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The role of [Ca2+]i as a second messenger in non-excitable cells has been appreciated for almost 3 decades. The advent of fluorescent Ca2+ indicators has allowed the monitoring of Ca2+ signalling in suspensions of these cells. Agonist mediated changes in [Ca2+]i usually show an initial Ca2+ transient followed by a maintained increase. The former has been shown to be due to Ca2+ release from one or more intracellular stores, the latter due to activation of receptor operated Ca2+ entry (ROCE). More recently it has been recognized that many cells show distinct maintained oscillatory behavior when examined by single cell optical methods. It is proposed here that these oscillations are the consequence of IP3 and Ca2+ stimulation of Ca2+ release and ligand activation of ROCE followed by Ca2+ inhibition of Ca2+ and ROCE as Ca2+ pumps are activated. These oscillations allow more exact regulation of a pump/leak controlled second messenger such as [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The lens of the eye possesses a capsule which is a greatly hypertrophied basement membrane. To investigate the synthesis of glycoproteins destined for this capsule, 3H-fucose was injected into the vitreous body of intact rats weighing approximately 200 gm. The animals were killed from 10 min to 14.5 months later, and their lenses were processed for electron microscope radioautography. At 10 min after injection, more than 58% of the silver grains were localized to the Golgi apparatus of the lens epithelial cells. By day 1, the heaviest sites of reaction were the plasma membrane (more than 50% of total label), the basal cytoplasm, and the adjacent lens capsule, where a heavy band of reaction was seen. The remainder of the capsule exhibited a lighter diffuse reaction. In the lens fibers, the label was at first localized to clusters of vesicles but then migrated to the plasma membrane and to the region of the capsule adjacent to the basal surface of these fibers. Light microscope radioautographs of the lens capsule at later time intervals revealed that by 1 month after injection the diffuse reaction had disappeared, and only the strongly labeled band remained. By 14.5 months after injection, this band had migrated partially across the lens capsule, but the capsule itself had increased considerably in thickness. On the other hand, the distance between the labeled band and the free edge of the capsule had decreased from that seen at the time of injection.  相似文献   

In plants, the plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) antiporter is the only key enzyme that extrudes cytosolic Na(+) and contributes to salt tolerance. But in fungi, the plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) antiporter and Na(+)-ATPase are known to be key enzymes for salt tolerance. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ena1p ATPase encoded by the ENA1/PMR2A gene is primarily responsible for Na(+) and Li(+) efflux across the plasma membrane during salt stress and for K(+) efflux at high pH and high K(+). To test if the yeast ATPase would improve salt tolerance in plants, we expressed a triple hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged Ena1p (Ena1p-3HA) in cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cv Bright Yellow 2 (BY2) cells. The Ena1p-3HA proteins were correctly localized to the plasma membrane of transgenic BY2 cells and conferred increased NaCl and LiCl tolerance to the cells. Under moderate salt stress conditions, the Ena1p-3HA-expressing BY2 clones accumulated lower levels of Na(+) and Li(+) than nonexpressing BY2 clones. Moreover, the Ena1p-3HA expressing BY2 clones accumulated lower levels of K(+) than nonexpressing cells under no-stress conditions. These results suggest that the yeast Ena1p can also function as an alkali-cation (Na(+), Li(+), and K(+)) ATPase and alter alkali-cation homeostasis in plant cells. We conclude that, even with K(+)-ATPase activity, Na(+)-ATPase activity of the yeast Ena1p confers increased salt tolerance to plant cells during salt stress.  相似文献   

