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In the present study, in vitro derived H-2Kb mutants have been examined by alloreactive CTL. Two mutants, R8.24 and R8.246, have been shown to express novel determinants detected by CTL generated against some but not all in vivo derived Kb mutants. BDF1 anti-bm3, anti-bm11, anti-bm19, anti-bm23, and anti-bm6 CTL populations lyse the two R8 variants. The novel determinants expressed on the R8 mutants detected by the bm3 and bm23-specific CTL appear to differ from the determinant recognized by the bm6-specific CTL. No new serologically defined determinants were detected on any of 18 independent R8 variants. However, these results do not rule out the existence of new determinants which could be recognized by antibodies. Finally, the relationship between the T cell recognition of the in vivo and in vitro derived mutants and their use in understanding the structure/function relationships between the immune response and class I Ag based on recent crystallographic analyses is discussed.  相似文献   

A definite cytotoxic activity was developed in a BALB/c (H-2d) anti-DBA/2 primary mixed leukocyte culture (MLC), which received interleukin 2 (IL-2) on day 3 of culture. This cytotoxic activity was minor histocompatibility antigens (MIHA)-specific at the stimulator level, and was not developed in a syngeneic (BALB/c anti-BALB/c) MLC. The addition of IL-2 on day 3 of culture was crucial; no or very weak cytotoxic activity was developed in MLC receiving IL-2 on day 0 or on both day 0 and day 3. Only appropriate MIHA-allogeneic tumor cells were lysed as the target of the cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic activity seemed MIHA-specific also at the target level; it lysed tumor cells of DBA/2 mouse origin but not those of BALB/c (syngeneic) origin. Phenotypes of the cytotoxic effector cell were Thy-1+ Lyt-2+. We concluded from these results that MIHA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the MIHA-allogeneic primary MLC. In this newly developed system, we studied genetic and antigenic requirements for primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro. We demonstrated; among spleen cells (SC) of seven B10 H-2-congenic strains only SC of B10.D2 strain whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (H-2d) was compatible with the responder MHC effectively stimulated responder BALB/c (H-2d) SC for an anti-MIHA (DBA-C57BL-common) CTL response. Similarly, only SC of two out of seven C x B recombinant inbred strains (C x B.H and C x B.D), which were compatible at the MHC with responder SC, activated responder BALB/c SC for the response. The possibility that cells responding to H-2 alloantigens suppressed the anti-MIHA response was ruled out. Additional experiments showed that compatibility at the H-2K-end or the H-2D-end of the MHC was sufficient for a definite anti-MIHA response. These provided formal evidence that primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro were MHC-restricted at the stimulator level. We then showed that sonication-disrupted SC or Sephadex G-10 column-passed nonadherent SC failed to stimulate responder SC for a primary anti-MIHA CTL response, whereas G-10-passed nonadherent SC responded well to adherent stimulator cells. Further study demonstrated that Ia+ adherent cells were the most active cell type as stimulator. Finally, we confirmed that the primary anti-MIHA CTL responses to adherent stimulator cells was MHC-restricted.  相似文献   

Rat thoracic duct lymphocytes were maintained in continual blast transformation and cell division by repeated in vitro stimulation with allogeneic cells. This resulted in increases in responder cell numbers of up to 10,000-fold in 10-day periods. Growth of responder lymphocyte populations was dependent upon cell density, culture medium nutrients, and the presence of antigen in the form of allogeneic cells. A titration assay for mixed lymphocyte interactions (MLI) was used to relate absolute growth of cells in preparative cultures to [3H]thymidine incorporation in analytical MLI. Growth of lymphocyte populations derived by repeated stimulation with cells bearing a single foreign MHC haplotype was supported to lesser, variable degrees by stimulation with unrelated “third party” stimulator cells. The extent of this operational cross-reactivity was assessed by parallel line analysis of MLI titrations of responder lymphocytes enriched for specific alloreactivity.  相似文献   

