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A chemical toxicity and teratogenicity test was adapted to assess potential adverse effects of a microbial pest control agent on a nontarget fish. Developing embryos of the inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, were exposed to conidiospores of the insect-pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Embryo rupture and death were observed. Embryo rupture did not always result in death, nor was death always associated with embryo rupture. Adherence of spores to the chorion, followed by germination and penetration by the germ tube, probably caused the embryos to rupture. Statistically significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) responses were observed in tests in which conidiospore concentrations were greater than or equal to 8.3 x 10(4) or less than or equal to 1.5 x 10(6)/ml. Conidiospores treated with a dispersant (biological detergent) showed significantly less binding (P less than or equal to 0.01) to embryos than did untreated spores. Both detergent-treated and heat-killed spores failed to cause significant adverse effects.  相似文献   

A chemical toxicity and teratogenicity test was adapted to assess potential adverse effects of a microbial pest control agent on a nontarget fish. Developing embryos of the inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, were exposed to conidiospores of the insect-pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Embryo rupture and death were observed. Embryo rupture did not always result in death, nor was death always associated with embryo rupture. Adherence of spores to the chorion, followed by germination and penetration by the germ tube, probably caused the embryos to rupture. Statistically significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) responses were observed in tests in which conidiospore concentrations were greater than or equal to 8.3 x 10(4) or less than or equal to 1.5 x 10(6)/ml. Conidiospores treated with a dispersant (biological detergent) showed significantly less binding (P less than or equal to 0.01) to embryos than did untreated spores. Both detergent-treated and heat-killed spores failed to cause significant adverse effects.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spawning behavior of the Atlantic silverside,Menidia menidia, was studied at two sites on the North Edisto River estuary in South Carolina. Prespawning schools moved back and forth along the shoreline as the time of high tide approached. Spawning runs took place in the upper intertidal zone at high tide.Spawning fish deposited their eggs on three types of substrates: 1) the lower stems of cordgrass plants,Spartina alterniflora, 2) detrital mats, and 3) exposed cordgrass roots along erosional scraps. Spawning behavior during egg deposition and fertilization was similar for all three substrates. Females released eggs during a rapid fluttering motion of the posterior half of the body. A similar movement accompanied release of sperm by males. Behavior of fish just prior to spawning insured deposition of gametes at locations that provided protection from thermal and drying stress during development. Eggs were deposited at mean intertidal elevations of 1.8 and 1.5 meters above mean low water (MLW) at respective study sites. They were exposed to the atmosphere for approximately ten hours between successive high tides.During spawning runs in which eggs were deposited at the base of cordgrass plants, ambient dissolved oxygen concentrations of the water in the spawning area were sometimes reduced to < 1.0 mg. 1–1. Spent fish, apparently incurring an oxygen debt while spawning, formed a nonschooling aggregation offshore from the spawning zone.The recurrent use of specific spawning substrates for egg deposition resulted in an uneven distribution of spawning runs along the shoreline at each study site.Contribution No. 409 to the Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Laboratory. Contribution No. 377 to the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research.  相似文献   

Shoup  Daniel E.  Hill  Loren G. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):87-98
The functions of an organisms morphological structures indicatethe organisms potential resource use (fundamental niche). Whilethis information often is also used to predict differences inactual resource use (realized niche) among individuals or species,such predictions may not be accurate because the maximum abilitiesmay not be useful to the organism under specific conditions or inspecific environments. We investigated the importance of sixpreviously studied morphologically based performanceabilities/constraints in structuring the diet of Menidiaberyllina (inland silverside) and Lepomis megalotis (longearsunfish) in Lake Texoma, a reservoir in the Red River basin(Oklahoma-Texas, USA). Of the six morphological characteristicsmeasured (number of gill rakers, length of gill rakers, spacebetween gill rakers, eye lens diameter, mouth size, mouthprotrusibility), only one characteristic for M. beryllina(mouth size) and three for L. megalotis (space betweenrakers, mouth size, and raker length) correlated with the gutcontents as predicted by previous functional morphology studies.This indicates that caution should be exercised when makinguntested predictions about the ecology of an organism based on itsfunctional morphology.  相似文献   

