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The cytosolic domain of the peptide-processing integral membrane protein peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM; EC 1.14. 17.3) contains multiple signals determining its subcellular localization. Three PAM cytosolic interactor proteins (P-CIPs) were identified using the yeast two hybrid system (Alam, M. R., Caldwel, B. D., Johnson, R. C., Darlington, D. N., Mains, R. E., and Eipper, B. A. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 28636-28640); the partial amino acid sequence of P-CIP2 suggested that it was a protein kinase. In situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry show that P-CIP2 is expressed widely throughout the brain; PAM and P-CIP2 are expressed in the same neurons. Based on subcellular fractionation, the 47-kDa P-CIP2 protein is mostly cytosolic. P-CIP2 is a highly selective kinase, phosphorylating the cytosolic domain of PAM, but not the corresponding region of furin or carboxypeptidase D. Although P-CIP2 interacts with stathmin, it does not phosphorylate stathmin. Site-directed mutagenesis, phosphoamino acid analysis, and use of synthetic peptides demonstrate that PAM-Ser(949) is the major site phosphorylated by P-CIP2. Based on both in vitro binding experiments and co-immunoprecipitation from cell extracts, P-CIP2 interacts with PAM proteins containing the wild type cytosolic domain, but not with mutant forms of PAM whose trafficking is disrupted. P-CIP2, through its highly selective phosphorylation of a key site in the cytosolic domain of PAM, appears to play a critical role in the trafficking of this protein.  相似文献   

The peptidylglycine alpha-amidating enzyme catalyzes a reaction that transforms a carboxyl-terminal glycine-extended precursor into a carboxyl-terminal alpha-amidated peptide. We purified an alpha-amidating enzyme from equine serum by simplified steps including substrate affinity chromatography. With the purified enzyme, we detected an intermediate of the alpha-amidating reaction by high performance liquid chromatography analysis. The production of the intermediate required copper, oxygen, and ascorbate and increased linearly with incubation time. The structure of the intermediate was determined to be a hydroxyl derivative at the carboxyl-terminal glycine by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and by proton NMR. The intermediate was readily converted into an alpha-amidated product in alkaline conditions in a nonenzymic fashion. The nonenzymic conversion required no cofactor but was extremely accelerated by the addition of copper ion or at higher temperature. Our data suggest that the direct product of the alpha-amidating reaction is not an alpha-amidated peptide but a hydroxyl derivative at the alpha-carbon of the carboxyl-terminal glycine.  相似文献   

Conversion of dansyl-Tyr-Val-Gly to dansyl-Tyr-Val-NH2 by recombinant type A rat 75-kDa peptidylglycine alpha-amidating enzyme (alpha-AE) is inactivated by ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, and hydrogen peroxide in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Both ascorbate- and dehydroascorbate-mediated inactivation are saturable with apparent kinact/Kinact values of 1.7 and 0.23 s-1 M-1, respectively. Hydrogen peroxide-mediated inactivation is not saturable with a second-order rate constant of 50 s-1 M-1. Peptidyl-Gly substrates, EDTA, and H2O2 scavengers protect against ascorbate-mediated inactivation while EDTA and semidehydroascorbate scavengers protect against dehydroascorbate-mediated inactivation. Under similar conditions, ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, and H2O2 have no effect on the alpha-AE-catalyzed conversion of dansyl-Tyr-Val-alpha-hydroxyglycine to dansyl-Tyr-Val-NH2 which is consistent with the hypothesis that the 75-kDa enzyme consists of distinct peptidyl-Gly hydroxylase and peptidyl-alpha-hydroxyglycine lyase active sites.  相似文献   

