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Microbial carbohydrate esterases deacetylating plant polysaccharides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several plant polysaccharides are partially esterified with acetic acid. One of the roles of this modification is protection of plant cell walls against invading microorganisms. Acetylation of glycosyl residues of polysaccharides prevents hydrolysis of their glycosidic linkages by the corresponding glycoside hydrolases. In this way the acetylation also represents an obstacle of enzymatic saccharification of plant hemicelluloses to fermentable sugars which appears to be a hot topic of current research. We can eliminate this obstacle by alkaline extraction or pretreatment leading to saponification of ester linkages. However, this task has been accomplished in a different way in the nature. The acetyl groups became targets of microbial carbohydrate esterases that evolved to overcome the complexity of the plant cell walls and that cooperate with glycoside hydrolases in plant polysaccharide degradation. This article concentrates on enzymes deacetylating plant hemicelluloses excluding pectin. They are currently grouped in at least 8 families, specifically in CE families 1–7 and 16, originally assigned as acetylxylan esterases, the enzymes acting on hardwood acetyl glucuronoxylan and its fragments generated by endo-β-1,4-xylanases. There are esterases deacetylating softwood galactoglucomannan, but they have not been classified yet. The enzymes present in CE families 1–7 differ in structure and substrate and positional specificity. There are families behaving as endo-type and exo-type deacetylates, i.e. esterases deacetylating internal sugar residues of partially acetylated polysaccharides and also esterases deacetylating non-reducing end sugar residues in oligosaccharides. With one exception, the enzymes of all mentioned CE families belong to serine type esterases. CE family 4 harbors enzymes that are metal-dependent aspartic esterases. Three-dimensional structures have been solved for members of the first seven CE families, however, there is still insufficient knowledge about their substrate specificity and real physiological role. Current knowledge on catalytic properties of the selected families of CEs is summarized in this review. Some of the families are emerging also as new biocatalysts for regioselective acylation and deacylation of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Thermophiles, mesophiles, and psychrophiles have different amino acid frequencies in their proteins, probably because of the way the species adapt to very different temperatures in their environment. In this paper, we analyse how contacts between sidechains vary between homologous proteins from species that are adapted to different temperatures, but displaying relatively high sequence similarity. We investigate whether specific contacts between amino acids sidechains is a key factor in thermostabilisation in proteins. The dataset was divided into two subsets with optimal growth temperatures from 0–40 and 35–102°C. Comparison of homologues was made between low-temperature species and high-temperature species within each subset. We found that unspecific interactions like hydrophobic interactions in the core and solvent interactions and entropic effects at the surface, appear to be more important factors than specific contact types like salt bridges and aromatic clusters. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The growth temperature adaptation of six model proteins has been studied in 42 microorganisms belonging to eubacterial and archaeal kingdoms, covering optimum growth temperatures from 7 to 103 degrees C. The selected proteins include three elongation factors involved in translation, the enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and superoxide dismutase, the cell division protein FtsZ. The common strategy of protein adaptation from cold to hot environments implies the occurrence of small changes in the amino acid composition, without altering the overall structure of the macromolecule. These continuous adjustments were investigated through parameters related to the amino acid composition of each protein. The average value per residue of mass, volume and accessible surface area allowed an evaluation of the usage of bulky residues, whereas the average hydrophobicity reflected that of hydrophobic residues. The specific proportion of bulky and hydrophobic residues in each protein almost linearly increased with the temperature of the host microorganism. This finding agrees with the structural and functional properties exhibited by proteins in differently adapted sources, thus explaining the great compactness or the high flexibility exhibited by (hyper)thermophilic or psychrophilic proteins, respectively. Indeed, heat-adapted proteins incline toward the usage of heavier-size and more hydrophobic residues with respect to mesophiles, whereas the cold-adapted macromolecules show the opposite behavior with a certain preference for smaller-size and less hydrophobic residues. An investigation on the different increase of bulky residues along with the growth temperature observed in the six model proteins suggests the relevance of the possible different role and/or structure organization played by protein domains. The significance of the linear correlations between growth temperature and parameters related to the amino acid composition improved when the analysis was collectively carried out on all model proteins.  相似文献   

