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Thin mandibles and small incisors found in New World monkeys as compared with Old World monkeys suggest that there may be differences in craniofacial loading patterns between these two groups, particularly in levels of mandibular corpus twisting (Hylander, 1975, 1979a; Eaglen, 1984; Bouvier, 1986a,b). This study examined the hypothesis that changes in the relative force contributions of the masticatory muscles were responsible for lowering torsion on the mandibular corpus in New World monkeys. Muscle weight and physiological cross-sections were compared using data from the literature (Schumacher, 1960: Turnbull, 1970; Cachel, 1979) as well as new data on adult male Cebus apella and Macaca mulatta. Both age and sex had an effect on muscle ratios. Mixed samples such as those used by Schumacher and Turnbull probably are not appropriate for drawing conclusions concerning species or group differences in muscle ratios. In addition, biomechanical conclusions based on muscle weight ratios alone to estimate muscle force may be misleading because fiber length inversely affects the amount of force a muscle can exert. A comparison of ratios based on physiological cross-section as an estimator of muscle force in New and Old World monkeys does not support the hypothesis that alterations in force contribution by individual masticatory muscles are responsible for minimizing mandibular corpus twisting in New World monkeys. Therefore, if twisting has been minimized in New World monkeys as suggested by their thin corpora, other changes in the craniofacial musculoskeletal complex, such as different muscle recruitment or pinnation patterns, may be responsible.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of laboratory research on sensory capacities in Primates with emphasis on evolutionary changes in the capacities. Man, great apes and Old World monkeys have virtually identical color vision, a result consistent with the generalization that these relatively diverse species have reached a plateau in the evolution of color vision, Capuchin and squirrel monkeys are protonomalous trichromats thus suggesting a widespread relative insensitivity to red among New World monkeys. Of the prosimians, only tree shrews have been extensively tested for color vision capability and they are deuteranopic dichromats.There is clear evidence of a decline in the upper audible frequencies and the most audible frequencies during Primate evolution. Although the olfactory portion of the brain has declined markedly in relative size during Primate evolution, there is no corresponding research showing difference in olfactory sensitivity across the living Primate genera. Existing research on gustatory sensitivity in Primates is too limited to permit any evolutionary conclusions.  相似文献   

Herpes B virus (BV) infection of macaques persists in the natural host, but is mainly asymptomatic. However, BV can cause fatal disease in humans and in several non-macaque species such as capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). The BV infection described here in a colony of capuchin monkeys was persistent but asymptomatic. Initially the infection was detected serologically in five out of seven animals. However, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) developed specifically for BV, we found the virus in all seven clinically healthy animals. It is probable that the infection was transferred from BV-infected macaques housed in different cages but in the same room for several years. We have no evidence to indicate that similar asymptomatic infections may occur in other New World species but the possibility should not be discounted. We recommend that the housing of capuchin monkeys in close proximity to macaques should be avoided and that greater caution should be used when handling capuchin monkeys and possibly other New World species that have been in contact with macaques. All may act as a source of BV infection in humans, hence routine, repeated testing of all primates is essential.  相似文献   

Biomechanical scaling of mandibular dimensions in New World Monkeys   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous studies show that folivorous Old World monkeys have shorter, deeper mandibles and shorter, wider condyles than frugivorous ones. These morphologies have been related to leaf mastication in colobines and ingestion of large, tough fruits in cercopithecines. This study examines New World monkeys in order to determine whether they exhibit similar adaptations to diet. New World monkeys have relatively long, transversely thin mandibles and somewhat deep mandibles and narrow condyles. Except for their deep mandibles, folivorous New World monkeys (i.e., Alouatta) do not exhibit the mandibular and condylar specializations typical of cercopithecid folivores. Reliance on comparatively nonfibrous foods plus alterations in masticatory muscle ratios among New World monkeys partially accounts for observed differences between folivorous New and Old World monkeys. In addition, adaptations for howling in Alouatta appear to have a significant effect on mandibular morphology. A biomechanical interpretation of craniofacial scaling patterns suggests that the mandibles of New World monkeys are subjected to lower condylar loads and considerably less twisting of the mandibular corpus than those of comparable Old World monkeys.  相似文献   

