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A new complex of zinc with a Schiff base, zinc(N,N′-bis(salicylidene)-3, 6-dioxa-1, 8-diaminooctane monohydrate) (ZnBSO · H2O), was synthesized and characterized by means of elemental analyses, IR spectra and DTA-TG. Its structure was determined by X-ray single crystal analysis. It was demonstrated that the zinc atom is coordinated by the two oxygen atoms in phenolate and two nitrogen atoms in imine of the ligand in a slightly distorted tetrahedral geometry, while the two oxygen atoms from the oxa-alkyl chain are not coordinated to Zn(II) atom. The energy levels of the HOMO, LUMO and the electrochemical band gap were determined by cyclic voltammeter. The electroluminescent devices with the complex as the emitter showed bright blue emission with a peak at 450 nm, which is same as the fluorescence of the complex in both solution and solid states.  相似文献   

Three new aqua magnesium phthalocyaninato complexes with 2-methoxyethylamine (MEA) in crystalline form have been obtained. The composition of the complexes depends on the crystallisation temperature. (MgPcH2O)2 · MEA (I) and (MgPcH2O)2 · 2MEA (II) were formed at about 170 °C and 80 °C, respectively, while room temperature (MgPcH2O)2 · 3MEA (III) was obtained. In all crystals the Mg atom is 4+1 coordinated, equatorially by four N-isoindole atoms of Pc ligand and axially by O atom of water molecule. The MgPc moiety is non-planar, the Mg(II) deviates by ∼0.5 Å from the N4-isoindole plane towards the oxygen atom of water molecule. The MEA molecules in the crystals interact via hydrogen bonds with coordinated water molecules of MgPcH2O. The arrangement of MgPcH2O and 2-methoxyethylamine molecules is determined by O-H?N and O-H?O hydrogen bonds and by π-π interactions. The thermogravimetric analyses show characteristic steeps responsible for the loss of MEA molecules (at lower temperature) and water (at higher temperature) and finally all the complexes transform into β-MgPc. From among the complexes only complex II exhibits an intense near-IR absorption band in the solid-state, while spectra in MEA solution are identical for all the complexes.  相似文献   

Reactions of 2-(arylazo)pyridine (La-c) with [IrCl3(PPh3)2] in two different solvents, viz. ethanol and toluene are reported. In refluxing toluene two new isomeric (mer and fac geometries) iridium complexes, having molecular formula [IrCl3(PPh3)(L)] (1 and 2) have been isolated. The reaction in refluxing ethanol yielded two new hydrido complexes of molecular formula [IrHCl2(PPh3)(L)] (3) and [IrHCl(PPh3)2(L)]Cl (4) along with the compound 2. All the complexes have been thoroughly characterized by NMR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and X-ray crystallographic analysis. The 1H NMR spectra of the hydrido complexes 3 and 4 showed a doublet and a triplet signals at δ −20.43 and −14.82 respectively due to coupling with magnetically equivalent phosphorous nuclei. Strong trans influence of the π-acceptor ligands guided the X-ray structural parameters; bonds trans to the these ligands are unusually long. Similar elongation effect was also noted for the bonds trans to the coordinated hydrido ligand. UV-Vis-NIR spectrum consisted of multiple transitions in the UV and visible regions. Cyclic voltammetry of each of these complexes has exhibited a reductive response between −0.25 and −0.55 V, which has been assigned to azo-ligand reduction. The compound 3, however, showed a quasireversible oxidative wave near 1.45 V, due to IrIII/IrIV couple.  相似文献   

The nitrosyl complex [Cr(dmso)5(NO)](PF6)2 (1) (dmso = dimethyl sulfoxide) has been prepared by the solvolysis of [Cr(NCCH3)5(NO)](PF6)2 in neat dmso. The optical absorption spectrum of 1 in dmso shows maxima at 734, 567, 450, 413, and 337 nm. Continuous photolysis of 1 with λ = 365-580 nm light in dmso solution results in a release of NO with quantum yield, Φ, in the range 0.034-0.108 mol Einstein−1. Irradiation of a deoxygenated CH3CN solution of [Cr(NCCH3)5(NO)](PF6)2 in the presence of excess of [Fe(S2CNEt2)2] results in a transfer of NO to the iron centre as shown from the characteristic EPR spectrum of [Fe(S2CNEt2)2(NO)] with Aiso(14N) = 12.2 × 10−4 cm−1. The EPR parameters of 1 were determined: giso, g and g : 1.96725, 1.91881(4) and 1.992763(2); Aiso(53Cr), A (53Cr) and A(53Cr): 22.8 × 10−4, 39 × 10−4 and 15.8 × 10−4 cm−1; Aiso(14N), A (14N) and A(14N): 5.9 × 10−4, 2 × 10−4 and 7.540(4) × 10−4 cm−1.  相似文献   

