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Summary The ovarian oocytes of Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) have been studied by light and electron microscopy and electron cytochemistry. The development of the oocyte in the ovotestis may be divided into three stages.During Stage I the oocyte cytoplasm contains mainly ribosomes and also strands of endoplasmic reticulum, scattered mitochondria and Golgi systems. The nucleus contains both a paranucleolus and an eunucleolus. By Stage II the oocyte has enlarged, especially in a plane parallel to the basement membrane. In addition to the above mentioned organelles, the cytoplasm contains lipid, glycogen and early yolk platelets. During Stage III, the oocyte continues to enlarge, but mainly in a plane perpendicular to the basement membrane. A considerable degree of cytoplasmic differentiation has also taken place. The plasma membrane of the oocyte has become specialized with the appearance of a polysaccharide-rich glycocalyx, microvilli and pinocytotic tubules. Elsewhere, much of the background cytoplasm, containing Golgi-derived, polysaccharide and acid phosphatase-rich multivesiculate bodies, lipid and glycogen, is sequestered by smooth membranes and ultimately fuses with the growing yolk platelets. The nucleus contains an amphinucleolus, characteristic of many gastropods.The findings of this study are discussed in relation to results from other studies on oogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The follicle cells, nurse cells and germinal epithelia, which are closely associated with the oocyte of Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) during its development in the ovotestis, have been studied using light and electron microscopy. The various secretory, digestive and phagocytic activities of these cells have also been investigated using electron cytochemical tests for oxidisable polysaccharide, acid phosphatase and electron-opaque tracer molecules. The oocyte lies initially between the germinal epithelia and a layer of nurse cells but, as oocyte vitellogenesis proceeds, it becomes encapsulated by a layer of follicle cells. Both the follicle and the nurse cells are active in secretion and digestion and contain Golgi apparatus, granular endoplasmic reticulum and acid phosphatase-rich digestive vacuoles. The significance of these activities is discussed in relation to oocyte vitellogenesis, secondary envelope formation and the digestion and recycling of cellular material.  相似文献   

Summary Using the enzyme peroxidase and ionic lanthanum as tracers, paracellular uptake has been demonstrated in the foot of the slug Agriolimax reticulatus (Mü). Both tracers appeared to pass between adjacent foot epithelial cells and were demonstrated in the zonula adhaerens, the septate desmosomes, and the intercellular spaces which occur beneath the septate junctions. Ferritin, a somewhat larger tracer, was excluded from all these sites.Ionic lanthanum was not normally pinocytosed in short incubation times. The epithelial cells could be induced to endocytose this marker, however, when combined with a variety of proteins. The implications these findings have on the uptake of molluscicides is discussed.This research was supported by the Agricultural Research Council (G.B.) Grant No. AG 72/13  相似文献   

The field slug, Deroceras reticulatum, a common pest of agricultural and horticultural crops, is a generalist herbivore with distinct preferences for particular food items. However, these preferences are not fixed, but are influenced by the recent dietary history of the slugs. In particular, slugs tend to select novel food items ('neophilia'). We investigated the basis of such influences, using artificial diets in which protein and carbohydrate composition could be controlled and non-nutritional ('secondary') chemicals added as flavours. The slugs showed no general inclination for neophilia based on taste alone. There was a possible learned association between protein content and taste, but this was weakly expressed. However, the slugs selected food items, when given a choice, containing nutrients that were deficient in earlier diets, even though all the food items contained the same familiar secondary taste chemicals. Injections of missing nutrients into the haemocoel of slugs inhibited such changes in food preference, indicating that slugs' feeding preferences are influenced directly by their internal nutritional status. We suggest that neophilia in D. reticulatum is a physiological response to a nutritional imbalance arising from a suboptimal diet. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   


In the southeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), slugs cause reductions in crop yield by killing seeds and seedlings, by destroying stems and growing points, and by reducing leaf area. Deroceras reticulatum (Müller, 1774) was introduced into Argentina a long time ago, but the biology and ecology of this species in this country are still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine how temperature affects growth rate, reproduction and survival of D. reticulatum and also to assess the seasonal phenology of this species. The life cycle of D. reticulatum was investigated at 12°C, 20°C and at a temperature which alternated between 12°C for 16 h and 20°C for 8 h. The light/dark regime during the experiment was LD: 8/16 h. Slug populations were sampled from grassland located at the Experimental Station of INTA Balcarce. Eggs hatched after 16.3 to 39.8 days and fertility varied between 83.9% and 91.1%. The mean time from hatching to oviposition was longer and fecundity lower at 20°C than 12°C and 12/20°C (p <0.05). The net reproductive rate was 1.49 to 70.53 and the mean generation time varied between the 27 and 30 weeks. In natural conditions, eggs of D. reticulatum were found from early winter until the end of the spring, when soil temperature was 8–15°C and humidity was above 15%. These results indicate that D. reticulatum has one generation per year, univoltine phenology, with peak densities of slugs from the beginning of winter to the end of spring, which coincides with the sowing and emergence of winter and summer crops.  相似文献   

