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From 2008 to 2013, vast green tides mainly composed of Ulva prolifera consecutively invaded the coast of Qingdao (36°06′N, 120°25′E, PR China) in June and July. Previous studies have shown that the early green tides initially formed in the Porphyra yezoensis aquaculture area of the Subei Shoal, southern Yellow Sea. To date, multiple studies have demonstrated that green algae micro-propagules play an important role in the formation of green tides. In this study, we aimed to assess the temporal and spatial distribution of green algae micro-propagules in an extensive area of the Yellow Sea and to determine the species diversity of propagules during the development of the large-scale green tide. We found that the quantity of micro-propagules increased with the free-floating biomass from the initial generation to the development phase of the green tide in mid May. From late May to mid June, the micro-propagule density decreased sharply despite a continuous increase of the floating macroalgae biomass. In addition, our data indicate that the coastal area of the Subei Shoal has always been the distribution center of the micro-propagules, even prior to the large-scale green tide formation. Furthermore, diverse green algae species, including Ulva prolifera, Ulva linza, Ulva flexuosa, Ulva compressa, Ulva pertusa and Blidingia sp., were identified among the micro-propagules in the survey sea area. Finally, we determined that the distribution of U. prolifera micro-propagules is closely related to the floating algal mats and attached macroalgae on Porphyra aquaculture rafts.  相似文献   

On sedimentary tidal flats in the Wadden Sea near the Island of Sylt, the periwinkleLittorina littorea occurred preferentially on clusters and beds of mussels and on shell beds (100 to 350 m−2), achieved moderate densities on green algal patches or mats (20 to 50 m−2), and remained rare on bare sediments (<5 m−2). Green algae covering>10% of sediment surface appeared in summer on approximately one third of the tidal zone, mainly in the upper and sheltered parts and almost never on mussel and shell beds. In feeding experiments,L. littorea ingested more of the dominant alge,Enteromorpha, than ofUlva, irrespective of whether or not algae were fresh or decaying. The tough thalli ofChaetomorpha were hardly consumed. Snails feeding onEnteromorpha produced fecal pellets from which new growth ofEnteromorpha started. In the absence of periwinkles,Enteromorpha developed on mussels and the attached fucoids. Experimentally increased snail densities on sediments prevented green algal development, but the snails were unable to graze down established algal mats. It is concluded that natural densities ofL. littorea hardly affect the ephemeral mass development of green algae on sediments. However, where the snails occur at high densities, i.e. on mussel beds, green algal development may be prevented.  相似文献   

Free-living marine protists are often assumed to be broadly distributed and genetically homogeneous on large spatial scales. However, an increasing application of highly polymorphic genetic markers (e.g., microsatellites) has provided evidence for high genetic diversity and population structuring on small spatial scales in many free-living protists. Here we characterise a panel of new microsatellite markers for the common marine flagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Nine microsatellite loci were used to assess genotypic diversity at two spatial scales by genotyping 200 isolates of O. marina from 6 broad geographic regions around Great Britain and Ireland; in one region, a single 2 km shore line was sampled intensively to assess fine-scale genetic diversity. Microsatellite loci resolved between 1-6 and 7-23 distinct alleles per region in the least and most variable loci respectively, with corresponding variation in expected heterozygosities (H(e)) of 0.00-0.30 and 0.81-0.93. Across the dataset, genotypic diversity was high with 183 genotypes detected from 200 isolates. Bayesian analysis of population structure supported two model populations. One population was distributed across all sampled regions; the other was confined to the intensively sampled shore, and thus two distinct populations co-occurred at this site. Whilst model-based analysis inferred a single UK-wide population, pairwise regional F(ST) values indicated weak to moderate population sub-division (0.01-0.12), but no clear correlation between spatial and genetic distance was evident. Data presented in this study highlight extensive genetic diversity for O. marina; however, it remains a substantial challenge to uncover the mechanisms that drive genetic diversity in free-living microorganisms.  相似文献   

Growth inhibitors produced by the green algae (Volvocaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A complex system of growth inhibition is present in the green algae (Volvocaceae). Inhibitors are found in the culture filtrates of some genera which limit their own growth (autoinhibition) while others in the family produce inhibitors which check the growth of other genera (heteroinhibition). These inhibitors are destroyed by autoclaving.  相似文献   


