophage phi Cr30, a transducing phage for Caulobacter crescentus strains, required the paracrystalline surface (S) layer for infectivity. Wild-type strains were phage resistant when rsaA, the gene for the 130K S-layer protein, was interrupted with an antibiotic resistance cassette. Strains that had lost the S layer by mutation were phage resistant, as were mutants that produce an S layer but which do not attach the structure to the cell surface. Phage sensitivity was restored to 130K-protein-deficient strains by introducing rsaA on a plasmid. Spontaneous phage-resistant strains produced expected phenotypes as follows (in order of decreasing frequency): S-layer cell attachment defects, no S layer, or an S layer that was wild type in appearance.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli outer membrane protein Tsx functions as a nucleoside-specific channel and serves as the receptor for colicin K and a number of T-even-type bacteriophages, including phage T6. To identify those segments of the Tsx protein that are important for its phage receptor function, we devised a selection and screening procedure which allowed us to isolate phage-resistant strains synthesizing normal amounts of Tsx. Three different Tsx-specific phages (T6, Ox1, and H3) were employed for the selection of phage-resistant derivatives of a strain expressing a tsx(+)-lacZ+ operon fusion, and 28 tsx mutants with impaired phage receptor function were characterized. Regardless of the Tsx-specific phage used for the initial mutant selection, cross-resistance against a set of six different Tsx phages invariably occurred. With one exception, these mutant Tsx proteins could still serve as a colicin K receptor. DNA sequence analysis of 10 mutant tsx genes revealed the presence of four distinct tsx alleles: two point mutations, an 18-bp deletion, and a 27-bp tandem duplication. In three isolates, Asn-249 was replaced by a Lys residue (tsx-504), and in four others, residue Asn-254 was replaced by Lys (tsx-505). The deletion (tsx-506; one isolate) removed six amino acids (residue 239 to residue 244) from the 272-residue Tsx polypeptide chain, and the DNA duplication (tsx-507; two isolates) resulted in the addition of nine extra amino acids (residue 229 to residue 237) to the Tsx protein. In contrast to the wild-type Tsx protein and the other mutant Tsx proteins the Tsx-507 protein was cleaved by trypsin when intact cells were treated with this protease. The Tsx proteins encoded by the four tsx alleles still functioned in deoxyadenosine uptake in vivo, demonstrating that their nucleoside-specific channel activity was not affected by the alterations that caused the loss of their phage receptor function. HTe changes in the Tsx polypeptide that confer resistance against the Tsx-specific phages are clustered in a small region near the carboxy terminus of Tsx. Our results are discussed in terms of a model for the topological organization of the carboxy-terminal end of the Tsx protein within the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Natively unfolded proteins range from molten globules to disordered coils. They are abundant in eukaryotic genomes and commonly involved in molecular interactions. The essential N-terminal translocation domains of colicin toxins from Escherichia coli are disordered bacterial proteins that bind at least one protein of the Tol or Ton family. The colicin N translocation domain (ColN-(1-90)), which binds to the C-terminal domain of TolA (TolA-(296-421)), shows a disordered far-UV CD spectrum, no near-UV CD signal, and non-cooperative thermal unfolding. As expected, TolA-(296-421) displays both secondary structure in far-UV CD and tertiary structure in near-UV CD. Furthermore it shows a cooperative unfolding transition at 65 degrees C. CD spectra of the 1:1 complex show both increased secondary structure and colicin N-specific near-UV CD signals. A new cooperative thermal transition at 35 degrees C is followed by the unchanged unfolding behavior of TolA-(296-421). Fluorescence and surface plasmon resonance confirm that the new unfolding transition accompanies dissociation of ColN-(1-90). Hence upon binding the disordered structure of ColN-(1-90) converts to a cooperatively folded domain without altering the TolA-(296-421) structure.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by overproduction of beta amyloid peptides in the brain with progressive loss of neuronal cells. The 42-aa form of the beta amyloid peptide (Abeta(42)) is implied as a major causative factor, because it is toxic to neurons and elicits inflammatory responses in the brain by activating microglial cells. Despite the overproduction of Abeta(42), AD brain tissue also generates protective factor(s) that may antagonize the neurodestructive effect of Abeta(42). Humanin is a gene cloned from an apparently normal region of an AD brain and encodes a 24-aa peptide. Both secreted and synthetic Humanin peptides protect neuronal cells from damage by Abeta(42), and the effect of Humanin may involve putative cellular receptor(s). To elucidate the molecular identity of such receptor(s), we examined the activity of synthetic Humanin on various cells and found that Humanin induced chemotaxis of mononuclear phagocytes by using a human G protein-coupled formylpeptide receptor-like-1 (FPRL1) and its murine counterpart FPR2. Coincidentally, FPRL1 and FPR2 are also functional receptors used by Abeta(42) to chemoattract and activate phagocytic cells. Humanin reduced the aggregation and fibrillary formation by suppressing the effect of Abeta(42) on mononuclear phagocytes. In neuroblast cells, Humanin and Abeta(42) both activated FPRL1; however, only Abeta(42) caused apoptotic death of the cells, and its cytopathic effect was blocked by Humanin. We conclude that Humanin shares human FPRL1 and mouse FPR2 with Abeta(42) and suggest that Humanin may exert its neuroprotective effects by competitively inhibiting the access of FPRL1 to Abeta(42).  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, tubulin polymerization must be regulated precisely during cell division and differentiation. To identify new mechanisms involved in cellular microtubule formation, we isolated an activity that suppresses microtubule nucleation in vitro. The activity was due to a small acidic polypeptide of 4.7 kDa which we named MINUS (microtubule nucleation suppressor). MINUS inhibited tau- and taxol-mediated microtubule assembly in vitro and was inactivated by dephosphorylation. The protein was purified to homogeneity from cultured neural (PC12) cells and bovine brain. Microinjection of MINUS caused a transient loss of dynamic microtubules in Vero cells. The results suggest that MINUS acts with a novel mechanism on tubulin polymerization, thus regulating microtubule formation in living cells.  相似文献   

