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Complexity is one of the hallmarks that applies to C2H2 type zinc finger proteins (ZFPs). Structurally distinct clusters of zinc finger modules define an extremely large superfamily of nucleic acid binding proteins with several hundred, perhaps thousands of different members in vertebrates. Recent discoveries have provided new insights into the biochemistry of RNA and DNA recognition, into ZFP evolution and genomic organization, and also into basic aspects of their biological function. However, as much as we have learned, other fundamental questions about ZFP function remain highly enigmatic. This essay is meant to define what we personally feel are important questions, rather than trying to provide a comprehensive, encyclopaedic review.  相似文献   

里氏木霉Trichoderma reesei Rut-C30是目前研究最广泛的纤维素酶生产菌,选育高产纤维素酶的里氏木霉菌株有助于提高木质纤维素资源生物炼制的经济性。利用人工锌指蛋白文库转化T.reeseiRut-C30,筛选获得了两株高产纤维素酶的突变株T. reesei M1和M2,与出发菌株比较,突变株M1和M2滤纸酶活分别提高100%和53%,且M1突变株外泌蛋白量提高69%,M2内切纤维素酶活提高64%。实时定量PCR分析结果表明,与对照菌株相比,突变株M1和M2中主要纤维素酶基因转录均上调,但不同酶基因在两株菌中有不同的变化特征。此外,纤维素酶抑制转录因子基因ace1在两株突变株中都转录下调,而纤维素酶正调控转录因子基因xyr1仅在M1突变株中上调。以上结果表明,不同人工锌指蛋白对纤维素酶活性的影响具有多样性。对这些突变体中人工锌指蛋白靶基因进行深入分析,为进一步深入探究里氏木霉纤维素酶合成调控的机理,以及利用代谢工程选育更高效的产酶菌株提供了基础。  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods have seen significant improvement since their inception in the late 1950s. Constraints of simulation size and duration that once impeded the field have lessened with the advent of better algorithms, faster processors, and parallel computing. With newer techniques and hardware available, MD simulations of more biologically relevant timescales can now sample a broader range of conformational and dynamical changes including rare events. One concern in the literature has been under which circumstances it is sufficient to perform many shorter timescale simulations and under which circumstances fewer longer simulations are necessary. Herein, our simulations of the zinc finger NEMO (2JVX) using multiple simulations of length 15, 30, 1000, and 3000 ns are analyzed to provide clarity on this point.  相似文献   

C2H2锌指蛋白转录因子家族在真核生物中具有重要的生物学功能,广泛参与植物叶的发生、花器官的调控、侧枝的形成及逆境胁迫等生命过程。植物C2H2锌指蛋白不仅结合DNA和RNA,而且与蛋白质之间相互作用。本研究利用普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)基因组数据库,运用Blastp比对,结合Pfam和SMART分析,鉴定了118条普通烟草C2H2锌指蛋白家族成员;对烟草C2H2锌指蛋白家族进行了进化树分析、结构域分析、物理化学性质分析、染色体定位、基因结构分析、三维结构分析及组织表达分析等。结果表明:不同成员的氨基酸长度差异较大;系统进化及结构域分析显示,所有C2H2家族成员可以被分为5个亚家族,同一亚家族成员之间在结构域和理化性质上呈现较高一致性;每个成员都含有C2H2结构域,在数量上存在较大差异;将所有基因家族成员定位在22条染色体上;组织表达分析表明,每个C2H2亚家族都有成员在不同组织中表达,在叶及根中有些基因的表达量较高。  相似文献   

The conformational properties of unbound multi‐Cys2His2 (mC2H2) zinc finger proteins, in which zinc finger domains are connected by flexible linkers, are studied by a multiscale approach. Three methods on different length scales are utilized. First, atomic detail molecular dynamics simulations of one zinc finger and its adjacent flexible linker confirmed that the zinc finger is more rigid than the flexible linker. Second, the end‐to‐end distance distributions of mC2H2 zinc finger proteins are computed using an efficient atomistic pivoting algorithm, which only takes excluded volume interactions into consideration. The end‐to‐end distance distribution gradually changes its profile, from left‐tailed to right‐tailed, as the number of zinc fingers increases. This is explained by using a worm‐like chain model. For proteins of a few zinc fingers, an effective bending constraint favors an extended conformation. Only for proteins containing more than nine zinc fingers, is a somewhat compacted conformation preferred. Third, a mesoscale model is modified to study both the local and the global conformational properties of multi‐C2H2 zinc finger proteins. Simulations of the CCCTC‐binding factor (CTCF), an important mC2H2 zinc finger protein for genome spatial organization, are presented. Proteins 2015; 83:1604–1615. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

SBP-box基因家族是植物特有的一个基因家族,广泛存在于绿色植物中,其编码的蛋白被认为是一种转录因子,该转录因子含有一个非常保守的SBP区,这个区域包括一个新的锌指结构和一个核定位信号。研究表明SBP转录因子参与了花的形成及其后期发育,叶的形态建成和环境信号应答等多个生物学过程,在植物的生长和发育中起着重要作用。近年来,已从多种植物中分离出SBP-box基因,对于该基因家族结构和功能的研究已成为国内外的研究热点。该文从SBP-box基因家族的发现、结构、系统进化、生物学功能及其调控等方面的研究现状进行综述,并对该基因家族的研究前景提出展望。  相似文献   

