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Chlorophyllin (CHL), a water-soluble, semi-synthetic derivative of chlorophyll and ellagic acid (EA), a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound in berries, grapes, and nuts have been reported to exert anticancer effects in various human cancer cell lines and in animal tumour models. The present study was undertaken to examine the mechanism underlying chemoprevention and changes in gene expression pattern induced by dietary supplementation of chlorophyllin and ellagic acid in the 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch (HBP) carcinogenesis model by whole genome profiling using pangenomic microarrays. In hamsters painted with DMBA, the expression of 1,700 genes was found to be altered significantly relative to control. Dietary supplementation of chlorophyllin and ellagic acid modulated the expression profiles of 104 and 37 genes respectively. Microarray analysis also revealed changes in the expression of TGFβ receptors, NF-κB, cyclin D1, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that may play a crucial role in the transformation of the normal buccal pouch to a malignant phenotype. This gene expression signature was altered on treatment with chlorophyllin and ellagic acid. Our study has also revealed patterns of gene expression signature specific for chlorophyllin and ellagic acid exposure. Thus dietary chlorophyllin and ellagic acid that can reverse gene expression signature associated with carcinogenesis are novel candidates for cancer prevention and therapy.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the membrane stabilizing effect of Thymoquinone (TQ) on cell surface glycoconjugates and cytokeratin expression against DMBA induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. 0.5% DMBA painting (three times per week) in hamster buccal pouches for 14 weeks resulted in the formation of well developed oral squamous cell carcinoma. We observed 100% tumor formation with marked abnormalities of glycoconjugates status in tumor bearing hamsters as compared to control animals. Oral administration of TQ at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight, to DMBA painted hamsters on alternate days for 14 weeks, reduced the tumor formation as well as protected the levels of cell surface glycoconjugates in DMBA painted hamsters. The present study thus suggests that TQ has potent chemopreventive efficacy as well as protected the abnormalities on cell surface glycoconjugates during DMBA induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of two NOS inhibitors (AG and l-NAME) on DMBA-induced hamster buccal-pouch carcinogenesis. Six hundred Syrian golden hamsters were split into two divisions (I and II); divisions split into three groups (experimental groups A and B, control group C); and each group into subgroups of 20 (A1-A6, B1-B6 and C1-C3). The pouches of animals in groups A1-A3 were painted first with AG of differing concentrations (10, 20, and 30 micromol/ml) and then 30 min later with DMBA (0.5%), thrice weekly for 9 weeks. Subgroups A4-A6 only received AG treatment. Groups B1 to B6 were similarly treated with l-NAME. Animals in division II were treated in the same manner for 13 weeks. Post-mortem analysis revealed that both inhibitors can suppress the development of epithelial dysplasias and squamous-cell carcinomas. An associated increase in the numbers of epithelial hyperplasias was paralleled by a decrease in iNOS protein expression. This animal model can be employed to evaluate the potential use of iNOS inhibitors as novel therapeutic tools for oral squamous-cell carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Combination chemoprevention using tea polyphenols as one of the components has received growing consideration in recent years. The present study was designed to evaluate the antiproliferative and apoptosis inducing effects of bovine lactoferrin (bLF) and black tea polyphenol (Polyphenon-B: P-B) combination on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch (HBP) carcinogenesis. Topical application of DMBA for 14 weeks induced buccal pouch tumours that showed aberrant expression of cytokeratins, a marker for epithelial carcinomas. This was associated with increased cell proliferation and evasion of apoptosis as revealed by upregulation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen, NF-kappaB, mutant p53, Bcl-2 and downregulation of Bax, Fas and caspase 3 protein expression. Although dietary administration of bLF and Polyphenon-B alone significantly reduced tumour incidence, combined administration of bLF and Polyphenon-B was more effective in inhibiting HBP carcinogenesis by restoring normal cytokeratin expression, inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis. These findings suggest that a "designer item" approach will be useful for human oral cancer prevention strategies.  相似文献   


