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永安位于福建省中部,竹类资源丰富,有13属55种7变种4栽培变种,其中有多种经济竹类,具有广阔的开发利用前景。对永安竹类资源的可持续发展与利用提出相应对策。  相似文献   

福建省尤溪县九阜山自然保护区竹类植物资源共有9属23种,主要的竹林有毛竹林、福建酸竹林、箬竹林、苦竹林。报道了九阜山自然保护区竹类植物资源种类、分类群组成、分布区类型等,并提出竹类资源的合理开发利用建议。  相似文献   

福建漳州竹类资源分布与开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
漳州位于福建省南部,气候温和,雨量充沛,竹类资源较为丰富,共有8属30种5变种2栽培类型,其中有许多经济竹类,竹类资源的开发利用具有广阔的前景,可持续发展万为重要。  相似文献   

竹类植物在我国具有着悠久的种植历史,不仅品种繁多,资源也非常丰富。同时,竹类植物在我国一直具有着不屈不挠以及刚正不阿的积极精神,非常受到人们的喜爱,而在现今社会积极推广的园林绿化工作中,竹类植物也在其中具有着非常重要的地位。在本文中,将就竹类植物在园林绿化中的配置应用进行一定的分析与研究。  相似文献   

西双版纳竹类地理分布及类型的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王慷林  薛纪如   《广西植物》1994,14(2):144-150
西双版纳是中国乃至世界上竹类植物资源最为丰富的地区之一。研究结果表明,西双版纳的竹类根据其分布特性可分为三类,即(1)热带竹类,(2)南亚热带竹类,(3)山地温带竹类。而从区域地理分布区来看,根据中国植物区系分布区类型的划分标准.则可将西双版纳竹类划分为五个分布区类型,即(1)泛热带分布类型,(2)热带亚洲至热带非洲分布类型.(3)热带亚洲(印度—马来西亚)分布类型,(4)东亚分布类型,(5)中亚分布类型(喜马拉雅和我国西南分布亚类型)。文章还对西双版纳现存主要的天然竹林群落的分布及生境以及主要的栽培种及竹状况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>竹子的种类由于竹子不常开花,笋期短而发笋时间不一,很难把各种器官标本都同时采集,给研究工作带来了困难,竹亚科分类系统研究也因此成为植物系统学研究中分歧较大的一个部分。全世界竹亚科植物有70~80属1 000余种,中国是世界上竹类资源最丰富、竹类栽培和利用历史最悠久的国家,在竹类研究、竹林培育和产品开发上均居于国际领先行列,被称为"世界竹业大国"。  相似文献   

1999年昆明世博会“六大专题园”之一的竹园始建于1997年底,在短短的一年多时间里,移植成活竹种318种,隶属于41属,形成了景色秀美、收集竹种处世界领先的专题竹类植物园,这在植竹、建园史上均是一个奇迹。在专家的建议下,利用云南丰富的竹种资源,使竹园体现出竹类植物的多样性,以特色创园艺水平,以1999年举办这一园艺盛会为象征,引99个竹种,规模为1999丛,并按竹子的习性和类型划分成散生竹区、丛生竹区、大型竹区、高山竹区等4个竹子栽培区域和配置竹楼、竹亭、竹水榭等竹建筑的专题园。竹类在地球上的…  相似文献   

淡竹叶与竹叶的原植物研究与商品鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古代所用的中药淡竹叶与现在的不同,其属于竹叶的一种。本文考证认为古代的淡竹叶为刚竹属植物淡竹Phylostachysnigra(Lodd.)Munrovar.henonis(Mitf.)StapfexRendler的叶;堇竹叶可能为刚竹PhylostachysbambusoidesSieb.etZuc.的叶;苦竹叶可能包括现今苦竹Pleoblastusamarus(Keng)Kengf.及刚竹属笋味苦的一些种类的叶。对收集的2种淡竹叶及4种竹叶类商品药材性状进行了鉴定,并给出了检索表。中国是世界上竹类资源种类最多,资源面积最大的国家,开发药用竹类资源对充分利用竹类森林资源,振兴广大贫困山区经济意义重大。  相似文献   

