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Michael Mäder  Martin Bopp 《Planta》1976,128(3):247-253
Summary Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of peroxidases of different organs and tissues of Nicotiana tabacum L. was performed on thin-layers of Sephadex and polyacrylamide. Isoelectric points (pI's) of peroxidase bands were measured by special electrodes. — The two types of layers showed very similar results. Reproductibility of pI's was better on polyacrylamide. This method is also easier to practise and requires less time than IEF on Sephadex (3 h versus 18). Thus for analytical purposes the acrylamide-technique is preferable, but if it is necessary to regain the separated enzymes it is better to perform IEF on Sephadex. — When IEF-patterns of peroxidase are compared with the disk electrophoresis (DE) patterns of the same tissue, important differences are observed. The 6 bands of GI (fast migrating, anodic group of DE) are reduced to 2 on the strongly acidic side of IEF (independent of the tissue studied). That means only 2 proteins in GI can be separated by pI's of the molecules. Maybe the heterogeneity of GI bands after DE indicates the presence of conformational isomers (conformers). — Because of the reduced number of bands in GI after IEF there is no difference in the patterns of many tissues (flowers, leaves, shoots, pith) as there is after disk electrophoresis. In the case of GII (slow migrating, anodic group of DE) on the other hand, there are always 4 different bands after isoelectric focusing in the lower acid region instead of 3 after disk electrophoresis. Disk electrophoresis of peroxidase-groups separated by isoelectric focusing shows the same patterns as direct disk electrophoresis of the extract. The methods produce no artifacts. —Comparison of these results with the peroxidase-patterns of tobacco found by other workers and by other techniques leads to the conclusion that there exist at least 4 isoenzymes of peroxidase corresponding to the 4 groups GI, GII, GIII, and GIV.
Abkürzungen IEF Isoelektrische Fokussierung - DE Disk-Elektrophorese - pI Isoelektrischer Punkt  相似文献   

Bacteriocinogeny in the Athiorhodaceae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Zusammenfassung VierChlamydomonas-Arten, die in Reinkulturen gezüchtet wurden —Ch. noctigama var.ellipsoidea, Ch. transita,Ch. terricola fo. undCh. baca — werden vergleichenden Untersuchungen des Zellbaues mit dem Lichtund Elektronenmikroskop unterworfen. Es sollte festgestellt werden, inwieweit das Elektronenmikroskop die Taxonomie dieser Gattung beeinflussen oder erweitern kann und ob Untersuchungen mit dem Lichtmikroskop ausreichen. Alle taxonomisch wichtigen Merkmale der vegetativen Zelle wurden untersucht und verglichen — Membran, Papille, Geißelinsertion, Chloroplast, Augenfleck, Pyrenoid, Zellkern und pulsierende Vakuolen. So lassen sich auch andere Einzelheiten, die für den Zellbau im allgemeinen wichtig sind, beobachten, im ganzen wird aber festgestellt, daß vorläufig die Untersuchungen mit dem Lichtmikroskop maßgebend bleiben, soweit sie die Taxonomie der GattungChlamydomonas betreffen, und daß sie zur Unterscheidung einzelner Taxa ausreichen. Das Elektronenmikroskop kann dort, wo gewisse Details vor allem bei sehr kleinzelligen Arten, mit dem Lichtmikroskop nicht völlig klar erscheinen, zur Ergänzung dienen.  相似文献   

Hanns Spohn 《Planta》1935,23(5):657-661
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 1 Textabbildung.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosome numbers of 11 species ofBiscutella were counted, in 5 species they were found out for the first time.Biscutella laevigata proved to be diploid in some places of Baveria, which are accordingly Submediterranean not Dealpin relicts. Chromosome numbers of n=8, 9 and 18 were counted in Spanish species of the Ser. Laevigatae. By these investigations it was shown that The problem ofBiscutella laevigata (Manton, 1934, 1937) and its allied species is not yet solved, but further cytotaxonomical research may bring forth fundamental results.  相似文献   

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