ATP-induced quenching of fluorescence of acridine orange (a pH probe) or Oxonol V (a potential difference probe) is evoked in turtle bladder membrane vesicles in suspending media of appropriate ionic composition and is insensitive to oligomycin, valinomycin, and ouabain. These effects are ascribed to a membrane-bound, ouabain-resistant ATPase which mediates an active electrogenic proton transport.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies was produced against purified microvillus membranes of human small intestinal enterocytes. By means of these probes three disaccharidases (sucrase-isomaltase, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, and maltase-glucoamylase) and four peptidases (aminopeptidase N, dipeptidylpeptidase IV, angiotension I-converting enzyme, and p-aminobenzoic acid peptide hydrolase) were successfully identified as individual entities by SDS PAGE and localized in the microvillus border of the enterocytes by immunofluorescence microscopy. The antibodies were used to study the expression of small intestinal hydrolases in the colonic adenocarcinoma cell line Caco 2. This cell line was found to express sucrase-isomaltase, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, aminopeptidase N, and dipeptidylpeptidase IV, but not the other three enzymes. Pulse-chase studies with [35S]methionine and analysis by subunit-specific monoclonal antibodies revealed that sucrase-isomaltase was synthesized and persisted as a single-chain protein comprising both subunits. Similarly, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase was synthesized as a large precursor about twice the size of the lactase subunits found in the human intestine. Aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV, known to be dimeric enzymes in most mammals, were synthesized as monomers. Transport from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the trans-Golgi apparatus was considerably faster for the peptidases than for the disaccharidases, as probed by endoglycosidase H sensitivity. These results suggest that the major disaccharidases share a common biosynthetic mechanism that differs from that for peptidases. Furthermore, the data indicate that the transport of microvillus membrane proteins to and through the Golgi apparatus is a selective process that may be mediated by transport receptors.  相似文献   

Environmental exposure to nickel is associated to respiratory disorders and potential toxicity in the lung but molecular mechanisms remain incompletely explored. The extracellular Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) is widely distributed and may be activated by divalent cations. In this study, we investigated the presence of CaSR in human cultured airway epithelial cells and its activation by nickel. Nickel transiently increased intracellular calcium (?log EC50 = 4.67 ± 0.06) in A549 and human bronchial epithelial cells as measured by epifluorescence microscopy. Nickel (20 μM)-induced calcium responses were reduced after thapsigargin or ryanodine exposure but not by Ca2+-free medium. Inhibition of phospholipase-C or inositol trisphosphate release reduced intracellular calcium responses to nickel indicating activation of Gq-signaling. CaSR mRNA and protein expression in epithelial cells was demonstrated by RT-PCR, western blot and immunofluorescence. Transfection of specific siRNA inhibited CaSR expression and suppressed nickel-induced intracellular calcium responses in A549 cells thus confirming nickel-CaSR activation. NPS2390, a CaSR antagonist, abolished the calcium response to nickel. Nickel-induced contraction, proliferation, α1(I)collagen production and inflammatory cytokines mRNA expression by epithelial cells as measured by traction microscopy, BrdU assay and RT-PCR, respectively. These responses were blocked by NPS2390. In conclusion, micromolar nickel concentrations, relevant to nickel found in the lung tissue of humans exposed to high environmental nickel, trigger intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in human airway epithelial cells through the activation of CaSR which translates into pathophysiological outputs potentially related to pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

Imaging of intracellular calcium stores in single permeabilized lens cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intracellular Ca2+ storesin permeabilized sheep lens cells were imaged with mag-fura 2 tocharacterize their distribution and sensitivity toCa2+-releasing agents. Inositol1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) orcyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) releasedCa2+ from intracellularCa2+ stores that were maintainedby an ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump. TheIP3 antagonist heparin inhibitedIP3- but not cADPR-mediated Ca2+ release, whereas the cADPRantagonist 8-amino-cADPR inhibited cADPR- but notIP3-mediatedCa2+ release, indicating thatIP3 and cADPR were operatingthrough separate mechanisms. ACa2+ store sensitive toIP3, cADPR, and thapsigarginappeared to be distributed throughout all intracellular regions. Insome cells a Ca2+ storeinsensitive to IP3, cADPR,thapsigargin, and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but not ionomycin, was present ina juxtanuclear region. We conclude that lens cells containintracellular Ca2+ stores that aresensitive to IP3, cADPR, andthapsigargin, as well as a Ca2+store that appears insensitive to all these agents.  相似文献   