Observations on three interesting Ceramiales from the Mediterranean Sea are reported; Ceramium incospicuum Zanardini, Polysiphonia setacea Hollenberg and Rodriguezella pinnata (Kützing) Schmitz ex Falkenberg. The male reproductive structures on the genus Rodriguezella are described for the first time.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented here that axenic cultures of Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Coelastrum, and Chlorococcum spp. evolve N(2)O when grown on NO(2), showing that the Chlorophyceae are a source of N(2)O in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The unbranched filamentous green alga Spirogyra (Streptophyta, Zygnemataceae) is easily recognizable based on its vegetative morphology, which shows one to several spiral chloroplasts. This simple structure falsely points to a low genetic diversity: Spirogyra is commonly excluded from phylogenetic analyses because the genus is known as a long-branch taxon caused by a high evolutionary rate. RESULTS: We focused on this genetic diversity and sequenced 130 Spirogyra small subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) strands of different origin. The resulting SSU rDNA sequences were used for phylogenetic analyses using complex evolutionary models (posterior probability, maximum likelihood, neighbor joining, and maximum parsimony methods). The sequences were between 1672 and 1779 nucleotides long. Sequence comparisons revealed 53 individual clones, but our results still support monophyly of the genus. Our data set did not contain a single slow-evolving taxon that would have been placed on a shorter branch compared to the remaining sequences. Out of 130 accessions analyzed, 72 showed a.  相似文献   



A non-canonical nuclear genetic code, in which TAG and TAA have been reassigned from stop codons to glutamine, has evolved independently in several eukaryotic lineages, including the ulvophycean green algal orders Dasycladales and Cladophorales. To study the phylogenetic distribution of the standard and non-canonical genetic codes, we generated sequence data of a representative set of ulvophycean green algae and used a robust green algal phylogeny to evaluate different evolutionary scenarios that may account for the origin of the non-canonical code.  相似文献   



Because they represent the earliest divergences of the Chlorophyta, the morphologically diverse unicellular green algae making up the prasinophytes hold the key to understanding the nature of the first viridiplants and the evolutionary patterns that accompanied the radiation of chlorophytes. Nuclear-encoded 18S rDNA phylogenies unveiled nine prasinophyte clades (clades I through IX) but their branching order is still uncertain. We present here the newly sequenced chloroplast genomes of Nephroselmis astigmatica (clade III) and of five picoplanktonic species from clade VI (Prasinococcus sp. CCMP 1194, Prasinophyceae sp. MBIC 106222 and Prasinoderma coloniale) and clade VII (Picocystis salinarum and Prasinophyceae sp. CCMP 1205). These chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) were compared with those of the six previously sampled prasinophytes (clades I, II, III and V) in order to gain information both on the relationships among prasinophyte lineages and on chloroplast genome evolution.


Varying from 64.3 to 85.6 kb in size and encoding 100 to 115 conserved genes, the cpDNAs of the newly investigated picoplanktonic species are substantially smaller than those observed for larger-size prasinophytes, are economically packed and contain a reduced gene content. Although the Nephroselmis and Picocystis cpDNAs feature a large inverted repeat encoding the rRNA operon, gene partitioning among the single copy regions is remarkably different. Unexpectedly, we found that all three species from clade VI (Prasinococcales) harbor chloroplast genes not previously documented for chlorophytes (ndhJ, rbcR, rpl21, rps15, rps16 and ycf66) and that Picocystis contains a trans-spliced group II intron. The phylogenies inferred from cpDNA-encoded proteins are essentially congruent with 18S rDNA trees, resolving with robust support all six examined prasinophyte lineages, with the exception of the Pycnococcaceae.


Our results underscore the high variability in genome architecture among prasinophyte lineages, highlighting the strong pressure to maintain a small and compact chloroplast genome in picoplanktonic species. The unique set of six chloroplast genes found in the Prasinococcales supports the ancestral status of this lineage within the prasinophytes. The widely diverging traits uncovered for the clade-VII members (Picocystis and Prasinophyceae sp. CCMP 1205) are consistent with their resolution as separate lineages in the chloroplast phylogeny.  相似文献   