The radular morphology of the patellid species Testudinalia testudinalis (O. F. Müller, 1776) from the White Sea was studied using light, electron, and confocal microscopy. The radula is of the docoglossan type with four teeth per row and consisting of six zones. We characterize teeth formation in T. testidinalis as follows: one tooth is formed by numerous and extremely narrow odontoblasts through apocrine secretion; this initially formed tooth consists of numerous vesicles; the synthetic apparatus of the odontoblasts is localized in the apical and central parts of the cells throughout the cytoplasm and is penetrated by microtubules which are involved in the transport of the synthesized products to the apical part of the odontoblast; the newly formed teeth consist of unpolymerized chitin. Mitotic activity is located in the lateral parts of the formation zone. The first four rows contain an irregular arrangement of teeth, but the radular teeth are regularly arranged after the fifth row. The irregularly arranged teeth early on could be a consequence of the asynchronous formation of teeth and the distance between the odontoblasts and the membranoblasts. The morphological data obtained significantly expands our knowledge of the morphological diversity of the radula formation in Gastropoda.  相似文献   

Cells of Müller glia and microglia react to neuronal injury in glaucoma. The change to a reactive phenotype initiates signaling cascades that may serve a neuroprotective role, but may also proceed to promote damaging effects on retinal neurons. Both effects appear to occur most likely in parallel in glaucoma, but the underlying mechanisms and signaling pathways that specifically promote protective versus destructive roles of reactive glial cells are mostly unclear. More research is needed to understand the homeostatic signaling network in which retinal glia cells are embedded to maintain or restore neuronal function after injury.  相似文献   

Vanadium and sulphur were found by X-ray microanalysis in three different cell types, morula cells, signet-ring cells, and granular amoebocytes, from each of the ascidians Ascidia mentula (Müller) and Ascidiella aspersa (Müller). In addition to the cells containing vanadium and sulphur a few vacuolar cells containing high concentrations of iron, magnesium and calcium were also found. After fixation in the presence of strontium or barium chlorides another cell type containing large amounts of precipitated sulphur was also found, confirming our previous findings that many haemolymph cells in these species contain large amounts of sulphate only. The presence of these various cell types is discussed in relation to the question of the acidity of ascidian blood cells.  相似文献   

The Malpighian tubules of nymphal Aeshna cyanea (Odonata : Aeshnidae) were examined by light and electron microscopy. The 1st-instar nymphs have only 3 branchless tubules. With proceeding nymphal stages, these lengthen and branch. Also, additional tubules bud from the gut and show the same pattern of growth and branching, until in the final instar up to 21 separate tufts of branched tubules are present. A serpentine trachea/tracheole and a cross-striated muscle are helically wound around each tubule in close apposition. Isolated tubules show twisting movements for several days. Contraction of the muscle is responsible for fast coiling movements, while the slow decoiling movements probably depend on elastic deformations of the accompanying trachea, the basal lamina and the tubule cells, the latter showing an elaborate cytoskeleton and multiple adhesive junctions.The tubular epithelium consists of 4 types of cells. The distal segment is composed of ion transporting cells and terminates with a short, solid tip segment of undifferentiated cells. The intermediate segment consists of lipid cells which are densely filled with triglyceride droplets, as revealed by thin layer chromatography. Lipid cells are already present in the 1st instar before the nymphs have taken up any food. In later instars, the renal lipid content varies to some extent with the nutritional state and is nearly depleted during metamorphosis. The proximal segment is the region of tubular branching and may be conceived as the collecting duct of each tuft. Its epithelium consists of mucocytes.  相似文献   

The role of cell adhesion molecules in neurite outgrowth on Müller cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The roles of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), L1, N-cadherin, and integrin in neurite outgrowth on various substrates were studied. Antibodies against these cell surface molecules were added to explants of chick retina and the neurites from retinal ganglion cells were examined for effects of the antibodies on neurite length and fasciculation. On laminin, an anti-integrin antibody completely inhibited neurite outgrowth. The same antibody did not inhibit neurite outgrowth on polylysine or Müller cells. Antibodies to NCAM, L1, and N-cadherin did not significantly inhibit neurite outgrowth on laminin but produced significant inhibition on Müller cells. The inhibition of neurite outgrowth on glia by anti-L1 antibodies supports the hypothesis that L1 is capable of acting in a heterophilic binding mechanism. On laminin, both anti-N-cadherin and anti-L1 caused defasciculation of neurites from retinal ganglion cells, while anti-NCAM did not. None of these antibodies produced defasciculation on Müller cells. The results indicate that these three cell adhesion molecules may be very important in interactions with glia as axons grow from the retina to the tectum and may be less important in axon-axon interactions along this pathway. No evidence was found supporting the role of integrins in axon growth on Müller cells.  相似文献   

