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Abstract. Following engorgement of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus larvae on guinea-pigs infected with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus, none of the engorged larvae or emergent nymphs contained detectable infectious virus. However, one of twelve pools, each containing three of the unfed nymphs, was positive when screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), indicating a low prevalence of TBE virus infection in the unfed nymphs. After engorgement of the nymphs on four uninfected guinea-pigs, 19/24 (79%) fed nymphs from one guinea-pig and 4/25 (16%) fed nymphs from a second guinea-pig were infected; all the ticks examined from the other two guinea-pigs were uninfected. The results suggest that TBE virus was transmitted from a low proportion of infected nymphs (infected as larvae) to uninfected nymphs as they fed together on an uninfected guinea-pig. Such amplification of the initial infection, at the population level, could play an important role in maintaining TBE virus infections in nature, particularly if there is a low level of vertical transmission from one tick generation to the next.  相似文献   

Questing ticks were sampled monthly over a period of 11 months from February, 2011 to December, 2011 at 13 sites in southern Germany using the flagging method. The ticks were identified to species, gender, and stadium. Although both I. ricinus and D. reticulatus were sampled, this study concentrated on I. ricinus, since it was the most abundant tick to be found. Additional weather data (air and soil temperature, relative air humidity, precipitation, sunshine duration) were recorded on each sampling site and the local vegetation described. A total of 14, 394 ticks was collected (7,862 larvae, 5,568 nymphs, 964 adults) and their activity was recorded in order to determine the seasonal activity pattern over different periods of the year. In contrast to the widely accepted pattern of a bimodal seasonal activity in moderate areas with a dominant peak in spring and a minor peak in autumn, a unimodal activity pattern was found for all development stages on six of the 12 sampling sites. Tick abundance was compared to weather variables. Tick host‐seeking activity was found to be significantly dependent on the temperature at ground level, precipitation, and sunshine duration as well as relative air humidity. Adult ticks showed a positive correlation with the duration of sunshine, whereas nymphs were mostly unaffected by this phenomenon.  相似文献   

