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Microsatellites, such as (TG)n found at random throughout the genome, or as 3' extensions of Alu sequences are being increasingly used as genetic markers because of their pluriallelic character. The search for polymorphic microsatellites is time consuming, however, as it is necessary to sequence clones containing the microsatellites sequences in order to design specific PCR primers before testing for polymorphism, which does not always occur. We propose here a new approach to generate polymorphic markers, based on the amplification of microsatellites at the 3' end of Alu sequences, without the need for cloning or sequencing steps.  相似文献   

The DNA at human centromeric regions was characterized by using a repetitive sequence, 308, which localizes in situ exclusively to centromeres of all chromosomes. We previously noted that this sequence is enriched on chromosome 6 and has chromosome-specific organization on 6, 3, 7, 14, X, and Y. In addition to this basic organization, sequences homologous to 308 are polymorphic among normal individuals. The variants are transmitted in a Mendelian manner within a family. To determine the chromosome origin of the variants, we studied their linkage to markers of various chromosomes. Linkage analysis of one pedigree segregating two polymorphisms shows that the 2.6-kilobase (kb) BamHI and 2.6-kb TaqI fragments are linked to each other and to the HLA loci on chromosome 6. Data from another family shows that 2.8-kb TaqI, 4.0-kb TaqI, and 1.3-kb BamHI polymorphic fragments are linked and are probably near the Fy locus on chromosome 1. By dot blot analysis, we determined that the relative amount of these sequences in the genome is not measurably different between unrelated individuals. Thus, the polymorphisms represent changes in homologous 308 sequences on specific chromosomes and can be used as chromosome-specific markers. Linkage studies using polymorphisms of repeated sequences will be most useful within a kindred, especially from an inbred population, because polymorphic repeats of the same restriction size may be heterogeneous in origin.  相似文献   

Two pseudoautosomal loci DXYS15 and DXYS17 from the pairing region of the human sex chromosomes display a high variability with at least eight alleles each. The structural elements responsible for the polymorphisms have been isolated and sequenced. In both cases the variations result from DNA rearrangements occurring in tandemly repeated sequences (minisatellites) of 21-29 nucleotides for DXYS15 and 28-33 nucleotides for DXYS17. At reduced stringency, the DXYS15 minisatellite detects other hypervariable sequences located in other parts of the genome and hence represents a new family of minisatellites. In contrast to most other known hypervariable families, the DXYS15 hypervariable sequence displays a very high AT content.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable method for G-banding chromosomes from human and mammalian cells is described. This rapid method combines hot saline and trypsin treatments and yields high quality G-bands in both bone marrow and cultured cells.  相似文献   

A highly abundant repetitive DNA sequence family of Arabidopsis, AtCon, is composed of 178-bp tandemly repeated units and is located at the centromeres of all five chromosome pairs. Analysis of multiple copies of AtCon showed 95% conservation of nucleotides, with some alternative bases, and revealed two boxes, 30 and 24 bp long, that are 99% conserved. Sequences at the 3' end of these boxes showed similarity to yeast CDEI and human CENP-B DNA-protein binding motifs. When oligonucleotides from less conserved regions of AtCon were hybridized in situ and visualized by using primer extension, they were detected on specific chromosomes. When used for polymerase chain reaction with genomic DNA, single primers or primer pairs oriented in the same direction showed negligible amplification, indicating a head-to-tail repeat unit organization. Most primer pairs facing in opposite directions gave several strong bands corresponding to their positions within AtCon. However, consistent with the primer extension results, some primer pairs showed no amplification, indicating that there are chromosome-specific variants of AtCon. The results are significant because they elucidate the organization, mode of amplification, dispersion, and evolution of one of the major repeated sequence families of Arabidopsis. The evidence presented here suggests that AtCon, like human alpha satellites, plays a role in Arabidopsis centromere organization and function.  相似文献   

M13 virus (phage) has been extensively used in phage display technology and nanomaterial templating. Our research aimed to use M13 phage to template sulfur nanoparticles for making lithium ion batteries. Traditional methods for harvesting M13 phage from Escherichia coli employ polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based precipitation, and the yield is usually measured by plaque counting. With this method, PEG residue is present in the M13 phage pellet and is difficult to eliminate. To resolve this issue, a method based on isoelectric precipitation was introduced and tested. The isoelectric method resulted in the production of purer phage with a higher yield, compared to the traditional PEG-based method. There is no significant variation in infectivity of the phage prepared using isoelectric precipitation, and the dynamic light scattering data indirectly prove that the phage structure is not damaged by pH adjustment. To maximize phage production, a dry-weight yield curve of M13 phage for various culture times was produced. The yield curve is proportional to the growth curve of E. coli. On a 200-mL culture scale, 0.2 g L?1 M13 phage (dry-weight) was produced by the isoelectric precipitation method.  相似文献   