Activation of murine B lymphocytes in a splenocyte stimulator population with affinity-purified goat anti-mouse IgD (G alpha M delta) antibody was previously shown by this laboratory to enhance the presentation of strongly stimulatory major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and minor lymphocyte-stimulating (Mlsa,d) determinants in a primary mixed lymphocyte reaction. In the present study, the G alpha M delta treatment of murine splenocytes was employed to enhance the detection of the weakly stimulatory non-MHC Mlsc determinant in order to study the role the MHC might play as a restricting element for the recognition of these minor antigens in a primary mixed lymphocyte reaction. Indeed, enhanced T cell proliferation to Mlsc determinants presented on G alpha M delta-treated splenocytes was observed when the responder and activated H-2-compatible stimulator cell shared certain MHC haplotypes. High responsiveness was associated with the H-2a,k,j,p haplotypes, intermediate responsiveness was associated with the H-2f,g haplotypes and low responsiveness was associated with the H-2b,s haplotypes. (Low X high responder)F1 T cells preferentially responded to the Mlsc determinants presented on G alpha M delta-treated stimulator cells of the F1 or parental high responder H-2 haplotype. When mitomycin C instead of irradiation was used to inactivate normal (non-IgD-treated) splenocytes, a similar preferential response of T cells to Mlsc determinants presented on stimulator cells of a high responder H-2 haplotype was also observed. The inability of G alpha M delta-treated splenocytes of the low responder haplotype to elicit substantial levels of T cell proliferation across an Mlsc difference could not be attributed to the failure of these stimulator cells to become activated by the anti-Ig antibody. In addition, co-culture experiments could not identify the poor T cell response to Mlsc determinants presented on certain MHC haplotypes as being caused by the induction of nonspecific suppressor cells. Presentation of Mlsc determinants caused by transgene product complementation was detectable in F1 mice derived by crossing one parent that had the Mlsc non-MHC genes and a poorly permissive H-2 haplotype with a parent that expressed a permissive H-2 haplotype but lacked the Mlsc non-MHC genes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have identified a murine T lymphocyte clone that apparently lacks diacylglycerol- and phospholipid-activated protein kinase C (PKC): cell extracts do not display phosphatidylserine, Ca2+, or phorbol ester-dependent phosphotransferase activity; the enzyme was not detected in immunoblots with PKC-specific antibodies; phorbol ester binding sites are not detectable in intact cells; and activators of PKC do not stimulate proliferation or Na+/H+ exchange in intact cells. Only PKC beta mRNA was detected in normal murine T lymphocytes. The mutant T lymphocytes contained amounts of 4.4 kb PKC beta message similar to those in normal murine lymphocytes, but the 2.9 kb and 1.2 kb messages found in normal lymphocytes were barely detectable. No abnormalities were detected on Southern analysis, suggesting that the abnormality may be at the level of message splicing or stability. Since PKC-deficient cells proliferate in response to the T lymphocyte growth factor, interleukin-2, we conclude that activation of PKC is not essential for the growth-promoting action of interleukin-2.  相似文献   

Liver tissue grafts between seven H-2 mutants and their parental strains have been studied. Each of these mutants was originally identified by reciprocal mutant—parental strain skin graft rejection. However, liver grafts among mutants and parental standard strains are not uniformly rejected. Liver graft rejection also fails to correlate with mutant—parental stimulation in CML and MLC. In addition, the immune reaction pattern of female mutant animals against grafts of male liver differs from the reaction pattern found in parental standard strains. Several explanations for the differences between immune response to liver and skin grafts are proposed, including different T cell subsets involved in recognition, availability of antigenic sites to immunocompetent cells, and structural differences between mutant and parental H-2 antigens. Abbreviations used in this paper: bml, 2, 3, 4,14; dml; fm2=mutants of strains C57BL/6, B10.D2 and B10.M respectively; B6=C57BL/6  相似文献   

Subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated by sequential separation techniques. The stimulating and responding capacity of these cells together with the T-cell population remaining after the removal of other populations was studied in one-way allogeneic mixed lymphocyte culture. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine was used as a measure of response. Monocytes, present in the stimulating or responding cell population, were necessary for lymphocyte response. T cells stimulated responding T-cell populations containing monocytes but not B cells. Stimulation by T cells could be inhibited with DRW antisera. Response was also inhibited by sera detecting DRw antigens on the monocytes of the responding cell population. It is concluded that monocytes play an important functional role in mixed lymphocyte reactions. In addition, it appears that the combination of anti-DRw sera and monocytes influences mixed lymphocyte reactions by an active process in that inhibition of response cannot be explained entirely by blocking DRw determinants.  相似文献   