A survey for tick-borne encephalitis virus in Ixodes ricinus ticks was conducted in May 2000 in two districts of the South-Bohemian region of the Czech Republic with a high occurrence of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in humans. Homogenized ticks were tested on PS cells, which were examined for any cytopathic effect, plaque assay and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFT). The IFT has proved to be the most sensitive and most rapid test to demonstrate the virus in ticks. TBE virus was found in 17 of 187 pooled samples, consisting of a total of 2,968 ticks. The mean minimum infection rate was 0.6% for all tick stages combined. Infection rates in nymphs collected indifferent locations varied between 0.2 and 1.3% and between 5.9 and 11.1% in adult ticks. The observed TBE prevalence in ticks was compared with data obtained elsewhere in the Czech Republic. It is concluded that screening of ticks for TBE virus prevalence using IFT is a valuable indicator for the degree of risk to contract TBE in as particular habitat. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus L. (Acari: Ixodida) were sampled during 1996-99 in southern Scotland, on vegetation using cloth drags, on humans by removal from clothing and on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) by searching legs of culled deer. Developmental microclimate was recorded by automatic recorders and questing microclimate by portable instruments during tick collections. Ticks and deer were examined for infection with Ehrlichia phagocytophila bacteria (Rickettsiales) using microscopy and polymerase chain reaction. This pathogen causes tick-borne fever of sheep in Europe and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in North America, but in Europe human clinical ehrlichiosis due to E. phagocytophila has not been recorded despite serological evidence of exposure. Among three types of habitat, coniferous woodland was most infested with questing ticks (560 ticks/km of drag; mean numbers collected on long trousers: 24.3 larvae, 13.5 nymphs and 0.8 adult ticks/km walked), deciduous woodland had slightly lower infestation (426 ticks/km drag) and upland sheep pasture had much lower infestation (220 ticks/km drag). Of the three main vegetation types, bracken was least infested (360 ticks/km drag), ericas most (430 ticks/km drag) and grassland had intermediate infestation density (413 ticks/km drag). Questing and developmental microclimates were poor predictors of exposure within these habitats, except lower infestation of pastures was attributed to greater illumination there. Collectors who walked a total of 300 km through all habitats (taking 360 h in all seasons), wearing cotton trousers hanging outside rubber boots, were bitten by only four nymphs and 11 larvae of I. ricinus (but no adult ticks). There was a negative correlation between densities of deer and ticks collected, although presence of deer remains a major indicator of exposure. The proportion of infected ticks was fairly uniform at four sites studied. Overall prevalence of E. phagocytophila in I. ricinus was 3.3% in nymphs (40/1203) but only approximately 1.5% in adults of both sexes (although males do not bite). It was estimated that nymphs of I. ricinus gave 4.4% probability of one infected bite/person/year (for occupational exposure during this research) due to presence in all seasons and habitats, their human biting rate of 0.011 nymphs/h or 0.013 nymphs/km and widespread infection with E. phagocytophila. The frequency distribution of intensity of infection in ticks was approximately normal (mean 98 morulae/nymph infected), thus there is a high risk of receiving a high dose from any one infected tick bite.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected from dragging vegetation and from shot roe deer in the province of Trento and Belluno in northern Italy. Ticks were pooled for analyses and from 1060 pools of ticks collected in the province of Belluno and 12390 tick samples collected in Trentino, four proved positive by immunofluorescence microscopy using a tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)-specific antiserum. The identity of the virus isolates was determined by RT-PCR cycle sequencing and they were all found to be closely similar (> 98% nucleotide identity) to typical western European TBE complex viruses as found in Austria. The isolates from Trentino differed from the Neudorfl strain of western European TBE virus at eight nucleotide positions but as these nucleotide substitutions were all synonymous, there were no amino acid changes. These results imply that the virus isolates in Trentino have changed slightly from the typical European strains isolated in nearby Austria. The abundance of questing ticks and ticks feeding on roe deer was greater in TBE positive hunting districts than in hunting districts where TBE complex viruses were only probable or believed to be absent. In TBE positive and probable districts synchrony in the seasonal dynamics of larvae and nymphs of L. ricinus was observed. This study provides evidence to suggest that roe deer may have an important role to play in the maintenance of tick density and in the persistence of TBE virus.  相似文献   

A stage‐structured Leslie matrix model of a partial, discrete population of Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) ticks was developed to elucidate the impact of climate trends on the distribution and phenology of this species in the western Palaearctic. The model calculates development and mortality rates for each instar and evaluates recruitment rates based on the development of the tick population. The model captures the changes in development and mortality rates, providing a coherent index of performance correlated with the tick's geographic range. Maximum development rates are recorded for latitudes south of 36 °N and are spatially correlated with sites of maximum temperature, highest saturation deficit and highest mortality. The maximum available developmental time (the total annual time during which temperature allows development) for I. ricinus in the western Palaearctic is < 45% of the total year. North of 60 °N, available developmental time decreases sharply to only 15% of the year. The latitudinal boundary at which survival rates sharply drop is 43–46 °N, clearly delimiting the classically recognized extent of the main tick populations. The pattern of activity for larval–nymphal synchrony shows a clear west–east pattern. The model demonstrates the impact of climate according to tick stage and geographic location, and provides a practical framework for testing how the tick's lifecycle is affected by climate change.  相似文献   

