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The effect of light intensity on the phase response curve (PRC) and the period response curve (τRC) of the nocturnal field mouse Mus booduga was studied. PRCs and τRCs were constructed by exposing animals free-running in constant darkness (DD), to fluorescent light pulses (LPs) of 100 lux and 1000 lux intensities for 15min duration. The waveform of the PRCs and τRCs evoked by high light intensity (1000 lux) stimuli was significantly different compared to those constructed using low light intensity (100 lux). Moreover, a weak but significant correlation was observed between phase shifts and period changes when light stimuli of 1000 lux intensity were used; however, the phase shifts and period changes in the 100 lux PRC and τRC were not correlated. This suggests that the intensity of light stimuli affects both phase and period responses in the locomotor activity rhythm of the nocturnal field mouse M. booduga. These results indicate that complex mechanisms are involved in entrainment of circadian clocks, even in nocturnal rodents, in which PRC, τRC, and dose responses play a significant role.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in mammals are generated by an endogenous pacemaker but are modulated by environmental cycles, principally the alternation of light and darkness. Although much is known about nonparametric effects of light on the circadian system, little is known about other effects of photic stimulation. In the present study, which consists of a series of five experiments in mice, various manipulations of photic stimulation were used to dissect the mechanisms responsible for a variation in the magnitude of light-induced phase-shifts that results from prolonged exposure to darkness. The results confirmed previous observations that prolonged exposure to darkness causes an increase in the magnitude of phase shifts (both phase advances and phase delays) evoked by discrete light pulses. The results also indicated that the increase in responsiveness results from the lack of exposure to light per se and not from collateral effects of exposure to constant darkness such as the lack of previous entrainment. The lack of exposure to light causes the circadian system to undergo a process of dark adaptation similar to dark adaptation in the visual system but with a much slower temporal course. The results suggest that circadian dark adaptation may take place at the retinal level, but it is not clear whether it involves a change in the sensitivity or maximal responsiveness of the system.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess whether melatonin accelerates the re-entrainment of locomotor activity after 6 h of advance and delay phase shifts following exposure to LD 12:12 cycle (simulating jet-lag/shift work). An experimental group of adult male field mice Mus booduga were subjected to melatonin (1 mg/kg) through i.p. and the control group were treated with 50 % DMSO. The injections were administered on three consecutive days following 6h of phase advance and delay, at the expected time of “lights off”. The results show that melatonin accelerates the re-entrainment after phase advance (29%) when compared with control mice. In the 6 h phase delay study, the experimental mice (melatonin administered) take more cycles for re-entrainment (51%) than the control. Further, the results suggest that though melatonin may be useful for the treatment of jet-lag caused by eastward flight (phase advance) it may not be useful for westward flight (phase delay) jet-lag  相似文献   

Microcebus murinus s a very photoperiod-dependent primate with a potentially extended longevity (13 years). Reduction of artificial seasonal cycles allows acceleration of the aging process. Under these conditions, age is defined according to the number of seasonal cycles. We conducted experiments in order to assess the effects of aging upon (1) the main parameters (period: duration: ) of the circadian activity–rest rhythm; and (2) the plasticity of the response to light, which is the main entraining factor of the internal clock. We studied the evolution of and through two types of experiments: a transverse one comparing 36 males of various ages (1–13 seasonal cycles) and a longitudinal one following 2 pairs of males from the same litter (one from each pair was maintained under natural cycle while the other was submitted to a shortened cycle) over 54 months. Results from transverse experiments demonstrated no statistical difference in and with age except in 4 senescent (>10 cycles) subjects in which these two parameters were decreased. Longitudinal experiments confirmed this tendency. The plasticity of responses to light, resynchronization after a shift of the day–night cycle, or shift of activity onset after presentation of a light pulse at various circadian times was unaffected by aging. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the parameters of the circadian activity–rest rhythm remain stable over a long span of life and/or that light remains a powerful entraining parameter even in very old individuals.  相似文献   

The phase of the mammalian circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is controlled by a multitude of stimuli. While phase control is undoubtedly dominated by photic input, the serotonergic input from the raphe nuclei also influences SCN clock phase. In this article I review the evidence for serotonergic modulation of the SCN pacemaker, and the cellular mechanisms underlying these effects, obtained from in vitro experiments performed during the past decade. Serotonin can advance the SCN pacemaker when applied during the subjective day, and delay the pacemaker when applied during the subjective night. The daytime advances appear due to stimulation of 5HT7 receptors, activation of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A, and opening of K+ channels. The synthesis of new proteins may also be critical for these phase shifts. Serotonergic phase advances can be inhibited by a variety of other modulatory inputs to the SCN, including neuropeptide Y, melatonin, and glutamate. Together, these data demonstrate that SCN circadian pacemaker phase is controlled by a complex interplay between multiple afferent stimuli, and that serotonin plays a critical role in this process.  相似文献   