竹类植物是美国采集者在我国采集和引种的一类主要植物。在众多的竹类植物采集者中, 莫古礼(Floyd Alonzo McClure)是最具代表性的一位, 他于1919-1940年在岭南大学开展竹类植物研究, 在此期间多次采集竹类植物标本并引种竹类植物到美国。本研究通过大量文献研究、档案查阅以及实地调研, 整理了莫古礼采集竹类植物的路线和采集地, 并对竹类植物学名进行校对, 分析了莫古礼在华研究、采集和引种竹类植物的历史及其影响。经统计, 莫古礼在华期间竹类植物标本采集地涉及12个省级行政区39个地级市, 主要集中在广东、海南、香港等地; 引种地涉及9个省级行政区的25个地级市; 共采集竹类植物标本727号1,840份, 隶属20属93种(含种下单位, 下同), 分别占我国竹类植物属和种的58.8%和17.4%; 共引种竹类植物255份, 隶属于17属77种, 分别占我国竹类植物属和种的50.0%和14.4%。莫古礼在华采集和引种竹类植物极大地发展了竹类植物分类学, 所采集的竹类植物标本为后人竹类植物研究提供了极大的帮助, 所引种的竹类植物极大丰富了美国竹类植物种类, 也促进了竹类植物在美国的应用。  相似文献   

【目的】摸清贵州竹类资源本底,以补充和丰富贵州现有竹类资料,为后续竹产业的规划发展提供一定的依据。【方法】以“面”“点”结合的方式进行野外调查,标本的采集和鉴定,以及相关资料的查阅,整理出此前从未有分布记录的属和种。【结果】发现了贵州省竹类植物新纪录的1个属和6个种,即[/思]簩竹属(Schizostachyum)、[/思]簩竹(S. pseudolima McClure)、鸡窦簕竹(Bambusa funghomii McClure)、龙山玉山竹(Yushania longshanensis D. Z. Li & X. Y. Ye)、滑竹(Y. polytricha Hsueh et Yi)、少枝玉山竹(Y. pauciramificans Yi)和抱鸡竹(Y. punctulata Yi),现予以报道。【结论】这些新纪录属和种在贵州的发现扩展了其分布范围,同时丰富了贵州竹类植物的多样性。  相似文献   

永安竹类植物及其区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查,永安天然分布的竹类植物有11属63种(含变种、变型),属种分别占中国总数的28.2%和11.4%,占全省的64.7%和48.8%。其中红舌唐竹、湖南箬竹、毛箨茶秆竹、黄槽毛竹等4种为福建省竹类分布新记录。经类群分析表明,永安竹类植物以单轴散生和复轴混生类型为主,具明显的由丛生竹向散生竹过渡特性,是散生竹类和混生竹类的分布中心。区系地理分析表明,永安竹类植物有5个分布区类型(含亚型),其中东亚成分占首位。  相似文献   

桂平市食用竹笋资源丰富,有大头竹笋、吊丝竹笋、浦竹笋、毛竹笋等十余种,年产鲜笋8500t以上。原有的加工方法比较落后,现已注意引进新技术,今后还需进一步开发利用。  相似文献   