The structure of the complex of beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) with 1,12-dodecanediol has been determined at 173 K and refined to a final R=0.0615 based on 22,386 independent reflections. The complex crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1; with a=17.926(4), b=15.399(3), c=15.416(3) A, alpha=103.425(4), beta=113.404(4), gamma=98.858(4) degrees, D(c)=1.362 Mg cm(-3) and V=3651.4(13) A(3) for Z=1. One molecule of the diol is located as a guest in the hydrophobic cavity of a beta-CD-dimer, forming a [3]pseudorotaxane. The guest molecule shows a disorder over two positions. The hydroxyl groups of the diol emerge from the primary faces of the beta-CD dimer and form several hydrogen bonds with water molecules lying in the interstitial space, similarly to dimeric complexes of beta-CD with other alpha,omega-bifunctional guests.  相似文献   

Three polymorphs of tris(dibenzoylmethane) gallium were characterized by optical microscopy, absorption, photoluminescence (PL) and used for electroluminescent devices (EL). PL spectrum of the thin film is composed of both γ-type yellow emission and β-type blue emission, but only γ-type yellow EL emission was observed, indicating the polymorphic counterpart β-type with weaker π-π interactions was defeated in competition for EL generation. A comparison of the three polymorphic crystal structures reveals that a zigzag channel from intermolecular π-π interaction at a distance of 3.6-3.7 Å to intramolecular bond-bond conjugation may dominate the charge transport and be responsible for the yellow EL emission.  相似文献   

A new monohelical OH bridged dinuclear complex [Zn2(dmqpy)(OOCCH3)2(μ-OH)][ClO4] · 0.5EtOH, where dmqpy is 6,6-dimethyl-2,2′:6′,2″:6″,2:6,2-quinquepyridine, has been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography: monoclinic, space group P21/c, a=13.670(1), b=14.751(1), c=16.782(1) Å, β=96.59(1)°, U=3361.7(4) Å3, Z=4, R=0.0601. Two Zn(II) ions are in different coordination modes, one is five-coordinate with a N3O2 donor set and the other is N2O2 four-coordinate with a distorted tetrahedral geometry, and the zinc ions are bridged by a hydroxyl group. The presence of the OH bridge is further confirmed by electrospray mass and infrared spectroscopies. The solution properties of the complex were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The results of NMR indicate that the complex has higher symmetry in solution than in the solid state.  相似文献   

A possible new process of activation of the OOH group in the mechanism of ethylene epoxidation catalysed by Pt(II) diphosphine complexes has been investigated by ab initio MO-LCAO calculations. The electronic and geometric features of YOOH species (Y = H, CH3, t-But, CF3, CH3CO, (PH3)2Pt(CF3), (PH3)3PtCl) have been evaluated and compared. Coordination of the OOH group to platinum induces an inversion of the polarity of the O-O bond when compared to any organic hydroperoxide; parallelly it favours the isomerisation of the OOH group from a hydroperoxo to an oxywater-like structure. This latter effect could be an important factor in favouring the reaction of the platinum coordinated OOH group with ethylene to form ethylene oxide. In fact, calculations on the energetics of the interaction between H2O2 and C2H4 have shown that isomerisation of HOOH to H2OO oxywater structure is the rate determining step for the epoxidation process.  相似文献   

Four nickel complexes each containing an R-2,2′-dipicolylamine ligand species (RDPA; R = benzyl, isopropyl, or tert-butyl) were synthesized and structurally characterized. In the absence of an interfering coordinating counterion, BzDPA and iPrDPA form 1:2 nickel:ligand complexes, with two facial ligands completing an pseudooctahedral nickel(II) coordination environment. In contrast, the sterically hindered tBuDPA ligand instead forms 1:1 metal:ligand complexes, even in the absence of associating counterions. Two novel tBuDPA nickel complexes with different counterions are described: nickel(II) chloride gives rise to an unusual 2Ni-3Cl dimer complex, while nickel(II) nitrate affords a 1:1 nickel:ligand complex which crystallizes with both fac and mer conformations in the same unit cell.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the ligand AAZTA (6-amino-6-methylperhydro-1,4-diazepine tetraacetic acid) and of its Gd complex Na[Gd(H2O)AAZTA] · 3H2O have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The AAZTA ligand crystallizes in a zwitterion form with two deprotonated carboxylic groups and two protonated tertiary nitrogen atoms. Two independent molecules of about a similar conformation and three water molecules as asymmetric units, are present in the crystal. In the solid state the gadolinium complex is a centrosymmetric dimer with a bicapped square antiprismatic coordination geometry around each metal ion. Two symmetric bridging carboxylate groups determine the dimer formation with Gd-O(2) and Gd-O(2)′ bond distances rather comparable of 2.526(4) and 2.548(4) Å, respectively, while the Gd-O(1) (inner sphere water) bond distance is 2.443(5) Å. A network of hydrogen bonds between the water of inner and outer spheres and the AAZTA carboxylic groups is present in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structures and thermal stabilities of the inclusion complexes formed between the organophosphate insecticide fenitrothion [O,O-dimethyl O-(3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate] and the host compounds TRIMEA and TRIMEB (permethylated α- and β-cyclodextrins, respectively) are reported. In the complex (TRIMEA)2·fenitrothion 1, the guest phosphate ester group is disordered and the molecule is fully encapsulated within a novel TRIMEA dimer in which the secondary rims of the two host molecules are in close contact. In contrast, the complex TRIMEB·fenitrothion 2 is monomeric and the guest molecule is statistically disordered over two positions, with the phosphate group inserted in the host cavity in both cases. Thermal analysis indicated gradual and partial loss of the guest in 1 during heating between 130 °C and the melting point of the complex (∼200 °C), whereas complex 2 displayed significant mass loss only after fusion of the complex at 161 °C.  相似文献   