The status of lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, and detoxification enzymes were used as biochemical end points to assess the chemopreventive potential of geraniol, a monoterpene, in 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. Topical application of 0.5% DMBA in liquid paraffin, three times a week, for 14 weeks developed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in the buccal pouch of golden Syrian hamsters. Although 100% tumor formation was noticed in hamsters treated with DMBA alone, intragastric administration of geraniol, at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) to DMBA-treated hamster completely prevented the formation of oral tumors. Furthermore, geraniol significantly reduced lipid peroxidation by-products and improved the status of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants as well as modulated the status of phase I and phase II detoxification enzymes, favoring the excretion of carcinogenic metabolite, during DMBA-induced oral carcinogenesis. The present study concludes that the chemopreventive potential of geraniol relies on its anti-lipid peroxidative and antioxidant function as well as modulatory effects on phase I and II detoxification enzymes to excrete the carcinogenic metabolite, during DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The status of lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, and detoxification enzymes were used as biochemical end points to assess the chemopreventive potential of geraniol, a monoterpene, in 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. Topical application of 0.5% DMBA in liquid paraffin, three times a week, for 14 weeks developed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in the buccal pouch of golden Syrian hamsters. Although 100% tumor formation was noticed in hamsters treated with DMBA alone, intragastric administration of geraniol, at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) to DMBA-treated hamster completely prevented the formation of oral tumors. Furthermore, geraniol significantly reduced lipid peroxidation by-products and improved the status of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants as well as modulated the status of phase I and phase II detoxification enzymes, favoring the excretion of carcinogenic metabolite, during DMBA-induced oral carcinogenesis. The present study concludes that the chemopreventive potential of geraniol relies on its anti-lipid peroxidative and antioxidant function as well as modulatory effects on phase I and II detoxification enzymes to excrete the carcinogenic metabolite, during DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Identifying agents that activate nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor-2 (Nrf2), a key regulator of various cytoprotective antioxidant, and detoxifying enzymes has evolved as a promising strategy for cancer chemoprevention. In the present study, we investigated the effect of dietary supplementation of structurally diverse phytochemicals- astaxanthin, blueberry, chlorophyllin, ellagic acid, and theaphenon-E on Nrf2 signaling, and xenobiotic-metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in the 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch (HBP) carcinogenesis model. We observed that these phytochemicals induce nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 while downregulating its negative regulator, Keap-1. This was associated with reduced expression of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1, the cytochrome P450 isoforms involved in the activation of DMBA, and the oxidative stress marker 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine coupled with upregulation of the phase II detoxification enzymes glutathione S-transferases and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 and the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. In addition, these dietary phytochemicals also enhanced the DNA repair enzymes 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (OGG1), xeroderma pigmentosum D (XPD), xeroderma pigmentosum G (XPG), and x-ray repair cross complementing group 1 (XRCC1). Our data provide substantial evidence that the dietary phytochemicals inhibit the development of HBP carcinomas through the activation of Nrf2/Keap-1 signaling and by upregulating cytoprotective enzymes. The extent of the chemopreventive effects of the phytochemicals was in the order: chlorophyllin > blueberry > ellagic acid > astaxanthin > theaphenon-E. Thus these dietary phytochemicals that function as potent activators of Nrf2 and its orchestrated response are novel candidates for cancer chemoprevention.  相似文献   

The apoptosis-inducing capacity of S-allylcysteine (SAC), a water-soluble garlic constituent, during 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced hamster buccal pouch (HBP) carcinogenesis was investigated in male Syrian hamsters using DNA fragmentation and the apoptosis-associated proteins, tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and Bcl-2. Hamsters were divided into four groups of six animals each. Animals in group 1 were painted with a 0.5% solution of DMBA in liquid paraffin on the right buccal pouches three times a week for 14 weeks. Group 2 animals painted with DMBA as in group 1, in addition received 200 mg kg(-1) body weight SAC orally on days alternate to DMBA application. Group 3 animals received SAC as in group 2. Group 4 animals received neither DMBA nor SAC and served as the control. The experiment was terminated at the end of 14 weeks. Administration of SAC (200 mg kg(-1) body weight) to animals painted with DMBA inhibited DMBA-induced HBP carcinogenesis as revealed by the absence of neoplasms, induction of tTG and inhibition of Bcl-2 expression. The results of the present study suggest that SAC may exert its chemopreventive effect by inducing apoptosis.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of oral administration of garlic on experimental carcinogenesis in buccal pouches induced by painting 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benz(a)anthracene (DMBA) was studied on 40 golden Syrian hamsters. The animals were grouped at random into four experimental groups (oral administration of garlic, NTP, BP or mineral oil followed by DMBA painting on buccal pouches), three chemical control groups (oral administration of garlic, NTP or BP without DMBA painting) and a DMBA control group (only painted DMBA on buccal pouches). Starting from the fourth week after DMBA painting, the pouch mucosae were examined biweekly for its tumor formation and blood vessel architecture. Animals were sacrificed 25 weeks after DMBA application. Tumors and pouch mucosae were dissected to examine tumor nature and biochemical reactions of DNA synthesis and GGTase activity. The inhibitory efficacy of garlic, BP and NTP were evaluated according to the results of these examinations. Garlic was found to have a higher inhibitory efficacy than BP and NTP through the probable mechanism of competitive binding with nuclear DNA and diminishing the opportunity of DMBA to initiate carcinogenesis. Other factors related to cancer inhibition included insufficient local blood flow, low GGTase activity and lesser DNA synthesis. The inhibitory effect of fractions of garlic on experimental carcinogenesis should be a reasonable and necessary continuation in future studies of the series of cancer prevention by garlic.  相似文献   