We studied the amino acid frequency and substitution patterns between homologues of prokaryotic species adapted to temperatures in the range 0–102°C, and found a significant temperature-dependent difference in frequency for many of the amino acids. This was particularly clear when we analysed the surface and core residues separately. The difference between the surface and the core is getting more pronounced in proteins adapted to warmer environments, with a more hydrophobic core, and more charged and long-chained amino acids on the surface of the proteins. We also see that mesophiles have a more similar amino acid composition to psychrophiles than to thermophiles, and that archea appears to have a slightly different pattern of substitutions than bacteria. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Analysis of metal-protein interaction distances, coordination numbers, B-factors (displacement parameters), and occupancies of metal-binding sites in protein structures determined by X-ray crystallography and deposited in the PDB shows many unusual values and unexpected correlations. By measuring the frequency of each amino acid in metal ion-binding sites, the positive or negative preferences of each residue for each type of cation were identified. Our approach may be used for fast identification of metal-binding structural motifs that cannot be identified on the basis of sequence similarity alone. The analysis compares data derived separately from high and medium-resolution structures from the PDB with those from very high-resolution small-molecule structures in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). For high-resolution protein structures, the distribution of metal-protein or metal-water interaction distances agrees quite well with data from CSD, but the distribution is unrealistically wide for medium (2.0-2.5 Å) resolution data. Our analysis of cation B-factors versus average B-factors of atoms in the cation environment reveals substantial numbers of structures contain either an incorrect metal ion assignment or an unusual coordination pattern. Correlation between data resolution and completeness of the metal coordination spheres is also found.  相似文献   


1. 1. The risks encountered during cold exposure are general body cooling or local cooling of parts of th body.

2. 2. Measures of cold stress must account for the effects of climate, clothing and metabolic heat production on heat balance.

3. 3. The combinaed effect of air temperature, mean radiant temperature, humidity and air velocity determines the cooling power of the environment.

4. 4. The cooling power can be easily converted into a required insulation value (IREQ) for whole body heat balance.

5. 5. Extensive cooling of hands and feet may be a limiting factor, even when sufficient total insulation is provided. In addition the cooling effect of wind on unprotected skin must be considered.

6. 6. Recommendation regarding acceptable exposures can be expressed as lowest ambient temperatures and time limits as function of available protection and activity level, with due attention to both general and local effects.

Author Keywords: Cold stress; clothing; method; temperature; limit values  相似文献   

Some like it cold: biocatalysis at low temperatures   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In the last few years, increased attention has been focused on a class of organisms called psychrophiles. These organisms, hosts of permanently cold habitats, often display metabolic fluxes more or less comparable to those exhibited by mesophilic organisms at moderate temperatures. Psychrophiles have evolved by producing, among other peculiarities, "cold-adapted" enzymes which have the properties to cope with the reduction of chemical reaction rates induced by low temperatures. Thermal compensation in these enzymes is reached, in most cases, through a high catalytic efficiency associated, however, with a low thermal stability. Thanks to recent advances provided by X-ray crystallography, structure modelling, protein engineering and biophysical studies, the adaptation strategies are beginning to be understood. The emerging picture suggests that psychrophilic enzymes are characterized by an improved flexibility of the structural components involved in the catalytic cycle, whereas other protein regions, if not implicated in catalysis, may be even more rigid than their mesophilic counterparts. Due to their attractive properties, i.e., a high specific activity and a low thermal stability, these enzymes constitute a tremendous potential for fundamental research and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