Questing Ixodes ricinus L. (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks were collected on a forest trail that had been completely cleared of shrubs and ground vegetation in winter 2002 and on a nearby control uncleared forest transect in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Samples were collected each May in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Nymphal ticks were 3.4 times, 1.9 times and 1.2 times less frequent on cleared forest than on uncleared forest trails in the three respective years, whereas adult tick abundance was 27.2 times, 4.0 times and 2.2 times lower, respectively. The ticks were examined for borreliae by dark-field microscopy: prevalence of nymphal ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (12.6% to 20.0%) did not differ significantly between the cleared and uncleared trail during the 3 years. In conclusion, the habitat modification appeared to result in a decreased abundance of I. ricinus as well as a reduced frequency of infected ticks (and thus indirectly a lower potential risk of Lyme borreliosis), which lasted, however, for only 2 years. Eight cultures of borreliae isolated from the ticks were all identified as the 'ornithophilic' genomic species Borrelia garinii, possibly indicating a greater role of forest birds than that of forest rodents as the hosts of immature I. ricinus in the tick (and borrelial) colonization of the cleared part of the forest.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands are facing an increasingly high risk of degradation and loss due to a wide variety of human activities and natural processes. Human encroachment, including land reclamation, drainage, and introduction of invasive species, has direct negative effects on wetlands, mainly through changes in hydrology and vegetation. Additionally, accelerated sea level rise (SLR) can result in flooding of wetlands in low-lying coastal zones. In this study, we present a rapid risk assessment method for coastal wetland loss and degradation. The main stress factors, i.e., urban sprawl, agriculture, coastal erosion, and SLR, have been examined and quantified through remote sensing and geographic information system spatial analysis. A weighted factor-based linear model has been used to evaluate the spatial risk levels of wetland loss. The proposed methodology is applied to the low-lying coastal wetlands of Hangzhou Bay in Shanghai, China. The results show that the regions closer to the sea have relatively higher risk levels on the landward side of the coastline, but relatively low risk levels on the seaward side of the coastline. This work emphasizes the need to sustainably use and protect wetlands in order to reduce disaster risks and contribute to the improvement of human well-being.  相似文献   

A risk estimate of the heritable effects of ethylene oxide exposure, using the parallelogram approach, as suggested by Frits Sobels, is described. The approach is based on available data on the ethylene oxide-induced responses for the same genetic endpoint in somatic cells of both laboratory animals and humans, and for germ cell mutations in the same laboratory animal. Human germ cell effects are estimated. The available data sets for this approach were evaluated. We consider this as complementary to the genetic risk assessment carried out by U.S. EPA scientists, in which the risk from heritable (reciprocal) translocations induced by ethylene oxide was estimated. In the present study we restricted our assessment to dominant mutations. The sensitivity factor relating mouse to man was based on ethylene oxide-induced HPRT mutant frequencies in lymphocytes in vivo. From this comparison, it could be concluded that occupational exposure for 1 year to 1 ppm ethylene oxide would lead to a risk of a dominantly inherited disease in the offspring of 4 × 10−4 above the background level. The uncertainty interval of this figure is quite large (0.6–28) × 10−4. The values are compatible with the existing estimates of the corresponding risk from exposure to low LET radiation when the genotoxic potency ratio of ethylene oxide and radiation is considered. This risk estimation approach has allowed us to identify additional data that are required for a more complete risk estimation of the heritable effects of ethylene oxide, or indeed any mutagenic chemical.  相似文献   

There are many proposed and ongoing commercial, industrial, and residential developments within the Darwin Harbour catchment in Northern Australia, to accommodate the projected population growth over the next 20 years. Hence, it is necessary to ensure the balance between these developments and ecosystem conservation. We evaluated ecological risk for the Darwin Harbour using a relative risk model (RRM). The catchment was divided into 22 risk regions based on small catchment boundaries and their homogeneity. Through the RRM, we ranked and summed the stressors and habitats within regions. The interaction between stressors and habitats were modeled through exposure and effect filters. The ecological assessment endpoints were maintenance of the mangrove health and the maintenance of water quality. The risk regions—Myrmidon Creek, Blackmore River, Bleesers Creek, and Elizabeth River—showed the highest total relative risk for ecological assets. These risk regions had a high percentage cover of industrial, commercial, and residential areas; diffuse entry points; and climate change effects. Creek A, Sandy Creek, West Arm, and Pioneer Creek were the risk regions with lowest total relative risk scores. The RRM is a robust application that is suitable for a large geographic area where multiple stressors are of concern.  相似文献   