We evaluated the chemopreventive effects of ethanolic neem leaf extract in the initiation and post-initiation phases of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch (HBP) carcinogenesis. The frequency of bone marrow micronuclei as well as the concentrations of lipid peroxides, ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG), and the activities of the GSH-dependent enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the buccal pouch, liver and erythrocytes were used as biomarkers of chemoprevention. All the hamsters painted with DMBA alone for 14 weeks developed buccal pouch carcinomas that showed diminished lipid peroxidation and enhanced antioxidant status associated with increased frequencies of bone marrow micronuclei. In the liver and erythrocytes of tumour-bearing animals, enhanced lipid peroxidation was accompanied by compromised antioxidant defences. Administration of ethanolic neem leaf extract effectively suppressed DMBA-induced HBP carcinogenesis as revealed by the absence of tumours in the initiation phase and reduced tumour incidence in the post-initiation phase. In addition, ethanolic neem leaf extract modulated lipid peroxidation and enhanced antioxidant status in the pouch, liver and erythrocytes and reduced the incidence of bone marrow micronuclei. The results of the present study, demonstrate that ethanolic neem leaf extract inhibits the development of DMBA-induced HBP tumours by protecting against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

In this report a new approach for the identification of pathological changes in scrapie-infected Syrian hamster brains using Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy is discussed. Using computer-based pattern recognition techniques and imaging, infrared maps with high structural contrast were obtained. This strategy permitted comparison of spectroscopic data from identical anatomical structures in scrapie-infected and control brains. Consistent alterations in membrane state-of-order, protein composition, carbohydrate and nucleic acid constituents were detected in scrapie-infected tissues. Cluster analysis performed on spectra of homogenized medulla oblongata and pons samples also reliably separated uninfected from infected specimens. This method provides a useful tool not only for the exploration of the disease process but also for the development of rapid diagnostic and screening techniques of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.  相似文献   

Summary We obtained immnohistochemical profiles of several keratin proteins during experimentally induced carcinogenesis in hamster cheek-pouch mucosa using a polyclonal antibody (TK; detecting keratins with molecular masses of 41 65 kilodalton) and two monoclonal antibodies (KL1, 55- to 57-kilodalton keratins; PKK1; 40-, 45- and 52.5-kilodalton keratins). The squamous epithelium of normal pouch mucosa exhibited positive TK staining in all layers. KL1 staining in the spinous layer and PKK1 staining in the basal layer, thus indicating a regional or zonal distribution pattern. Epithelia undergoing basal hyperplasia showed irregular localization of PKK1 binding, while hyperkeratinized lesions exhibited the binding pattern found in normal epithelium. In case of epithelial dysplasia, there was reduced KL1 staining in spinous cells and decreased PKK1 staining in the basal and parabasal layers. Papillomas exhibited a rather zonal distribution of keratin staining. All squamous-cell carcinomas, irrespective of their degree of keratinization and infiltration pattern, showed slight or no PKK1 staining. Such lesions were only positive for KL1-detectable keratins in keratinizing tumour cells and exhibited an irregular distribution of TK binding. The expression of keratin proteins during carcinogenesis in hamster cheekpouch mucosa may parallel that of keratins in human squamous-cell carcinomas originating in the oral mucosa.  相似文献   

