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Haynes MR  Wu GE 《Immunogenetics》2004,56(7):470-479
The T-cell receptor (TCR) and loci are particularly interesting because of their unique genomic structure, in that the gene segments for each locus are interspersed. The origin of this remarkable gene segment arrangement is obscure. In this report, we investigated the evolution of the TCR and variable loci and their respective recombination signal sequences (RSSs). Our phylogenetic analyses divided the and variable gene segments into two major groups each with distinguishing motifs in both the framework and complementarity determining regions (CDRs). Sequence analyses revealed that TCR variable segments share similar CDR2 sequences with immunoglobulin light chain variable segments, possibly revealing similar evolutionary histories. Maximum likelihood analysis of the region on Chromosome 14q11.2 containing the loci revealed two possible ancestral TCR / variable segments, TRDV2 and TRAV1-1/1-2, respectively. Maximum parsimony revealed different evolutionary patterns between the variable segment and RSS of the same variable gene arguing for dissimilar evolutionary origins. Two models could account for this difference: a V(D)J recombination activity involving embedded heptamer-like motifs in the germline genome, or, more plausibly, an unequal sister chromatid crossing-over. Either mechanism would have resulted in increased diversity for the adaptive immune system.  相似文献   

Nine bovine T-cell receptor (Tcr) chain (Tcrg) and three Tcr chain (Tcrd) cDNA clones were isolated from the cDNA libraries constructed from peripheral blood lymphocytes and thymocytes. Of nine Tcrg cDNA clones, only four were rearranged and contained specific V, J, and C gene segments, but the remaining five contained specific J and C or only C gene segments without the V gene segment. Three kinds of Tcrg-C, which were highly related at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, were found and designated as Tcrg-C1, Tcrg-C2, and Tcrg-C3. Compared with human and mouse Tcrg-C, bovine Tcrg-C sequences are much longer, with about 27–55 amino acids corresponding to the hinge and connector regions, where the characteristic repetitive 5-amino acid motif (TTEPP or TTKPP) exists in sheep Tcrg-C as previously reported. From three Tcrd cDNA clones, two Tcrd-V and three Tcrd-J segments were isolated. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of bovine Tcrd-C, especially the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, are well conserved among species. As in bovine Tcrg-C, diversity of amino acid residues in the Tcrd-C region is concentrated in the hinge regions. Southern blot analysis showed that there are at least three Tcrg-C genes and one Tcrd-C gene in the bovine genome. The analysis also revealed the presence of Tcrg-C- and Tcrd-C-associated restriction fragment length polymorphisms among bovine breeds.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers D90409-20.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M97510 and M97511.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 3D6 reacts with the T-cell receptor (Tcr) on the T-leukemic line HPBALL and with 2–13% of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes. In this study Vα and Vβ expression in a panel of T-cell populations and clones expressing the 3D6 epitope was determined by Southern and northern hybridization analysis. The results demonstrate that these 3D6-positive T cells, regardless of CD4/CD8 phenotype or function, express a gene of the Vβ5 family, also expressed by HPBALL. No correlation of the HPBALL Vα gene. The results demonstrate that 3D6 recognizes an epitope solely on the Tcrβ chain and that the use of this β chain, together with an appropriate Vα, can impart a diverse pattern of reactivity to a T cell.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank database and have been assigned the accession numbers M94181-M94183.  相似文献   

 The influence of β-chain diversity on the expressed T-cell receptor (TCR) α-chain repertoire was investigated using transgenic mice which exclusively express a single rearranged TCR β-chain gene. Analysis of these mice using α-chain-specific recombinant cDNA libraries showed that expression of the transgene-encoded β chain results in significant skewing in Tcra-V gene segment usage vs nontransgenic mice. Skewing was most pronounced towards α chains using TCRA-V segments. Sequence analysis of Tcra-V8-containing genes from transgenic T cells revealed predominant use of a single Tcra-J segment (Tcra-J24), which was not detected in Tcra-V8 containing genes isolated from nontransgenic T cells. Further analysis revealed that co-expression of Tcra-V8 with Tcra-J24 in β-transgenic mice is exhibited almost exclusively by CD4+ T cells, and is associated with a limited number of closely related N-regions. Analysis of transgenic CD8+ T cells demonstrated predominant co-expression of Tcra-V8 with another Tcra-J (Tcra-J30), together with a different, limited N-region sequence. We conclude that the composition of expressed β chains can profoundly influence the selection of companion α chains expressed in the periphery, and that α-chain N and J regions play a crucial role in discriminating between class I vs class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted recognition. Further, these results are in agreement with recent data concerning the crystal structure of the TCR, and most consistent with a model for TCR structure in which the complementarity determining region (CDR)3α domain participates in direct contact with the MHC. Received: 28 January 1997 / Revised: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

