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Seedlings of spring barley were raised in 100 and 20% nutrientsolution and treated with a foliar application of Terpal, Cerone,TIBA, GA3 or BAP. The growth of individual tiller buds and tillers,the main shoot and the root system was recorded over the following15 d. Terpal and Cerone stimulated tiller bud elongation within5 d at both nutrient levels and after 15 d the number of emergedtillers was increased at the higher nutrient level. Terpal characteristicallypromoted the growth of secondary tiller buds whereas Ceronepromoted the emergence of the coleoptile tiller; both thesePGRs also retarded the development of the main shoot. TIBA increasedthe number of elongating tiller buds but this did not resultin greater tillering. GA3 reduced the number of elongating tillerbuds and restricted their growth, especially in the high nutrientregime; this was accompanied by an increase in main shoot elongation.The growth and development of tiller buds was reduced by BAPand the number of emerged tillers was reduced at 15 d in bothnutrient levels; main shoot dry weight and root elongation werealso reduced. The results are considered in relation to theoverall influence of hormonal factors and mineral supply ontiller bud outgrowth. Hordeum distichum, spring barley, tiller bud outgrowth, plant growth regulators, Terpal, Cerone, GA3, BAP, nutrient supply, apical dominance, TIBA  相似文献   

The effect of assimilate supply on axillary bud developmentand subsequent shoot growth was investigated in roses. Differencesin assimilate supply were imposed by differential defoliation.Fresh and dry mass of axillary buds increased with increasedassimilate supply. The growth potential of buds was studiedeither by pruning the parent shoot above the bud, by graftingthe bud or by culturing the bud in vitro. Time until bud breakwas not clearly affected by assimilate supply during bud development,Increase in assimilate supply slightly increased the numberof leaves and leaf primordia in the bud; the number of leavespreceding the flower on the shoot grown from the axillary budsubstantially increased. No difference was found in the numberof leaves preceding the flower on shoots grown from buds attachedto the parent shoot and those from buds grafted on a cutting,indicating that at the moment of release from inhibition thebud meristem became determined to produce a specific numberof leaves and to develop into a flower. Assimilate supply duringaxillary bud development increased the number of pith cells,but the final size of the pith in the subsequent shoot was largelydetermined by cell enlargement, which was dependent on assimilatesupply during shoot growth. Shoot growth after release frominhibition was affected by assimilate supply during axillarybud development only when buds sprouted attached to the parentshoot, indicating that shoot growth is, to a major extent, dependenton the assimilate supply available while growth is taking place.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Assimilate supply, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, defoliation, development, growth potential, meristem programming, pith, Rosa hybrida, rose, shoot growth  相似文献   

HUME  D.E. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(2):111-121
A detailed morphological study of three prairie grass cultivars(Bromus willdenowii Kunth) was conducted under ‘vegetative’and ‘reproductive’ growth conditions (short andlong photoperiods) and at different temperatures. Perennialryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Westerwolds ryegrass (Loliummuhiflorum Lam.) were compared during vegetative growth. Prairie grass had higher leaf appearance rates (leaves per tillerper day) and lower site filling (tillers per tiller per leafappearance interval) than the ryegrass species. Tillering rates(tillers per tiller per day) were also lower, except under vegetativeconditions at 4C. Low tiller number in prairie grass was notdue to lack of tiller sites but a result of poor filling ofthese sites. Lower site filling occurred because of increaseddelays in appearance of the youngest axillary tiller and lackof axillary tillers emerging from basal tiller buds. In prairiegrass, no tillers came from coleoptile buds while only occasionallydid prophyll buds develop tillers. Low tiller number in prairiegrass was compensated for by greater tiller weight. Prairiegrass had more live leaves per tiller, greater area per leafand a high leaf area per plant. Considerable variation between cultivars was found in prairiegrass. The cultivar ‘Bellegarde’ had high leaf appearance,large leaves and rapid reproductive development, but had lowlevels of site filling, tillering rate, final tiller numberand herbage quality during reproductive growth. ‘Primabel’tended to have the opposite levels for these parameters, while‘Grasslands Matua’ was intermediate and possiblyprovided the best balance of all plant parameters. prairie grass, Bromus willdenowii Kunth, perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., Westerwolds ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam., temperature, photoperiod, leaf appearance, leaf area, tillering, site filling, tillering sites, yield  相似文献   