We surveyed the literature and obtained information from primate researchers and zookeepers to study the distribution of dorsal carriage among 77 simian species including New and Old World monkeys and apes in relation to arboreality and terrestriality, birth (litter) weight relative to maternal weight, and presence or absence of distinct natal coat colors. All New World monkeys are arboreal and commonly carry their infants dorsally. Conversely, arboreal Old World monkeys do not use dorsal carriage, and only some predominantly terrestrial Old World monkeys do so. Whereas lesser apes (which are highly arboreal) do not use dorsal carriage, arboreal as well as more terrestrial great apes commonly carry their infants dorsally. These findings indicate that simple arboreality or terrestriality is inadequate to explain dorsal carriage by monkeys. Infants of small- to medium-sized New World monkeys have relatively high birth weight compared with maternal weight, and are most likely to be carried dorsally than ventrally even on the first postnatal day. In contrast, infants of large-bodied New World monkeys are carried ventrally first and then dorsally up to the end of their second year, albeit increasingly infrequently. Among Old World monkeys, no association was found between mode of infant transport and birth weight relative to maternal weight, but some terrestrial Old World monkeys displaying dorsal carriage tend to do so with older infants, indicating that such behavior enables the mother to transport the infant with lower energy expenditure. Among terrestrial Old World monkeys, infants with distinctive natal coat colors are rarely carried dorsally until the natal coat color changes to adult coloration: infants with distinctive coat colors clinging to the backs of carriers could be highly visible and thus vulnerable to predation. Dorsal carriage by mothers may prolong the affiliative mother–infant relationship.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate (NHP) aging research has traditionally relied mainly on the rhesus macaque. But the long lifespan, low reproductive rate, and relatively large body size of macaques and related Old World monkeys make them less than ideal models for aging research. Manifold advantages would attend the use of smaller, more rapidly developing, shorter-lived NHP species in aging studies, not the least of which are lower cost and the ability to do shorter research projects. Arbitrarily defining "small" primates as those weighing less than 500 g, we assess small, relatively short-lived species among the prosimians and callitrichids for suitability as models for human aging research. Using the criteria of availability, knowledge about (and ease of) maintenance, the possibility of genetic manipulation (a hallmark of 21st century biology), and similarities to humans in the physiology of age-related changes, we suggest three species--two prosimians (Microcebus murinus and Galago senegalensis) and one New World monkey (Callithrix jacchus)--that deserve scrutiny for development as major NHP models for aging studies. We discuss one other New World monkey group, Cebus spp., that might also be an effective NHP model of aging as these species are longer-lived for their body size than any primate except humans.  相似文献   

One hundred and ten novel MHC-DRB gene exon 2 nucleotide sequences were sequenced in 96 monkeys from three owl monkey species (67 from Aotus nancymaae, 30 from Aotus nigriceps and 13 from Aotus vociferans). Owl monkeys, like humans, have high MHC-DRB allele polymorphism, revealing a striking similarity with several human allele lineages in the peptide binding region and presenting major convergence with DRB lineages from several Catarrhini (humans, apes and Old World monkeys) rather than with others New World monkeys (Platyrrhini). The parallelism between human and Aotus MHC-DRB reveals additional similarities regarding variability pattern, selection pressure and physicochemical constraints in amino acid replacements. These observations concerning previous findings of similarity between the Aotus immune system molecules and their human counterparts affirm this specie’s usefulness as an excellent animal model in biomedical research.Experiments carried out in this work complied with current Colombian Ministry of Health law and regulations governing animal care and handling.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Urine collected from New World monkeys (tufted capuchin, squirrel monkey, cotton-top tamarin) and Old World monkeys (rhesus macaque, Japanese macaque), was used as the odor stimuli. Two adult tufted capuchins were trained on a successive odor-discrimination task with two odors, 30 trials each, in one session per day. Responses to one of the two odors (S+) were reinforced by sweet water. The monkeys failed to discriminate between the urine from the two species of macaques but could discriminate among the urine from the three species of New World monkeys. Furthermore, similarity of urine odors was analyzed by multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) and a cluster analysis. These analysis suggested that the tufted capuchin can distinguish differences among New World monkeys but not between the macaques. The natural distribution of the tufted capuchin overlaps with that of other New World monkeys, but it does not overlap with those of Old World monkeys. Consequently, it can be concluded that this difference in olfactory recognition in the tufted capuchin reflects their sympatric and allopatric relationships with other species.  相似文献   

The fate of most nonhuman primate species is intimately related to man. The increasing encroachment on the natural habitat has resulted in the decimation and even near extinction of some species. Along with this development, the basic concept in many modern zoos has changed from one of merely display to self-perpetuating units. Primate research facilities are orienting their research programs towards reproductive physiology and behavior in an effort to provide basic knowledge of reproduction in these species. This increased emphasis in the area of reproductive biology and the various efforts to improve breeding of these mostly endangered primates in captivity has stimulated the author to write this review. It represents an attempt to provide the reader with basic background information relating to the endocrinology and behavior of reproduction in the clawed New World monkeys as it exists at the time of publication. The intermediate evolutionary position ofCallimico goeldii between the clawed New World monkeys and the ‘true New World monkeys’ and our relatively poor knowledge about reproduction and behavior in this particular species fully justifies the focus on Goeldi’s monkey in this essay. This review is an attempt to provide a brief history of previous studies but also the basis for research in the future. The current status of knowledge of the small-bodied clawed monkeys is also discussed in an evolutionary context, with an emphasis on the different reproductive strategies in this dynamic group of primates. The outcome, not surprisingly, confirms the unique position ofCallimico goeldii in its social, ecological, and evolutionary environment.  相似文献   