As one of the fast-growing species, bamboo plays an important role in ecological stability and wood processing industry. However, low temperature limitation is the basic problem for the cultivation and introduction of bamboo. In this study, the symptoms of cold stress influence on the native bamboo (Neosinocalamus affinis (Rendle) Keng f.) and hybrid bamboo (Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocalamopsis grandis) were observed under transmission electron microscope, and the dynamic responses of FAD7, Cu/Zn-SOD, and Mn-SOD genes to cold stress were identified in bamboo by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Observation by electron microscopy indicated that bamboo is one of the most chilling-sensitive species with severe ultrastructural injury induced by chilling, but the native bamboo (N. affinis) is more cold-tolerant compared with the hybrid bamboo. Results obtained by real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that FAD7, Cu/Zn-SOD, and Mn-SOD were all cold-inducible genes in N. affinis. In addition, dynamic response patterns of N. affinis Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD under cold stress were similar. This work is a fundamental research of hardiness physiology of bamboo and may contribute to the breeding program on obtaining transgenic bamboo species.  相似文献   

Vegetation in canopy gaps of two old-growth Abies-Betula forest stands, one with bamboo the other without, was measured. The structure of gap vegetation at each site was used to derive tree replacement probabilities. Transition probabilities indicate different tree replacement trends in forests with bamboo compared to those without. Projected compositions show Betula to be the most abundant species in bamboo stands while Abies remains most abundant where bamboo was absent. A dense bamboo sward seems to reduce the probability of Abies filling gaps by inhibiting establishment and growth of seedlings. Bamboo preempts space after canopy gap formation by increasing shoot production which reduces opportunities for establishment and growth of other woody species. Differences in dispersal ability and longevity of Abies and Betula appear to be important factors contributing to their coexistence forests with a small canopy gap disturbance regime.  相似文献   

The ecological changes of Echuya afromontane bamboo forest, Uganda   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Echuya forest reserve was gazetted in 1939 and was then mainly a bamboo forest with very few hardwood trees. However, the current ecological situation shows that hardwood trees are replacing bamboo. This study analysed the current ecological situation in relationship to past ecological changes and influences. Line transects were laid systematically at 1000 m intervals across the forest in order to describe the current vegetation variation. Echuya forest has changed in size and composition from 1954 to the present. The area occupied by pure bamboo has decreased from 20.5% to 12.5%, bamboo–hard wood mixture decreased from 48.2% to 26.2% and pure hardwood stands increased from 16% to 51%. It can be suggested that the exclusion of fire, herbivores and human activities after reservation of Echuya have gradually led to the conversion of the grassland–bamboo ecosystem into a hardwood forest ecosystem. Macaranga kilimandscharia Pax. is the major colonizing hardwood tree species. Most of the gaps are covered with heavy loads of Mimulopsis species climbers, which suppress bamboo growth.  相似文献   

华东天目山脉、黄山山脉、大别山脉竹类植物较为丰富,分别有10属/75种(含种下等级)、8/49、7/30.通过对属、种的分布型分析,前二者竹类植物区系属于典型的华东区系,起源的时间不迟于早第三纪的始新世;而大别山脉虽仍属华东区系的范畴,因渗入了不少华中区系的成分,已具有某些经向过渡性特征,且起源的时间较晚.这3个山脉的竹类植物区系均具有显著的亚热带性质.天目山脉不仅是刚竹属Phyllostachys和短穗竹属Brachystachyum的分化变异中心,也极有可能就是它们的起源中心,但它们自此地起源后的散布方式有所不同,刚竹属在我国亚热带为四周放射状顺序渐进,扩散的范围颇广;短穗竹属存在东西南北4条散布路线,但向各方扩散的距离相差甚远.这些山脉与华东其他地区竹类植物区系联系密切,与华中竹类植物区系也有一定的联系,但与华南、西南等地竹类植物区系联系微弱.从地理位置和区系组成来看,黄山山脉的竹类植物区系来源于天目山脉,大别山脉的竹类植物区系又来源于黄山山脉,前者都是在后者扩展的基础上融合了其他区系的一些成分后发展而成,大别山脉又是北方秦岭以东广大丘陵平原地区竹类植物区系的发祥地.  相似文献   