The physiological characteristics of work in cold stores, as a typical artificial cold environment, are reviewed mainly from our various field and experimental studies. There are about 4,000 cold stores in Japan, and 85% of them are kept at temperatures below -20 degrees C. Although the duration of cold exposure per stay in a cold store was very short, forklift workers entered the cold stores very frequently. Cold stress and the decrease in workers' performance were the same as for continuous exposure to cold. Since the peripheral skin temperature of subjects at night is higher than that in the afternoon, they are less likely to feel cold or pain sensation at night. However, there was a marked decrease in rectal temperature and in manual performance. There is an increased risk of both hypothermia and accidents for those who work at night. The cold store workers, however, had adapted to cold through daily repeated cold exposures.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric analysis was used to compare the roles of two acetyl esterases (AE, carbohydrate esterase family CE16) and three acetyl xylan esterases (AXE, families CE1 and CE5) in deacetylation of natural substrates, neutral (linear) and 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid (MeGlcA) substituted xylooligosaccharides (XOS). AEs were similarly restricted in their action and apparently removed in most cases only one acetyl group from the non-reducing end of XOS, acting as exo-deacetylases. In contrast, AXEs completely deacetylated longer neutral XOS but had difficulties with the shorter ones. Complete deacetylation of neutral XOS was obtained after the combined action of AEs and AXEs. MeGlcA substituents partially restricted the action of both types of esterases and the remaining acidic XOS were mainly substituted with one MeGlcA and one acetyl group, supposedly on the same xylopyranosyl residue. These resisting structures were degraded to great extent only after inclusion of α-glucuronidase, which acted with the esterases in a synergistic manner. When used together with xylan backbone degrading endoxylanase and β-xylosidase, both AE and AXE enhanced the hydrolysis of complex XOS equally.  相似文献   

Microbial life in cold ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Many morphological features of the Pleistocene fossil hominin Homo neanderthalensis, including the reputed large size of its paranasal sinuses, have been interpreted as adaptations to extreme cold, as some Neanderthals lived in Europe during glacial periods. This interpretation of sinus evolution rests on two assumptions: that increased craniofacial pneumatization is an adaptation to lower ambient temperatures, and that Neanderthals have relatively large sinuses. Analysis of humans, other primates, and rodents, however, suggests that the first assumption is suspect; at least the maxillary sinus undergoes a significant reduction in volume in extreme cold, in both wild and laboratory conditions. The second assumption, that Neanderthal sinuses are large, extensive, or even ‘hyperpneumatized,’ has held sway since the first specimen was described and has been interpreted as the causal explanation for some of the distinctive aspects of Neanderthal facial form, but has never been evaluated with respect to scaling. To test the latter assumption, previously published measurements from two-dimensional (2D) X-rays and new three-dimensional (3D) data from computed tomography (CT) of Neanderthals and temperate-climate European Homo sapiens are regressed against cranial size to determine the relative size of their sinuses. The 2D data reveal a degree of craniofacial pneumatization in Neanderthals that is both commensurate with the size of the cranium and comparable in scale with that seen in temperate climate H. sapiens. The 3D analysis of CT data from a smaller sample supports this conclusion. These results suggest that the distinctive Neanderthal face cannot be interpreted as a direct result of increased pneumatization, nor is it likely to be an adaptation to resist cold stress; an alternative explanation is thus required.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to lactate with concomitant oxidation of NADH during the last step in anaerobic glycolysis. In the present study, we present a comparative biochemical and structural analysis of various LDHs adapted to function over a large temperature range. The enzymes were from Champsocephalus gunnari (an Antarctic fish), Deinococcus radiodurans (a mesophilic bacterium) and Thermus thermophilus (a hyperthermophilic bacterium). The thermodynamic activation parameters of these LDHs indicated that temperature adaptation from hot to cold conditions was due to a decrease in the activation enthalpy and an increase in activation entropy. The crystal structures of these LDHs have been solved. Pairwise comparisons at the structural level, between hyperthermophilic versus mesophilic LDHs and mesophilic versus psychrophilic LDHs, have revealed that temperature adaptation is due to a few amino acid substitutions that are localized in critical regions of the enzyme. These substitutions, each having accumulating effects, play a role in either the conformational stability or the local flexibility or in both. Going from hot- to cold-adapted LDHs, the various substitutions have decreased the number of ion pairs, reduced the size of ionic networks, created unfavorable interactions involving charged residues and induced strong local disorder. The analysis of the LDHs adapted to extreme temperatures shed light on how evolutionary processes shift the subtle balance between overall stability and flexibility of an enzyme.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in alkaline (pH 10.4) and permanently cold (4°C) ikaite tufa columns from the Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland, was investigated using growth characterization of cultured bacterial isolates with Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and sequence analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments. More than 200 bacterial isolates were characterized with respect to pH and temperature tolerance, and it was shown that the majority were cold-active alkaliphiles. T-RFLP analysis revealed distinct bacterial communities in different fractions of three ikaite columns, and, along with sequence analysis, it showed the presence of rich and diverse bacterial communities. Rarefaction analysis showed that the 109 sequenced clones in the 16S rRNA gene library represented between 25 and 65% of the predicted species richness in the three ikaite columns investigated. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed many sequences with similarity to alkaliphilic or psychrophilic bacteria, and showed that 33% of the cloned sequences and 33% of the cultured bacteria showed less than 97% sequence identity to known sequences in databases, and may therefore represent yet unknown species.  相似文献   

