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Following a significant increase in the number of facilities in the world having and developing low- and high-linear energy transfer (LET) microbeams for experimental radiobiological studies, it is useful and demanding to establish reliable computational models to analyze such experiments. This paper summarizes initial MCNP5 calculations of the basic parameters needed to study X-ray microbeam penetration, dose deposition and dose spatial dissipation in tissue-like media of micro and macro scales. The presented models can be used to predict doses delivered to neighboring cells and analyze the cause of bystander cell deaths. In the case of low-LET radiation, dose distribution is more homogenized when compared to high-LET that deposits almost all of its energy in the cell hit by radiation. Results are presented for a microbeam of monoenergetic soft (2–10 keV) X-rays for two different micro-models: (a) single-cells of homogeneous and uniform chemical compositions, and (b) single-cells of heterogeneous structures (nucleus and cytoplasm) with different chemical compositions. In both numerical models, only one cell is irradiated and the electron and X-ray doses in all cells are recorded. It was found that surrounding cells receive approximately five orders of magnitude less dose than the target cell in the homogenized cell model. The more detailed, heterogeneous model showed that the nucleus of the target cell receives more than 95% of the dose delivered to the entire cell, while neighboring cell nuclei receive approximately 65% of their total cell dose. Results of the macroscopic behavior of a soft X-ray microbeam using a cylindrical phantom 5 cm tall and 1 cm in diameter are also presented. Three-dimensional dose profiles indicate the spatial dose dissipation. For example, a 10 keV X-ray microbeam dose scatters to a negligible level at 0.3 cm radially from the center while it reaches an axial depth of 2 cm.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone insulin forms a spherical aggregate, called a spherulite, at low pH and high temperature. A spherulite is composed of a core and many fibrils extending from it. These fibrils are thought to be amyloid fibers with a beta-sheet structure. In the present study, spherulites with a diameter of 50-100 microm were examined by X-ray fiber diffraction using a 6 microm beam. When a spherulite was scanned with the microbeam and the observed diffraction patterns were arranged in a two-dimensional array, the direction of the scatter was centrosymmetric, demonstrating a symmetric growth of fibrils. There were diffraction peaks at Bragg spacings of 23 nm, 3.3 nm and 1.2 nm in the direction perpendicular to the fibrils and 0.48 nm along the fibrils. The 0.48 nm reflection shows that the hydrogen bonds between beta-strands are along the fibril. The 23 nm reflection corresponds to the separation between fibrils, the 3.3 nm reflection is due to the arrangement of protofilaments, and the 1.2 nm reflection arises from the arrangement of peptide chains. On the basis of these results, a model of a fibril with an extended insulin molecule is proposed.  相似文献   

Microbeam radiation therapy has demonstrated superior normal tissue sparing properties compared to broadbeam radiation fields. The ratio of the microbeam peak dose to the valley dose (PVDR), which is dependent on the X-ray energy/spectrum and geometry, should be maximised for an optimal therapeutic ratio. Simulation studies in the literature report the optimal energy for MRT based on the PVDR. However, most of these studies have considered different microbeam geometries to that at the Imaging and Medical Beamline (50 μm beam width with a spacing of 400 μm). We present the first fully experimental investigation of the energy dependence of PVDR and microbeam penumbra. Using monochromatic X-ray energies in the range 40–120 keV the PVDR was shown to increase with increasing energy up to 100 keV before plateauing. PVDRs measured for pink beams were consistently higher than those for monochromatic energies similar or equivalent to the average energy of the spectrum. The highest PVDR was found for a pink beam average energy of 124 keV. Conversely, the microbeam penumbra decreased with increasing energy before plateauing for energies above 90 keV. The effect of bone on the PVDR was investigated at energies 60, 95 and 120 keV. At depths greater than 20 mm beyond the bone/water interface there was almost no effect on the PVDR. In conclusion, the optimal energy range for MRT at IMBL is 90–120 keV, however when considering the IMBL flux at different energies, a spectrum with 95 keV weighted average energy was found to be the best compromise.  相似文献   

Rapid and accurate identification and speciation of staphylococci clinical isolates is important for predicting medical pathology. We evaluated the ability of a high-density DNA probe array based on 16S rDNA sequences to identify Staphylococcus species. Correct identification was observed for 185 out of the 201 strains (92%). Of the 33 tested species, the array was able to correctly identify 30 of them. The total time required for identification of 4 isolates was 5 h. Such a tool represents a powerful method for routine microbiological diagnostic as well as for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