Heavy metal could lead to serious environmental risk to the ecosystem, destroy human health via the food chain. The heavy metal removal from sludge is an emergent issue. In this work, rhamnolipid, an environment-friendly material, was used to enhance heavy metal extraction from the sludge. The results showed that Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Ni, and Mn maximum extraction efficiencies were 35.10 ± 2.31%, 45.33 ± 3.24%, 27.58 ± 3.35%, 24.12 ± 3.51%, 43.31 ± 2.53% and 22.10 ± 2.11%, respectively; most of exchangeable and reducible fractions, and partly oxidizable and residual fractions have been extracted by the rhamnolipid solution. After treatment, IR values of heavy metals increased in the treated sludge, the IR values for Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Ni, and Mn were 0.24 ± 0.01, 0.25 ± 0.03, 0.21 ± 0.02, 0.32 ± 0.03, 0.22 ± 0.021 and 0.41 ± 0.03, respectively. MF values indicated that heavy metal mobility order was Zn>Ni>Cu>Mn>Cr>Pb in the treated sludge. According to the two risk assessment methods (risk assessment code, RAC and potential ecological risk index, PERI), the risk assessment of heavy metal was investigated in the after treatment sludge, which indicated that rhamnolipid could extract the mobility of heavy metal and lead to no or low risk to the ecosystem. Therefore, rhamnolipid was utilized to enhance heavy metal extraction from dewatered sludge in this study, which is a promising technique for heavy metal extraction from the dewatered sludge.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment is increasingly being used to make decisions on the acceptability of industrial processes, as well as on the appropriate approach to take with remediation of contaminated sites. In this approach, the risks and costs must first be determined before decisions can be made. In principle, the procedure for undertaking an ecological risk assessment for a site with existing contamination is fairly straight forward. Probability distributions are obtained for the concentration of the contaminant of concern and for the biological and/or structural impacts likely to occur in the affected habitat. The degree of overlap between these distributions determines the risk from the contaminant to the habitat. With water-borne contamination, the level of assessment can vary from a simple comparison with water quality criteria, through site specific literature surveys, to laboratory and field studies depending on the importance of the environment, the concentration and perceived nature of the contaminant,the resources available, and the likely benefit from the process to be developed. However, a number of uncertainties make this process more difficult. These include the lack of a standard methodology, availability of appropriate data and agreed definitions of acceptable risk. Thus several arbitrary or considered decisions need to be made before and during such an assessment. This paper discusses the application of an ecological risk assessment of copper pollution in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania, using data from long-term monitoring of waters and literature searches on lethal and sub-lethal effects of copper in marine and estuarine environments. This study is part of a much larger program established to determine best methods for the remediation of the Mt. Lyell copper mine site as well as the freshwater and marine habitats downstream. The results of the assessment indicated that there was at present a probability greater than0.9 of the occurrence of anodic stripping voltametry-labile copper water concentrations harmful to 5% of all species. For total dissolved copper the probability was higher than 0.98. The upper value of total dissolved copper in Macquarie Harbour that encompassed 90% of the probable concentrations would need to be reduced by a factor of approximately 30,without the inclusion of any additional application factors, to achieve (sub-lethal) protection for 95%of species. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Adverse health risks from environmental agents are generally related to average (long-term) exposures. Because a given individual's contact with a pollutant is highly variable and dependent on activity patterns, local sources and exposure pathways, simple ‘snapshot’ measurements of surrounding environmental media may not accurately assign the exposure level. Furthermore, susceptibility to adverse effects from contaminants is considered highly variable in the population so that even similar environmental exposure levels may result in differential health outcomes in different individuals. The use of biomarker measurements coupled to knowledge of rates of uptake, metabolism and elimination has been suggested as a remedy for reducing this type of uncertainty. To demonstrate the utility of such an approach, we invoke results from a series of controlled human exposure tests and classical first-order rate kinetic calculations to estimate how well spot measurements of methyl tertiary butyl ether and the primary metabolite, tertiary butyl alcohol, can be expected to predict different hypothetical scenarios of previous exposures. We found that blood and breath biomarker measurements give similar results and that the biological damping effect of the metabolite production gives more stable estimates of previous exposure. We also explore the value of a potential urinary biomarker, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate suggested in the literature. We find that individual biomarker measurements are a valuable tool in reconstruction of previous exposures and that a simple pharmacokinetic model can identify the time frames over which an exogenous chemical and the related chemical biomarker are useful. These techniques could be applied to broader ranges of environmental contaminants to assess cumulative exposure risks if ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolization and Excretion) is understood and systemic biomarkers can be measured.  相似文献   