The Platyrrhini, or New World monkeys, are an infraorder of Primates comprised of 16 genera. Molecular phylogenetic analyses have consistently sorted these genera into three groups: the Pitheciidae (e.g., saki and titi monkeys), Atelidae (e.g., spider and howler monkeys), and Cebidae (e.g., night monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and tamarins). No consensus has emerged on the relationships among the three groups or within the Cebidae. Here, approximately 0.8 kb of newly generated intronic DNA sequence data from the X-linked glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) locus have been collected from nine New World monkey taxa to examine these relationships. These data are added to 1.3 kb of previously generated G6PD intronic DNA sequence data [Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 11 (1999) 459]. Using distance and parsimony-based techniques, G6PD sequences provide support for an initial bifurcation between the Pitheciidae and the remaining platyrrhines, linking Atelidae and Cebidae as sister taxa. Bayesian methods provided a conflicting phylogeny with Atelidae as outgroup. Within the Cebidae, a sister relation between Aotus and the Cebus/Saimiri clade is favored by parsimony analysis, but not by other analyses. Potential reasons for the difficulty in resolving family level New World monkey phylogenetics are discussed.  相似文献   

The draft genome sequences of several primates are available, providing insights into evolutionary and anthropological research. However, genomic resources from New World monkeys are conspicuously lacking. To date, the genomes of only two platyrrhine species, the common marmoset and the Bolivian squirrel monkey, have been fully sequenced. This is especially limiting for comparative genomics research, considering that New World monkeys are the most speciose primate group, and platyrrhine genetic diversity is comparable to that of the catarrhines (i.e. apes and Old World monkeys). Here, we present the generation and annotation of numerous sequence reads from the genomes of Spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth), Owl monkey (Aotus lemurinus) and Uakari (Cacajao calvus), representing the three platyrrhine families, Atelidae, Cebidae and Pitheciidae, respectively. These sequencing reads were developed from gDNA shotgun libraries containing over 3000 individual sequences with an average length of 726 bps. Of these sequences, 1220 contain <20% repeats, and thus are potentially highly useful phylogenetic markers for other platyrrhine species. Among them, a large number of sequencing reads were found to match unique regions within the human (2462 sequences) and the marmoset (2829 sequences) genomes. In particular, the majority of these sequencing reads are from putatively neutrally evolving intergenic regions. Thus, they are likely to be highly informative for inferring neutral evolutionary patterns and genomic evolution for other New World monkeys.  相似文献   

Gamma-herpesviruses can be found in most primates including Old World an New World monkeys. The gamma-herpesvirinae are grouped into two classes: lymphocryptoviruses (gamma1) and rhadinoviruses (gamma2). The lymphocryptoviruses include Epstein-Barr virus, lymphocryptovirus of rhesus monkeys, and Herpesvirus papio of baboons. Rhadinoviruses that infect New World monkeys include Herpesvirus saimiri, whose natural host is the squirrel monkey, and Herpesvirus ateles, which infects spider monkeys. Rhadinoviruses that infect hominoids and Old World monkeys include Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, also known as HHV-8, and rhesus monkey rhadinovirus.  相似文献   

Despite over 25 years of intensive research, much of our knowledge of primate behavior has been limited to a small number of Old World, semiterrestrial species. With the exception of chimpanzees, these species share consistent patterns of behavior, including aggressive competition between males, male dominance over females, male dispersal and female kin groups, that have come to characterize the Order Primates. However, as research has expanded to include a number of newly studied species, such generalizations about primate behavior are no longer appropriate. Data presented on the wooly spider monkey, or muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides), provide examples of the ways in which traditional views of primate behavior are being reconsidered. In muriquis, and in several other New World monkeys, female kin groups do not occur because females disperse from their natal groups. In addition, aggressive competition between males is virtually absent; and, female muriquis appear to be codominant with males. Constraints on sexual dimorphism may help to explain why muriquis (and other New World primates) differ so fundamentally from the better known semi-terrestrial Old World monkeys.Logo of the 1988 International Primatological Society.  相似文献   