A panel of cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones that recognize H-2b target cells has been established. Six different clones were distinguished according to the following criteria. First, the fine specificity of the clones was determined by testing proliferation and cytotoxicity on target cells of recombinant mice. Clone 221 recognized H-2Kb, and five other clones recognized H-2Db. Clone 433 distinguished itself from the other five Db-specific clones by cross-reacting with an antigen on H-2k cells. Second, the presence of an idiotypic determinant as defined by the 3179 clone-specific monoclonal antibodies was investigated in cytotoxicity inhibition experiments. One of the Db-specific clones, 653, was inhibited by these antibodies and was therefore clearly different from the other Db-specific clones. The third criterion involved the rearrangement pattern of the DNA coding for the chain of the T-cell receptor. Southern blot analysis showed that each clone had a unique pattern. Interestingly, clone 653 , which expresses the same idiotypic determinant as clone 3F9, had deleted the C 1 gene cluster, whereas this gene is functionally expressed in clone 3179.Abbreviations used in this paper C constant gene segment - Con A concanavalin A - CTLs cytotoxic T lymphocytes - D diversity gene segment - 3H-dThd tritiated thymidine - J joining gene segment - kb kilobase pairs - LPS lipopolysaccharide - MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLC mixed lymphocyte culture - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - V ariable gene segment  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the human 1-globin gene. The nucleotide sequence and organization of the human 1 gene (exons, introns, promoter, and polyadenylation signals) are similar to those reported for the orangutan 1-globin gene. If these genes are functional, the sequences of their 1-globin chains would differ by only one amino acid residue (at position 137).This research was supported by USPHS Research Grants HLB-05168 and HLB-15158. This is contribution No. 1085 from the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.  相似文献   

Inbred rat strains provide a rich source of genetic diversity in immunologically relevant gense. We have characterized the alleles of one of these genes, encoding the rat T-cell receptor C1 chain, by Southern blots and nucleic acid sequencing. The Cb1 gene segments from DA and LEW rats display complex allotypic variation: both coding and noncoding regions contain multiple nucleotide substitutions. In addition, there is a polymorphic insertion of a rat repetitive LINE element 3 to the coding region. The Cb1 alleles are one part of larger Tcrb haplotypes, containing V, D, and J elements; complete Cb1 genomic nucleotide sequences, and a partial list of the strain distribution of the two alleles, are described in this report.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M65136.  相似文献   

T-cell clones expressing the T-cell receptor (Tcr) were generated from peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and from a thymus sample. In the panel of ten thymus-derived clones, four Tcr phenotypes [as defined by the reaction of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against known V and V regions] were identified. All the clones lacked expression of the V3 V region, while seven clones were V1+ . V1 was found in combination with V9 or with undefined VVregions. In addition, two other Tcr phenotypes were identified on these clones: V9+ V1 V3 and V9 V1 V3 One of the clones expressed CD4 and another was CD8positive. The remaining clones were CD4 CD8. In the panel of 76 PBL-derived, Tcr-bearing clones, five Tcr phenotypes could be identified. In contrast to the thymus-derived clones, 30% of the clones were V3+ whereas V1 was expressed by a minority of the clones only. One clone was CD4-positive and approximately 30% of the clones were CD8-positive. Four of the five mAb-defined Tcr phenotypes could be identified on both thymus and PBL-derived T-cell clones. However, biochemical analysis of the Tcrs demonstrates differences in the usage of Ct- and C2-encoded y chains by T cells derived from the thymus and PBLs. The results therefore indicate that, at the clonal level, similarities and differences exist between the Tcr repertoires expressed in the thymus and by PBLs. Furthermore, they indicate that combinatorial Tcr heterogeneity is larger than has so far been described. The receptor diversity, combined with the potential of Tcr+ cells to express CD4 or CD8, indicates that these cells are a heterogeneous population that might mediate a number of immune functions.  相似文献   