The marine algae Ulva intestinalis and U. compressa are morphologically plastic with many overlapping characters and are therefore difficult to distinguish from each other. The present distribution of U. intestinalis and U. compressa is investigated along the salinity gradient in the Baltic Sea area through analyses of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data. Also, the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic polymorphism in the ITS region is studied allowing inferences on the phylogeographical pattern and postglacial recolonization of the Baltic Sea area. The data show that of the two species only U. intestinalis occurs in the Baltic Sea. The distribution of U. compressa is more restricted than previously reported, and it was not found in salinities lower than 15 ppt. All of Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea were covered with ice during the last ice age and the organisms in the Baltic Sea must have colonized the area after the ice had started to melt. The genetic diversity of U. intestinalis and U. compressa in the Baltic Sea and the neighbouring area was found to be reduced compared to that in the British Isles. This reduction may be the result of either a historical reduction of diversity or an adaptation of specific clones to the northern environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Immunochemical detection of actin as well as spectrin-like proteins have been carried out in the green algae Micrasterias denticulata, Closterium lunula, and Euastrum oblongum. In these algae, actin is detected on Western blots at 43 kDa with antibodies to actin from higher plant and animal origin. By use of antibodies to human and chicken erythrocyte spectrin a cross-reactivity with desmid proteins is found at about the molecular mass of 220 kDa, where also human erythrocyte spectrin is detected. Additional bands are present at 120 kDa and 70 kDa, which are probably breakdown products. An antibody against chicken alpha-actinin, a small protein of the spectrin superfamily, recognizes bands at 90 kDa, where it is expected, and 70 kDa, probably the same breakdown product as mentioned for spectrin. Isoelectric focusing provides staining at pI 4.6 with antibodies against spectrin. Immunogold labelling of spectrin and alpha-actinin antigens on high-pressure frozen, freeze-substituted Micrasterias denticulata cells with the same antibodies exhibits staining, especially at membranes of different populations of secretory vesicles, at dictyosomes, and the plasma membrane. However, no clear correlation to the growth pattern of the cell could be observed. Taken together, our results demonstrate the presence of spectrin-like proteins in desmid cells which are probably functional in exocytosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was (1) to update sponge diversity and distribution in the Mediterranean and (2) to re-examine faunal relationships among the Mediterranean areas on the basis of their sponge fauna. The Mediterranean demosponge faunal list was updated to 629 species by taking into consideration recent data from previously poorly studied areas. The species lists of 14 Mediterranean areas were compared on the basis of their sponge species richness, species composition, and taxonomic relatedness of species using multivariate analyses and diversity measures, such as PD, Delta+, and Lambda+. The 14 Mediterranean areas examined for their diversity and affinities were assembled into four major zoogeographic groups: the northwestern, northeastern, the central zone, and southeastern areas. Richest in species numbers were the areas belonging to the two northern groups. The species richness comparisons and similarity analyses performed at the generic level showed that it can be safely used as a surrogate for sponge species diversity in the Mediterranean. The results of this study showed that the simple traditional division of the Mediterranean Sea into a western, central, and eastern basin cannot reliably describe the distribution of sponges in the area. Thus, the W to E faunal decline previously presented for several faunal groups shifts to a general NNW-SSE pattern when one examines separately the northern and the southern parts of the traditional basins. This gradient seems to be in agreement with differences in key environmental variables, such as latitude, salinity, temperature, and water circulation, besides the typically examined distance from Gibraltar. Handling editor: T. P. Crowe  相似文献   

Cold seeps are highly productive, fragmented marine ecosystems that form at the seafloor around hydrocarbon emission pathways. The products of microbial utilization of methane and other hydrocarbons fuel rich chemosynthetic communities at these sites, with much higher respiration rates compared with the surrounding deep-sea floor. Yet little is known as to the richness, composition and spatial scaling of bacterial communities of cold seeps compared with non-seep communities. Here we assessed the bacterial diversity across nine different cold seeps in the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea and surrounding seafloor areas. Community similarity analyses were carried out based on automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) fingerprinting and high-throughput 454 tag sequencing and were combined with in situ and ex situ geochemical analyses across spatial scales of a few tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers. Seep communities were dominated by Deltaproteobacteria, Epsilonproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria and shared, on average, 36% of bacterial types (ARISA OTUs (operational taxonomic units)) with communities from nearby non-seep deep-sea sediments. Bacterial communities of seeps were significantly different from those of non-seep sediments. Within cold seep regions on spatial scales of only tens to hundreds of meters, the bacterial communities differed considerably, sharing <50% of types at the ARISA OTU level. Their variations reflected differences in porewater sulfide concentrations from anaerobic degradation of hydrocarbons. This study shows that cold seep ecosystems contribute substantially to the microbial diversity of the deep-sea.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 196 razorfish ( Xyrichthys novacula ), collected in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Ponza Island, Italy) between July and December 1994, were examined in order to assess the diet and to analyse size-related dietary variation of the species. The diet of X. novacula showed a strict relationship with well-sorted fine sand (SFBC) benthic species, mostly Mollusca and Echinodermata, as pointed out by the analysis at the specific level of the stomach contents. Mollusca Pelecipoda, essentially Acanthocardium tuberculatum and Echinodermata, with Echinocardium cordatum , made up 90% of the volume of prey of X. novacula. Mysidacea and Gastropoda were frequent but volumetrically less important. The study showed that male and female X. novacula were not effectively segregated by trophic dimension in the study area. The niche overlap between males and females in prey composition was pronounced, as evidenced by the significantly high values of Schoener's index with larger males that showed a greater tendency towards predation of large prey. The increment in length (L.I.) in males, despite a decrease in the percentage body weight increment (B.W.I.), could represent the result of a male reproductive feature: the lack of sperm competition allows the males much more energy to devote to growth than do that of the females of this species.  相似文献   