The phenothiazine, trifluoperazine, and the mitogenic lectins, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and Concanavalin A (Con A), were tested for their effects on human lymphocyte plasma membrane Ca-activated Mg-ATPase and ATP-dependent calcium uptake. Trifluoperazine completely inhibited Ca-uptake when present from the start of the assay at concentrations of 100 microM or more. When added during measurement of calcium uptake, trifluoperazine reduced the rate of vesicular calcium accumulation but was unlike the calcium ionophore, A23187, which caused a rapid release of accumulated calcium from the vesicles. Trifluoperazine also inhibited membrane vesicle Ca-ATPase activity, but this inhibition was non-specific since the Mg-ATPase and Na,K-ATPase activities were inhibited to similar extents at the same concentration of the phenothiazine. In contrast, concentrations of PHA and Con A, which are mitogenic for lymphocytes, did not cause any change in Ca-uptake when added to suspensions of membrane vesicles. Con A had no effect and PHA had a weak inhibitory effect on Ca-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Lipid compositional changes in lens epithelial cells (HLE B-3) grown in a hyperoxic atmosphere were studied to determine if oxidation could cause changes in the amount and type of phospholipid similar to those found in vivo with age and cataract. The phosphatidylcholines in HLE B-3 cells were 8 times more unsaturated than the sphingomyelins. Cell viability was the same for cells grown for up to 48 h in a normoxic or hyperoxic atmosphere. Lipid oxidation was about three times higher after growth in a hyperoxic atmosphere compared with cells grown in a normoxic atmosphere. The lack of change in the relative amount of sphingomyelin and the decrease in phosphatidylcholine coupled with the increase in lysophosphatidylcholine support the idea that similar mechanisms may be responsible for the lipid compositional changes in both lens epithelial and fiber cells. It is postulated that lipases eliminate oxidized unsaturated glycerolipids, leaving a membrane increasingly composed of more ordered and more saturated sphingolipids. Oxidative stress leads to changes in membrane composition that are consistent with those seen with age in human epithelial cells. Oxidation-induced epithelial phospholipid change is an area of research that has gone virtually unexplored in the human lens and could be relevant to all cell types and may be important to lens clarity.  相似文献   

The prostate is a highly specialized mammalian organ that produces and releases large amounts of citrate. However, the citrate release mechanism is not known. Here, we present the results of molecular cloning of a citrate transporter from human normal prostate epithelial PNT2‐C2 cells shown previously to express such a mechanism. By using rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR, we determined that the prostatic carrier is an isoform of the mitochondrial transporter SLC25A1 with a different first exon. We confirmed the functionality of the clone by expressing it in human embryonic kidney cells and performing radiotracer experiments and whole‐cell patch‐clamp recordings. By using short interfering RNAs targeting different parts of the sequence, we confirmed that the cloned protein is the main prostatic transporter responsible for citrate release. We also produced a specific antibody and localized the cloned transporter protein to the plasma membrane of the cells. By using the same antibody, we have shown that the cloned transporter is expressed in non‐malignant human tissues.  相似文献   

The ciliary muscle which is involved in accommodation and regulation of aqueous humour outflow resistance resembles smooth muscle in other parts of the body. In the present investigation we used an established primary cell line (H7CM) to study the effects of endothelin, a novel vasoconstrictor peptide, on membrane voltage (V) and intracellular calcium in cultured human ciliary muscle cells. Membrane voltage was measured in confluent monolayers of H7CM cells using conventional microelectrodes. Intracellular calcium concentration [( Ca]i) was measured in single H7CM cells using the fluorescent calcium indicator fura-2. Under resting conditions V averaged -66.9 +/- 0.7 mV (mean +/- SEM, n = 125). Endothelin (10(-10)-10(-6)M) induced a dose-dependent reversible membrane voltage depolarization and a dose-dependent rise in [Ca]i. The initial calcium peak was followed by a recovery phase during which oscillations of [Ca]i occurred. The initial calcium peak was not dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium and was not abolished in the presence of the calcium antagonist verapamil (10(-4)M). Thus it is probably mediated by a release of calcium from intracellular reservoirs. We conclude that cultured human ciliary muscle cells express a functional endothelin receptor.  相似文献   

