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The embryos derived from intergeneric crosses between Triticum aestivum L. (2n = 6x= 42) and Zea mays L. (2n= 20), Tripsacum dactyloides L. (2n= 4x= 72), as results of the elimination of paternal chromosome and having no endosperm as normal, are difficult to develop completely in vivo. Hormonal analyses in such intergeneric hybridized ovaries have been carried out including indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), zeatin (Z) and zeatin riboside (ZR), and abscisic acid (ABA) during different developmental stages of embryo. The results indicated that IAA level in hybridized ovaries was much lower than that in self-pollinated ovaries. Moreover, the active changes of Z+ZR and ABA contents were also different between the above two types of ovary. Nevertheless, the ratio changes of IAA/(Z+ZR) and IAA/ABA were similar between the two types of ovary, the same was true in the ratio changs of IAA, Z+ZR, and ABA to the sum of these three types of endogenous hormones. But the three types of ratios in hybridized ovaries were varied far more greater than those in self-pollinated ones. It suggested the importance to maintain dynamic equilibrium of multiple hormones and sequential regulation during the embryo development. That the distantly hybridized embryos failed to mature successfully was probably associated with a deviation from the normal changes of endogenous hormones levels and balance system of multiple hormones in addition to the lack of endosperm nourishment.  相似文献   

朱俊真 《遗传学报》1992,19(2):101-106
应用人X染色体α卫星DNA探针进行X染色体正常或异常个体的外周血淋巴细胞染色体和间期核的原位杂交,在R显带的中期分裂相上,绝大部分杂交颂粒位于X染色体着丝粒区(p11→q11);在间期核内则显现与X染色体数相一致的银颗粒簇,其中相当部分位于核边缘区。实验结果表明,用原位杂交来检测X染色体数目,比记数Barr小体的方法可靠。本文还就α卫星DNA探针在间期细胞遗传学方面广泛的应用做了讨论。  相似文献   

刘淑敏  高春生等 《遗传学报》1993,20(1):7-11,T001
本文对一例男性性腺发育不全伴有22p 标记染色体的患者及其家庭成员进行了分子细胞及临床细胞遗传学研究,结果表明,该家系中共有6名成员有22p 染色体,它们来源于先证者的外祖母。标记染色体的p 部分几乎与22q等大,C-带呈深染,G-,R-带在p 中间分别可见一条较窄的浅,深带型,Ag-显带在p+末端见到较大的银染区,部分p 出现双NOR,型分析未见其它,D,G组或Y染色体重排,rRNA基因的染色体原位杂交银颗粒沿整个p 分布,其数目是正常D,G组染色体短臂上平均数的3.9倍,家系研究表明,在6例22p 携带者中,2例女性具有多次自然流产史,4例男性中除一例年龄12岁末见明显性腺异常外,其余3人均有不同程度性腺或外生殖器异常,结合文献,我们认为此家系中22p 可能与上述异常表型存在着一定的关系。  相似文献   

Trippa G  Loverre A  Cicchetti R 《Genetics》1980,95(2):399-412
The discovery and the cytogenetic characterization of a new SD (Segregation Distorter) chromosome 2 from a natural population in Ranna (Sicily, Italy), SD(Ra), are reported. The main features of this chromosome are as follows: (a) it contains an Sd(Ra) gene with a moderate degree of segregation distortion (k = 0.72), (b) a recessive female sterile gene, fs(2)(TLM), responsible for modifications of the morphology and structure of the tests and ovaries is located at 89.7, (c) SD(Ra)/SD(Ra) males and females are viable but sterile, the females due to homozygosis of fs(2)(TLM) and the males because of homozygosis of a region containing the Sd locus, and (d) SDi/SDj combinations are fertile, thus suggesting that the different Sd factors found in natural populations constitute a multiple allelic series.-These data may indicate that each population containing SD chromosomes has evolved its own genetic architecture for the complex SD system, with specific modifiers and perhaps different Sd genes. The possibility of reconstructing the evolutionary pattern of the SD(Ra) chromosome in the natural Ranna population after the model of Charlesworth and Hartl (1978) and Crow (1979) is considered.  相似文献   

