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Summary The sensitivity to calcium of the human squamous carcinoma cell line, SCC-13, was demonstrated and characterized. Cultures grown to confluence in the presence of 0.2 to 2 mM calcium had approximately 10-fold higher levels of particulate transglutaminase activity and envelope competence than those grown in low calcium (0.025 to 0.05 mM) medium. Raising the calcium from 0.025 to 1.8 mM induced expression of this enzyme and of competence over the course of a week. Conversely, for cultures grown to confluence in 1.8 mM calcium, subsequent reduction of calcium to 0.025 mM resulted in a substantial decline in transglutaminase over a similar time period. Immunoprecipitable transglutaminase was clearly identifiable in cultures grown in 1.8 mM calcium-containing medium but not in those grown in low calcium medium or in the presence of retinoic acid, suggestive of regulation at the level of mRNA accumulation or translation rather than posttranslational modification. This research was supported by Public Health Service grant AR 27130 from the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Bethesda, MD, and National Research Service postdoctoral fellowship ES 05336 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC.  相似文献   

Curcumin, a phytochemical derived from the rhizome of Curcuma longa, has shown anticancer effects against a variety of tumors. In the present study, we investigated the effects of curcumin on the miR-9 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and explored the potential relationships between miR-9 and Wnt/β-catenin pathway in curcumin-mediated OSCC inhibition in vitro. As the results shown, the expression levels of miR-9 were significantly lower in clinical OSCC specimens than those in the adjacent non-tumor tissues. Furthermore, our results indicated that curcumin inhibited OSCC cells (SCC-9 cells) proliferation through up-regulating miR-9 expression, and suppressing Wnt/β-catenin signaling by increasing the expression levels of the GSK-3β, phosphorylated GSK-3β and β-catenin, and decreasing the cyclin D1 level. Additionally, the up-regulation of miR-9 by curcumin in SCC-9 cells was significantly inhibited by delivering anti-miR-9 but not control oligonucleotides. Downregulation of miR-9 by anti-miR-9 not only attenuated the growth-suppressive effects of curcumin on SCC-9 cells, but also re-activated Wnt/β-catenin signaling that was inhibited by curcumin. Therefore, our findings would provide a new insight into the use of curcumin against OSCC in future.  相似文献   

Using an in vitro culture system we have derived radiation survival curves for the clonogenic cells of normal human epidermis. The culture system used allows the epidermal cells to stratify and form a multi-layered sheet of keratinizing cells. The cultures appear to be a very good model for epidermis in vivo. The survival curves show a population which is apparently more sensitive than murine epidermis in vivo. It remains unclear whether this is an intrinsic difference between the species or is a consequence of the in vitro cultivation of the human cells.  相似文献   

Human epidermal keratinocytes (HEK) are skin cells of primary importance in maintaining the body’s defensive barrier and are used in vitro to assess the irritation potential and toxicity of chemical compounds. Microfluidic systems hold promise for high throughput irritant and toxicity assays, but HEK growth kinetics have yet to be characterized within microscale culture chambers. This research demonstrates HEK patterning on microscale patches of Type I collagen within microfluidic channels and maintenance of these cells under constant medium perfusion for 72 h. HEK were shown to maintain 93.0%–99.6% viability at 72 h under medium perfusion ranging from 0.025–0.4 μl min−1. HEK maintained this viability while ∼100% confluent—a level not possible in 96 well plates. Microscale HEK cultures offer the ability to precisely examine the morphology, behavior and viability of individual cells which may open the door to new discoveries in toxicological screening methods and wound healing techniques.  相似文献   