Regulation of Branching in Decussate Species with Unequal Lateral Buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the decussate plants Alternanthera philoxeroides and Hygrophilasp. the opposite axillary bud primordia are of unequal sizefrom the time of their inception; the larger or + buds lie alongone helix and the smaller or – buds along another (helicoidalsystem). In decapitated plants of Alternanthera both buds grewout, but unequally; if the node was vertically split growthof the two shoots was more equal, and if the + buds were excisedgrowth of the – shoots approximately equalled that ofcontrol + shoots. In decapitated shoots of Hygrophila grownin sterile culture only one bud, the + or larger one, grew outat each of the upper nodes. In excised cultured nodes, also,only the + bud grew out; but if the nodes were split longitudinallyboth buds grew out, initially rather unequally. These experimentssupport the view that the regulation of branching in these specieshas two components, apical dominance and the dominance of thelarger (+) bud over the smaller (–) bud at the same node.The restriction of growth potentiality imposed on the –bud is not permanent but can be modified. Further correlativeeffects on bud outgrowth include those of the subtending leavesand of buds at other nodes.  相似文献   

The caespitose grasses Agropyron spicatum and Agropyron desertorumexhibit a striking difference in tillering response followingexperimental clipping treatment, with plants of A. desertorumproducing up to 18 times more tillers. The two species are similarin many aspects of their phenology and physiology. Previousexamination of current photosynthate production and levels ofstored carbohydrates indicate only slight differences betweenthe species. The possible role of three anatomical/morphologicalconstraints in controlling tillering was examined. No evidencefor such constraints was found. A basal cluster of buds is presenton the parent tillers. The mean bud number per tiller was similarfor both species and the range (3–9) was identical. Nearlyall of the bud apical meristems appeared anatomically viablethroughout the growing season and vascular development occurredto within 250 to 490 µm of the various bud apices of bothspecies. Both normal fall tillers and summer tillers producedunder clipping treatment originated from the largest, most distalbuds of the basal cluster of buds. However, precocious, morphologicallydistinctive, second-order tillers occasionally grew out fromthe smaller, most basal buds of some elongating fall tillers. Agropyron spicatum, Agropyron desertorum, bluebunch wheatgrass, crested wheatgrass, bud, tiller, tillering ability, meristematic potential, vascular development, regrowth  相似文献   

The effect of axillary bud age on the development and potentialfor growth of the bud into a shoot was studied in roses. Ageof the buds occupying a similar position on the plant variedfrom 'subtending leaf just unfolded' up to 1 year later. Withincreasing age of the axillary bud its dry mass, dry-matterpercentage and number of leaves, including leaf primordia, increased.The apical meristem of the axillary bud remained vegetativeas long as subjected to apical dominance, even for 1 year. The potential for growth of buds was studied either by pruningthe parent shoot above the bud, by grafting the bud or by culturingthe bud in vitro. When the correlative inhibition (i.e. dominationof the apical region over the axillary buds) was released, additionalleaves and eventually a flower formed. The number of additionalleaves decreased with increasing bud age and became more orless constant for axillary buds of shoots beyond the harvestablestage, while the total number of leaves preceding the flowerincreased. An increase in bud age was reflected in a greaternumber of scales, including transitional leaves, and in a greaternumber of non-elongated internodes of the subsequent shoot.Time until bud break slightly decreased with increasing budage; it was long, relatively, for 1 year old buds, when theysprouted attached to the parent shoot. Shoot length, mass andleaf area were not clearly affected by the age of the bud thatdeveloped into the shoot. With increasing bud age the numberof pith cells in the subsequent shoot increased, indicatinga greater potential diameter of the shoot. However, final diameterwas dependent on the assimilate supply after bud break. Axillarybuds obviously need a certain developmental stage to be ableto break. When released from correlative inhibition at an earlierstage, increased leaf initiation occurs before bud break.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Age, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, pith, shoot growth, Rosa hybrida, rose  相似文献   