In our previous study of the rat brain alpha-amidating activity, we suggested that a protein of 41 kdal (41K protein) that shows no alpha-amidating activity is required for the reaction at neutral pH in addition to an alpha-amidating enzyme of 36 kdal (36K enzyme). Here we report on the purification of both proteins to near homogeneity and provide evidence that alpha-amidation proceeds via a two-step mechanism involving a stable intermediate at neutral pH, which is initially formed by the 36K enzyme and then readily converted into an amide product by the 41K protein.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that, in rat pituitary, peptidylglycine alpha-amidating enzyme was encoded by at least 5 distinct mRNAs. Southern blot and ribonuclease protection analyses revealed that the mRNAs arose through alternative splicing. A variant lacking the transmembrane domain-coding sequence was a major mRNA species for the enzyme in the pituitary. When the cDNAs were expressed in COS-7 cells, the variant was the most efficient in producing a secretory form (37 kDA) of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c oxidase activity of the bovine heart enzyme decreases substantially at alkaline pH, from 650 s(-1) at pH 7.0 to less than 10 s(-1) at pH 9.75. In contrast, the cytochrome c peroxidase activity of the enzyme shows little or no pH dependence (30-50 s(-1)) at pH values greater than 8.5. Under the conditions employed, it is demonstrated that the dramatic decrease in oxidase activity at pH 9.75 is fully reversible and not due to a major alkaline-induced conformational change in the enzyme. Furthermore, the Km values for cytochrome c interaction with the enzyme were also not significantly different at pH 7.8 and pH 9.75, suggesting that the pH dependence of the activity is not due to an altered interaction with cytochrome c at alkaline pH. However, at alkaline pH, the steady-state reduction level of the hemes increased, consistent with a slower rate of electron transfer from heme a to heme a3 at alkaline pH. Since it is well established that the rate of electron transfer from heme a to heme a3 is proton-coupled, it is reasonable to postulate that at alkaline pH, proton uptake becomes rate-limiting. The fact that this is not observed when hydrogen peroxide is used as a substrate in place of O2 suggests that the rate-limiting step is proton uptake via the K-channel associated with the reduction of the heme a3/CuB center prior to the reaction with O2. This step is not required for the reaction with H2O2, as shown previously in the examination of mutants of bacterial oxidases in which the K-channel was blocked. It is concluded that at pH values near 10, the delivery of protons via the K-channel becomes the rate-limiting step in the catalytic cycle with O2, so that the behavior of the bovine enzyme resembles that of the K-channel mutants in the bacterial enzymes.  相似文献   

Measurements of ammonia release provide the first direct evidence that calmodulin becomes extensively deamidated during incubations at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4 or pH 11. A stoichiometry of 0.5 mol of NH3 released/mol of calmodulin is observed after 2 h at pH 11 or after 8-9 days at pH 7.4. These treatments also increase the ability of calmodulin to serve as a substrate for the isoaspartate-specific protein carboxyl methyltransferase from bovine brain. The stoichiometries of methylation are highly correlated with the stoichiometries of ammonia release. Deamidation and increased methyl-accepting capacity also occur in parallel for seven other proteins (aldolase, bovine serum albumin, cytochrome c, lysozyme, ovalbumin, ribonuclease A, and triosephosphate isomerase) upon incubation at pH 11. However, in comparison to calmodulin, these other proteins show very little deamidation and increased methylation capacity following incubation at pH 7.4. Deamidation of calmodulin at pH 7.4 is unaffected by the addition of 10(-7) M Ca2+; however, at 4 X 10(-6) M Ca2+, the rate of deamidation is inhibited by approximately 70%. The Ca2+-protection effect is consistent with the suggestion (B. A. Johnson, N. E. Freitag, and D. W. Aswad, (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 10913-10916) that deamidation occurs preferentially at Asn-60 and/or Asn-97, each of which resides in a distinct Ca2+-binding domain.  相似文献   