Food consumption and growth rates of 7–28-day-old Menidia beryllina were measured in response to natural ranges of temperature and prey availability. Feeding level, temperature and age all had significant effects on growth rate, although the effect of feeding level explained most of the variance. Feeding level also had a significant effect on gross growth efficiency, but temperature and age did not. Absolute growth rates (mg per day) increased dramatically with temperature, feeding level, and age. Variability in growth was greatest for fish feeding at the lowest feeding level. For a given fish weight, temperature had a positive effect on consumption rate, and maximum consumption ( C max) of any treatment combination reached 75% body weight per day. Maximum growth rate was estimated at 24.6% body weight per day, and gross growth efficiency reached an estimated maximum of 0.375 at an ingestion rate of 25% body weight per day. Starved larvae lost on average 5.4% body weight per day and larvae required 6.4% body weight food consumption per day for maintenance. Multiple regressions of feeding level, temperature, and age/size on instantaneous growth rates indicated that increases in temperature increased maintenance requirements and required that fish consume a greater proportion of C max to attain maximum growth. Growth rates decreased with increases in temperature for fish eating a specific weight of food.  相似文献   

Enzyme indices of zooplankton respiration, citrate synthase(CS), and ammonia excretion rate, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH),were measured in cultures of Artemia franciscana (San FranciscoBay) feeding in a 25-fold range of concentration of the algaDunaliella salina. Enzyme activities per animal were regressedagainst body size (expressed as dry weight or protein) in theform of the allometric equation, log Y = log a + b logW. CSactivity was related to size with a scaling exponent (b) of1.133 in terms of dry weight and 0.864 in terms of protein.GDH scaling exponents were 1.283 and 0.978 for dry weight andprotein, respectively. In cases where these variables are measured,it is essential that the size structure of populations and communitiessampled is taken into account, otherwise false conclusions maybe drawn. Despite specific growth rate variation from 0.117to 1.188 day–1, no differences in CS or GDH activity couldbe attributed to feeding level or growth rate effects. Suchenzymatic indices, which represent only maximum potential metabolicrates, may therefore be poor predictors of actual rates in vivo.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry of nuclear DNA fluorescence in erythrocytes, coupled with gene dosage assessments derived from electrophoresis of proteins, reaffirmed that the Menidia clarkhubbsi complex of unisexual atherinid fishes is diploid. Non-recombinant hybrids between M. beryllina and M. peninsulae represented 18% (108 specimens) of the Menidia collected from three pools in the Copano Bay area and 9-6% (42 specimens) of those from a pool on Galveston Island. Of those hybrids, 35 and 5%, respectively, were triploids. Zymograms indicated that the triploids either had two doses of genes from M. beryllina and one from M. peninsulas or they had one from the former species and two from the latter. The hybrids seem to be maintained primarily, if not entirely, by ongoing hybridization and back-crossing of F1 hybrids to the parental species. Triploids apparently result from the combination of unreduced, diploid gametes from F1 hybrids with haploid gametes from either M. beryllina or M. peninsulae.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spawning periodicity and mating behavior of a northern population of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, was studied both in the field (Salem Harbor, Massachusetts) and in laboratory experiments. Spawning in the field coincided with new and full moons. Under conditions of unlimited food availability in artificial outdoor pools that received natural celestial illumination or in indoor aquaria receiving no evening illumination, spawning occurred every 1–3 days rather than fortnightly. These results suggest that tidal influences are a primary factor that synchronizes spawning in M. menidia. Published reports of diel time of spawning in both marine and freshwater species of Menidia indicate a generic tendency to spawn during mid-morning. This pattern coupled with high tides that cover suitable spawning substrates during mid-morning only at fortnightly intervals could account for the semilunar spawning cycle in marine populations of Menidia. Although general characteristics of the reproductive ecology of M. menidia in Massachusetts were similar to a thoroughly studied population in South Carolina, several differences were evident. The breeding season was shorter in Massachusetts (late; April–June), and occurred over a much lower range of temperatures (9–21°C). Intensity and frequency of spawning was correlated with the height of high tide. Eggs were deposited only on mats of intertidal, filamentous algae rather than on roots or stems of Spartina alterniflora or other intertidal vegetation. Promiscuous spawning occurred in small, highly male-dominated groups of fish, primarily after the tide had begun to recede, and often at the water's edge. No predation on spawning adults was observed but the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, fed daily on developing embryos during high tide. Contribution No. 81, Massachusetts Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit, Contribution No. 349, Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning patterns of inland silversides, Menidia beryllina, and tidewater silversides, Menidia peninsulae, were examined in the laboratory under several combinations of ‘tidal’ and diel light cycle cues. M. beryllina showed a high frequency of spawning throughout the day when held under constant conditions (24L: OD, current velocity 8 cm sec−1) and when ‘tidal’ and diel light cycles were presented singly or in combination. In contrast, M. peninsulae demonstrated a high frequency of spawning only when presented a combination of ‘tidal’ and diel light cycle cues and spawned predominantly at night. Menidia beryllina embryos were euryhaline. Hatching ranged from 73 to 78% at salinities of 5,15 and 30‰ M. peninsulae embryos showed an inverse relationship between the percentage hatch and the incubation salinity, 90% at 5‰ and only 65% at 30‰ Survival and growth of larval M. beryllina from the day of hatching through 16 days old was optimal at 15‰ Although survival of M. peninsulae larvae was optimal at 30%, no trend was apparent in growth of larvae held for 16 days at 5, 15 or 30‰ salinity. Contribution No. 508 from the Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Laboratory  相似文献   