The influence of the shoot apex upon leaf and bud formationin the fern Dryopteris aristata has been investigated by furtherexperiments on puncturing the apical cell. When the apical cellgroup is damaged, leaf primordia, which may be orientated abnormally,continue to be formed on the meristem, but one or more budsmay also arise. The observations reported here indicate thata zone at the periphery of the apical meristem is particularlyreactive when the apical cell group is damaged, the majorityof buds being induced in this region. The extent of damage tothe apex may affect the sequence of organogenesis: when damageis extensive buds tend to be formed immediately, subsequentprimordia developing as leaves; when the damage is confinedto the apical cell, or extends to only a few of its segments,bud formation tends to be delayed. It is concluded that the effect of the apical cell on organformation is exercised through the growth and organization ofthe apex as a whole.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented to show that in leaf squares of Peperomiasandersii bud initiation does not occur independently of rooting.Buds were formed close to the point of origin of roots and,in treatments where rooting was delayed, budding was affectedsimilarly. Promotion of root formation by pretreatment of squareswith 3-indolylbutyric acid was accompanied by increases in thenumber of buds initiated. Kinetin and N6-benzyladenine whichinhibited the initiation of roots also inhibited the initiationof buds. This was in contrast to the effect of these two compoundson leaf squares of Begonia rex where rooting was similarly inhibitedbut bud initiation was markedly promoted. When leaf squaresof Peperomia were grown in contact with relatively high concentrationsof kinetin buds were occasionally formed in the absence of roots.Removal of roots from leaf squares of Peperomia by excisionprevented the formation of buds.  相似文献   

Hormones play an important role in regulating the growth of rice tiller buds. However, little is known about the hormonal changes that occur during tiller bud growth and the mechanism of hormonal regulation of tiller bud growth. Here, two rice cultivars, Yangdao 6 (Indica) and Nanjing 44 (Japonica), were used to investigate the changes in plant hormones during tiller bud growth and the mechanism that underlies the hormonal regulation of tiller bud growth. In the present study, panicles were removed after heading to stimulate the growth of dormant tiller buds located at the elongated upper internodes. At the same time, external abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellic acid (GA3) and α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) were applied. The results demonstrated that auxin and cytokinin (CTK) play important and different roles in the regulation of tiller bud growth. Auxin in the nodes inhibits tiller bud growth, while CTK is transferred to the tiller buds to promote growth. The inhibitory effects of GA3 and NAA on tiller bud growth are mainly due to the control of the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or CTK contents in plants. As opposed to auxin and CTK, the ABA contents in nodes and tiller buds remained unchanged before tiller bud growth after panicle removal. Meanwhile, external ABA application only slightly slowed the growth of the tiller buds, suggesting that ABA may not be a key regulator of tiller bud growth. These results indicate that auxin, CTK and ABA together likely play roles in the regulation of tiller bud growth.  相似文献   

HUME  D.E. 《Annals of botany》1991,68(1):1-11
Effects of time of initial cut and subsequent cutting interval(1, 2 or 4 weeks) were examined in a glasshouse during summer1988 for reproductive plants of three prairie grass cultivars(Bromus willdenowii Kunth), Westerwolds ryegrass (Lolium multiflorumLam.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Measurementswere made of tiller and leaf numbers, sites of tillering, reproductivedevelopment, and herbage quality and yields. Effect of timeof initial cutting on regrowth appeared to be independent ofstage of reproductive development and unrelated to any of themeasured plant parameters. Characteristics for each cultivaras identified during undisturbed growth prior to the initialcuts, were modified by the subsequent cutting frequencies. Perennial ryegrass had the highest yields under frequent cuttingwith high herbage quality. Westenwolds ryegrass and the prairiegrass cultivars ‘Grasslands Matua’ and ‘Primabel’had the highest yields with infrequent cutting, but lower herbagequality than in perennial ryegrass. At each cut, tiller deathin prairie grass was determined by the number of reproductivetillers, and in the ryegrasses also by the numbers of elongatedvegetative tillers. Recovery of tiller numbers was rapid andprimarily from inhibited tiller buds at the base of reproductivetillers. In prairie grass, tiller numbers were relatively unaffectedby cutting frequency, but at frequent cutting, many axillarytillers originated from vegetative tillers rather than frominhibited tiller buds at the base of reproductive tillers. Prairie grass, Bromus willdenowii Kunth, Westerwolds ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam., perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., first (initial) cut, cutting frequency, regrowth, leaf appearance, tillering, yield, nitrogen, water-soluble carbohydrates, herbage quality  相似文献   