We obtained immunohistochemical profiles of several keratin proteins during experimentally induced carcinogenesis in hamster cheek-pouch mucosa using a polyclonal antibody (TK; detecting keratins with molecular masses of 41-65 kilodalton) and two monoclonal antibodies (KL1, 55- to 57-kilodalton keratins; PKK1; 40-, 45- and 52.5-kilodalton keratins). The squamous epithelium of normal pouch mucosa exhibited positive TK staining in all layers, KL1 staining in the spinous layer and PKK1 staining in the basal layer, thus indicating a regional or zonal distribution pattern. Epithelia undergoing basal hyperplasia showed irregular localization of PKK1 binding, while hyperkeratinized lesions exhibited the binding pattern found in normal epithelium. In case of epithelial dysplasia, there was reduced KL1 staining in spinous cells and decreased PKK1 staining in the basal and parabasal layers. Papillomas exhibited a rather zonal distribution of keratin staining. All squamous-cell carcinomas, irrespective of their degree of keratinization and infiltration pattern, showed slight or no PKK1 staining. Such lesions were only positive for KL1-detectable keratins in keratinizing tumour cells and exhibited an irregular distribution of TK binding. The expression of keratin proteins during carcinogenesis in hamster cheek-pouch mucosa may parallel that of keratins in human squamous-cell carcinomas originating in the oral mucosa.  相似文献   

The modulating effect of curcumin and ferulic acid was investigated on expression pattern of apoptosis regulatory p53 and bcl-2 proteins in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The OSCC was induced in the buccal pouch of golden Syrian hamster by painting with 0.5% 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) three-times a week for 14 weeks. The expression pattern of p53 and bcl-2 proteins was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining. We noticed 100% tumor formation in hamsters painted with DMBA alone for 14 weeks. Overexpression of p53 and bcl-2 proteins was observed in the buccal mucosa of tumor-bearing hamsters. Oral administration of curcumin (80 mg/kg body wt) and ferulic acid (40 mg/kg body wt) to DMBA painted hamsters on days alternate to DMBA painting for 14 weeks completely inhibited tumor formation and down-regulated the expression pattern of p53 and bcl-2 proteins. Our results thus demonstrated the protective role of curcumin and ferulic acid on DMBA-induced abnormal expression of p53 and bcl-2 proteins in the buccal mucosa of golden Syrian hamsters.  相似文献   

Effects of repeated low-level X radiation on functional microvascular changes in hamster cheek pouch epithelium during and following carcinogenesis by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) were studied. Prior studies showed enhancement of such carcinogenesis by repeated 20 rad head and neck X-radiation exposures, and it was proposed that one possible mechanism was radiogenic alteration of the functional microvasculature in a manner which favored subsequent tumor development. Hamsters were treated with either radiation, DMBA, radiation + DMBA, or no treatment. Animals were sacrificed at 3-week intervals from 0 to 39 weeks after treatments began. Pouch vascular volume and permeability changes were studied by fractional distributions of radiotracers and were analyzed by a variety of statistical methods which explored the vascular parameters, treatment types, elapsed time, presence of the carcinogen, and histopathologic changes. All treatments resulted in significant changes in vascular volume with time, while only DMBA treatments alone resulted in significant changes in vascular permeability with time. Prior to the appearances of frank neoplasms, volumetric changes in DMBA only and radiation only groups were similar, while volume changes in DMBA + radiation groups increased slowly to a peak later than in other groups and then declined steadily to levels similar to the radiation only group. As in prior studies, there were significant vascular volume differences between DMBA and DMBA + radiation groups of tumor-bearing cheek pouches. DMBA maxima were significantly higher than those of DMBA + radiation. Radiation significantly affected DMBA-associated vascular volume and permeability changes during carcinogenesis. Several possible explanations for the relationship of these changes to the enhancement of DMBA carcinogenesis include: radiation blocking normal capillary proliferative and/or dilatory responses to inflammation secondary to neoplastic changes; radiation-induced focal increases in the pericapillary connective tissue histohematic barrier, stimulating angiogenesis but reducing nutrient diffusion; radiation exposures sensitizing vascular endothelium to subsequent angiogenic stimulation from premalignant tissues; DMBA vascular and epithelial effects partially or completely blocking radiation effects on epithelial and/or endothelial cells; and radiation damage to vessel walls partially or fully inhibiting normal physiologic mechanisms of repairing DMBA damage to the vessels.  相似文献   

