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With the development of intelligent bionic robots and the improvement of military application,a single robot cannot meet the requirements of the tasks of the current era.The more complex tasks require not only that the robot be able to pass through the field barriers and the amphibious environment,but also that the robot be able to collaborate in a multi-robot system.Consequently,research on the multi-robot control system of spherical amphibious robots is very important.Pres-ently,the main research on amphibious robots is to improve the functions of a single robot,in the absence of the study of the multi-robot control system.Existing systems primarily use a centralized control methodology.Although the transfer of central node can be achieved,there is still a problem of Byzantine fault tolerance in military applications,that is,when the amphibious multi-robot system is invaded by the enemy.The central node may not only fail to accomplish the task,but also lose control of other robots,with severe consequences.To solve the above problems,this paper proposed a decentralized method of spherical amphibious multi-robot control system based on blockchain technology.First,the point-to-point informa-tion network based on long range radio technology of low power wide area network was set up,we designed the blockchain system for embedded application environment and the decentralized hardware and software architecture of multi-robot control system.On this basis,the consensus plugin,smart contract and decentralized multi-robot control algorithm were designed to achieve decentralization.The experimental results of consensus of spherical amphibious multi-robot showed the effectiveness of the decentralization.  相似文献   

Human infants develop an understanding of their physical environment through playful interactions with objects. Similar processes may influence also the performance of non-human animals in physical problem-solving tasks, but to date there is little empirical data to evaluate this hypothesis. In addition or alternatively to prior experiences, inhibitory control has been suggested as a factor underlying the considerable individual differences in performance reported for many species. Here we report a study in which we manipulated the extent of object-related experience for a cohort of dogs (Canis familiaris) of the breed Border Collie over a period of 18 months, and assessed their level of inhibitory control, prior to testing them in a series of four physical problem-solving tasks. We found no evidence that differences in object-related experience explain variability in performance in these tasks. It thus appears that dogs do not transfer knowledge about physical rules from one physical problem-solving task to another, but rather approach each task as a novel problem. Our results, however, suggest that individual performance in these tasks is influenced in a complex way by the subject’s level of inhibitory control. Depending on the task, inhibitory control had a positive or a negative effect on performance and different aspects of inhibitory control turned out to be the best predictors of individual performance in the different tasks. Therefore, studying the interplay between inhibitory control and problem-solving performance will make an important contribution to our understanding of individual and species differences in physical problem-solving performance.  相似文献   

A well known problem in the design of the control system for a swarm of robots concerns the definition of suitable individual rules that result in the desired coordinated behaviour. A possible solution to this problem is given by the automatic synthesis of the individual controllers through evolutionary or learning processes. These processes offer the possibility to freely search the space of the possible solutions for a given task, under the guidance of a user-defined utility function. Nonetheless, there exist no general principles to follow in the definition of such a utility function in order to reward coordinated group behaviours. As a consequence, task dependent functions must be devised each time a new coordination problem is under study. In this paper, we propose the use of measures developed in Information Theory as task-independent, implicit utility functions. We present two experiments in which three robots are trained to produce generic coordinated behaviours. Each robot is provided with rich sensory and motor apparatus, which can be exploited to explore the environment and to communicate with other robots. We show how coordinated behaviours can be synthesised through a simple evolutionary process. The only criteria used to evaluate the performance of the robotic group is the estimate of mutual information between the motor states of the robots.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modular Petri net synthesis method for modeling flexible manufacturing systems based on synchronization among control processes of the manufacturing resources (such as robots and machines). In the method, the target system is modeled in a bottom-up and uniform manner by first describing the system's control processes using strongly connected state machines (SCSMs) as the basic modules. Each SCSM may contain multiple tokens to represent resources from the same type such as spaces in a buffer. Next, the common transitions and common transition subnets of the modules are merged to represent their synchronization. The system model constructed is proven to be conservative and thus bounded. Moreover, a restricted class of merged nets is proven to be live and reversible. For general classes of merged nets, this paper shows theorems that easily calculateP-invariants of the final net without solving the linear system equations. TheseP-invariants can be used to help in verifying the model's qualitative properties such as liveness.  相似文献   