C Ronda  R Lpez    E García 《Journal of virology》1981,40(2):551-559
Several pneumococcal phages showing a morphology completely different from those of all other previously found pneumococcal bacteriophages have been isolated. Bacteriophage Cp-1, one of the phages isolated, showed an irregular hexagonal structure and a short tail of 20 nm. The virion density was 1.46 g/cm3. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of nine polypeptides. The polypeptide showing a molecular weight of 39,000 accounted for more than the 90% of the total protein. The nucleic acid of Cp-1 was linear, double-stranded DNA with a mean length of 6.3 microns and a guanine-plus-cytosine content of 41%; its buoyant density was 1.699 and 1.422 g/cm3 in CsCl and CS2SO4, respectively. Its sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) was 19S. Cp-1 DNA showed a remarkable resistance to a large number of restriction endonucleases. A total of 12 fragments, ranging in molecular weight from 1.3 X 10(6) to 0.09 X 10(6), were produced by AluI, two fragments (molecular weight, 5.5 X 10(6) and 0.9 X 10(6)) were generated by HindIII, and two fragments (molecular weight, 6.0 X 10(6) and 5.7 X 10(6)) were produced by HaeIII. The easy visualization of th plaques produced by Cp-1, the small size of Cp-1 DNA (12 X 10(6) daltons), and other biological and physiochemical properties make this phage potentially useful for genetic studies.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (Eci1p), encoded by ECI1, is an essential enzyme for the betaoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. It has been reported, as well as confirmed in this study, to be a peroxisomal protein. Unlike many other peroxisomal proteins, Ecilp possesses both a peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1)-like signal at its carboxy-terminus (-HRL) and a PTS2-like signal at its amino-terminus (RIEGPFFIIHL). We have found that peroxisomal targeting of a fusion protein consisting of Eci1p in front of green fluorescent protein (GFP) is not dependent on Pex7p (the PTS2 receptor), ruling out a PTS2 mechanism, but is dependent on Pex5p (the PTS1 receptor). This Pex5p-dependence was unexpected, since the putative PTS1 of Ecilp is not at the C-terminus of the fusion protein; indeed, deletion of this signal (-HRL-) from the fusion did not affect the Pex5p-dependent targeting. Consistent with this, Pex5p interacted in two-hybrid assays with both Eci1p and Eci1PdeltaHRL. Ecilp-GFP targeting and Eci1pdeltaHRL interaction were abolished by replacement of Pex5p with Pex5p(N495K), a point-mutated Pex5p that specifically abolishes the PTS1 protein import pathway. Thus, Eci1p peroxisomal targeting does require the Pex5p-dependent PTS1 pathway, but does not require a PTS1 of its own. By disruption of ECI1 and DCI1, we found that Dci1p, a peroxisomal PTS1 protein that shares 50% identity with Eci1p, is necessary for Eci1p-GFP targeting. This suggests that the Pex5p-dependent import of Eci1p-GFP is due to interaction and co-import with Dci1p. Despite the dispensability of the C-terminal HRL for import in wild-type cells, we have also shown that this tripeptide can function as a PTS1, albeit rather weakly, and is essential for targeting in the absence of Dci1p. Thus, Eci1p can be targeted to peroxisomes by its own PTS1 or as a hetero-oligomer with Dcilp. These data demonstrate a novel, redundant targeting pathway for Eci1p.  相似文献   

