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We describe a novel integrin heterodimer on the surface of the human embryonic kidney cell line 293. This receptor is comprised of alpha v and beta 1 subunits, each of which has been previously found in association with other integrin subunits. This alpha v.beta 1 complex was identified as the predominant vitronectin receptor (VnR) on the surface of 293 cells by immunoprecipitation with antibodies raised against the alpha v subunit. Polymerase chain reaction analysis detected mRNAs for alpha v and beta 1 subunits while no evidence was obtained for beta 2, beta 3, or alpha IIb integrin subunit mRNA. Immunoprecipitation of surface-iodinated proteins with antibodies to alpha v gave bands of 150 and 120 kDa. The 120-kDa band reacted with antibodies to beta 1 in immunoblotting experiments. 293 cells adhere to vitronectin, fibronectin, laminin, and collagen IV, while von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen, known ligands of the VnR (alpha v.beta 3), did not support adhesion. A polyclonal antibody directed against both subunits of the VnR (alpha v, beta 3) inhibits attachment of 293 cells to vitronectin but not to other adhesive proteins. A beta 1-specific monoclonal inhibited attachment to fibronectin, laminin, and collagen IV, known ligands of beta 1 integrins, as well as vitronectin. This novel (alpha v. beta 1) VnR thus appears to mediate cell adhesion exclusively to vitronectin, in contrast to previously described VnRs which have multiple ligands.  相似文献   

The Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line, derived from distal tubule/collecting duct, expresses differentiated properties of renal tubule epithelium in culture. We studied the expression of adrenergic receptors in MDCK to examine the role of catecholamines in the regulation of renal function. Radioligand-binding studies demonstrated, on the basis of receptor affinities of subtype-selective adrenergic agonists and antagonists, that MDCK cells have both alpha 1- and beta 2- adrenergic receptors. To determine whether these receptor types were expressed by the same cell, we developed a number of clonal MDCK cell lines. The clonal lines had stable but unique morphologies reflecting heterogeneity in the parent cell line. Some clones expressed only beta 2-adrenergic receptors and were nonmotile, whereas others expressed both alpha 1- and beta 2-receptors and demonstrated motility on the culture substrate at low cell densities. In one clone, alpha- and beta- receptor expression was stable for more than 50 passages. Catecholamine agonists increased phosphatidylinositol turnover by activating alpha- adrenergic receptors and cellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate accumulation by activating beta-adrenergic receptors. Guanine nucleotide decreased the affinity of isoproterenol for the beta 2- receptor but did not alter the affinity of epinephrine for the alpha 1- receptor. These results show that alpha 1- and beta 2-receptors can be expressed by a single renal tubular cell and that the two receptors behave as distinct entities in terms of cellular response and receptor regulation. Heterogeneity of adrenergic receptor expression in MDCK clones may reflect properties of different types of renal tubule cells.  相似文献   

The hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)4alpha, a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, regulates genes that play a critical role in embryogenesis and metabolism. Recent studies have shown that mutations in the human HNF4alpha gene cause a rare form of type 2 diabetes, maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY1). To investigate the properties of these naturally occurring HNF4alpha mutations we analysed five MODY1 mutations (R154X, R127W, V255M, Q268X and E276Q) and one other mutation (D69A), which we found in HepG2 hepatoma cells. Activation of reporter genes in transfection assays and DNA binding studies showed that the MODY1-associated mutations result in a variable reduction in function, whereas the D69A mutation showed an increased activity on some promoters. None of the MODY mutants acted in a dominant negative manner, thus excluding inactivation of the wild-type factor as a critical event in MODY development. A MODY3-associated mutation in the HNF1alpha gene, a well-known target gene of HNF4alpha, results in a dramatic loss of the HNF4 binding site in the promoter, indicating that mutations in the HNF4alpha gene might cause MODY through impaired HNF1alpha gene function. Based on these data we propose a two-hit model for MODY development.  相似文献   