Summary There was no significant difference in the mitotic indices of the cultures maintained at different CO2 concentrations, i.e. 0%, 5% and 10%. However, considerable variation was recorded among different individuals. Supported by National Cancer Institute Contract No. 1 CP 43251.  相似文献   

Effect of CO2 on short-term human lymphocyte culture in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R S Verma  C Rubenstein  H Dosik 《In vitro》1977,13(11):806-807
There was no significant difference in the mitotic indices of the cultures maintained at different CO2 concentrations, i.e. 0 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent. However, considerable variation was recorded among different individuals.  相似文献   

Four days after injection of allogeneic lymphocytes BALB/c splenic T cells suppress proliferation of syngeneic cells in mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR). Conversely, lymph node cells from the same mice amplify MLR responses. To further characterize these functional subpopulations, alloantigen-primed lymphocyte suspensions from both organs were fractionated by velocity sedimentation at unit-gravity. After fractionation MLR suppressor cells from spleens localized exclusively in rapidlly sedimenting fractions of large cells. MLR suppressor activity of cells from these fractions, as well as that of unfractionated spleen cell suspensions, was abolished by treatment with anti-Thy-1.2 serum and complement. Spleen cell fractions of similar sedimentation velocity also secreted a soluble MLR suppressor into culture supernatants. Although inhibitory of MLR, spleen cells of rapid sedimentation velocity did not suppress responses to T cell mitogens. In marked contrast with the effects of spleen cells, large 4-day-alloantigen-primed lymph node cells had no suppressive activity in MLR. MLR amplifier cells of uncertain derivation were found in fractions of medium sedimentation velocity from both spleens and lymph nodes. Fractionation of alloantigen-primed lymph node cell suspensions did reveal, however, a subpopulation of small cells with MLR suppressor acitivty which was unaffected by treatment with anti-Thy-1 serum and complement. The data thus indicate that large alloantigen-activated lymphocytes are not intrinsically suppressive nor are cells which suppress MLR necessarily large. We consequently conclude that regulation of MLR responses by alloantigen-primed lymphocytes involves a complex interaction between distinct functional subpopulations of cells which are separable both by physical and biologic properties.  相似文献   

Amber mutants and chain termination in vitro   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Electron transfer rates were measured in RCs from three herbicide-resistant mutants with known amino acid changes to elucidate the structural requirements for last electron transfer. The three herbicide resistant mutants were IM(L229) (Ile-L229 Met), SP(L223) (Ser-L223 Pro) and YG(L222) (Tyr-L222 Gly). The electron transfer rate D+QA -QBD+QAQB (k AB) is slowed 3 fold in the IM(L229) and YG(L222) RCs (pH 8). The stabilization of D+QAQB - with respect to D+QAQB - (pH 8) was found to be eliminated in the IM(L229) mutant RCs (G0 0 meV), was partially reduced in the SP(L223) mutant RCs (G0=–30 meV), and was unaltered in the YG(L222) mutant RCs (G0=–60 meV), compared to that observed in the native RCs (G0=–60 meV). The pH dependences of the charge recombination rate D+QAQB -DQAQB (k BD) and the electron transfer from QA - (k QA -QA) suggest that the mutations do not affect the protonation state of Glu-L212 nor the electrostatic interactions of QB and QB - with Glu-L212. The binding affinities of UQ10 for the QB site were found in order of decreasing values to be native IM(L229) > YG(L222) SP(L223). The altered properties of the mutant RCs are used to deduce possible structural changes caused by the mutations and are dicscussed in terms of photosynthetic efficiency of the herbicide resistant strains.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - Bphe bacteriopheophytin - cholate 3,7,12-trihydroxycholanic acid - D donor (bacteriochlorophyll dimer) - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - Fe2+ non-heme iron atom - LDAO lauryl dimethylamine oxide - PS II photosystem II - QA and QB primary and secondary quinone acceptors - RC bacterial reaction center - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - UQ0 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl benzoquinone - UQ10 ubiquinone 50  相似文献   

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