Net food conversion efficiency κ was estimated from growth experiments on saithe Pollachius virens and whiting Merlangius merlangus that were fed natural prey at a range of ration levels including satiation rations. The conversion efficiency, which specifies the net energy fraction of ingested energy C , was described appropriately by a simple power function of food consumption rate as κ  = 0·272 C 0·18 and κ  = 0·426 C 0·11 for saithe and whiting. This functional relationship was supported by the patterns of accretion of lipids and proteins in saithe. No significant effects of temperature and body size on κ was, however, demonstrated in this study except for the indirect influence using feeding levels (rations expressed relatively to satiation rations) in bioenergetics models.  相似文献   

1.  The overall rate of feeding at 28°C bears an inverse relationship to size; the time course of feeding appears to be size-independent and shows a decline with increase in time.
2.  Absorption efficiency is independent of size.
3.  The rates of absorption and conversion and conversion efficiency are inversely related to size.
4.  The rate of feeding is reflected on the rates of absorption and conversion.

Food consumption, faecal production and nitrogen excretion by minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus , weighing 1–5.5 g were studied at five rations ranging from starvation to ad libitum and four temperatures ranging from 5 to 15°C.
The maximum rate of food consumption (Cmax) was related to body weight ( W ) and temperature ( T ) by the relationship: C max= aWb1Tb2 . There were significant daily variations in Cmax, which tended to decline over time. Absorption efficiency increased with increasing ration size and decreasing temperature. Body weight had no significant effect on the faecal production. The equation F = a Cb1eb2 T described the relationship between faecal production ( F ), food consumption ( C ) and temperature. Ammonia-N predominated over urea-N in the excreta of most experimental fish. The proportion of urea-N in the total nitrogen excreted was generally higher at lower rations than at higher rations. Rates of nitrogen excretion increased with increased ration size and were, to a lesser extent, influenced by temperature. Body weight had no significant effect on the nitrogen excretion by feeding minnows. The equation N = a+blT+b2C described the effects of food consumption and temperature on nitrogen excretion ( N ) other than urea-N excretion. The relationship between urea-N excretion ( Nu ), food consumption and temperature was described by the equation Nu= aeb1T ((C+1) b 2.
On the average, 11 % of food energy was lost in faecal production and nitrogen excretion by minnows feeding on whiteworms, Enchytraeus spp.  相似文献   

The abundance of Ceriodaphnia reticulata (Jurine) in Lake Kinneret is restricted every year to the period March to June with a peak in May. The most constant parameter accompanying the peak is temperature with a range of 20–22° C. An attempt was made to clarify whether the estival high average temperatures observed in the epilimnion of this lake (27–28° C) could explain the decrease of the Ceriodaphnia population. Three physiological parameters: food intake, ammonia excretion and respiration rates, were measured experimentally at three temperatures (15, 22 and 27° C). The dry weight of individuals of the winter and summer populations were measured, and the percentages of egg-bearing females in the populations were calculated. It was found that temperature increase accelerates the rates of ammonia excretion and food ingestion. The acceleration was greater in the lower temperature range (15–22° C) than in the higher one (22–27° C). Conversely, the enhancing of respiration rate is higher in the upper temperature range. The resulting deficit of energy at high temperatures causes a reduction in body size and a significant diminution of egg production, which leads to a progressive decline of the population.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new atherinid fish, Doboatherina palauensis, is described based on the holotype and 31 paratypes, 36–51&nbsp;mm in standard length, collected from the marine...  相似文献   