Curcumin from the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant has been noted for its chemo-preventative and chemo-therapy activities, and it inhibits the growth of many types of human cancer cell lines. In this study, the mechanisms of cell death involved in curcumin-induced growth inhibition, including cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis in human tongue cancer SCC-4 cells, were investigated. Herein, we observed that curcumin inhibited cell growth of SCC-4 cells and induced cell death in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of SCC-4 cells with curcumin caused a moderate and promoted the G(2) /M phase arrest, which was accompanied with decreases in cyclin B/CDK1 and CDC25C protein levels. Moreover, curcumin significantly induced apoptosis of SCC-4 cells with a decrease of the Bcl-2 level, reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨ(m) ), and promoted the active forms of caspase-3. Curcumin also promoted the releases of AIF and Endo G from the mitochondria in SCC-4 cells by using confocal laser microscope. Therefore, we suggest that curcumin induced apoptosis through a mitochondria-dependent pathway in SCC-4 cells. In addition, we also found that curcumin-induced apoptosis of SCC-4 cells was partly through endoplasmic reticulum stress. In conclusion, curcumin increased G(2) /M phase arrest and induced apoptosis through ER stress and mitochondria-dependent pathways in SCC-4 cells.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the skin display different clinical features according to their epithelial differentiation grade and histological variant. Understanding the causes of these divergences might increase the curability of SCCs. Therefore, it is important to study the mechanisms of differentiation in keratinocytes. IKK (IκB kinase) α is an important protein for epidermal morphogenesis, although the pathways through which it exerts its function are unknown and controversy exists about its role in cancer development. We show that enhanced IKKα expression increases both early and terminal differentiation of human keratinocytes through an E-cadherin-dependent mechanism. Increased expression of IKKα in mouse tumorigenic epidermal cells leads to changes in the differentiation pattern of the resulting SCCs, originating a distinct histological variant that resembles the human acantholytic SCC (ASCC) variant. Although human ASCCs have an aggressive clinical course and high risk of metastasis, nothing is known about their etiology. We show that human ASCCs, as observed in the counterpart IKKα murine tumors, express high levels of both IKKα and E-cadherin, with absence of keratins K1 and K10, usually co-expressed with IKKα and E-cadherin. The tight correlation between the properties of both murine and human ASCC variants strongly suggests that IKKα is responsible for the development of this human SCC variant.  相似文献   

Overexpression and enhanced activation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor are frequent events in human cancers that correlate with poor prognosis. Anti-phosphotyrosine and anti-EGFr affinity chromatography, isotope-coded muLC-MS/MS, and immunoblot methods were combined to describe and measure signaling networks associated with EGF receptor activation and pharmacological inhibition. The squamous carcinoma cell line HN5, which overexpresses EGF receptor and displays sustained receptor kinase activation, was used as a model system, where pharmacological inhibition of EGF receptor kinase by erlotinib markedly reduced auto and substrate phosphorylation, Src family phosphorylation at EGFR Y845, while increasing total EGF receptor protein. Diverse sets of known and poorly described functional protein classes were unequivocally identified by affinity selection, comprising either proteins tyrosine phosphorylated or complexed therewith, predominantly through EGF receptor and Src family kinases, principally 1) immediate EGF receptor signaling complexes (18%); 2) complexes involved in adhesion and cell-cell contacts (34%); and 3) receptor internalization and degradation signals. Novel and known phosphorylation sites could be located despite the complexity of the peptide mixtures. In addition to interactions with multiple signaling adaptors Grb2, SHC, SCK, and NSP2, EGF receptors in HN5 cells were shown to form direct or indirect physical interactions with additional kinases including ACK1, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), Pyk2, Yes, EphA2, and EphB4. Pharmacological inhibition of EGF receptor kinase activity by erlotinib resulted in reduced phosphorylation of downstream signaling, for example through Cbl/Cbl-B, phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma), Erk1/2, PI-3 kinase, and STAT3/5. Focal adhesion proteins, FAK, Pyk2, paxillin, ARF/GIT1, and plakophillin were down-regulated by transient EGF stimulation suggesting a complex balance between growth factor induced kinase and phosphatase activities in the control of cell adhesion complexes. The functional interactions between IGF-1 receptor, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signaling, and EGF receptor were observed, both direct and/or indirectly on phospho-Akt, phospho-Erk1/2, and phospho-ribosomal S6.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP) induced the attachment and spreading of human squamous carcinoma cells on plastic culture dishes and dishes coated with type I or type IV collagen. Increased adhesion was detected as early as 15 min after treatment. Dose-response studies indicated that 1-5 micrograms of TSP per 35 mm (diameter) culture dish was sufficient to induce a response and that a half-maximal response occurred at 10 micrograms of TSP/dish. The squamous carcinoma cells synthesized TSP as indicated by biosynthetic labeling experiments. TSP was secreted (or shed) into the culture medium by these cells and also became bound to the cell surface. TSP also promoted adhesion of human keratinocytes, fibroblasts and fibrosarcoma cells but did not induce attachment or spreading of human melanoma or glioma cells, although these cells did respond to laminin.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The epidermis of the flexor surface of the upper arm of human subjects was studied with the electron microscope. 2. The cytoplasm of the keratinocytes in the basal layer contained many tonofilaments, ribosomes and other cell organelles. The tonofilaments were arranged singly or in loose bundles and many were attached to the inner membrane of the desmosomes. Along the basal border of the cells pinocytotic vesicles could be seen at different stages of development. 3. The keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum differed from those in the basal layer in two main ways: (a) The tonofilaments were grouped together into large compact bundles known as tonofibrils and it was possible to determine a definite beading or cross banding along the length of some of the filaments. (b) The cells were assuming a flattened shape. 4. The keratinocytes in the stratum granulosum possessed large numbers of irregularly shaped keratohyaline granules. The granules were strongly osmiophilic and were always situated on a meshwork of tonofibrils. The keratohyaline granules had no internal structure. The nuclei and mitochondria showed evidence of degeneration. 5. The keratinocytes in the stratum corneum were long and flattened. The cell walls showed increased electron density and were considerably thickened. The cytoplasm was filled with closely packed fibres separated by a small amount of lucent matrix. The fibres were grouped together in bundles running in different directions within the flattened squames. The fibres had along their entire length alternating areas of high and low electron density. The keratohyalin granules had disappeared and nothing remained of the nuclei or the organelles. In the deepest cells of this region the fibres were sometimes loosely packed leaving large irregular open spaces. This area corresponded to the stratum lucidum. In the most superficial layers of the stratum corneum the fibres appeared to be breaking down so that little remained within the keratinocyte except large lucent spaces. The desmosomes showed distinct structural changes. 6. An attempt was made to correlate the structural changes in the different epidermal layers with the process of keratinization. The possible part that keratohyalin may play in the process of thickening of the cell walls was discussed. The relationship between the desmosome and its dynamic environment was considered.I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. David Hilding of the Department of Otolaryngology for the use of an R.C.A. electron microscope and other facilities in his laboratory. This research was supported by the United States Public Health Service and American Cancer Society grants. USPHS CA 04679-07, NB 03995.  相似文献   