Trimethylamine (TMA) is common in marine environments. Although the presence of this compound in the oceans has been known for a long time, unlike the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, where TMA metabolism by microorganisms has been studied intensely, many questions remain unanswered about the microbial metabolism of marine TMA. This minireview summarizes what is currently known about the sources and fate of TMA in marine environments and the different pathways and enzymes involved in TMA metabolism in marine bacteria. This review also raises several questions about microbial TMA metabolism in the marine environments and proposes potential directions for future studies.  相似文献   

Activities of microorganisms residing in terrestrial deep subsurface sediments were examined in 46 sediment samples from three boreholes. Radiolabeled time course experiments assessing in situ microbial activities were initiated within 30 min of core recovery. [1‐C4] Acetate incorporation into lipids, [ methyl‐3H] thymidine incorporation into DNA, [2‐14C]acetate, and [U‐14C]glucose mineralization in addition to microbial enrichment and enumeration studies were examined in surface and subsurface sediments. Surface soils contained the greatest biomass and activities, followed by the shallow aquifer zones. Water‐saturated subsurface sands exhibited three to four orders of magnitude greater activity and culturable microorganisms than the dense clay zones, which had low permeability. Regardless of depth, sediments that contained more than 20% clays exhibited the lowest activities and culturable microorganisms.  相似文献   

酯酶自发现以来,逐渐被开发利用于医药、化工、食品等领域,其中动植物来源酯酶工业化应用较少,微生物作为天然的酶资源库,是新型酯酶的主要来源之一。然而,大量新型微生物酯酶由于活性低、稳定性差等原因难以达到工业应用的要求;同时酯酶的筛选、活性评价方法仍存在通用性低、成本高的问题,一定程度上阻碍了新型微生物酯酶挖掘和改造。据此,本文总结了近年来微生物酯酶分类与发现、结构与催化特性、改造和优化以及应用等领域的研究新进展,以期促进酯酶的挖掘和工业化应用。  相似文献   

Esterases (EC 3.1.1.x) represent a diverse group of hydrolases catalyzing the cleavage and formation of ester bonds and are widely distributed in animals, plants and microorganisms. Beside lipases, a considerable number of microbial carboxyl esterases have also been discovered and overexpressed. This review summarizes their properties and classification. Special emphasis is given on their application in organic synthesis for the resolution of racemates and prostereogenic compounds. In addition, recent results for altering their properties by directed evolution are presented.  相似文献   

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