K Aoki  J F Foster 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3566-3572
Proteinase contaminants in some plasma albumin samples have previously been shown to produce cleavage of the albumin molecule at acid pH. The F conformer, existing at pH 3.8, is cleaved near erisidue number 400 to yield a large N-terminal fragment of approximately 46,000 daltons. No cleavage was found at pH above approximately 4.4. It is shown in this paper that the proteinase contaminants are active over a broad pH range from 2.5 to 11.4 provided conditions are such as to induce some breakdown of the native conformation of the albumin molecule. Addition of Tris-borate buffer (0.1 M) at pH 7.5-9 is sufficient to permit cleavage. At pH near 9 this occurs predominantly 42,000 and 27,000 daltons. Near neutral pH substantial cleavage occurs in 4-8 M urea solution or in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (AD110 complex). Under these conditions there are two large fragments (42,000 and 47,000 daltons) and essentially two small ones (20,000-27,000 daltons). Under conditions where there is no cleavage at 38-40 degrees, substantial cleavage results at 50-65 degrees but enzyme inactivation also occurs toward the top of this range. The alkaline activity is inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor but not by pepstatin; the reverse is true of the low pH activity. Cleavage at neutral or alkaline pH under the various conditions occurs primarily at X-Leu bonds while the low pH activity was already shown to occur at X-Phe. These facts suggest the presence of at least two enzymes. There is surprisingly little pH dependence over the range 7.5-9 in any of the media examined, even though albumin is known to undergo a significant conformational change in this range, the N leads to B transition. This transition is thought to be essentially a tertiary change with little loss of helix content. It is suggested that loss of native secondary structure, especially uncoiling of helical regions, is crucial to permit attack by these enzymes.  相似文献   

Both Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis grew in an alkaline medium containing 100 microM carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Our data suggested that CCCP functioned as a protonophore at a high pH and that the proton-motive force was dissipated almost completely under such conditions. The pH gradient measured with dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione and acetylsalicylic acid was very small in both bacteria at a high pH above 8, and was not affected significantly by the addition of CCCP. Based on these findings, we propose that the maintenance of neutral cytoplasmic pH is not obligatory for the growth of E. coli and S. faecalis in an alkaline medium.  相似文献   

Microtubule assembly and disassembly at alkaline pH   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Although it is now apparent that the intracellular pH may rise considerably above neutrality under physiological conditions, information on the effect of alkaline pH on microtubule assembly and disassembly is still quite fragmentay. We have studied the assembly/disassembly of bovine brain microtubule protein at alkaline pH in vitro. When microtubules are assembled to a new steady state at pH less than 7 and pH is then made more alkaline, they undergo a rapid disassembly to a new steady state. This disassembly is reversed by acidification. The degree of disassembly is determined largely by the pH- dependence of the critical concentration, which increases five to eight times, from pH 7 to 8. A fraction of assembly-incompetent tubulin is identified that increases with pH, but its incompetency is largely reversed with acidification. Measurements of microtubule lengths are used to indicate that disassembly occurs by uniform shortening of microtubules. A comparison of shortening by alkalinization with dilution suggests that the intrinsic rate of disassembly is accelerated by increasing pH. The capacity for initiating assembly is progressively lost with incubation at alkaline pH (although some protection is afforded by sulfhydryl-reducing agents). However, direct assembly from depolymerized mixtures is possible at least up to pH 8.3, and the steady state achieved at these alkaline pH values is stable. Such preparations are readily disassembled by cold and podophyllotoxin (PLN). Disassembly induced by PLN is also markedly enhanced at alkaline pH, suggesting a corresponding enhancement of “treadmilling.” The implications of physiological events leading to alkaline shifts of pH for microtubule assembly/disassembly are discussed, particularly in the light of recent hypotheses regarding treadmilling and its role in controlling the distribution of microtubules in vivo.  相似文献   

C Southan  L I Kruse 《FEBS letters》1989,255(1):116-120
A comparison of human dopamine beta-hydroxylase (EC with bovine peptide C-terminal alpha-amidating enzyme (EC, revealed a 28% identity extending throughout a common catalytic domain of approximately 270 residues. The shared biochemical properties of these two enzymes from neurosecretory granules suggests that the sequence similarity reflects a genuine homology and provides a structural basis for a new family of copper type II, ascorbate-dependent monooxygenases.  相似文献   