Interleukin-8 receptor-mediated chemotaxis of normal human epidermal cells.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Normal human keratinocytes show chemotactic behavior towards interleukin-8 (IL-8). Under physiological conditions this cytokine seems to be present in an equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric forms, as indicated by Western blotting data. Radioligand binding studies suggest that keratinocyte chemotaxis is mediated by receptors specific for IL-8 dimers. IL-8 receptor-specific mRNA can be detected in a keratinocyte cell line by polymerase chain reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of squamous carcinoma cell (SCC) lines, exhibiting high levels of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors, to EGF for 6 d caused a dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. This EGF-induced inhibition of cell proliferation occurred under both low (0.06 mM) and normal (1.6 mM) Ca2+ concentrations. Furthermore, the extent of EGF-induced inhibition of cell proliferation seemed to be independent of the number of EGF-receptors. This conclusion is based on the notion that the various SCC lines exhibited an increasing number of EGF receptors accompanied by a decreasing ability to differentiate, whereas no relationship was observed with the EGF-induced inhibition of cell proliferation in these cell lines. Retinoids caused also a dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. The effects of EGF and retinoids were additive, indicating that different regulatory mechanisms are involved. On the other hand, hydrocortisone caused a stimulation of SCC-proliferation, also independent of EGF. In contrast to SCC cells, EGF did not affect significantly the rate of proliferation of normal keratinocytes. However, the simultaneous addition of EGF and hydrocortisone resulted in a significant increase in the rate of keratinocyte proliferation only in cells grown under normal calcium conditions. Differentiation capacity of normal keratinocytes and SCC lines was not affected by EGF. Furthermore, the retinoid-induced decrease and hydrocortisone-induced increase of competence of cells to form cornified envelopes was not affected by EGF. These observations suggest that the action of retinoids and hydrocortisone on both cell proliferation and cell differentiation occurs independently of EGF receptors. This work was partly supported by The Netherlands Cancer Foundation (Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds), grant IKW 85–71.  相似文献   