The utility of hamster cheek pouch model for studies on oral carcinogenesis has been explored using 9,10-dimethyl-1-2-benzanthracene as a carcinogen. Based on the morphological, histopathological and electron microscopic observations the hamster cheek pouch carcinogenesis can be separated into different stages starting from the normal to the fully grown carcinomas. This system is reliable, precise, consistent and can be used for the evaluation of different agents for initiating or promoting effects and as well as for the studies on mechanism of oral carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Wei J  Xie G  Ge S  Qiu Y  Liu W  Lu A  Chen T  Li H  Zhou Z  Jia W 《Journal of proteome research》2012,11(2):1302-1316
Oral cancer typically develops from hyperplasia through dysplasia to carcinoma with a multistep process of carcinogenesis involving genetic alterations resulting in aberrant cellular appearance, deregulated cell growth, and carcinoma. The metabolic transformation during the process of oral carcinogenesis and its implications for cancer therapy have not been extensively investigated. Here, we report a metabonomic study on a classical model of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced oral carcinogenesis in hamsters to delineate characteristic metabolic transformation during the carcinogenesis using gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF MS). Salvianolic acid B (Sal-B), isolated from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge, and Breviscapine, a flavonoid isolated from Herba Erigerontis, were used to treat the hamsters exposed to DMBA to investigate the molecular mechanism of the inhibitory effect of the two agents on oral carcinogenesis. The dynamic changes of serum metabolic profiles indicated that both Sal-B and Breviscapine were able to attenuate DMBA-induced metabolic perturbation, which is consistent with the histopathological findings that Sal-B and Breviscapine significantly decreased the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) incidence in the two treatment groups. Significant alterations of key metabolic pathways, including elevated glutaminolysis and glycolysis, and decreased cholesterol and myo-inositol metabolism, were observed in the DMBA-induced model group, which were attenuated or normalized by Sal-B or Breviscapine treatment. Elevated inflammation and tumor angiogenesis at gene and metabolite expression levels were also observed in DMBA-induced oral dysplasia and SCC but were attenuated or normalized by Sal-B and Breviscapine along with significantly decreased incidences of SCC formation.  相似文献   

Beta carotene (250 micrograms/ml) dissolved in mineral oil applied either topically or injected locally (190 ng/ml dissolved in media) into DMBA (7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene)-induced or HCPC-1 cell line-produced oral squamous cell carcinoma of the hamster buccal pouch was observed to result in the regression of these tumors. (p less than or equal to .005) Beta carotene application to tumor bearing pouches was observed to produce a dramatic increase in positively stained macrophages for tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) as compared to macrophages in control pouches. Macrophages from hamsters with regressed tumor were shown to produce a significant increase in cytotoxicity to HCPC-1 tumor cells. Regression of the hamster oral carcinoma was correlated with the increased capacity of macrophages to lyse tumor cells, and related to the induction of tumor necrosis factor which was associated with the administration of the carotenoid, beta carotene.  相似文献   

The inhibition of tumor incidence by hydro-alcoholic extract of the whole plant of P. urinaria was evaluated in 6-7 weeks old female albino mice on two-stage process of skin carcinogenesis induced by a single application of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (50 microg/50 microl of acetone), and 2 weeks later, promoted by repeated application of croton oil (1% in acetone/three times a week) till the end of the experiment (15 weeks). Topical application of the extract at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight/day for 15 weeks at the peri-initiational stage (i.e., 7 days before and 7 days after DMBA application), promotional stage (i.e., from the time of croton oil application) and both peri and post-initiational stages (i.e., 7 days prior to DMBA application and continued till the end of the experiment) on the shaven backs of the mice recorded a significant reduction in tumor incidence to 50, 33.3 and 16.7% respectively in comparison to the control (i.e., the mice treated with DMBA and croton oil only) where tumor incidence was found to be 81.8%. The average number of papillomas per mouse was also significantly reduced. The results suggest a possible chemopreventive property of P. urinaria against DMBA-induced skin papillomagenesis in mice.  相似文献   

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