Fire is a key mechanism creating and maintaining habitat heterogeneity in Mediterranean landscapes by turning continuous woody landscapes into mosaics of forests and shrublands. Due to the long historical role of fires in the Mediterranean, we hypothesised a moderate negative effect of this type of perturbation on forest bird distribution at a landscape level. We conducted point bird censuses in Aleppo pine forest patches surrounded by burnt shrublands and studied the relationships between three ecological groups of bird species (forest canopy species, forest understorey species, and ubiquitous species) and the features of local habitat, whole patch and surrounding landscape. We used a multi-scale approach to assess the effects of landscape variables at increasing spatial scales on point bird richness. Regarding local habitat components, canopy species were positively associated with tall pines while understorey species with the cover of shrubs and plants from holm-oak forests. Forest birds were positively related to patch size and irregular forest shapes, that is, with high perimeter/size ratios. Thus, these species did not seem to perceive edges as low quality but rather favourable microhabitats. We did not detect any negative effect of isolation or cover of woodlands in the landscape on the presence of forest species after local habitat factors had been accounted for. Finally, only local habitat factors entered the model for ubiquitous species. We suggest that mosaic-like landscapes shaped by fires in the Mediterranean basin are not strongly associated with negative effects fragmentation on forest birds other than those related with habitat loss.  相似文献   

Comparing the genetic composition of wild animals between geographic regions with distinct environments is common in evolutionary studies. However, genetic composition can also change through time in response to environmental changes but studies examining this are carried out less often. In this study, we characterize striped dolphin genetic composition in the Mediterranean Sea across both geography and time. We provide genotype data for 15 microsatellite loci and 919 bp of mtDNA control region, collected over 21 years across all main Mediterranean Sea basins. We investigated spatial genetic structure using both classical and Bayesian population structure methods, and compared it with temporal patterns of genetic change using time‐series statistics. We integrated the temporal datasets with known environmental pressures and data on social structure, to infer potential drivers of observed changes. Geographic analyses suggest weak differentiation for striped dolphin in the Mediterranean Sea, with evidence for a recent expansion. Temporal analyses show significant cyclical fluctuations in genetic composition over 21 years, which correspond well with recurrent morbillivirus epizootics. Similarly, social group composition shows changes in the relative number of juveniles and adults per group, and an overall increase in the number of adults per group relative to juveniles over the time period. We suggest that the observed changes in genetic and group composition could relate to specific dynamics of morbillivirus resistance. Overall, our study highlights the importance of tracking long‐term genetic variation and the potential for this species as a model in studying genetic adaptation to environmental stress.  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758), is an important commercial species managed as two different stocks, western and eastern Atlantic, with their spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. The eastern Atlantic stock has been overexploited in the last decades, leading to the application of specific management measures introduced by the International Commission for the Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT). A clear understanding of the genetic structure of ABFT Mediterranean population should be pursued in order to support management decisions. To date the genetic studies on the Mediterranean ABFT, carried out with different molecular markers and sampling procedures, have produced unclear results. Here, we analysed ABFT samples from central and western Mediterranean Sea with mitochondrial sequences and 11 microsatellite loci to investigate, among the others, the area of the Strait of Messina, where environmental conditions seem to support a resident population of ABFT. Furthermore, genetic analyses of mitochondrial sequences were carried out including nucleotide sequences of Adriatic ABFT wild larvae retrieved from GenBank. Among the investigated areas a genetic differentiation was detected between the Strait of Messina and the Tyrrhenian Sea with microsatellite loci according to the exact G test, but not to the Bayesian analyses carried out with STRUCTURE. The analyses with mitochondrial sequences do not reveal any differentiation among sampled areas, however, a highly significant genetic divergence was observed between the Adriatic mitochondrial sequences retrieved from GenBank and the central‐western Mediterranean sequences obtained in the present work. Our results provide some evidence of population structure of Mediterranean ABFT adding pieces to a still unclear picture.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of tintinnid diversity in the NW Mediterranean Sea   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Tintinnid diversity in surface waters was investigated in the Bay of Villefranche in March, before the formation of the seasonal thermocline, and in May, following water column stratification. Tintinnid abundance was much greater in March (500 cells l-1), corresponding to a bloom of Stensomella nivalis compared to May (30 cells l-1). Nonetheless, high numbers of species were encountered on both dates: 32 in March and 39 in May, respectively. Diversity was higher (H2.5) for the May date with low tintinnid concentrations. We examined taxonomic diversity and morphological diversity. Variance of lorica length was correlated with taxonomic diversity, in contrast to variance of lorica diameter, which was nearly invariant. We suggest that either species with similar lorica diameters exploit different prey items or competition for prey items is not the dominant factor in structuring tintinnid communities.   相似文献   

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