Why is the human brain fundamentally limited when attempting to execute two tasks at the same time or in close succession? Two classical paradigms, psychological refractory period (PRP) and task switching, have independently approached this issue, making significant advances in our understanding of the architecture of cognition. Yet, there is an apparent contradiction between the conclusions derived from these two paradigms. The PRP paradigm, on the one hand, suggests that the simultaneous execution of two tasks is limited solely by a passive structural bottleneck in which the tasks are executed on a first-come, first-served basis. The task-switching paradigm, on the other hand, argues that switching back and forth between task configurations must be actively controlled by a central executive system (the system controlling voluntary, planned, and flexible action). Here we have explicitly designed an experiment mixing the essential ingredients of both paradigms: task uncertainty and task simultaneity. In addition to a central bottleneck, we obtain evidence for active processes of task setting (planning of the appropriate sequence of actions) and task disengaging (suppression of the plan set for the first task in order to proceed with the next one). Our results clarify the chronometric relations between these central components of dual-task processing, and in particular whether they operate serially or in parallel. On this basis, we propose a hierarchical model of cognitive architecture that provides a synthesis of task-switching and PRP paradigms.  相似文献   

New findings in the nervous system of invertebrates have shown how a number of features of central pattern generator (CPG) circuits contribute to the generation of robust flexible rhythms. In this paper we consider recently revealed strategies that living CPGs follow to design CPG control paradigms for modular robots. To illustrate them, we divide the task of designing an example CPG for a modular robot into independent problems. We formulate each problem in a general way and provide a bio-inspired solution for each of them: locomotion information coding, individual module control and inter-module coordination. We analyse the stability of the CPG numerically, and then test it on a real robot. We analyse steady state locomotion and recovery after perturbations. In both cases, the robot is able to autonomously find a stable effective locomotion state. Finally, we discuss how these strategies can result in a more general design approach for CPG-based locomotion.  相似文献   

Programs using parallel tasks can be represented by task graphs so that scheduling algorithms can be used to find an efficient execution order of the parallel tasks. This article proposes a flexible, component-based and extensible scheduling framework called SEParAT that supports the scheduling of a parallel program in multiple ways. The article describes the functionality and the software architecture of SEParAT. The flexible interfaces enable the cooperation with other programming tools, e.g., tools exploiting a specification of the parallel task structure of an application. The core component of SEParAT is an extensible scheduling algorithm library that provides an infrastructure to determine efficient schedules for task graphs. Homogeneous as well as heterogeneous platforms can be handled. The article also includes detailed experimental results comprising the evaluation of SEParAT as well as the evaluation of a variety of scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with the problem of sequencing parts and robot moves in a robotic cell where the robot is used to feed machines in the cell. The robotic cell, which produces a set of parts of the same or different types, is a flow-line manufacturing system. Our objective is to maximize the long-run average throughput of the system subject to the constraint that the parts are to be produced in proportion of their demand. The cycle time formulas are developed and analyzed for this purpose for cells producing a single part type using two or three machines. A state space approach is used to address the problem. Both necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for various cycles to be optimal. Finally, in the case of many part types, the problem of scheduling parts for a specific sequence of robot moves in a two machine cell is formulated as a solvable case of the traveling salesman problem.  相似文献   

We describe a model of feed-forward control of a redundant motor system and validate it using, as examples, tasks of multi-finger force production. The model assumes the existence of two input signals at an upper level of the control hierarchy, related and unrelated to a task variable. Knowledge of the Jacobian of the system is assumed at the level of generation of elemental variables (variables at the level of effectors). Variance at the level of elemental variables is considered as the sum of two components, related and unrelated to variability in the task variable. An index of stabilization of the task variable is similarly introduced as to how it was done in several studies using the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis. Several phenomena have been simulated including data point distributions corresponding to presence and absence of force-stabilizing synergies in two-finger tasks, changes in synergies with practice, and changes in synergy indices in preparation to a fast action. The model is discussed in comparison to other models of control of multi-element systems based on feedback processes. It shows that patterns of structured variability in the space of elemental variables can result from feed-forward processes. Relations of the model to the equilibrium-point hypothesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents an exact solution approach for the problem of the simultaneous dispatching and conflict-free routing of automated guided vehicles. The vehicles carry out material handling tasks in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The objective is to minimize the costs related to the production delays. The approach is based on a set partitioning formulation. The proposed model is solved to optimality by a column generation method, which is embedded in a branch-and-cut exploration tree. The proposed model and solution methodology are tested on several scenarios with up to four vehicles in the manufacturing system. The results show that most of these scenarios can be solved to optimality in less than three minutes of computational time.  相似文献   