Gestation length, neonatal and maternal body weight, and neonatal and adult brain weight data were collected for New World monkeys in an attempt to establish typical patterns of perinatal life history. This study attempts to illuminate the most accurate values from the available data, which suggest that gestation length and prenatal growth rate are broadly conserved in relation to maternal size in New World monkeys. Exceptions to the patterns evident in the data point to derivations in life history strategies. In particular, this study suggests that the extended gestation length of callitrichines is a function of minimum viable neonate size and not exclusively energy minimization associated with simultaneous lactation. Cebus is shown to undergo more postnatal brain growth relative to other New World monkeys, but not as much as previously believed. Alouatta is shown to be relatively small brained at birth as well as in adulthood. Saimiri is shown to present the most unusual package of perinatal life history traits, in which precocial neonates are gestated for a relatively long time and at a slightly faster growth rate than is typical for New World monkeys. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Oxytocin is widely believed to be present and structurally identical in all placental mammals. Here, we report that multiple species of New World monkeys possess a novel form of oxytocin, [P8] oxytocin. This mutation arises from a substitution of a leucine to a proline in amino acid position 8. Further analysis of this mutation in Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey) indicates that [P8] oxytocin is transcribed and translated properly. This mutation is specific to oxytocin, as the peptide sequence for arginine vasopressin, a structurally related nonapeptide, is unaltered. These findings dispel the notion that all placental mammals possess a 'universal' oxytocin sequence, and highlight the need for research on the functional significance of this novel nonapeptide in New World monkeys.  相似文献   

Endogenous Borna-like nucleoprotein (EBLNs) elements were recently discovered as non-retroviral RNA virus elements derived from bornavirus in the genomes of various animals. Most of EBLNs appeared to be defective, but some of primate EBLN-1 to -4, which appeared to be originated from four independent integrations of bornavirus nucleoprotein (N) gene, have retained an open reading frame (ORF) for more than 40 million years. It was therefore possible that primate EBLNs have encoded functional proteins during evolution. To examine this possibility, natural selection operating on all ORFs of primate EBLN-1 to -4 was examined by comparing the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions. The expected number of premature termination codons in EBLN-1 generated after the divergence of Old World and New World monkeys under the selective neutrality was also examined by the Monte Carlo simulation. As a result, natural selection was not identified for the entire region as well as parts of ORFs in the pairwise analysis of primate EBLN-1 to -4 and for any branch of the phylogenetic trees for EBLN-1 to -4 after the divergence of Old World and New World monkeys. Computer simulation also indicated that the absence of premature termination codon in the present-day EBLN-1 does not necessarily support the maintenance of function after the divergence of Old World and New World monkeys. These results suggest that EBLNs have not generally encoded functional proteins after the divergence of Old World and New World monkeys.  相似文献   

Urate oxidase activity is not detectable in liver homogenates from the gibbon, orangutan, chimpanzee, gorilla and human. Liver homogenates from five genera of Old World and two genera of New World monkeys have easily detectable levels of urate oxidase activity. There is no evidence for extant detectable intermediate steps in the loss of urate oxidase activity in the hominoids. Urate oxidase activity from Old World and New World monkeys is stable, a simple observation which debunks a long-standing myth. Urate oxidase activity was silenced in an ancestor to the five living genera of hominoids after divergence from the Old World monkeys.  相似文献   

Fossil ceboid evidence is reviewed with reference to the origins and affinities of the New World monkeys. This evidence indicates that the ceboids evolved from a North American primate of omomyid-like form. The events of continental drift apparently had little to do with the origin and dispersion of the New World monkeys and direct relationships to the Old World monkeys are not indicated. Three of the five extant New World monkey subfamilies are represented in late Miocene deposits of South America and it appears that evolutionary events leading to extant Ceboidea occurred within the South American continent.  相似文献   

Old World monkeys and apes have been reported to differ from New World monkeys in their abilities to discriminate colors across the visible spectrum. Old World monkeys and apes (Macaca, Pan, Pongo) discriminate colors quite accurately, while some New World monkeys studied (Saimiri, Cebus) have shown lower sensitivity to and poorer discrimination of long wavelength light. This study examined the color discrimination ability of another New World primate, the cotton-top tamarin, Saguinus oedipus oedipus (family Callitrichidae). The tamarins were trained to discriminate a set of Munsell color chips, both within the same hue category and from the 2 hue categories on either side of the training hue. Results indicated that the cotton-top tamarin can make accurate discriminations across the visible spectrum. Human subjects were tested under similar conditions in order to compare their color discrimination abilities to those of the tamarins. The tamarins and human subjects had the most difficulty discriminating the same hues. The discrimination abilities of the monkeys were assessed in relation to the coloration of fruits eaten in a natural environment. A list of the species of fruits commonly eaten by various species of New World monkeys was compiled and the coloration of fruits at maturity was noted. It was found that most New World primate species eat fruits whose mature coloration ranges across most of the spectrum.  相似文献   

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