Adverse health risks from environmental agents are generally related to average (long-term) exposures. Because a given individual's contact with a pollutant is highly variable and dependent on activity patterns, local sources and exposure pathways, simple 'snapshot' measurements of surrounding environmental media may not accurately assign the exposure level. Furthermore, susceptibility to adverse effects from contaminants is considered highly variable in the population so that even similar environmental exposure levels may result in differential health outcomes in different individuals. The use of biomarker measurements coupled to knowledge of rates of uptake, metabolism and elimination has been suggested as a remedy for reducing this type of uncertainty. To demonstrate the utility of such an approach, we invoke results from a series of controlled human exposure tests and classical first-order rate kinetic calculations to estimate how well spot measurements of methyl tertiary butyl ether and the primary metabolite, tertiary butyl alcohol, can be expected to predict different hypothetical scenarios of previous exposures. We found that blood and breath biomarker measurements give similar results and that the biological damping effect of the metabolite production gives more stable estimates of previous exposure. We also explore the value of a potential urinary biomarker, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate suggested in the literature. We find that individual biomarker measurements are a valuable tool in reconstruction of previous exposures and that a simple pharmacokinetic model can identify the time frames over which an exogenous chemical and the related chemical biomarker are useful. These techniques could be applied to broader ranges of environmental contaminants to assess cumulative exposure risks if ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolization and Excretion) is understood and systemic biomarkers can be measured.  相似文献   

海岸带湿地是生物多样性最丰富、生产力最高、最具价值的生态系统之一。然而近年来,随着城市化和工业化进程的加快,我国海岸带地区的土地利用正发生深刻变化,生态风险凸显。利用2000、2005、2010和2015年的Landsat TM/ETM+和Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像,融合行政区划图与地形图,并引入一个评价多元海洋、海岸带利用对栖息地造成风险的模型,即Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs(In VEST)模型中的栖息地风险评价(Habitat Risk Assessment,HRA),模型评价闽三角海岸带滩涂湿地的生态风险。结果表明:(1)闽三角海岸带滩涂湿地风险以低风险为主;(2)泉州地区的风险面积最大(约4389.91 hm~2),漳州地区最小(约4630.73 hm~2);(3)修正面积影响的情况下,其他建设用地造成的暴露和影响较大,耕地造成的暴露和影响最小。不同区域滩涂湿地风险程度的可视化表达,可以揭示滩涂湿地高风险地区以及高风险的产生原因,便于管理者对滩涂湿地采取精准的保育措施。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the environmental risk of Balarood Dam in Iran at constructional phase. The scientific methods used in this research were the Environmental Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (EFMEA) and VIKOR. In the process of environmental risk assessment, the EFMEA method was used first to calculate the risk priority number (RPN) for each environmental aspect. The identified risks were ranked based on RPN values in the next stage. Comparison of the RPN values showed that the risk of pollution of Balarood River, with a RPN of 125, is in the first priority. In addition, the environmental risks, identified during the follow-up phase, were weighted by entropy method based on severity, occurrence probability, and extent of pollution.Then, the VIKOR method, as one of the multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, was run to evaluate and prioritize the potential environmental risks. The risk of water pollution under high, medium and low conditions, with a weight of 1,300, 1,000 and 700, was identified as the most important risk of dam construction. Accordingly, the most important corrective action, proposed to mitigate the high priority environmental risks, is to prevent the discharge of sanitary and industrial wastewater into the river.  相似文献   