Prolonged response times are observed with targets having been presented as distractors immediately before, called negative priming effect. Among others, inhibitory and retrieval processes have been suggested underlying this behavioral effect. As those processes would involve different neural activation patterns, a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study including 28 subjects was conducted. Two tasks were used to investigate stimulus repetition effects. One task focused on target location, the other on target identity. Both tasks are known to elicit the expected response time effects. However, there is less agreement about the relationship of those tasks with the explanatory accounts under consideration. Based on within-subject comparisons we found clear differences between the experimental repetition conditions and the neutral control condition on neural level for both tasks. Hemodynamic fronto-striatal activation patterns occurred for the location-based task favoring the selective inhibition account. Hippocampal activation found for the identity-based task suggests an assignment to the retrieval account; however, this task lacked a behavioral effect.  相似文献   

A multitask production system is one in which different subsets of the components can be used to perform distinct functions or tasks. For such a system, some of the components are used intermittently and some may be used continuously. This type of operational protocol is often applied to flexible manufacturing systems. In this paper, we develop models of the operational reliability and of the availability of multitask systems. We construct models for both the case in which preventive maintenance is used and the case in which preventive maintenance is not used. The models presented here constitute an extension to existing models to allow the study of the behavior of modern manufacturing equipment.  相似文献   

The use of computers in a fermentation pilot plant is described from a practical point of view. The aim is not the application of a computer to a single special process but a general application of computers to prepare and present data for the following analysis of fermentation processes. The hardware is normally bought from computer manufacturers, but some additional installations are useful. Application software has to be developed by the biotechnologist, therefore the software structure is the most important part of the computer application. Data storage is divided into three parts: short-time memory, long-time storage, and a medium memory mainly to be used in process analyses and process control. Four types of programs are used: main schedule tasks, low-priority on-line tasks, sense-switch routine, and different off-line programs. A table of all programs is presented, the main schedule task is described in detail to demonstrate the software structure.  相似文献   

This article applied distributed artificial intelligence to the real-time planning and control of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) consisting of asynchronous manufacturing cells. A knowledge-based approach is used to determine the course of action, resource sharing, and processor assignments. Within each cell there is an embedded automatic planning system that executes dynamic scheduling and supervises manufacturing operations. Because of the decentralized control, real-time task assignments are carried out by a negotiation process among cell hosts. The negotiation process is modeled by augmented Petri nets —the combination of production rules and Petri nets—and is excuted by a distributed, rule-based algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a generic decision-making framework for assigning resources of a manufacturing system to production tasks. Resources are broadly defined production units, such as machines, human operators, or material handling vehicles; and tasks are activities performed by resources. In the specific context of FMS, resources correspond to individual machines; tasks correspond to operations to be performed on parts. The framework assumes a hierarchical structure of the system and calls for the execution of four consecutive steps to make a decision for the assignment of a resource to a task. These steps are 1) establishment of decision-making criteria, 2) formation of alternative assignments, 3) estimation of the consequences of the assignments, and 4) selection of the best alternative assignment. This framework has been applied to an existing FMS as an operational policy that decides what task will be executed on which resource of this FMS. Simulation runs provide some initial results of the application of this policy. It is shown that the policy provides flexibility in terms of system performance and computational effort.  相似文献   