In the nocturnal field mouse Mus booduga, the responsiveness of the circadian system to UV-A light of 2.5 W/m2 and 30 minutes duration is known to be phase dependent. The results of our experiments indicate that the phase shifts evoked by UV-A at the two phases, CT14 (circadian time 14) and CT20 increases nonlinearly with irradiance. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 777-782, 2000)  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are believed to be an evolutionary adaptation to daily environmental cycles resulting from Earth's rotation about its axis. A trait evolved through a process of natural selection is considered as adaptation; therefore, rigorous demonstration of adaptation requires evidence suggesting evolution of a trait by natural selection. Like any other adaptive trait, circadian rhythms are believed to be advantageous to living beings through some perceived function. Circadian rhythms are thought to confer advantage to their owners through scheduling of biological functions at appropriate time of daily environmental cycle (extrinsic advantage), coordination of internal physiology (intrinsic advantage), and through their role in responses to seasonal changes. So far, the adaptive value of circadian rhythms has been tested in several studies and evidence indeed suggests that they confer advantage to their owners. In this review, we have discussed the background for development of the framework currently used to test the hypothesis of adaptive significance of circadian rhythms. Critical examination of evidence reveals that there are several lacunae in our understanding of circadian rhythms as adaptation. Although it is well known that demonstrating a given trait as adaptation (or setting the necessary criteria) is not a trivial task, here we recommend some of the basic criteria and suggest the nature of evidence required to comprehensively understand circadian rhythms as adaptation. Thus, we hope to create some awareness that may benefit future studies in this direction. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Locomotor activity of individual blowflies, Phormia (= Protophormia) terraenovae R.D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was recorded by means of running wheels. A few days after emergence, adult flies were placed in the wheels and exposed to at least two of four light-dark cycles (LD) differing in cycle duration T (LD 11:11, 12:12, 13:13 and 14:14 h). The intensity of illumination was 400 lux in L and 2 lux in D. From the actograms, phase-angle differences were read off between onset of activity and light-on (ψ/onset), and between end of activity and light-off (ψend)- Within the range of entrainment, ψ changed systematically from negative values in T =22 h to positive values in T =28 h: the mean change in ψ per hour change in T , expressed in degree of the full circadian cycles, was 20o. Standard deviations of ψ around its mean were computed for ten-cycle intervals; in ψonset and in ψend standard deviation was minimal when 4ψ was close to zero, and increased steadily with increasing negative or positive ψ -values.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity on the phase response curve (PRC) and the period response curve (τRC) of the nocturnal field mouse Mus booduga was studied. PRCs and τRCs were constructed by exposing animals free-running in constant darkness (DD), to fluorescent light pulses (LPs) of 100 lux and 1000 lux intensities for 15min duration. The waveform of the PRCs and τRCs evoked by high light intensity (1000 lux) stimuli was significantly different compared to those constructed using low light intensity (100 lux). Moreover, a weak but significant correlation was observed between phase shifts and period changes when light stimuli of 1000 lux intensity were used; however, the phase shifts and period changes in the 100 lux PRC and τRC were not correlated. This suggests that the intensity of light stimuli affects both phase and period responses in the locomotor activity rhythm of the nocturnal field mouse M. booduga. These results indicate that complex mechanisms are involved in entrainment of circadian clocks, even in nocturnal rodents, in which PRC, τRC, and dose responses play a significant role.  相似文献   

The role of social interactions in entrainment has not been extensively studied in the invertebrates. Leucophaea maderae is a gregarious species of cockroach that exhibits extensive social interactions. Social interactions associated with copulation between the sexes have been shown to be regulated by the circadian system. We show here that social interactions between males are also under circadian control. We examined the question of whether or not these rhythmic social contacts could function as zeitgebers capable of regulating circadian phase and period. Animals initially in phase that were housed as groups or pairs of single sex or mixed sex in constant darkness for 2–7 weeks were found to drift out of phase. Their behavior was not significantly different from individual animals maintained in isolation. Further, animals that were initially out of phase by 12 h housed as groups or pairs were not significantly different in phase from animals that were isolated. The results show the circadian clocks of cockroaches are remarkably insensitive to the extensive social interactions that occur between individuals.  相似文献   

Lithium has been shown to lengthen free-running circadian periods in a variety of species. Here we show that lithium carbonate differentially lengthens the free-running period of a circadian wheel running rhythm in BALB/CByJ and C57BL/10Sn inbred mouse strains. This result supports previous evidence that lithium lengthens mammalian circadian rhythms, and also demonstrates that gene differences can mediate individual differences in response to lithium treatment.  相似文献   