Clean-up targets for toxic metals require that the site be “fit for purpose”. This means that targets are set with respect to defined receptors that reflect intended land-use. In this study, the likely threat of human exposure to toxic metals has been evaluated by simulating the human digestion process in vitro. The effects of key attributes (i.e. sample fraction size, pH, Kd and total metal concentrations) on the bioavailability of Cu and Ni were also investigated. Total metal concentration was the key explanatory factor for Cu and Ni bioavailability. A comparative ranking of metal concentrations in the context of tolerable daily intakes for Cu and Ni confirmed that the pH has the greatest impact on metals bioavailability. Rapid screening of key attributes and total toxic metal doses can reveal the relative hazard imposed on human, and this approach should be considered when defining threshold values for human protection.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research are the assessment of secondary effluents (SEs) quality by evaluating chemical parameters and biomarkers. For this purpose, MDA and GSH levels were determined by spectrofotometer. SOD, CAT, and GPX activities were determined by using ELISA kit in the groups of control and the groups exposed to SE. The level of MDA and the activities of SOD in Gammarus pulex vary depending on the exposure time. GSH levels and GSH-PX activities increased in G. pulex exposed to the effluent compared to the control during 24 h and 96 h. CAT activities were in SE group were found lower than the control in G. pulex during 24 h and 96 h. Current experimental results show that SOD, CAT, GPX activities, and GSH and MDA levels in G. pulex are sensitive and appropriate responses for assess the effects of anthropogenic contaminants on the aquatic ecosystems, particularly effluent complex mixtures.  相似文献   

Sample preparation is the first crucial step in the speciation analysis, bioavailability and risk assessment of trace metals in plant samples such as herb and vegetables. Two bionic technologies titled ‘in vitro digestion’ and ‘extraction with biomembrane’ were developed for pre‐treatment of herbal decoction. The decoctions of Aconiteum carmichaeli and Paeonia lactiflora were digested at body temperature, at the acidity of the stomach or intestine and with inorganic and organic materials (digestive enzymes were included for whole‐bionic and excluded for semi‐bionic) found in the stomach or intestine. Being similar to the biomembrane between the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels, monolayer liposome was used as a biomembrane model. Affinity‐monolayer liposome metals and water‐soluble metals were used for speciation analysis and bioavailability assessment of copper and zinc in herbal decoction. In the decoction of Aconiteum carmichaeli and Paeonia lactiflora, Zn was mainly absorbed in the intestine and Cu was mainly absorbed by both stomach and intestine. The safe dosage for males and females is below 257.1 g/day Aconiteum carmichaeli and 529.4 g/day Paeonia lactiflora. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

许嘉慧  孙德亮  张虹  文海家  吴健平  黄艳 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4594-4603
进行生态风险多尺度综合评价,对环境管理及风险决策具有重要意义。以三峡库区滑坡重点监测县域为例,基于“危险性-脆弱性-潜在损失”三维模型,以随机森林模型评估滑坡危险性,采用景观格局指数表征生态脆弱性,利用生境质量核算潜在生态损失,进行格网、行政、子流域多尺度下的滑坡灾害生态风险评价,提出适合各尺度的风险管理措施,在此基础上选择最适宜尺度并结合研究区实际情况进行验证。结果表明,生态风险等级较高区域集中于长江两岸沿线,三峡库区建设对研究区滑坡生态风险产生较大影响;两两尺度风险分布结果具有一定相似性,而三种尺度共同作用结果又存在一定差异;子流域尺度在保证生态结构完整性的前提下评价结果好于其他两种尺度,更适合三峡库区县域的生态风险评价;研究区东部风险防范类型相对单一,而西部风险防范类型较多,需做到精细化管理。研究增加了多尺度综合评价实例,对今后开展整个三峡库区滑坡生态风险研究奠定一定理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

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