Response to Chilling of Zea mays, Tripsacum dactyloides and their Hybrid   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides) are known for their susceptibility to chilling injuries. Their hybrid (Z. mays × T. dactyloides) showed higher tolerance to low temperatures (–2 °C) in the field than its parents. Exposure to 5 °C for 2 or 3 d reduced the variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence ratio (FV/FM), an indicator of the maximum photochemical efficiency of the photosystem 2, and the variable to minimal fluorescence ratio (FV/F0) more in maize and eastern gamagrass than in hybrid plants. Chlorophyll contents for rewarming plants (25 °C for 3 d) were lower than before chilling in both parents while values for hybrid plants were similar. Electrolyte leakage was higher in chilled than control plants but it did not show significant differences among genotypes. Our data suggest that hybrid plants have higher capacity to recover from chilling injury in controlled conditions than their parents.  相似文献   

 DNA fingerprinting verified hybrid plants obtained by crossing Eastern gamagrass, Tripsacum dactyloides L., and perennial teosinte, Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley & R. Guzmán. Pistillate inflorescences on these hybrids exhibit characteristics intermediate to the key morphological traits that differentiate domesticated maize from its wild relatives: (1) a pair of female spikelets in each cupule; (2) exposed kernels not completely covered by the cupule and outer glumes; (3) a rigid, non-shattering rachis; (4) a polystichous ear. RFLP analysis was employed to investigate the possibility that traits of domesticated maize were derived from hybridization between perennial teosinte and Tripsacum. Southern blots of restriction digested genomic DNA of parent plants, F1, and F2 progeny from two different crosses were probed with RFLP markers specifically associated with changes in pistillate inflorescence architecture that signal maize domestication. Pairwise analysis of restriction patterns showed traits considered missing links in the origin of maize correlate with alleles derived from Tripsacum, and the same alleles are stably inherited in second generation progeny from crosses between Tripsacum and perennial teosinte. Received: 11 October 1996/Accepted:8 November 1996  相似文献   

Lamb JC  Birchler JA 《Genetics》2006,173(2):1007-1021
Divergence of abundant genomic elements among the Zea and Tripsacum genera was examined cytologically and a tool kit established for subsequent studies. The LTR regions from the CRM, Huck, Grande, Prem1, Prem2/Ji, Opie, Cinful-1, and Tekay retroelement families were used as FISH probes on mitotic chromosome spreads from a "trispecies" hybrid containing chromosomes from each of three species: Zea mays (2n = 20), Z. diploperennis (2n = 20), and Tripsacum dactyloides (2n = 36). Except for Tekay, which painted both Zea and Tripsacum chromosomes with nearly equal intensity, the retroelement probes hybridized strongly to the Zea chromosomes, allowing them to be distinguished from those of Tripsacum. Huck and Grande hybridized more intensely to maize than to Z. diploperennis chromosomes. Tripsacum genomic clones containing retroelement sequences were isolated that specifically paint Tripsacum chromosomes. The retroelement paints proved effective for distinguishing different genomes in interspecific hybrids and visualizing alien chromatin from T. dactyloides introgressed into maize lines. Other FISH probes (180-bp knob, TR-1, 5S, NOR, Cent4, CentC, rp1, rp3, and alpha-ZeinA) could be simultaneously visualized with the retroelement probes, emphasizing the value of the retroelement probes for cytogenetic studies of Zea and Tripsacum.  相似文献   

During an accumulation regime of a small telomere-truncated B chromosome, a derivative with large variations in size and multiple punctate centromere loci exhibiting amplified copy numbers was discovered. Multiple centromere satellite loci or transgene signals were documented in amplified chromosomes, suggesting over-replication. Immunolocalization studies revealed multiple foci of biochemical markers characteristic of active centromeres such as CENP-C and phosphorylation of histones H3S10 and H2AThr133. The amplified chromosomes exhibit an absence of chromosome disjunction in meiosis I and an infrequent chromosome disjunction in meiosis II. Despite their unusual structure and behavior these chromosomes were observed in the lineage for seven generations during the course of this study. While severely truncated relative to a normal B chromosome, the progenitor minichromosome is estimated to be at least several megabases in size. Given that the centromere and transgene signals at opposite ends of the chromosome generally match in copy number, the replication control is apparently lost over several megabases.  相似文献   

符生苗  高春生 《遗传学报》1992,19(4):294-297
本文应用’H标记的7.3kb的rRNA基因探针进行染色体原位杂交技术,并结合多种细胞遗传学技术对一个额外小染色体的家族进行分析研究。在该家族调查的三代人中有8名成员带有相同的额外小染色体,携带者表型均正常。结果证实该额外小染色体是D组或G组染色体的短臂。并就其额外小染色体的起源,遗传效应及生育等问题进行了扼要的讨论。  相似文献   