New markers are constantly emerging that identify smaller and smaller subpopulations of immune cells. However, there is a growing awareness that even within very small populations, there is a marked functional heterogeneity and that measurements at the population level only gives an average estimate of the behaviour of that pool of cells. New techniques to analyze single immune cells over time are needed to overcome this limitation. For that purpose, we have designed and evaluated microwell array systems made from two materials, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and silicon, for high-resolution imaging of individual natural killer (NK) cell responses. Both materials were suitable for short-term studies (<4 hours) but only silicon wells allowed long-term studies (several days). Time-lapse imaging of NK cell cytotoxicity in these microwell arrays revealed that roughly 30% of the target cells died much more rapidly than the rest upon NK cell encounter. This unexpected heterogeneity may reflect either separate mechanisms of killing or different killing efficiency by individual NK cells. Furthermore, we show that high-resolution imaging of inhibitory synapse formation, defined by clustering of MHC class I at the interface between NK and target cells, is possible in these microwells. We conclude that live cell imaging of NK-target cell interactions in multi-well microstructures are possible. The technique enables novel types of assays and allow data collection at a level of resolution not previously obtained. Furthermore, due to the large number of wells that can be simultaneously imaged, new statistical information is obtained that will lead to a better understanding of the function and regulation of the immune system at the single cell level.  相似文献   

A simple, easily readable system for permanent individual identification of rodents was accomplished by clipping off selected toes according to a code. Up to 10,000 animals could be consecutively numbered using this system.  相似文献   

Dosimetry calculations characterizing the spatial variation of the energy deposited by the slowing and stopping of energetic electrons are reported and compared with experimental measurements from an electron microbeam facility. The computations involve event-by-event, detailed-histories Monte Carlo simulations of low-energy electrons interacting in water vapor. Simulations of electron tracks with starting energies from 30 to 80 keV are used to determine energy deposition distributions in thin cylindrical rings as a function of penetration and radial distance from a beam source. Experimental measurements of the spatial distribution of an electron microbeam in air show general agreement with the density-scaled simulation results for water vapor at these energies, yielding increased confidence in the predictions of Monte Carlo track-structure simulations for applications of the microbeam as a single-cell irradiator.  相似文献   

Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) using high doses of synchrotron X-rays can destroy tumours in animal models whilst causing little damage to normal tissues. Determining the spatial distribution of radiation doses delivered during MRT at a microscopic scale is a major challenge. Film and semiconductor dosimetry as well as Monte Carlo methods struggle to provide accurate estimates of dose profiles and peak-to-valley dose ratios at the position of the targeted and traversed tissues whose biological responses determine treatment outcome. The purpose of this study was to utilise γ-H2AX immunostaining as a biodosimetric tool that enables in situ biological dose mapping within an irradiated tissue to provide direct biological evidence for the scale of the radiation burden to 'spared' tissue regions between MRT tracks. Γ-H2AX analysis allowed microbeams to be traced and DNA damage foci to be quantified in valleys between beams following MRT treatment of fibroblast cultures and murine skin where foci yields per unit dose were approximately five-fold lower than in fibroblast cultures. Foci levels in cells located in valleys were compared with calibration curves using known broadbeam synchrotron X-ray doses to generate spatial dose profiles and calculate peak-to-valley dose ratios of 30-40 for cell cultures and approximately 60 for murine skin, consistent with the range obtained with conventional dosimetry methods. This biological dose mapping approach could find several applications both in optimising MRT or other radiotherapeutic treatments and in estimating localised doses following accidental radiation exposure using skin punch biopsies.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of microtubule dynamic instability is controversial, but is thought to be related to a "GTP cap." A key prediction of the GTP cap model is that the proposed labile GDP-tubulin core will rapidly dissociate if the GTP-tubulin cap is lost. We have tested this prediction by using a UV microbeam to cut the ends from elongating microtubules. Phosphocellulose-purified tubulin was assembled onto the plus and minus ends of sea urchin flagellar axoneme fragments at 21-22 degrees C. The assembly dynamics of individual microtubules were recorded in real time using video microscopy. When the tip of an elongating plus end microtubule was cut off, the severed plus end microtubule always rapidly shortened back to the axoneme at the normal plus end rate. However, when the distal tip of an elongating minus end microtubule was cut off, no rapid shortening occurred. Instead, the severed minus end resumed elongation at the normal minus end rate. Our results show that some form of "stabilizing cap," possibly a GTP cap, governs the transition (catastrophe) from elongation to rapid shortening at the plus end. At the minus end, a simple GTP cap is not sufficient to explain the observed behavior unless UV induces immediate recapping of minus, but not plus, ends. Another possibility is that a second step, perhaps a structural transformation, is required in addition to GTP cap loss for rapid shortening to occur. This transformation would be favored at plus, but not minus ends, to account for the asymmetric behavior of the ends.  相似文献   