Glial cells are thought to protect neurons from various neurological insults. When there is injury to retina, Müller cells, which are the predominant glial element in the retina, undergo significant morphological, cellular and molecular changes. Some of these changes reflect Müller cell involvement in protecting the retina from further damage. Müller cells express growth factors, neurotransmitter transporters and antioxidant agents that could have an important role in preventing excitotoxic damage to retinal neurons. Moreover, Müller cells contact to endothelial cells to facilitate the neovascularization process during hypoxic conditions. Finally, recent studies have pointed to a role of Müller cells in retina regeneration after damage, dedifferentiating to progenitor cells and then giving rise to different neuronal cell types. In this article we will review the role of Müller glia in neuroprotection and regeneration after damage in the retina.  相似文献   

It is revealed that the infection of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas) with plerocercoids affects both the activity of digestive hydrolases and the localization of trematodes in the intestine of juvenile perch. Infected fish exhibit a higher proportion of Bunodera luciopercae (Müller) marites in the posterior intestinal segment compared to noninfected specimens. Moreover, in young fish with cestode-induced liver damage, the activities of digestive hydrolases decreases, particularly in the anterior segment of the digestive tract.  相似文献   

The sequence of morphological differentiation of Müller cells in the chick retina was investigated in relation to the differentiation of the retinal neurons using the Golgi method. From the beginning of differentiation, the Müller cell develops spurs and lateral processes. Some of these glial processes become transformed into accessory prolongations of the Müller cell. From the 17th or 18th day of incubation, the morphology of the Müller cells is similar to that of the adult retina. On the basis of their inner prolongation, two types of Müller cells were identified. The first type, with diffuse and abundant descending processes, is identical to that described classically. The second type is a cell characterized by sparse and scanty inner ramifications. This report also describes electron microscopic observations of Müller cells and their enwrapping relationship with the axons of the optic nerve fiber layer.  相似文献   

In his Gastraea studies Ernst Haeckel characterized the initial stages of the animal embryo, describing complete and incomplete cleavages in various groups, until the gastrula stage. Thereby, he was able to point out various degrees of developmental diversification in these initial stages of development. As the functional meaning of such cleavages was not clear however, it was difficult to argue about putative functional adaptations. Information about the consequences for tissue formation initiated in this primary phase of development was simply lacking. Haeckel could only provide a vague picture of a highly diversified but systematically inconsistent distribution of various types of early embryogenesis. Thereby he discusses phylogenetically preserved (palingenetic) stages of development and adaptations to certain specific situations of the embryo (cenogenesis). To decide whether such types, in the initial stages of embryogenesis, are ceno- or phaenogenetic is quite difficult. Reference to the highly diversified distribution of certain types within specific groups is an indication that there is no strict adaptive pressure on these early parts of embryonic development. This makes it possible to formulate – as Haeckel did it – the idea, that in these initial phases palingenetic attributes are dominant. Thus, he tried to use these early phases of development for the classification of larger systematic units. The result is a concept of an evolutionary morphology, that was, however, never elaborated in detail by Haeckel. Therefore, it remained without effect for evolutionary biology. On the contrary, following the Darwinian approach towards a comparative analysis of embryogenesis, Fritz Müller presented a series of examples for a comparative developmental biology that allowed one to interpret certain morphological characteristics as the outcome of common evolutionary histories within different species. For various crustacean species, he was able to demonstrate that certain attributes are not to be characterized as functionally relevant adaptations, but are evolutionarily inherited.  相似文献   

Short-term feeding (min to h) of the copepod Temora longicomis (Müller) was investigated in the laboratory and in the field by monitoring the increase in gut fluorescence of adult females. Laboratory feeding studies using the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.), T. weissflogii (Hust.) and Ditylumbrightwellii (West) showed that ingestion rates increased with increased food concentration and cell size. The maximum ingestion rate was 9.5 ng chl. equiv. female −1. h −1 on a diet D. brightwellii. Clearance rates decreased with increased food concentration and decreased cell size. Maximum clearance rate was 1.9 ml. female−1·h−1 also on a diet of D. brightwellii. On two of three occasions, ingestion and clearance rates in the field were twice as high at night as during the day. Night rates were similar to laboratory rates in the chlorophyll range found in the field. Diel differences in feeding activity in the field appeared to have been behaviorally induced rather than being related to vertical migration of individuals into food rich layers.  相似文献   

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