OFIR  M. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):213-217
The tillering phase in Hordeum bulbosum L. is terminated whenthe newly-formed axillary buds no longer emerge as tillers,but differentiate into dormant regeneration buds. The patternof development of the axillary buds differs during the tilleringphase and the post-tillering phase. During the former, accumulationof leaf primordia corresponds to the age of the bud, i.e., leafnumber per bud increases basipetally along the shoot. Duringthe post-tillering phase, leaf number per bud decreases basipetallyfrom the base of the future bulb internode. This transitionis brought about by an acceleration in the rate of accumulationof leaf primordia which is more sustained in the buds situatedcloser to the base of the bulb internode. These positional differencesin the morphogenesis of the regeneration buds are reflectedin their physiological responses during the relaxation of dormancyand activation of the buds.  相似文献   

CLIFFORD  P. E. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(3):605-615
The control of tiller bud growth during reproductive developmentwas investigated in experimental plants ofLolium multiflorumLam. cv. Westerwoldicum that were reduced to a main axis havinga developing but unemerged ear, elongating stem internodes,a series of expanded leaves, slow-growing tiller buds and aroot system. Isolation of the ear by excision of its base, ordecapitation so as to remove the ear together with the upperleaves, promoted the movement of 14C-assimilates to tiller buds,decapitation being the more effective treatment. Applicationof 0.1 per cent indol–3yl-acetic acid (IAA) to cut tissuesof decapitated plants diverted 14C-assimilates to upper internodesbut did not reduce import by buds, whereas application of 1.0per cent IAA both diverted labelled assimilates to upper internodesand reduced bud import. Radioactivity from [14C] IAA appliedto the upper leaves or to the ear base was recovered from budsin very small amounts; larger amounts were recovered from budsfollowing the application of labelled IAA to an elongating internode,especially from the bud at the base of the treated internode.It is suggested that tiller bud suppression may be influencedby the movement of inhibitory levels of auxin into buds fromnearby elongating stem internodes, whose activity in turn maybe controlled by the developing inflorescence and upper leaves.  相似文献   

Axillary buds on the most basal portion of the seedling shootof Sorghum halepense differentiate directly into rhizome buds.The initial orientation of these buds is upwards, but this orientationstarts to be reversed almost immediately. The reversal is causedby the combined effect of differential radial expansion of thebasal internodes immediately above and below the bud, and differencesin the extent of mitotic activity on the abaxial and adaxialsides of the bud. Reorientation is a geotropic and is progressivelyless with acropetal nodal position of the bud. Further growthof the rhizomes proceeds in the same orientation as that ofthe bud from which they had developed, until they change theirorientation again by exhibiting diageotropic, or negativelygeotropic responses. The second reorientation coincides moreor less with the onset of flowering and it exhibits a positionalgradient, such that the change is more extensive the higherthe nodal position of the rhizome. Sorghum halepense, rhizome, geotropism, morphogenesis, perennial weeds  相似文献   

Application of cytokinin to barley seedlings grown without mineralnutrients leads to rapid growth of coleoptile and first leaftiller buds. IAA and GA3 cannot substitute for cytokinin inthis effect and applications of TIBA and CCC are also ineffectiveon bud growth. However, when bud growth was promoted, eitherby application of cytokinins or by supplying plants with mineralnutrients, IAA and GA3 applications caused enhanced tiller growthindicating that these compounds can stimulate growth of activelygrowing buds. The results are compatible with an interpretationwhich stresses the importance of cytokinin availability in determiningtiller bud growth.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen supply and cutting regime on the morphologicalcharacteristics (leaf appearance and expansion rates, leaf growthduration, leaf lifespan) of a cocksfoot sward were studied overthree growing seasons to gain a better understanding of thechanges in tiller characteristics (length and age of laminae,number of leaves per tiller) over time and in different seasons.We show that, for a given regrowth, the lamina expansion rateat the tiller level depended on herbage nitrogen status, butthe time course of its components differed according to nitrogensupply. When nitrogen was supplied, leaf appearance was fasterbut also decreased faster. In other words, the length of successivelaminae increased faster when nitrogen was supplied. The samewas true for the growth duration of the laminae and their lifespan.These changes resulted from the length of the sheaths from whichthe successive laminae emerged. As nitrogen increased cell number,it changed the ratio of lamina lengthn+1/sheath lengthnmorethan the ratio lamina lengthn/sheath lengthnat the same insertionlevel. Therefore sheath length increased faster and leaf appearancedecreased faster when nitrogen was supplied. This finding helpsto explain the effects of different heights and frequenciesof cutting in terms of their effects on sheath length. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Nitrogen, defoliation, cocksfoot, sheath  相似文献   