麻竹节间伸长过程的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹子秆茎的快速生长是禾本科生物学的一个未解之谜,而秆茎的生长又是以节间为单位进行的。本研究以第8节为标准节,利用统计学及石蜡切片的方法,获得了麻竹的节间伸长曲线以及节间组织发育的形态解剖信息。麻竹节间的伸长呈现“慢-快”的生长趋势,早期节间以细胞分裂为主,然后节间由上到下逐渐进入细胞伸长阶段,最后节间停止伸长进入成熟生长阶段。本研究为大型丛生竹节间发育的研究提供了基础数据,有助于推动对竹子笋株快速生长机制的研究。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of bamboo culms at the juvenile stage is still an unresolved scientific issue in grass biology. In this study, we selected the eighth node as the standard node to investigate internode development in the paleotropical bamboo species, Dendrocalamus latiflorus. An elongation curve and anatomical features of the eighth internode were determined using statistical methods and a paraffin section technique, respectively. Internode elongation was found to show a “slow fast” trend. During early stages of internode development, most cells divided quickly, but then gradually stopped dividing before elongating in a top down orientation between the nodes. Finally, cells forming the internode stopped elongating and became mature. This is the first report on internode development of a large sized paleotropical bamboo species, and should promote further research on rapid growth of bamboo shoots.  相似文献   

Montane bamboo is of immense importance to the people living adjacent to Echuya Forest Reserve. It is used for building poles, bean-staking and basket weaving. The bamboo in Uganda occurs mostly in protected areas. Over the past 50 years, the bamboo forest cover has been declining. This study aimed at determining bamboo density and distribution and the possible causes of its decline within Echuya. We used exploratory inventories, bamboo assessment plots and village interviews to determine bamboo population structure and possible causes of its decline in Echuya. Bamboo forest decline in Echuya may be blamed on several factors that interplay together. Poor harvest methods especially during the clear cutting of bamboo for bean-stakes and stakes for house wefts seems to be the remote cause of the bamboo forest decline. Other causes for the bamboo forest decline are damages caused by insect borers and climber loads on the bamboo stems. The remote causes have been exacerbated by the invasion of secondary forest tree species such as Macaranga kilimandscharica that have slowly taken over areas previously occupied by the bamboo forest. Seventy per cent of the local people interviewed agree that over-harvesting of bamboo is the major reason for its decline.  相似文献   

This is the first long-term, simultaneous, comparative study of three bamboo lemur species (Hapalemur griseus, H. aureus, and H. simus) at a site in southeastern-central Madagascar where they occur in sympatry. At Talatakely, Ranomafana National Park, the three Hapalemur spp. share overlapping home ranges. Hapalemur griseus has flexible group sizes, varying from three to nine individuals (n = 6). The home range of Hapalemur griseus averages 15 ha (n = 2). Hapalemur aureus forms family groups of 4 individuals (n = 3); they have a home range on average of 26 ha (n = 2). The single group of Hapalemur simus is composed of one or three adult males, two adult females, and their offspring; they occupy a home range of 62 ha. The three species of Hapalemur are year-round bamboo specialists: >88% of their diets consist of bamboo and grass in the Family Poaceae. Contrary to earlier findings, all three Hapalemur spp. consume the cynogenic parts—young leaf bases, young pseudopetioles, and young shoots—of the giant bamboo, Cathariostachys madagascariensis. They rely heavily on this plant, which comprises 72–95% of their diets. Hapalemur griseus and H. aureus consume similar proportions of bamboo vs. nonbamboo plants, though they differ in the species of bamboo they prefer. Hapalemur simus has the most distinct diet of the three bamboo lemurs. They exploit the young shoots of Cathariostachys madagascariensis during the austral summer rainy season, between November and April. From June to November, Hapalemur simus shifts its diet to eating the mature culm pith of Cathariostachys madagascariensis; the proportion of pith represented in their diet reaches a maximum of 89% in October. Seasonal availability of food resources, feeding competition, and factors related to body size may provide clues to the understanding of diet selection among the three sympatric Hapalemur spp.  相似文献   

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