The irreversible binding of bacteriophages to their receptor(s) in the host cell surface triggers release of the naked genome from the virion followed by transit of viral DNA to the host cell cytoplasm. We have purified, for the first time, a receptor from a Gram-positive bacterium that is active to trigger viral DNA ejection in vitro. This extracellular region ("ectodomain") of the Bacillus subtilis protein YueB (YueB780) was a 7 S elongated dimer forming a 36.5-nm-long fiber. YueB780 bound to the tail tip of bacteriophage SPP1. Although a stable receptor-phage interaction occurred between 0 and 37 degrees C, complete blocking of phage DNA release or partial ejection events were observed at temperatures below 15 degrees C. We also showed that the receptor was exposed to the B. subtilis surface. YueB differed structurally from phage receptors from Gram-negative bacteria. Its properties revealed a fiber spanning the full length of the 30-nm-thick peptidoglycan layer. The fiber is predicted to be anchored in the cell membrane through transmembrane segments. These features, highly suitable for a virus receptor in Gram-positive bacteria, are very likely shared by a large number of phage receptors.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the relationship between two recent additions to the murine leukemia virus (MLV) ecotropic subgroup: Mus cervicolor isolate M813 and Mus spicilegus endogenous retrovirus HEMV. Though divergent in sequence, the two viruses share an Env protein with similarly curtailed VRA and VRB regions, and infection by both is restricted to mouse cells. HEMV and M813 displayed reciprocal receptor interference, suggesting that they share a receptor. Expression of the M813 receptor murine sodium-dependent myo-inositol transporter 1 (mSMIT1) allowed previously nonpermissive cells to be infected by HEMV, indicating that mSMIT1 also serves as a receptor for HEMV. Our findings add HEMV as a second member to the MLV subgroup that uses mSMIT1 to gain entry into cells.  相似文献   