We have identified a cDNA encoding human peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM; EC with a total length of 3748 bp by screening of a human thyroid carcinoma lambda gt11 library using two heterologous oligonucleotides to conserved regions which derived from frog skin and bovine pituitary PAM sequences. Furthermore we have identified a sequence which differs in a 321 bp deletion. COS cells transfected with a truncated form of this cDNA (lacking the putative carboxyl-terminal transmembrane domain) generated a functional PAM that showed a 20-fold increase of the activity compared to the control and was visualized by immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM: EC is a bifunctional protein which catalyzes the COOH-terminal amidation of bioactive peptides; the NH2-terminal monooxygenase and mid-region lyase act in sequence to perform the peptide alpha-amidation reaction. Alternative splicing of the single PAM gene gives rise to mRNAs generating PAM proteins with and without a putative transmembrane domain, with and without a linker region between the two enzymes, and forms containing only the monooxygenase domain. The expression, endoproteolytic processing, storage, and secretion of this secretory granule-associated protein were examined after stable transfection of AtT-20 mouse pituitary cells with naturally occurring and truncated PAM proteins. The transfected proteins were examined using enzyme assays, subcellular fractionation, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry. Western blots of crude membrane and soluble fractions of transfected cells demonstrated that all PAM proteins were endoproteolytically processed. When the linker region was present between the monooxygenase and lyase domains, monofunctional soluble enzymes were generated from bifunctional PAM proteins; without the linker region, bifunctional enzymes were generated. Soluble forms of PAM expressed in AtT-20 cells and soluble proteins generated through selective endoproteolysis of membrane-associated PAM were secreted in an active form into the medium; secretion of the transfected proteins and endogenous hormone were stimulated in parallel by secretagogues. PAM proteins were localized by immunocytochemistry in the perinuclear region near the Golgi apparatus and in secretory granules, with the greatest intensity of staining in the perinuclear region in cell lines expressing integral membrane forms of PAM. Monofunctional and bifunctional PAM proteins that were soluble or membrane-associated were all packaged into regulated secretory granules in AtT-20 cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian hyaluronidases degrade hyaluronan and some structurally related glycosaminoglycans. We generated a deletion mutant in the Caenorhabditis elegans orthologue of mammalian hyaluronidase, hya-1. Mutant animals are viable and grossly normal, but exhibit defects in vulval morphogenesis and egg-laying and showed increased staining with alcian blue, consistent with an accumulation of glycosaminoglycan. A hya-1::GFP reporter was expressed in a restricted pattern in somatic tissues of the animal with strongest expression in the intestine, the PLM sensory neurons and the vulva. Total protein extracts from wild-type animals exhibited chondroitin-degrading but not hyaluronan-degrading activity. Chondroitinase activities were observed at both neutral and acidic pH conditions while both neutral and acidic activities were absent in extracts from hya-1 mutant strains. We also evaluated the function of oga-1, which encodes the C. elegans orthologue of MGEA-5, a protein with hyaluronan-degrading activity in vitro. oga-1 is expressed in muscles, vulval cells and the scavenger-like coelomocytes. An oga-1 mutant strain exhibited egg-laying and vulval defects similar to those of hya-1; chondroitinase activity was unaffected in this mutant.  相似文献   

31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to directly observe the binding of inorganic phosphate to alkaline phosphatase. Evidencq for the tight binding of 1.5-2.0 mol of inorganic phosphate per dimer of alkaline phosphatase is presented. Two distinct forms of bound phosphate are observed, one predominating above pH 7 and representing the non-covalent E-P1 complex and the other predominating below pH 5 and representing the covalent E-P1 complex. The 31P NMR line width of the E-P1 complex indicates that the dissociation of noncovalent phosphate is the rate-limiting step in the turnover of the enzyme at high pH.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REEs) entering plant cells can directly interact with peroxidase in plants, which is the structural basis for the decrease in the activity of peroxidase. Different cellular compartments have different pH values. However, little information is available regarding the direct interaction between REEs and peroxidase in plants at different pH values. Here, we investigated the charge distribution on the surface of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) molecule as well as the interaction of terbium ion (Tb3+, one type of REEs) and HRP at different pH values. Using the molecular dynamics simulation, we found that when the pH value was from 4.0 to 8.0, a large amount of negative charges were intensively distributed on the surface of HRP molecule, and thus, we speculated that Tb3+ with positive charges might directly interact with HRP at pH 4.0–8.0. Subsequently, using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, we demonstrated that Tb3+ could directly interact with HRP in the simulated physiological solution at pH 7.0 and did not interact with HRP in other solutions at pH 5.0, pH 6.0 and pH 8.0. In conclusion, we showed that the direct interaction between Tb3+ and HRP molecule depended on the pH value of cellular compartments.  相似文献   

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