In order to gain insight into the bonding in perfluoroalkyl and perfluoroacyl complexes of transition metals, the X-ray crystal structure of CF3COCo(CO)3(PPh3) has been determined. Comparison of this structure with that previously reported by us for CF3Co(CO)3(PPh3) and several other acyl/alkyl pairs reported by others highlights the cobalt-carbon bond contraction in the perfluoroalkyl complex and provides an explanation for why such complexes do not undergo migratory insertion of CO. Comparisons of cobalt-carbon bond lengths in hydrocarbon alkyl and acyl complexes show that the acyl complexes exhibit uniformly shorter bonds than the alkyl complexes, consistent with their ability to undergo CO insertion under mild conditions, and in contrast to the shorter Co-C bond length in the CF3 complex relative to that in the COCF3 species. Several other unique features of the bonding in the CF3 complex become evident upon comparison with the CF3CO complex and several hydrocarbon alkyl and acyl complexes. Other interesting comparisons include carbonyl stretching frequencies in the IR spectra of these complexes.  相似文献   

The mechanism for the preparation of Me2Si(C5Me4)2Cr, 1, from CrCl2(THF)x and Me2Si(C5Me4)2Li2 was investigated and - in contrast to earlier claims - no evidence was found for the participation of an auxiliary ligand. The formation and stability of 1 is attributed to the combination of correct reaction conditions and a highly substituted ligand framework. Reactions with other ligands under identical conditions did not lead to the formation of ansa-chromocenes. Reaction with H4C2Ind2Li2 afforded the η3-Ind bridged dimer {H4C25-Ind)(μ-,η3-Ind)Cr}2, 9. Complex 1 does not coordinate PPh3 or carbenes, but from reaction with two equivalents of xylyl isocyanide the CH-activated complex Me2Si(C5Me4)(η3-C5Me3(H)(CH2)Cr(CNC6MeH3)2, 7, was obtained. Complexes 7 and 9 were characterised by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

As part of a program to discover improved glycoside hydrolase family 12 (GH 12) endoglucanases, we have studied the biochemical diversity of several GH 12 homologs. The H. schweinitzii Cel12A enzyme differs from the T. reesei Cel12A enzyme by only 14 amino acids (93% sequence identity), but is much less thermally stable. The bacterial Cel12A enzyme from S. sp. 11AG8 shares only 28% sequence identity to the T. reesei enzyme, and is much more thermally stable. Each of the 14 sequence differences from H. schweinitzii Cel12A were introduced in T. reesei Cel12A to determine the effect of these amino acid substitutions on enzyme stability. Several of the T. reesei Cel12A variants were found to have increased stability, and the differences in apparent midpoint of thermal denaturation (T(m)) ranged from a 2.5 degrees C increase to a 4.0 degrees C decrease. The least stable recruitment from H. schweinitzii Cel12A was A35S. Consequently, the A35V substitution was recruited from the more stable S. sp. 11AG8 Cel12A and this T. reesei Cel12A variant was found to have a T(m) 7.7 degrees C higher than wild type. Thus, the buried residue at position 35 was shown to be of critical importance for thermal stability in this structural family. There was a ninefold range in the specific activities of the Cel12 homologs on o-NPC. The most and least stable T. reesei Cel12A variants, A35V and A35S, respectively, were fully active. Because of their thermal tolerance, S. sp. 11AG8 Cel12A and T. reesei Cel12A variant A35V showed a continual increase in activity over the temperature range of 25 degrees C to 60 degrees C, whereas the less stable enzymes T. reesei Cel12A wild type and the destabilized A35S variant, and H. schweinitzii Cel12A showed a decrease in activity at the highest temperatures. The crystal structures of the H. schweinitzii, S. sp. 11AG8, and T. reesei A35V Cel12A enzymes have been determined and compared with the wild-type T. reesei Cel12A enzyme. All of the structures have similar Calpha traces, but provide detailed insight into the nature of the stability differences. These results are an example of the power of homolog recruitment as a method for identifying residues important for stability.  相似文献   