Normal as well as transformed epidermal cells (EC) have recently been reported to produce a cytokine--EC-derived thymocyte-activating factor (ETAF), which according to its biologic as well as biochemical properties is indistinguishable from macrophage-derived interleukin 1 (IL 1). In the present study, the effect of supernatants (SN) derived from normal EC and a human squamous carcinoma cell (SCC) line were tested for their effects on natural killer (NK) cell activity. EC- as well as SCC-derived SN were able to augment in vitro NK cell activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes against K 562 cells. In contrast, adherent cell-derived, IL 1-containing SN did not affect NK cell activity. Upon high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) gel filtration, ETAF and the EC-derived NK cell activity-augmenting factor (ENKAF) exhibited a similar m.w. However, by using reverse-phase HPLC, ETAF and ENKAF eluted as distinct peaks of activity, indicating that SCC cell-derived ENKAF is different from ETAF. Furthermore, ENKAF does not contain interleukin 2 (IL 2) or interferon (IFN) activity. The enhancement of NK cell activity was dose dependent and evident after 20 hr of preincubation of effector cells. Pretreatment of target cells with ENKAF did not affect the susceptibility of the target cells. The NK activity of large granular lymphocytes (LGL) purified by discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation and further depleted of high-affinity sheep erythrocyte rosetting cells was enhanced by ENKAF. In contrast, no NK cell activity was expressed by LGL-depleted T cell populations before or after treatment with ENKAF. In a single cell cytotoxicity assay in agarose, the number of lymphocyte binding to K 562 was not affected by ENKAF, but the frequency of dead conjugated target cells and presumably of active killer cells was increased by pretreatment with ENKAF. Additional incubation of LGL with ETAF did not further increase ENKAF-mediated augmentation of NK activity. In contrast to ETAF, ENKAF was not chemotactic for polymorphonuclear leukocytes. These results indicate that normal as well as transformed EC release a unique cytokine--ENKAF--which augments NK cell activity of LGL but is distinct from ETAF, IL 2, and IFN.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the immunoreactivity of the receptor proteins, VR1, ion channels associated with pain sensation, on the epidermis of the human skin. Immunohistochemistry using antiserum against VR1 derived peptide showed immunoreactivity on the keratinocytes cell membrane of the human epidermis and cultured keratinocytes. The blocking peptide of the antiserum reduced the immunoreactivity on the epidermis. RT-PCR assay of cultured human keratinocyte also showed expression of VR1 mRNA. These results suggest the existence of VR1-like protein in epidermal keratinocytes of human skin.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) acts, in a dose dependent manner, as both a mitogen and an inhibitor of growth of the A431 squamous carcinoma cell line. gamma-interferon (IFN) also inhibits A431 cell growth. The dual effects of EGF on A431 growth and expression of the oncogenes, EGF receptor (EGFR) and Ha-ras, were evaluated with or without gamma-IFN. A mitogenic level (10pM) of EGF had no effect on expression of EGFR 10 kb mRNA or protein. gamma-IFN combined with 10pM EGF caused an initial drop in EGFR mRNA not reflected at the protein level; at 72 hours, the level of EGFR 10kb mRNA rose and inhibition of cell growth was observed. Treatment with a cytostatic amount (10nM) of EGF resulted in decreased expression of EGFR 10kb mRNA and protein within 24 hours; combined treatment with gamma-IFN caused rapid cell death. Expression of Ha-ras mRNA paralleled that of EGFR mRNA upon treatment with 10pM EGF and/or gamma-IFN, but differed with 10nM EGF.  相似文献   

A continuous line derived from a human skin squamous cell carcinoma has been grown in media of high, normal and low Ca2+ concentrations. The growth rate was unaffected by the Ca2+ levels even though morphological changes were observed. Desmosomes were absent at low Ca2+ and areas of cell piling were observed at high Ca2+. Cell protein staining patterns on polyacrylamide gels were identical for cells grown at the three Ca2+ levels. The variations were minor for the glycoproteins reacted with 125I-conA. Lactoper-oxidase iodination revealed changes in cell surface proteins, most markedly in the emergence of new proteins at high Ca2+.  相似文献   

The binding of 125I-labeled epidermal growth factor (EGF) was studied in Panc-I human pancreatic carcinoma cells. At 37°C, binding was rapid and associated with marked endocytosis of the ligand. Bound EGF was sequentially converted to a number of more acidic species as follows: pI 4.55 to pI 4.2, to pI 4.35, to pI 4.0. EGF internalization and processing were blocked at 4°C. EGF did not alter cell growth when Panc-I cells were incubated in the presence of 2 to 10% serum. In contrast, when the serum concentration was lowered to 0.1%, EGF significantly enhanced cell replication after 6 days of culture.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of interleukin-6 (IL-6) on human epidermal keratinocytes by using serum-free culture conditions that allow the serial transfer, differentiation, and formation of well-organized multilayered epithelia. IL-6 at 2.5 ng/ml or higher concentrations promoted keratinocyte proliferation, with an ED50 of about 15 ng/ml and a maximum effect at 50 ng/ml. IL-6 was 10-fold less potent than epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and supported keratinocyte growth for up to eight cumulative cell generations. IL-6-treated keratinocytes formed highly stratified colonies with a narrower proliferative/migratory rim than those keratinocytes stimulated with EGF or TGF-α; confluent epithelial sheets treated with IL-6 also underwent an increase in the number of cell layers. We also examined the effect of IL-6 on the keratin cytoskeleton. Immunostaining with anti-K16 monoclonal antibodies showed that the keratin network was aggregated and reorganized around cell nucleus and that this was not attributable to changes in keratin levels. This is the first report concerning the induction of the reorganization of keratin intermediate filaments by IL-6 in human epidermal keratinocytes.This work was supported in part by CONACyT grant nos. 1314P-N9507 and G28272-N.  相似文献   

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