The dimerization properties of the ghrelin receptor (GRLN-R) and its non-signalling, naturally occurring, truncated splice variant (GHS-R1b) have been investigated in human embryonic kidney 293 cells heterologously expressing these proteins. Using the techniques of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and co-immunoprecipitation, we detected the formation of GRLN-R homodimers and GRLN-R/GHS-R1b heterodimers, but ghrelin-induced conformational changes were only detected in the GRLN-R homodimers. When the expression of GHS-R1b exceeded that of GRLN-R, there was a decrease in the cell surface expression of GRLN-R with a consequent decrease in constitutive activation of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Furthermore, there was no change in ghrelin affinity, and the efficacy of cell signalling as measured by stimulation of PI-PLC and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 was unchanged. Cellular localization studies suggest that GRLN-R is normally distributed between the plasma membrane and cytosolic fractions, but in the presence of GHS-R1b, GRLN-R is localized to the nucleus. Therefore, we propose that the decrease in GRLN-R constitutive signalling was due to translocation of GRLN-R to the nucleus due to the formation of GRLN-R/GHS-R1b heterodimers. Therefore, GHS-R1b appears to act as a dominant-negative mutant of the full-length GRLN-R.  相似文献   

The vasoactive intestinal polypeptide type-1 (VPAC(1)) receptor is a class II G protein-coupled receptor, distinct from the adrenergic receptor superfamily. The mechanisms involved in the regulation of the VPAC(1) receptor are largely unknown. We examined agonist-dependent VPAC(1) receptor signaling, phosphorylation, desensitization, and sequestration in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Agonist stimulation of cells overexpressing this receptor led to a dose-dependent increase in cAMP that peaked within 5-10 min and was completely desensitized after 20 min. Cells cotransfected with the VPAC(1) receptor (VPAC(1)R) and G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) 2, 3, 5, and 6 exhibited enhanced desensitization that was not evident with GRK 4. Immunoprecipitation of the epitope-tagged VPAC(1) receptor revealed dose-dependent phosphorylation that was increased with cotransfection of any GRK. Agonist-stimulated internalization of the VPAC(1)R peaked in 10 min, and neither overexpressed beta-arrestin nor its dominant-negative mutant altered internalization. However, a dynamin-dominant negative mutant did inhibit VPAC(1) receptor internalization. Interestingly, VPAC(1)R specificity in desensitization was not evident by study of the overexpressed receptor; however, we determined that human embryonic kidney 293 cells express an endogenous VPAC(1)R that did demonstrate dose-dependent GRK specificity. Therefore, VPAC(1) receptor regulation involves agonist-stimulated, GRK-mediated phosphorylation, beta-arrestin translocation, and dynamin-dependent receptor internalization. Moreover, study of endogenously expressed receptors may provide information not evident in overexpressed systems.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 11 uses CD46 as a cellular receptor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The 51 human adenovirus serotypes are divided into six species (A to F). Many adenoviruses use the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR) for attachment to host cells in vitro. Species B adenoviruses do not compete with CAR-binding serotypes for binding to host cells, and it has been suggested that species B adenoviruses use a receptor other than CAR. Species B adenoviruses mainly cause disease in the respiratory tract, the eyes, and in the urinary tract. Here we demonstrate that adenovirus type 11 (Ad11; of species B) binds to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with CD46 (membrane cofactor protein)-cDNA at least 10 times more strongly than to CHO cells transfected with cDNAs encoding CAR or CD55 (decay accelerating factor). Nonpermissive CHO cells were rendered permissive to Ad11 infection upon transfection with CD46-cDNA. Soluble Ad11 fiber knob but not Ad7 or Ad5 knob inhibited binding of Ad11 virions to CD46-transfected cells, and anti-CD46 antibodies inhibited both binding of and infection by Ad11. From these results we conclude that CD46 is a cellular receptor for Ad11.  相似文献   