Novel cadmium sulfide/organic composite hollow spheres composed of sword-like nanorods were synthesized via a simple reaction between cadmium salts and thioglycolic acid (TGA) at room temperature. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SEAD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra. Thermal stability of the organic composite was investigated. CdS/organic composite would decompose into pure wurtzite CdS through hydrothermal treatment. Effect of the cadmium source on the formation of the CdS/organic composite was investigated. Photoluminescence (PL) was used to study the optical properties of CdS/organic composite and pure CdS.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2004,357(14):4215-4219
Compound [{Fe(oda)(H2O)2} · H2O]n (1) [oda=O(CH2COO)2 2−] has been obtained by reaction of FeCl2 · 4H2O with a 1:1 mixture of O(CH2COOH)2 and Na2CO3 in water. The structure is polymeric with concatenated {Fe(oda)(H2O)2} units extended in one direction. Each iron centre is six-coordinated by the tridentate planar oda ligand, two mutually trans water molecules and one oda oxygen atom from an adjacent {Fe(oda)(H2O)2} unit. Complex 1 is isomorphous with cobalt and zinc analogues. Magnetic susceptibility measurements down to 2 K showed high-spin non-correlated Fe(II) ions with a typical Curie-Weiss behaviour. Differential-pulse voltammetry establishes a value of 0.488 V versus NHE for the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox potential of this iron complex in 0.25 mol dm−3 NaNO3.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of phosphorescent divalent osmium complexes of the form [Os(N-N)2(L-L) or Os(L-L)2(N-N)]2+ (PF6)2 where N-N is a derivative of 1,10-phenanthroline, and L-L is a diarsine or diphosphine ligand: 1,2-bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane, 1,2-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)ethane, or 1,2-bis(dimethylarseno)benzene. X-ray structures have been determined, luminescent and electrochemical properties have been measured and DFT calculations have been performed on the complexes. The emission lifetime of complexes of structure Os(II)(L-L)2(N-N) are longer than the those of Os(II)(N-N)2(L-L). The DFT calculations show that there is significant mixing of the π−π into the dπ−π charge-transfer state for the complexes of the form Os(II)(L-L)2(N-N) resulting in a longer lived excited state. Through DFT calculations we were able to conclude that the HOMO of the complexes is a d orbital on the osmium while the LUMO is the b1(ψ) π system of the phenanthroline. However, we found that the HOMO did not have the correct symmetry to enable strong charge transfer to the phenanthroline to be observed, and the strong MLCT transition observed in the spectra is the metal d HOMO(−1) to the b1 π LUMO of the phenanthroline.  相似文献   

The reaction of 3-(pyridin-2-yl)-5-(2-aminophenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole and salicylaldehyde or benzaldehyde leads a new type of 1,2,4-triazole’s derivats. Reactions of these ligands with zinc acetate in ethanol lead to the formation of two new complexes with azomethine or dihydrotriazaindolizine form of ligands. The structures of these complexes were investigated by X-ray analysis. The complexes showed strong green-blue luminescence in solid state.  相似文献   

Three new compounds of formula (1), (2), and (3) have been synthesised, and structurally and magnetically characterised (dmit2− = 1,3-dithiol-2-thione-4,5-dithiolato; dmid2− = 1,3-dithiol-2-one-4,5-dithiolato). Their structural features and magnetic behaviours are compared with those of and . The result of this is that the interactions between the Ni(dmit)2 units in 1 are of ferromagnetic-type, as suggested previously for . The change from acetonitrile to acetone when going from to 2 results in stronger ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions. This better cooperativity is due to a significant increase of the number of contacts between the various moieties within the . On the contrary, the inclusion of larger solvents such as benzonitrile in this type of complexes results in a totally different structural arrangement, which leads to an antiferromagnetic behaviour for 3.  相似文献   

Fluorescent and haptenized, monofunctionally binding platinum compounds are increasingly used for chemically labeling nucleic acids for hybridization detection purposes. Here we analyze in detail the effect of labeling density of the cyanin-3 and -5 platinum DNA adducts on fluorescence and thermal stability. We also analyzed the kinetics of the reaction of the cyanin platinum compounds with DNA. The data provided are important for the design of optimal platinum DNA labeling and hybridization conditions for fluorescence hybridization applications.  相似文献   

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