The epithelial-mesenchymal interactions required for kidney organogenesis are disrupted in mice lacking the integrin alpha8beta1. None of this integrin's known ligands, however, appears to account for this phenotype. To identify a more relevant ligand, a soluble integrin alpha8beta1 heterodimer fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP) has been used to probe blots and cDNA libraries. In newborn mouse kidney extracts, alpha8beta1-AP detects a novel ligand of 70-90 kD. This protein, named nephronectin, is an extracellular matrix protein with five EGF-like repeats, a mucin region containing a RGD sequence, and a COOH-terminal MAM domain. Integrin alpha8beta1 and several additional RGD-binding integrins bind nephronectin. Nephronectin mRNA is expressed in the ureteric bud epithelium, whereas alpha8beta1 is expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme. Nephronectin is localized in the extracellular matrix in the same distribution as the ligand detected by alpha8beta1-AP and forms a complex with alpha8beta1 in vivo. Thus, these results strongly suggest that nephronectin is a relevant ligand mediating alpha8beta1 function in the kidney. Nephronectin is expressed at numerous sites outside the kidney, so it may also have wider roles in development. The approaches used here should be generally useful for characterizing the interactions of novel extracellular matrix proteins identified through genomic sequencing projects.  相似文献   

We studied the subcellular localization of tankyrase in primary and immortalized human cell cultures. In embryonic kidney cell line 293 the enzyme was excluded from the nuclei and distributed in fractions of soluble cytosolic proteins and low-density microsomes. Newly revealed cytosolic tankyrase in its poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated form was passed through a Sepharose 2B column and eluted as an apparently monomeric protein. The cytosolic localization of the enzyme correlated with its relatively high activity in the 293 cell line in comparison to eight other studied cell types.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects liver cells and its replication in other cells is incompletely defined. Human hepatoma Huh-7 cells harboring subgenomic HCV replicons were used in somatic cell fusion experiments with human embryonic kidney 293 cells as a means of examining the permissiveness of 293 cells for HCV subgenomic RNA replication. 293 cells were generally not permissive for replication of Huh-7 cell-adapted replicons. However, upon coculturing of the two cell lines, we selected rare replicon-containing cells, termed 293Rep cells, that resembled parental 293 cells. Direct metabolic labeling of cells with (33)P in the presence of actinomycin D and Northern blotting to detect the negative strand of the replicon demonstrated functional RNA replicons in 293Rep cells. Furthermore, Western blots revealed that 293Rep cells expressed the HCV nonstructural proteins as well as markers of the na?ve 293 cells but not Huh-7 cells. Propidium iodide staining and fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of 293Rep cells revealed that clone 293Rep17 closely resembled na?ve 293 cells. Transfection of total RNA from 293Rep17 into na?ve 293 cells produced replicon-containing 293 cell lines with characteristics distinct from those of Huh-7-derived replicon cell lines. Relative to Huh-7 replicons, the 293 cell replicons were less sensitive to inhibition by alpha interferon and substantially more sensitive to inhibition by poly(I)-poly(C) double-stranded RNA. This study established HCV subgenomic replicons in nonhepatic 293 cells and demonstrated their utility in expanding the study of cellular HCV RNA replication.  相似文献   

Direct microinjection of the clostridial neurotoxins botulinum neurotoxin A light chain or tetanus neurotoxin into cells of a human embryonic kidney cell line significantly reduced calcium entry after depletion of internal calcium stores by cyclopiazonic acid, a reversible inhibitor of the sarcoplasmic-endoplasmic reticular calcium-ATPases. Botulinum neurotoxin A light chain specifically hydrolyzes a synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kilodaltons (SNAP-25), and tetanus neurotoxin specifically hydrolyzes synaptobrevin-2 (vesicle-associated membrane protein 2, VAMP-2) and cellubrevin (vesicle-associated membrane protein 3, VAMP-3). Since these substrate proteins are required for vesicle docking and fusion, inhibition of store-operated calcium entry by botulinum neurotoxin A light chain and tetanus neurotoxin supports a model in which vesicle fusion is a prerequisite for activation of store-operated calcium entry. Brefeldin A, a fungal metabolite that interferes with vesicle traffic, partially reduced calcium entry following store depletion. The size of the reserve pool of vesicles or parallel vesicle recycling pathways employing brefeldin A-sensitive and brefeldin A-insensitive ADP-ribosylation factors may explain the failure of brefeldin A to completely inhibit store-operated calcium entry.  相似文献   

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