Two cellular receptors for adenovirus, coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) alpha2, have recently been identified. In the absence of CAR, MHC-I alpha2 has been suggested to serve as a cellular attachment protein for subgenus C adenoviruses, while members from all subgenera except subgenus B have been shown to interact with CAR. We have found that adenovirus type 37 (Ad37) attachment to CAR-expressing CHO cells was no better than that to CHO cells lacking CAR expression, suggesting that CAR is not used by Ad37 during attachment. Instead, we have identified sialic acid as a third adenovirus receptor moiety. First, Ad37 attachment to both CAR-expressing CHO cells and MHC-I alpha2-expressing Daudi cells was sensitive to neuraminidase treatment, which eliminates sialic acid on the cell surface. Second, Ad37 attachment to sialic acid-expressing Pro-5 cells was more than 10-fold stronger than that to the Pro-5 subline Lec2, which is deficient in sialic acid expression. Third, neuraminidase treatment of A549 cells caused a 60% decrease in Ad37 replication in a fluorescent-focus assay. Moreover, the receptor sialoconjugate is most probably a glycoprotein rather than a ganglioside, since Ad37 attachment to sialic acid-expressing Pro-5 cells was sensitive to protease treatment. Ad37 attachment to Pro-5 cells occurs via alpha(2-->3)-linked sialic acid saccharides rather than alpha(2-->6)-linked ones, since (i) alpha(2-->3)-specific but not alpha(2-->6)-specific lectins blocked Ad37 attachment to Pro-5 cells and (ii) pretreatment of Pro-5 cells with alpha(2-->3)-specific neuraminidase resulted in decreased Ad37 binding. Taken together, these results suggest that, unlike Ad5, Ad37 makes use of alpha(2-->3)-linked sialic acid saccharides on glycoproteins for entry instead of using CAR or MHC-I alpha2.  相似文献   

Identification of a new polypeptide coded by reovirus gene S1.   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The reovirus S1 gene has recently been shown potentially to encode two polypeptides (from two overlapping reading frames) having predicted molecular weights of 49,071 and 16,143 (Nagata et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 12:8699-8710, 1984; Bassel-Duby et al., Nature [London], in press). The larger polypeptide is reovirus protein sigma 1, but synthesis of the smaller polypeptide has not been described to date. A truncated clone of the S1 gene in which the first ATG is deleted was expressed in an in vitro protein synthesis system to yield a approximately 13-kilodalton polypeptide, as determined from migration on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. A polypeptide with a similar migration pattern on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels was present in reovirus-infected cells and absent from mock-infected cells. Comparative tryptic peptide analysis of the 13-kilodalton polypeptides produced in vivo and in vitro showed them to be identical. Thus, the s1 mRNA of reovirus type 3 is apparently bicistronic, and we suggest that the approximately 13-kilodalton polypeptide be called sigma s (standing for sigma small).  相似文献   

Chemerin--a new adipokine that modulates adipogenesis via its own receptor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Chemerin, an 18 kDa protein secreted by adipose tissue, was reported to modulate immune system function through its binding to the chemerin receptor (chemerinR). We herein demonstrate that chemerin also influences adipose cell function. Our data showed that chemerin and chemerinR mRNA expressions were highly expressed in adipose tissues, and that their expression levels were up-regulated in mice fed a high-fat diet. Both chemerin and chemerinR mRNA expression dramatically increased during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells and human preadipocytes into adipocytes. Furthermore, recombinant chemerin induced the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK 1/2) and lipolysis in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Thus, the adipokine chemerin likely regulates adipocyte function by autocrine/paracrine mechanisms.  相似文献   

The lamB protein of Escherichia coli was initially recognized as the receptor for bacteriophage lambda. It is now shown also to constitute the receptor for phage K10. The lamB protein interacts with phage K10 in vitro, but this interaction does not lead to phage inactivation. Most lambda-resistant labB mutants are also resistant to K10, and vice versa. However, a significant proportion of the mutants resistant to one of the phages is sensitive to the other. Nineteen K10-resistant lambda-sensitive mutants have been studied. Only six of them produce a lamB protein which seems totally unimpaired in its ihe same deletion interval of the lamB gene. The corresponding region of the lamB polypeptide must be specifically involved in the interaction with phage K10. An unusual pattern of K10 host range mutants has been obtained; two calsses of such mutants could be defined, growing on two distinct classes of K10-resistant lamB mutants.  相似文献   

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