A controlled environment experiment investigated whether thered:far-red (R:FR) ratio of light at the apical bud of the mainstolon could alter plant morphogenesis in clonal cuttings ofwhite clover (Trifolium repens L.) The apical bud included theapical meristem, five to six developing leaf primordia withassociated axillary bud primordia and stipules and the firstemerged folded leaf until development was greater than 0·3on the Carlson scale. Three light regimes were imposed on theapical bud by collimating light from R or FR light-emittingdiodes so that the R:FR ratio of light incident at the apicalbud was set at 0·25, 1·6 or 2·1, withoutsignificantly altering photosynthetically active radiation.The effect of these light regimes on white clover seedling growthwas also tested. At a low R:FR ratio seedling hypocotyl and cotyledon lengthswere significantly longer. However, with the cuttings, the lighttreatments did not alter node appearance rate or internode lengthof the main stolon, petiole length, area of leaves or totalshoot dry matter. There was one significant photomorphogeneticresponse in the cuttings, a delay of 0·5 of a phyllochronin the appearance of branches from axillary buds in the lowR:FR ratio treatment relative to the other treatments. Wherebranch appearance was delayed plants had fewer branches. Thisdifference could be ascribed solely to a delay in branch appearanceas there were no significant treatment effects on either theinitiation of axillary bud primordia within the apical bud,the probability of branching or on the rate of growth of branchesafter appearance. Because treatment of the apical bud inducedonly one of the many previously observed responses of whiteclover to a decrease in the R:FR ratio of light, we concludethat other plant organs must also sense the quality of incidentlight.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press White clover, Trifolium repens, apical bud, light quality, red:far-red ratio, light-emitting diode, branching, axillary buds, photomorphogenesis  相似文献   

A detailed morphological examination of the tillering characteristicsof perennial ryegrass (Loltum perenne L.) is presented. It isshown that the tillering potential of perennial ryegrass interms of site filling is 0–693 tillers/tiller/leaf appearanceinterval. This is higher than earlier presented values and isdue to the tillering ability of the prophyll bud which has notpreviously been taken into account. In a controlled climateroom experiment with spaced plants of perennial ryegrass, meanvalues of site filling were found to be close to this theoreticalmaximum Due to growth-limiting factors, tiller formation from leaf axillarybuds can be delayed or suppressed entirely. A set of equationsis presented from which site filling and the ratio of new leavesto new tillers can be calculated for all situations of axillarybud activity. It is stressed that leaf appearance rate can onlybe determined by marking and counting leaves on single tillersat consecutive dates Loltum perenne (L.), perennial ryegrass, tillering, axillary bud, leaf appearance rate, prophyll, site filling  相似文献   

Ethephon and the ethylene inhibitors Ag+ and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) inhibited outgrowth of the axillary bud of thefirst trifoliate leaf in decapitated plants of Phaseolus vulgaris.Endogenous ethylene levels decreased in the stem upon decapitationalthough it is not conclusive that a causal relationship existsbetween this decrease and the release of axillary buds frominhibition. The proposition that auxin-induced ethylene is responsiblefor the suppression of axillary bud growth in the decapitatedplant when the apical shoot is replaced by auxin is not borneout in this study. Application of IAA directly to the axillarybud of intact plants gave rise to a transient increase in budgrowth. This growth increment was annulled when AVG was suppliedwith IAA to the bud despite the fact that the dosage of AVGused did not affect the normal slow growth rate of the bud ofthe intact plant or bud outgrowth resulting from shoot decapitation.  相似文献   

An hypothesis was set up from which it was predicted that applicationof cytokinin to barley seedlings grown without mineral nutrientswould lead to rapid growth of the coleoptile and first leaftiller buds. Application of cytokinins to the leaves was ineffective,but supplying a number of known cytokinins by steeping the rootsof 4 d old seedlings in solution for 4 h led to significantgrowth of the coleoptile bud. Adenine and cytokinin analogueshad no effect. Supplying cytokinins through the roots also furtherenhanced the growth of buds of plants given mineral nutrients.Cytokinin treatment reduced root dry matter, with small reductionsin mean axis length and number of lateral roots. For plantsnot given mineral nutrients reduction in root weight was compensatedby an increase in weight of the aerial parts; however, for plantssupplied with mineral nutrients this was not so and the lowerroot weight resulted in a smaller total plant dry weight. An interpretation of tiller bud growth in terms of control byinteracting effects of mineral nutrition, assimilate supply,and cytokinin availability is proposed.  相似文献   

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