There are sex differences in free‐running rhythms, activity level and activity distribution that are attributed, in part, to the action of gonadal hormones. We tested the hypothesis that non‐classical estrogenic signaling pathways at estrogen receptor subtype 1 (ESR1) modify the amplitude and phase of activity. We used ESR1 knock‐out mice (ERKO) and non‐classical estrogen receptor knock‐in mice (NERKI). ERKO animals are unable to respond to estrogen at the ESR1 and NERKI animals lack the ability to respond to estrogens via the estrogen response element‐mediated pathway, but can still respond via non‐classical mechanisms. We compared intact male and female ERKO, NERKI and wildtype (WT) mice with respect to total wheel‐running activity, activity distribution across the 24‐h day, phase angle of activity onset and free‐running period (τ) and the duration of activity in constant conditions. WT females had significantly greater activity than WT males, and this activity was more consolidated to the dark phase of the light:dark cycle. These sex differences were absent in the NERKI and ERKO animals. Among females, NERKI and ERKO animals had greater activity during the light phase than WT counterparts. Additionally, we have identified a novel contribution of non‐classical estrogen signaling pathways on the distribution of activity. Our data suggest that total activity is ESR1‐dependent and daily activity patterns depend on both classical and non‐classical actions of estrogens. These data will aid in identifying the mechanisms underlying sex differences in sleep–wake cycles and the influence of steroid hormones on circadian patterns.  相似文献   

The entrainment behaviour of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the field mouse Mus booduga was studied in order to evaluate the role of the animals' free-running period (τ) and the duration of skeleton photoperiods in determining entrainment of animals with τ values beyond and close to the “limits of entrainment”. We predicted that animals with τ lesser than the lower “limit of entrainment” would entrain only to short skeleton photoperiods (≤ 6 h) and not to longer skeleton photoperiods. Experimental animals (n = 25) were entrained to light/dark (LD) 12:12 h schedule, and then subjected to various skeleton photoperiods in which the duration of one of the two intervals of darkness was successively reduced while holding the zeitgeber period (T) constant. Some animals (n = 9) entrained to long as well as short photoperiods, whereas others (n = 5) entrained only to extremely short skeleton photoperiods of 6 h or less. The mean τ of the animals entraining to all photoperiods (23.78 ± 0.22 h) was significantly greater than that of the animals that entrained only to very short skeleton photoperiods (22.43 ± 0.41 h) (t df 12 = 5.3, p < 0.001). We also selected a few animals (n = 11) with average τ value of 23.13 ± 0.38 h and studied them under several skeleton photoperiods. To our surprise the animals which were subjected to restricted dark intervals invariably underwent “phase-jump” assuming the longer dark interval as “subjective night”. We suggest that the observed variation in entrainment behaviour might be due to the variation seen among individual animals in τ and the shape of their PRC. These results support the view that the duration of the skeleton photoperiod and the τ of an individual animal interact to determine its entrainment, and underscore the relevance of inter-individual variation in circadian organisation to studies of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

The effect of melatonin on the rate of reentrainment after a 6h phase delay and a 6h phase advance in the light-dark (LD) cycle was assayed in the nocturnal field mouse Mus booduga. After a phase delay of 6h in the LD cycle, a single dose of melatonin (1 mg/kg) was administered for three consecutive days at about CT4 (circadian time 4). After a phase advance of 6h in the LD cycle, melatonin was administered for three consecutive days at about CT22. Melatonin was found to accelerate reentrainment in both cases. Melatonin-treated animals took significantly fewer cycles to reentrain compared to vehicle-treated (50% dimethylsulfoxide [DMSO]) and nontreated control animals.  相似文献   