The Nicaraguan teosinte Zea nicaraguensis was studied cytologically to determine its chromosome number and C-banding pattern. The C-banding pattern was compared with that of the close relative Zea luxurians as well as with Zea diploperennis and cultivated maize, Zea mays ssp. mays. Karyograms were constructed for the four Zea species. It is shown that Z. nicaraguensis, like most other Zea species, is a diploid with 2n=20 chromosomes. The C-banding pattern shows that Z. nicaraguensis is very similar to Z. luxurians and more similar to Z. luxurians than to Z. diploperennis and cultivated maize. Whether or not Z. nicaraguensis and Z. luxurians should be regarded as subspecies instead of individual species is, however, not possible to conclude from this study.  相似文献   

Males carrying a large deficiency in the long arm of the Y chromosome known to delete the fertility gene kl-2 are sterile and exhibit a complex phenotype: (1) First metaphase chromosomes are irregular in outline and appear sticky; (2) spermatids contain micronuclei; (3) the nebenkerns of the spermatids are nonuniform in size; (4) a high molecular weight protein ordinarily present in sperm is absent; and (5) crystals appear in the nucleus and cytoplasm of spermatocytes and spermatids. In such males that carry Ste+ on their X chromosome the crystals appear long and needle shaped; in Ste males the needles are much shorter and assemble into star-shaped aggregates. The large deficiency may be subdivided into two shorter component deficiencies. The more distal is male sterile and lacks the high molecular weight polypeptide; the more proximal is responsible for the remainder of the phenotype. Ste males carrying the more proximal component deficiency are sterile, but Ste + males are fertile. Genetic studies of chromosome segregation in such males reveal that (1) both the sex chromosomes and the large autosomes undergo nondisjunction, (2) the fourth chromosomes disjoin regularly, (3) sex chromosome nondisjunction is more frequent in cells in which the second or third chromosomes nondisjoin than in cells in which autosomal disjunction is regular, (4) in doubly exceptional cells, the sex chromosomes tend to segregate to the opposite pole from the autosomes and (5) there is meiotic drive; i.e., reciprocal meiotic products are not recovered with equal frequencies, complements with fewer chromosomes being recovered more frequently than those with more chromosomes. The proximal component deficiency can itself be further subdivided into two smaller component deficiencies, both of which have nearly normal spermatogenic phenotypes as observed in the light microscope. Meiosis in Ste + males carrying either of these small Y deficiencies is normal; Ste males, however, exhibit low levels of sex chromosome nondisjunction with either deficient Y. The meiotic phenotype is apparently sensitive to the amount of Y chromosome missing and to the Ste constitution of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization using biotinylated cDNA probes of 18S rRNA, 5S rRNA, tRNAfMet, tRNAcys, tRNAAsn was performed on ultra-thin sections of K4M-embedded maize root tip. After hybridization, the biotinylated hybrids were detected with avidin coupled to 10 nm gold particles and then examined under the electron microscopy. The results showed that 18S rRNA, 5S rRNA and tRNA all existed in the metaphase chromosomes at random. They were distributed not only in the interior of the chromosomes, but also in the periphery of the chromosomes. Three tRNAs and 5S rRNA in the chromosomes were equal in amount to that in the cytoplasm, but the amount of 18S rRNA in the chromosomes was much higher than that in the cytoplasm. These results indicated that a part of the RNAs in the chromosomes came from the nucleolus, while others came from the nucleoplasm.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characterization and chromosomal distribution of new long repetitive sequences present in all species of the genus Zea. These sequences constitute a family of moderately repetitive elements ranging approximately from 1350 to 1700 copies per haploid genome in modern maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea diploperennis), respectively. The elements are long, probably larger than 9 kb, and they show a highly conserved internal organization among Zea subspecies and species. The elements are present in all maize chromosomes in an interspersed pattern of distribution, are absent from centromeric and pericentric heterochromatin, and with some clustering in the distal regions of chromosome arms.  相似文献   

It is suggested that cathodal esterase isoenzyme (E1) might be used as a marker for the VA 1 gene on 7 S maize chromosome and for the B linkage group of Tripsacum dactyloides in Zea mays L. ×T. dactyloides L. hybrids. The latter genic zones have a regulatory effect on fertility and on the apomictic mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

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