王进龙  王建  田春艳 《遗传》2016,38(11):971-978
C2H2型锌指蛋白家族是目前发现的哺乳动物中最大的转录/转录调控因子家族,由一小群古老的含有真核锌指结构的转录因子经过多次基因复制和功能分化演化而来。KRAB型锌指蛋白(KRAB-containing zinc finger proteins, KRAB-ZFPs)作为C2H2型锌指蛋白家族中最大的亚家族,最早出现在四足脊椎动物,并随物种的进化数量快速增长,在人类中占据C2H2型锌指蛋白的60%左右。在物种演化中,进化压力主要改变KRAB-ZFPs的DNA结合能力,而KRAB-ZFPs介导的转录抑制能力则稳定存在。同时,多种KRAB-ZFPs能够与KRAB相关蛋白1(KRAB-associated protein 1, KAP1)协同作用沉默哺乳动物中反转录元件的活性,并与之协同进化,严格限制反转录原件的跳跃能力。本文综述了KRAB-ZFPs的数量倍增、锌指结构的灵活多变、KRAB-ZFPs/KAP1的转录抑制能力和反转录元件的跳跃性在促进哺乳动物调控网络的差异、基因组稳定性的变化和物种进化中的作用,旨在进一步揭示KRAB-ZFPs在推动物种稳定演化中的特点和功能。  相似文献   

Many TFIIIA‐type zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) play important roles in stress responses in plants. In the present study, a novel zinc finger protein gene, StZFP1, was cloned from potato. StZFP1 is a typical TFIIIA‐type two‐finger zinc finger gene with one B‐box domain, one L‐box domain and a DLN‐box/EAR motif. The StZFP1 genes belong to a small gene family with an estimated copy number of four or five, located on chromosome I. StZFP1 is constitutively expressed in leaves, stems, roots, tubers and flowers of adult plants. Expression of StZFP1 can be induced by salt, dehydration and exogenously applied ABA. StZFP1 expression is also responsive to infection by the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Transient expression analysis of StZFP1:GFP fusion protein revealed that StZFP1 is preferentially localised in the nucleus. Ectopic expression of StZFP1, driven by the Arabidopsis rd29A promoter in transgenic tobacco, increased plant tolerance to salt stress. These results demonstrate that StZFP1 might be involved in potato responses to salt and dehydration stresses through an ABA‐dependent pathway.  相似文献   

人工锌指核酸酶介导的基因组定点修饰技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xiao A  Hu YY  Wang WY  Yang ZP  Wang ZX  Huang P  Tong XJ  Zhang B  Lin S 《遗传》2011,33(7):665-683
锌指核酸酶(ZFN)由锌指蛋白(ZFP)结构域和Fok I核酸内切酶的切割结构域人工融合而成,是近年来发展起来的一种可用于基因组定点改造的分子工具。ZFN可识别并结合特定的DNA序列,并通过切割这一序列的特定位点造成DNA的双链断裂(DSB)。在此基础上,人们可以对基因组的特定位点进行各种遗传操作,包括基因打靶、基因定点插入、基因修复等,从而能够方便快捷地对基因组实现靶向遗传修饰。这种新的基因组定点修饰方法的突出优势是适用性好,对物种没有选择性,并且可以在细胞和个体水平进行遗传操作。文章综述了ZFN技术的研究进展及应用前景,重点介绍ZFN的结构与作用机制、现有的靶点评估及锌指蛋白库的构建与筛选方法、基因组定点修饰的策略,以及目前利用这一技术已成功实现突变的物种及内源基因,为开展这一领域的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The ADR1 protein recognizes a six base-pair consensus DNA sequence using two zinc fingers and an adjacent accessory motif. Kinetic measurements were performed on the DNA-binding domain of ADR1 using surface plasmon resonance. Binding by ADR1 was characterized to two known native binding sequences from the ADH2 and CTA1 promoter regions, which differ in two of the six consensus positions. In addition, non-specific binding by ADR1 to a random DNA sequence was measured. ADR1 binds the native sites with nanomolar affinities. Remarkably, ADR1 binds non-specific DNA with affinities only approximately tenfold lower than the native sequences. The specific and non-specific binding affinities are conferred mainly by differences in the association phase of DNA binding. The association rate for the complex is strongly influenced by the proximal accessory region, while the dissociation reaction and specificity of binding are controlled by the two zinc fingers. Binding kinetics of two ADR1 mutants was also examined. ADR1 containing an R91K mutation in the accessory region bound with similar affinity to wild-type, but with slightly less sequence specificity. The R91K mutation was observed to increase binding affinity to a suboptimal sequence by decreasing the complex dissociation rate. L146H, a change-of-specificity mutation at the +3 position of the second zinc finger, bound its preferred sequence with a slightly higher affinity than wild-type. The L146H mutant indicates that beneficial protein-DNA contacts provide similar levels of stabilization to the complex, whether they are hydrogen-bonding or van der Waals interactions.  相似文献   

We have exploited emulsion-based in vitro compartmentalization (IVC) to devise a method for the selection of zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) on the basis of their DNA-binding specificity. A library of ZFPs fused to a C-terminal peptide tag is encoded by a set of DNA cassettes that are prepared wholly in vitro. In addition to the ZFP gene, each DNA cassette also carries a given DNA target binding site sequence for which one wishes to isolate ZFP binders. An aliquot of the library is added to bacterial S30 extract and emulsified in mineral oil so that most of the aqueous droplets contain, on average, no more than one gene. If an intra-compartmentally expressed ZFP binds specifically to its encoding DNA via the target binding site, the complex can be purified by affinity capture via the peptide tag after breaking the emulsion, thus rescuing the gene. We present proof-of-principle for this IVC selection method by selecting a specific high-affinity ZFP gene from a high background of a related gene. We also propose that high-affinity ZFPs can be used as genotype-phenotype linkages to enable selection of other proteins using IVC.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2021,81(22):4591-4604.e8
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