In many biological systems, cells display spontaneous calcium oscillations (CaOs) and repetitive action-potential firing. These phenomena have been described separately by models for intracellular inositol trisphosphate (IP3)-mediated CaOs and for plasma membrane excitability. In this study, we present an integrated model that combines an excitable membrane with an IP3-mediated intracellular calcium oscillator. The IP3 receptor is described as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium channel with open and close probabilities that depend on the cytoplasmic concentration of IP3 and Ca2+. We show that simply combining this ER model for intracellular CaOs with a model for membrane excitability of normal rat kidney (NRK) fibroblasts leads to instability of intracellular calcium dynamics. To ensure stable long-term periodic firing of action potentials and CaOs, it is essential to incorporate calcium transporters controlled by feedback of the ER store filling, for example, store-operated calcium channels in the plasma membrane. For low IP3 concentrations, our integrated NRK cell model is at rest at -70 mV. For higher IP3 concentrations, the CaOs become activated and trigger repetitive firing of action potentials. At high IP3 concentrations, the basal intracellular calcium concentration becomes elevated and the cell is depolarized near -20 mV. These predictions are in agreement with the different proliferative states of cultures of NRK fibroblasts. We postulate that the stabilizing role of calcium channels and/or other calcium transporters controlled by feedback from the ER store is essential for any cell in which calcium signaling by intracellular CaOs involves both ER and plasma membrane calcium fluxes.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of cultured human lens epithelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The lens epithelial K+ conductance plays a key role in maintaining the lens ionic steady state. The specific channels responsible for this conductance are unknown. We used cultured lens epithelia and patch-clamp technology to address this problem. Human lens epithelial explants were cultured and after 1–4 passages were dissociated and used in this study. The cells from which we measured had a mean diameter of 31±1 m (sem,n=26). The resting voltage was –19±4 mV (sem,n=10) and the input resistance was 2.5±0.5 G (sem,n=17) at –60 mV. Two currents were prominent in whole-cell recordings. An outwardly rectifying current was seen in nearly every cell. The magnitude of this current was a function of K+ concentration and was blocked by 3mm tetraethylammonium. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship was linear in symmetric K+, implying that the outward rectificiation was due to gating. The current showed complex activation and inactivation kinetics. The second current seen was a transient inward current. This current had kinetics very similar to the traditional Na+ current of excitable cells and was blocked by 0.1 m tetrodotoxin. In single-channel recordings, a 150-pS K+ channel and a 35-pS nonselective cation channel were seen but neither account for the macroscopic currents measured.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to investigate the presence and distribution of NPY and the Y1 receptor in endocardial endothelial cells (EECs), to verify if EECs can release NPY, and to determine if the effect of NPY on intracellular calcium is mediated via the Y1 receptor. Immunofluorescence, 3-D confocal microscopy and radioimmunoassay techniques were used on 20-week-old human fetal EECs. Our results showed that NPY and the Y1 receptor are present in human EECs (hEECs) and that their distributions are similar, the fluorescence labelling being higher in the nucleus and more particularly at the level of the nuclear envelope when compared with the cytosol. Using radioimmunoassay, we demonstrated that EECs are a source of NPY and can secrete this peptide upon a sustained increase of intracellular calcium ([Ca]i). Using fluo-3 and 3-D confocal microscopy technique, superfusion of hEECs as well as EECs isolated from rat adult hearts with increasing concentrations of NPY induced a dose-dependent, sustained increase in free cytosolic and nuclear Ca2+ levels. This effect of NPY on EEC [Ca]i was completely reversible upon washout of NPY and was partially blocked by BIBP3226, a selective Y1 receptor antagonist. The results suggest that NPY and Y1 receptors are present in the EECs of 20-week-old human fetal heart and they share the same distribution and localization inside the cell. In addition, EECs are able to secrete NPY in response to an increase in [Ca]i, and the Y1 receptor as well as other NPY receptors seem to participate in mediating the effects of NPY on [Ca]i in these cells. Thus, NPY released by EECs may modulate excitation-secretion coupling of these cells.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis has been proposed as a common proximal cause of neural dysfunction during aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this context, aberrant Ca2+ signaling has been viewed as a neuronal phenomenon mostly related to the dysfunction of intracellular Ca2+ stores. However, recent data suggest that, in AD, Ca2+ dyshomeostasis is not restricted to neurons but represents a global phenomenon affecting virtually all cells in the brain. AD-related aberrant Ca2+ signaling in astrocytes and microglia, which is activated during the disease, probably contributes profoundly to an inflammatory response that, in turn, impacts neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis and brain function. Based on recent data obtained in vivo and in vitro, we propose that bidirectional interactions between the inflammatory responses of glial cells and aberrant Ca2+ signaling represent a vicious cycle accelerating disease progression.  相似文献   

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