A simple method to isolate salt-tolerant myxobacteria from marine samples   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper describes a simple method for the isolation of salt-tolerant myxobacteria from marine conditions. As the results show in this paper, salt-tolerant myxobacteria are found to be able to grow, but unable to form fruiting bodies at high salt concentrations. The fruiting body structures of the salt-tolerant strains were all formed in conditions with lower seawater content, i.e. lower than 60% seawater (about 2.0% salt content) or distilled water supplemented with MgCl(2). The method picked up the fruiting bodies for isolation.  相似文献   

Before new markers are thoroughly characterized, they are usually screened for high polymorphism on the basis of a small panel of individuals. Four commonly used screening strategies are compared in terms of their power to correctly classify a marker as having heterozygosity of 70% or higher. A small number of typed individuals (10, say) are shown to provide good discrimination power between low- and high-heterozygosity markers when the markers have a small number of alleles. Characterizing markers in more detail requires larger sample sizes (e.g., at least 80-100 individuals) if there is to be a high probability of detecting most or all alleles. For linkage analyses involving highly polymorphic markers, the practice of arbitrarily assuming equal gene frequencies can cause serious trouble. In the presence of untyped individuals, when gene frequencies are unequal but are assumed to be equal in the analysis, recombination-fraction estimates tend to be badly biased, leading to strong false-positive evidence for linkage.  相似文献   

A 745 bp sequence (pSau3A9) located at the centromeres of several cereal species was isolated from a sorghum BAC library by Jiang et al. (1996, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 14210-14213). We have amplified a partially homologous 809 bp sequence from barely genomic DNA by PCR and localized it to the centromeres of barley, wheat and rye chromosomes by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Sequence analysis showed this barley homolog of pSau3A9 to have high similarity to the integrase region of the polyprotein gene of Ty3/gypsy group retrotransposons. Using this integrase sequence as a probe, several clones were isolated from a lambda library constructed of genomic barley DNA. One of the lambda clones contained coding regions for all five catalytic sites characteristic of the retrotransposon polyprotein. Two direct repeats flanking the polyprotein gene are homologous to the cereal centromeric sequence described by Aragón-Alcaide et al. (1996, Chromosoma, 105, 261-268) and may represent all or part of the long-terminal repeats (LTRs). Different plasmid subclones containing various regions of the lambda clone were used in FISH to show that the entire polyprotein gene and upstream flanking sequences, including the presumed LTR, are present at barley centromeres. The preferential (or exclusive) localization of an apparently complete retroelement within the centromeric regions of several cereal species raises interesting questions about its role in karyotype evolution and centromere function.  相似文献   

Filtration of human blood cells through lamb''s wool columns removed more than 96% of all leukocytes in a series of experiments, while the retention of erythrocytes by the column averaged 6.4%. This method should prove extremely useful for obtaining pure erythrocyte preparations for use in biochemical and physiological studies, and for removing leukocytes from blood prior to transfusion.  相似文献   