The frequent discrepancy between direct microscopic counts and numbers of culturable bacteria from environmental samples is just one of several indications that we currently know only a minor part of the diversity of microorganisms in nature. A combination of direct retrieval of rRNA sequences and whole-cell oligonucleotide probing can be used to detect specific rRNA sequences of uncultured bacteria in natural samples and to microscopically identify individual cells. Studies have been performed with microbial assemblages of various complexities ranging from simple two-component bacterial endosymbiotic associations to multispecies enrichments containing magnetotactic bacteria to highly complex marine and soil communities. Phylogenetic analysis of the retrieved rRNA sequence of an uncultured microorganism reveals its closest culturable relatives and may, together with information on the physicochemical conditions of its natural habitat, facilitate more directed cultivation attempts. For the analysis of complex communities such as multispecies biofilms and activated-sludge flocs, a different approach has proven advantageous. Sets of probes specific to different taxonomic levels are applied consecutively beginning with the more general and ending with the more specific (a hierarchical top-to-bottom approach), thereby generating increasingly precise information on the structure of the community. Not only do rRNA-targeted whole-cell hybridizations yield data on cell morphology, specific cell counts, and in situ distributions of defined phylogenetic groups, but also the strength of the hybridization signal reflects the cellular rRNA content of individual cells. From the signal strength conferred by a specific probe, in situ growth rates and activities of individual cells might be estimated for known species. In many ecosystems, low cellular rRNA content and/or limited cell permeability, combined with background fluorescence, hinders in situ identification of autochthonous populations. Approaches to circumvent these problems are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to identify individual neural spikes observed on high-density multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). Our method can distinguish large numbers of distinct neural units, even when spikes overlap, and accounts for intrinsic variability of spikes from each unit. As MEAs grow larger, it is important to find spike-identification methods that are scalable, that is, the computational cost of spike fitting should scale well with the number of units observed. Our algorithm accomplishes this goal, and is fast, because it exploits the spatial locality of each unit and the basic biophysics of extracellular signal propagation. Human interaction plays a key role in our method; but effort is minimized and streamlined via a graphical interface. We illustrate our method on data from guinea pig retinal ganglion cells and document its performance on simulated data consisting of spikes added to experimentally measured background noise. We present several tests demonstrating that the algorithm is highly accurate: it exhibits low error rates on fits to synthetic data, low refractory violation rates, good receptive field coverage, and consistency across users.  相似文献   

Libraries composed of linear and cyclic peptides cannot fully represent the higher order structures of most antigenic sites. To map the binding site of ligands or antibodies, a larger part of the three-dimensional space should be sampled. Because parallel synthesis of large arrays of peptides on hydrogels is restricted to relatively small peptides, a simple and robust homodimeric helical system was chosen for antigen presentation. First, it was established in an heterodimeric system that the 26-mer peptide could be synthesized and that the helical coiled-coil peptides interact in the hydrogel in a predictable manner. Next, libraries of homodimeric coiled coils were synthesized into which the epitope was grafted. Using dedicated helical dimeric and trimeric coiled-coil libraries, the epitopes of two anti-HIV-1 gp41 monoclonal antibodies known to interact with helical structures were mapped at high resolution. These mappings precisely reflect existing X-ray data, and the arrays can be applied to lead identification, epitope mapping, and systematic analysis of amino acid contribution to coiled-coil systems.  相似文献   

As the first step for the analysis of the biological effect of heavy charged-particle radiation, we established a method for the irradiation of individual cells with a heavy-ion microbeam apparatus at JAERI-Takasaki. CHO-K1 cells attached on a thin film of an ion track detector, CR-39, were automatically detected under a fluorescence microscope and irradiated individually with an 40Ar13+ ion (11.5 MeV/nucleon, LET 1260 keV/microm) microbeam. Without killing the irradiated cells, trajectories of irradiated ions were visualized as etch pits by treatment of the CR-39 with an alkaline-ethanol solution at 37 degrees C. The exact positions of ion hits were determined by overlaying images of both cells and etch pits. The cells that were irradiated with argon ions showed a reduced growth in postirradiation observations. Moreover, a single hit of an argon ion to the cell nucleus resulted in strong growth inhibition. These results tell us that our verified irradiation method enables us to start a precise study of the effects of high-LET radiation on cells.  相似文献   

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