Crayfish Procambarus acanthophorus is a burrower that spends long periods building deep tunnels to reach the water table during the dry season; thus, its survival entertains a close ecological relationship with the sediment. The aim of this work was to determine whether the properties of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity could be modified by the sediment availability. Experiments were conducted in both aquaria filled with sediment or filled with water, under cycles of Bright and Dim Illumination (BI:DI, 12:12 h) or under continuous DI:DI. The rhythm of locomotor activity was entrained with the photoperiod in aquaria with sediment or water; however, statistical differences between conditions were obtained comparing the period and the level of activity under free-running. These data suggest that the substrate’s sensorial perception could be encoded as a significant ecological parameter that exerts influence in the physiological mechanisms that control the temporal order in P. acanthophorus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Individual worker ants isolated in an actograph exhibit circadian rhythms of locomotor activity. Entrainment occurs more readily in LD 18:6 h than in LD 12:12 h. The ants are either light-active or dark-active. Phase angle and duration of activity is influenced by photoperiod.  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) bred at the Institute of Halle reveal three different circadian phenotypes. The wild type (WT) shows normal locomotor activity patterns, whereas in hamsters of the DAO (delayed activity onset) type, the activity onset is continuously delayed. Since the activity offset in those hamsters remains coupled to “light-on,” the activity time becomes compressed. Hamsters of the AR (arrhythmic) type are episodically active throughout the 24?h. Previous studies showed that a disturbed interaction of the circadian system with the light-dark (LD) cycle contributes to the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters. To gain better insight into the underlying mechanisms, the authors investigated the daily melatonin rhythm, as it is a reliable marker of the circadian clock. Hamsters were kept individually under standardized laboratory conditions (LD 14:10, T?=?22°C?±?2°C, food and water ad libitum). WT, DAO (with exactly 5?h delay of activity onset), and AR hamsters were used for pineal melatonin and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) measurement. Pineal melatonin content was determined at 3 time points: 4?h after “light-off” [D?+?4], 1?h before “light-on” [L???1], and 1?h after “light-on” [L?+?1]). The 24-h profile of melatonin secretion was investigated by transferring the animals to metabolic cages for 27?h to collect urine at 3-h intervals for aMT6s analysis. WT hamsters showed high pineal melatonin content during the dark time (D?+?4, L???1), which significantly decreased at the beginning of the light period (L?+?1). In contrast, DAO hamsters displayed low melatonin levels during the part of the dark period when animals were still resting (D?+?4). At the end of the dark period (L???1), melatonin content increased significantly and declined again when light was switched on (L?+?1). AR hamsters showed low melatonin levels, comparable to daytime values, at all 3 time points. The results were confirmed by aMT6s data. WT hamsters showed a marked circadian pattern of aMT6s excretion. The concentration started to increase 3?h after “light-off” and reached daytime values 5?h after “light-on.” In DAO hamsters, in contrast, aMT6s excretion started about 6?h later and reached significantly lower levels compared to WT hamsters. In AR animals, aMT6s excretion was low at all times. The results clearly indicate the rhythm of melatonin secretion in DAO hamsters is delayed in accord with their delayed activity onset, whereas AR hamsters display no melatonin rhythm at all. Since the regulatory pathways for the rhythms of locomotor activity and melatonin synthesis (which are downstream from the suprachiasmatic nucleus [SCN]) are different but obviously convey the same signal, we conclude that the origin of the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters must be located upstream of the SCN, or in the SCN itself. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Male Australian field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus , Walker) reared in LD 12:12 h were transferred to LL at different developmental stages and the timing of their circadian calling song rhythm was analysed in regard to the previous zeitgeber. The phase settings for the onset and end of activity were similar in crickets experiencing the LD/LL transition: (i) 3–52 days after the final moult, (ii) within 24 h before the final moult, or (iii) 1–10 days before the final moult. For all groups the results reveal entrainment of the circadian mechanism at the last LD, thus excluding age-related differences. The rhythms of crickets, transferred from LD to LL as larval instars and also exposed to a reduced temperature (5–8oC) during their last night, were delayed by about 11 h, an effect similar to that in adult crickets after a comparable cold exposure (Loher & Wiedenmann, 1981).
The results are interpreted showing that the circadian control of (the adult's) calling song already functions in the previous (non-singing) larval stages. Since the rhythmicity continued through moults and sexual maturation, it is concluded that the control centres regulating those physiological processes (e.g. pars intercerebralis, corpora allata) are not essential to the basic circadian mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract.  To reveal circadian characteristics and entrainment mechanisms in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica , the locomotor-activity rhythm of foragers is investigated under programmed light and temperature conditions. After entrainment to an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiodic regime, free-running rhythms are released in constant dark (DD) or light (LL) conditions with different free-running periods. Under the LD 12 : 12 h regime, activity offset occurs approximately 0.4 h after lights-off transition, assigned to circadian time (Ct) 12.4 h. The phase of activity onset, peak and offset, and activity duration depends on the photoperiodic regimes. The circadian rhythm can be entrained to a 24-h period by exposure to submultiple cycles of LD 6 : 6 h, as if the locomotive rhythm is entrained to LD 18 : 6 h. Phase shifts of delay and advance are observed when perturbing single light pulses are presented during free-running under DD conditions. Temperature compensation of the free-running period is demonstrated under DD and LL conditions. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm is achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10 °C amplitude, but a 5 °C amplitude fails to entrain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Locomotor activity of individual blowflies, Phormia (=Protophormia) terraenovae R.D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae), was recorded by means of running wheels made of Perspex (plexiglass). At various intervals after hatching, flies were placed in the wheel in continuous light (120 lx). The period of the free-running rhythm was often shorter than 24 h initially, but lengthened later and stabilized after 15–20 days at values around or above 25 h. The mean period was independent of age in both sexes. Within a range from 2 to 2000lx the period did not depend in a systematic way on intensity of illumination; no activity could be recorded below 1 lx.  相似文献   

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