This article presents a new approach for planning the dispatching, conflict-free routing, and scheduling of automated guided vehicles in a flexible manufacturing system. The problem is solved optimally in an integrated manner, contrary to the traditional approach in which the problem is decomposed in three steps that are solved sequentially. The algorithm is based on dynamic programming and is solved on a rolling time horizon. Three dominance criteria are used to limit the size of the state space. The method finds the transportation plan minimizing the makespan (the completion time for all the tasks). Various results are discussed. A heuristic version of the algorithm is also proposed for an extension of the method to many vehicles.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is involved in a large number of different neural processes, especially in associative learning and in fine motor control. To develop a comprehensive theory of sensorimotor learning and control, it is crucial to determine the neural basis of coding and plasticity embedded into the cerebellar neural circuit and how they are translated into behavioral outcomes in learning paradigms. Learning has to be inferred from the interaction of an embodied system with its real environment, and the same cerebellar principles derived from cell physiology have to be able to drive a variety of tasks of different nature, calling for complex timing and movement patterns. We have coupled a realistic cerebellar spiking neural network (SNN) with a real robot and challenged it in multiple diverse sensorimotor tasks. Encoding and decoding strategies based on neuronal firing rates were applied. Adaptive motor control protocols with acquisition and extinction phases have been designed and tested, including an associative Pavlovian task (Eye blinking classical conditioning), a vestibulo-ocular task and a perturbed arm reaching task operating in closed-loop. The SNN processed in real-time mossy fiber inputs as arbitrary contextual signals, irrespective of whether they conveyed a tone, a vestibular stimulus or the position of a limb. A bidirectional long-term plasticity rule implemented at parallel fibers-Purkinje cell synapses modulated the output activity in the deep cerebellar nuclei. In all tasks, the neurorobot learned to adjust timing and gain of the motor responses by tuning its output discharge. It succeeded in reproducing how human biological systems acquire, extinguish and express knowledge of a noisy and changing world. By varying stimuli and perturbations patterns, real-time control robustness and generalizability were validated. The implicit spiking dynamics of the cerebellar model fulfill timing, prediction and learning functions.  相似文献   

Despite many efforts, balance control of humanoid robots in the presence of unforeseen external or internal forces has remained an unsolved problem. The difficulty of this problem is a consequence of the high dimensionality of the action space of a humanoid robot, due to its large number of degrees of freedom (joints), and of non-linearities in its kinematic chains. Biped biological organisms face similar difficulties, but have nevertheless solved this problem. Experimental data reveal that many biological organisms reduce the high dimensionality of their action space by generating movements through linear superposition of a rather small number of stereotypical combinations of simultaneous movements of many joints, to which we refer as kinematic synergies in this paper. We show that by constructing two suitable non-linear kinematic synergies for the lower part of the body of a humanoid robot, balance control can in fact be reduced to a linear control problem, at least in the case of relatively slow movements. We demonstrate for a variety of tasks that the humanoid robot HOAP-2 acquires through this approach the capability to balance dynamically against unforeseen disturbances that may arise from external forces or from manipulating unknown loads.  相似文献   

Reasoners make systematic logical errors by giving heuristic responses that reflect deviations from the logical norm. Influential studies have suggested first that our reasoning is often biased because we minimize cognitive effort to surpass a cognitive conflict between heuristic response from system 1 and analytic response from system 2 thinking. Additionally, cognitive control processes might be necessary to inhibit system 1 responses to activate a system 2 response. Previous studies have shown a significant effect of executive learning (EL) on adults who have transferred knowledge acquired on the Wason selection task (WST) to another isomorphic task, the rule falsification task (RFT). The original paradigm consisted of teaching participants to inhibit a classical matching heuristic that sufficed the first problem and led to significant EL transfer on the second problem. Interestingly, the reasoning tasks differed in inhibiting-heuristic metacognitive cost. Success on the WST requires half-suppression of the matching elements. In contrast, the RFT necessitates a global rejection of the matching elements for a correct answer. Therefore, metacognitive learning difficulty most likely differs depending on whether one uses the first or second task during the learning phase. We aimed to investigate this difficulty and various matching-bias inhibition effects in a new (reversed) paradigm. In this case, the transfer effect from the RFT to the WST could be more difficult because the reasoner learns to reject all matching elements in the first task. We observed that the EL leads to a significant reduction in matching selections on the WST without increasing logical performances. Interestingly, the acquired metacognitive knowledge was too “strictly” transferred and discouraged matching rather than encouraging logic. This finding underlines the complexity of learning transfer and adds new evidence to the pedagogy of reasoning.  相似文献   

A fundamental decision in designing a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is the number and types of tools (cutters) to provide for system operation. This tool provisioning decision becomes especially important when space and equipment must be provided for refurbishing and storing tools within the FMS. In this article, we describe in detail the tool provisioning problem for a particular application, discuss approaches to making the tool provisioning decision, and explain why analytic models for this problem may be difficult to develop.  相似文献   

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