The frequency of feeding in the field is variable in sea urchins, ranging from nearly continuous to diel or intermittent. It is essential to know the effect of feeding interval on physiological and metabolic processes to understand the basis for production. Lytechinus variegatus (50 mm horizontal diameter) were collected in January 1999 and held in closed-circuit aquaria at 25 degrees C and 35 per thousand salinity. After 9 days without food, individuals were fed one of three treatments: food available ad libitum, food available for 1 day every 2 days or food available for 1 day every 4 days for 28 days. The rate of food consumption per day of all individuals was high the first week of feeding. It then decreased to a lower, constant rate in those fed ad libitum but remained high in those fed one day every 2 or 4 days. The total amount eaten was directly related to frequency of feeding. The apparent dry matter digestibility (absorption efficiency) did not vary with frequency of feeding. As the total amount of energy absorbed was directly related to the frequency of feeding, the increase in the rate of food consumption does not compensate for a decrease in frequency of feeding. Gonad production efficiency was directly related to frequency of feeding. Gonad gross production (assimilation) efficiencies were 8.4, 3.9 and 3.4% for individuals fed every day, or fed one day every 2 and 4 days, respectively. The corresponding gonad net assimilation efficiencies were 12.5, 5.5, and 4.8%. A decrease in frequency of food availability results in use of a greater proportion of the food consumed for maintenance and less for gonad production.  相似文献   

The post-prandial rates of ammonia excretion (TAN) and oxygen consumption in the southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis) were assessed at 2 h intervals post-feeding until the rates returned to those of the fasting rates, at 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, and 32.5°C, respectively. Both fasting TAN and increased with temperature, and were lower than those previously reported for many fish species. The relationship between fasting TAN (mmol NH3–N kg−1 h−1) and temperature (T, °C) was described as: fasting TAN = 0.144e 0.0266T (= 0.526, = 27, < 0.05). The magnitude of ammonia excretion and its ratio to total N intake during the specific dynamic action (SDA) tended to increase initially, and then decrease with increasing temperature. The ammonia quotient (AQ), calculated as mol NH3–N/mol O2, following feeding decreased as temperature increased. The relationship between AQ during SDA and temperature was described as: AQduring SDA = 0.303e −0.0143T (= 0.739, = 21, < 0.05). Our results suggest that ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption post-feeding are operating independently of each other. Furthermore, it appears that the importance of protein as a metabolic substrate in postprandial fish decreases with temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of body size and habitat variability on ammonia excretion rates (RAMs) of Aphanius iberus were analyzed in situ for the first time. At hourly intervals during a 5‐h field experiment, ammonia excretion was measured in 75 mature specimens from three sampling sites (small creek, marine salt‐mine, and salt‐marsh) established in a gradient of water salinity (0–5; 35–40; 65–70‰). Our results showed a specific size dependence pattern of RAMs in the reproduction period, which might reflect an effect of the reproductive effort. In addition, the results point to a significant decrease in mean RAM values of each population from freshwater aquatic systems (3.81 ± 0.58 μmol g−1 h−1 in fish of 2.8 ± 0.3 mm total length, TL) to salt aquatic systems with significantly higher alkalinity (2.52 ± 0.35 μmol g−1 h−1 in fish of 3.1 ± 0.5 mm TL in marine salt‐mine; 1.98 ± 0.55 μmol g−1 h−1 in fish of 3.1 ± 0.4 mm TL in salt‐marsh). Due to the size‐dependent pattern, RAM in different habitats cannot be compared directly; ancova , followed by residual compared analysis (regression‐related techniques), is seen as a valid method for this purpose. This work presents the first field data on ammonia excretion in the Aphanius genus and the flexible physiologic response characteristic of Cyprinodontids has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

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