The recovery of maize (Zea mays L.) chromosome addition lines of oat (Avena sativa L.) from oat x maize crosses enables us to analyze the structure and composition of individual maize chromosomes via the isolation and characterization of chromosome-specific cosmid clones. Restriction fragment fingerprinting, sequencing, and in situ hybridization were applied to discover a new family of knob associated tandem repeats, the TR1, which are capable of forming fold-back DNA segments, as well as a new family of centromeric tandem repeats, CentC. Analysis of knob and centromeric DNA segments revealed a complex organization in which blocks of tandemly arranged repeating units are interrupted by insertions of other repeated DNA sequences, mostly represented by individual full size copies of retrotransposable elements. There is an obvious preference for the integration/association of certain retrotransposable elements into knobs or centromere regions as well as for integration of retrotransposable elements into certain sites (hot spots) of the 180-bp repeat. DNA hybridization to a blot panel of eight individual maize chromosome addition lines revealed that CentC, TR1, and 180-bp tandem repeats are found in each of these maize chromosomes, but the copy number of each can vary significantly from about 100 to 25,000. In situ hybridization revealed variation among the maize chromosomes in the size of centromeric tandem repeats as well as in the size and composition of knob regions. It was found that knobs may be composed of either 180-bp or TR1, or both repeats, and in addition to large knobs these repeated elements may form micro clusters which are detectable only with the help of in situ hybridization. The association of the fold-back elements with knobs, knob polymorphism and complex structure suggest that maize knob may be consider as megatransposable elements. The discovery of the interspersion of retrotransposable elements among blocks of tandem repeats in maize and some other organisms suggests that this pattern may be basic to heterochromatin organization for eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The genomic sequences derived from rice centromeric regions were analyzed to facilitate the comprehensive understanding of the rice genome. A rice centromere-specific satellite sequence, RCS2/TrsD/CentO, was used to screen P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) genomic libraries derived from Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cultivar Nipponbare. Physical maps of the centromeric regions were constructed by DNA fingerprinting methods and the aligned clones were analyzed by end sequencing. BLAST analysis revealed the composition of genes, centromeric satellites and other repetitive elements, such as RIRE7/CRR, RIRE8, Squiq, Anaconda, CACTA and miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements. Fiber-fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis also indicated the presence of distinct clusters of RCS2/TrsD/CentO satellite interspersed with other elements, instead of a long homogeneous region. Several expressed genes, sequences representative of ancestral organellar insertions, relatively long simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and sequences corresponding to 5S and 45S ribosomal RNA genes were also identified. Thirty-one gene sequences showed high-similarity to rice full-length cDNA sequences that had not been matched to the published rice genome sequence in silico. These results suggest the presence of expressed genes within and around the clusters of RCS2/TrsD/CentO satellites in unsequenced centromeric regions of the rice chromosomes.  相似文献   

The middle repetitive fraction of the Arabidopsis genome has been relatively poorly characterized. We describe here a novel repetitive sequence cloned in the plasmid mi167, and present in ~90 copies in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia. Hybridization analysis to physically mapped YAC clones representing Arabidopsis chromosome 4 revealed four mi167-hybridizing loci, all clustered near the centromere. No other loci were detected on YAC clones covering chromosome 4. In situ hybridisation experiments to Arabidopsis chromosome spreads showed that mi167-hybridizing sequences are clustered at the centromeric heterochromatin of all five chromosomes; on two chromosomes the hybridization appeared to be localised on one arm. Additional mi167-hybridizing loci were detected, one of which was adjacent to a non-centromeric, heterochromatic region. This work supports the idea that the majority of middle repetitive DNA in the Arabidopsis genome is clustered. It also adds to our understanding of the organization of the centromere of Arabidopsis chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs) derived from the B chromosome, based on homology with the B specific sequence, were subcloned and sequenced. Analysis of DNA sequence data indicated the presence of 23 common retroelements, as well as novel sequences of B chromosome origin. Generally, where the same retrotransposon type was observed in both A and B chromosomes, there were more copies per unit of sequence in the B centromeric region (the major site of B repeat) than in the A centromere, except for Huck-1. Based on previous estimates of the age of the major burst of transposition into the maize genome, the oldest retrotransposons (Ji-6 and Tekay, approximately 5.0 and 5.2 million years ago, respectively) were found in the B centromere region only, while the next two oldest (Huck-1 and Opie-1) were found in both the A and B sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of Opie retroelements from both A and B centromeres indicated that some of the B Opie centromeric sequences share a more recent common ancestor with A Opie retroelements than they do with other B Opie centromeric sequences. These results imply that the supernumerary maize B chromosome has coexisted with the A chromosomes during that period of transposition. They also support the hypothesis that the B chromosome had its origins from A chromosome elements, or that alternative origins, such as being donated to the maize genome in a wide species cross, preceded six million years ago, because the spectrum of retrotransposons in the two chromosomes is quite similar.  相似文献   

A technique is described by which unstained metaphases may be observed using phase contrast microscopy. The cells are fixed on a cover slip which then is turned over and onto a slide, leaving a thin air layer sandwiched between. Observation in phase contrast shows metaphases comparable to those observed after Giemsa staining.  相似文献   

Compositional properties of telomeric regions from human chromosomes.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have investigated the GC levels of third codon position of genes localized in G- (Giemsa), R-(reverse) and T-(telomeric) bands of human metaphase chromosomes, as well as the hybridization of telomeric probes on fractionated human DNA. The first set of results shows much higher GC levels for genes localized in T-bands than in G- or R-bands (the latter being higher than the former). The second set of data shows that telomeric probes corresponding to T-bands hybridize on the GC-richest family (H3) of isochores, whereas telomeric probes corresponding to R-bands hybridize on GC-rich families H1 and H2; in agreement with these findings, the telomeric repeat common to all chromosomes hybridized on isochore families H1, H2 and H3.  相似文献   

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