A full-length β-tubulin gene has been cloned and sequenced from Gigaspora gigantea and Glomus clarum, two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species in the phylum Glomeromyota. The gene in both species is organized into five exons and four introns. Both genes are 94.9% similar and encode a 447 amino acid protein. In comparison with other fungal groups, the amino acid sequence is most similar to that of fungi in the Chytridiomycota. The codon usage of the gene in both AMF species is broad and biased in favor of an A or a T in the third position. The four introns varied in length from 87 to 168 bp for G. gigantea and from 90 to 136 bp for G. clarum. Of all fungi in which full-length sequences have been published, only AMF do not have an intron before codon 174. The introns positioned at codons 174 and 257 in AMF match the position of different introns in β-tubulin genes of some Zygomycete, Basidiomycete, and Ascomycete fungi. The 5′ and 3′ splice site consensus sequences are similar to those found in introns of most fungi. Sequence analysis from single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis confirmed the presence of two β-tubulin gene copies in G. clarum, but only one copy was evident in G. gigantea based on Southern hybridization analysis.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the T-cell receptor (Tcr) gene encodes a natural killer (NK) cell receptor molecule, three human NK clones and fresh peripheral blood lymphocytes with NK activity from two patients with a CD16+ lymphocytosis were analyzed for rearrangements and expression of the human Tcr , , and genes. Two of the clones displayed distinct rearrangements of their Tcr and genes and expressed mature Tcr , , and l RNA. However, one of the clones and both patient samples displayed marked NK activity but failed to rearrange or express any of their Tcr genes. These findings demonstrate that human natural killer activity is not dependent on Tcr gene rearrangement and expression. In addition, they confirm previous findings concerning the lack of Tcr and gene expression in some natural killer cells. Thus, they suggest the existence of additional NK-specific recognition molecules.  相似文献   

Monotremes are an ancient mammalian lineage that last shared a common ancestor with the marsupial and eutherian (placental) mammals about 170 million years ago. Characterization of their immune genes is allowing us to gain insights into the evolutionary processes that lead to the mammalian immune response. Here we describe the characterization of the first cDNA clones encoding T-cell receptors from a monotreme. Two TCR -chain cDNAs (TCRA) from the short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus, containing complete variable, joining and constant regions were isolated. The echidna TCRA constant region shares approximately 37% amino acid identity with other mammalian TCRA constant region sequences. The two variable regions belong to the TCRAV group C, which also contains V genes from humans, mice, cattle and chickens. One echidna TCR -chain cDNA (TCRB) containing the entire constant region was isolated and sequenced. It shares about 63% identity with other mammalian TCRB constant region sequences. The echidna TCRBV belongs to TCRBV group A, which also contains V genes from various eutherian species. Southern blot analysis indicates that, like in other mammalian species, there is only one TCRA constant region copy in the echidna genome, but at least two TCRB constant regions.  相似文献   

The composition of 15 V T gene subfamilies has been examined by Southern hybridization among a broad spectrum of colony bred rat and mouse species extending phylogenetically from Rattus to Mus musculus domesticus. Most mouse species contain a similar content of V T genes as determined by the number of hybridizing restriction fragment (RF) bands. Furthermore, the extent of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) appears to be limited. Some V T gene families, however, are missing from Rattus (VT7, V T12) and M. shortridgei (V T9, V T16). Extension of the V T survey to a panel of 38 wild-caught mice reveals that nearly a third lack specific hybridization to the V T5 probe. Previous reports have established that the mouse inbred strains SJL, C57BR, C57L, and SWR lack 50% of their V T repertoire, including V T5 (Behlke et al. 1985). This study demonstrates that natural populations of mice also carry a significantly reduced V T gene repertoire.  相似文献   

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