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Oystercatcher foraging behavior has been described for diverse intertidal prey such as limpets, mussels, and oysters. This paper describes foraging behavior of the American oystercatcher, Haematopous palliatus pitanay, on attached and wave-dislodged ascidians, Pyura praeputialis (prey with a restricted geographic range of 70 km) in the Bay of Antofagasta, Chile. Stabbed holes on the top of the ascidian's tunic, probing excursions, handling time, and five prey-handling sequential stages (striking, hammering, prying, cavity food searching, and swallowing) are described and measured. The need to determine ascidian profit-ability for oystercatcher species in Australia and Chile is highlighted. Received: January 19, 2000 / Accepted: July 23, 2000  相似文献   

Larval recruitment is essential for sustaining coral communities and a fundamental tool in some interventions for reef restoration. To improve larval supply and post‐settlement survival in sexually assisted coral restoration efforts, an integrated in situ collector system, the larval cradle, was designed to collect spawned gametes then culture the resulting larvae until settled on artificial substrates. The final design of the larval cradle was cylindrical, a nylon mesh structure with a volume of 9 m3, suspended in the sea and extending vertically toward the seabed. We found three key design features that improved the efficiency of the apparatus: (1) an open area of sea surface and mesh size of less than 100 μm produced high fertilization and optimal survival (>90%), (2) a special skirt‐shaped net (3 m in diameter) with a connection hose for attaching the cradle to collect bundles from many adult colonies over a wide area and at various depths, and (3) adding short square tube pieces, called square hollow sections, as a substrate for enhancing larval settlement and survival, to a larval cradle at 4 days after spawning was optimal for uniform settlement. This system allowed not only the collection of several million eggs, but also subsequent production of several thousand settled juvenile corals, without land facilities. Our design achieved several hundred times higher survival for early life stages of Acropora tenuis compared to nature.  相似文献   

The box‐tree pyralid Cydalima perspectalis (Walker 1859) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), native to Eastern Asia, is a newly introduced species causing severe damage to box‐trees (Buxus sp.) in private and public gardens as well as in semi‐natural box‐tree forests in Central Europe. It is so far not known whether different box‐tree subspecies (or varieties) are similarly affected by this invasive moth. In a choice experiment offering branches of five different box‐tree varieties as oviposition sites, we found a preference of female moths for laying their egg clusters on the variety ‘Rotundifolia’, while other varieties were less frequently considered. The preference for ‘Rotundifolia’, the variety with the largest leaves in the tests, remained when intervariety differences in foliar area (mean leaf size × number of leaves) were taken into account. Feeding larvae on leaves of either of the five box‐tree varieties revealed a significant effect of the seasonal generation of C. perspectalis on the growth rate of individuals but no influence of the box‐tree variety. Larvae from the spring generation show the highest growth rate, those from the summer generation a moderate and those from the autumn generation the lowest growth rate. The moths used in the experiments may belong to the 10th to 12th generation present in Europe. The time elapsed since their introduction may be too short for an optimal adaptation to the partly novel diet encountered by the invasive moth.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Resource competition and intra‐guild predation (IGP) are important determinants of the structure of aphidophagous guilds. The likelihood and outcome of IGP is influenced by the density of extra‐guild prey and the characteristics of the species involved. 2. The nature of intra‐guild interactions between alien and indigenous coccinellids often determines the success of coccinellid invasions, as exemplified by Adalia bipunctata in Japan and Harmonia axyridis in North America and Europe. 3. Harmonia axyridis has negatively impinged on indigenous species in its introduced range, and its recent arrival in Britain poses a threat for members of native aphidophagous guilds. IGP and inter‐specific competition between H. axyridis and British coccinellids are predicted to occur. However, the results of such interactions have been little studied. 4. Here we investigate the effects of different diets, designed to mimic possible conditions in the wild, on the survival, development, and adult size of H. axyridis and A. bipunctata. Results demonstrate a skew in the consequences of IGP between the two species: the supplementation of a limited aphid diet with non‐conspecific eggs leads to a significant advantage for H. axyridis in respect of all parameters assessed, but gives no benefit to A. bipunctata. 5. We conclude that IGP of A. bipunctata by H. axyridis will contribute to the spread and increase of H. axyridis in Britain. 6. We further conclude that the skewed nature of IGP between A. bipunctata and H. axyridis at least in part explains the limited spread of A. bipunctata in Japan.  相似文献   

Aim: Recent coarse‐scale studies have shown positive relationships between the biodiversity of plants/vertebrates and the human population. Little is known about the generality of the pattern for invertebrates. Moreover, biodiversity and human population might correlate because they both covary with other factors such as energy availability and habitat heterogeneity. Here we test these two non‐mutually exclusive mechanisms with ant species‐richness data from the Fauna Europaea. Location Forty‐three European countries/regions. Methods We derived mixed models of total, native and exotic ant species richness as a function of human population size/density, controlling for country area, plant species richness (as a proxy for habitat heterogeneity), and mean annual temperature and precipitation (variables related to energy availability). Results Ant species richness increased significantly with increasing human population. This result was confirmed when controlling for variations in country area. Both for human population size/density and for ant species richness, there were positive correlations with temperature but not with precipitation. This finding is in agreement with the energy‐availability hypothesis. However, we observed a negative latitudinal gradient in ant and plant species richness, although not in human population size/density. Plant species richness was positively correlated with ant species richness but not with human population size/density. Thus, there is evidence that this type of habitat heterogeneity can play a role in the observed latitudinal gradient of ant species richness, but not in the positive correlation between ant species richness and human population. The results were confirmed for the 545 native and the 32 exotic ant species reported, and we observed a good correlation between exotic and native ant species richness. Main conclusions Ant species richness in European countries conforms to six macroecological patterns: (1) a negative latitudinal gradient; and a positive (2) species–energy relationship, (3) species–area relationship, (4) correlation with plant species richness, (5) exotic–native species richness correlation, and (6) species–people correlation. There is some evidence for the energy‐availability hypothesis, but little evidence for habitat heterogeneity as an explanation of the large‐scale human population–ant biodiversity correlation. This correlation has implications for the conservation of ant diversity in Europe.  相似文献   

The introduction of exotic species to ecosystems can have severe consequences for populations of native organisms, but logistical limitations and shortage of historical data often hinder attempts to quantify the ecological implications of such relationships. The establishment and rapid expansion of Ring‐necked Parakeets Psittacula krameri in England therefore presents a rare opportunity to apply novel analytical methods to existing extensive national bird monitoring data from the UK Breeding Bird Survey for an invasive species. A previous study from Belgium suggests that Ring‐necked Parakeets have the potential to reduce the abundance of Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea through competition for nesting cavities. Our analysis provides no evidence for a significant impact through competition on Nuthatch populations or those of any other cavity‐nesting species within the Parakeet’s current range in the UK. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that competitive exclusion could be occurring at a minority of sites at which availability of nest cavities is limiting. This may yet have significant implications for future conflict if Parakeets continue to increase in numbers and range.  相似文献   

In large areas of the world that are deeply scarred by desertification and hampered by low capacity for natural regeneration, the scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation can be achieved only if it is low in cost with high return on investment, and shows promise of providing long‐lasting social‐economic as well as ecological benefits. In the Monte Austral region of Patagonia Argentina, concerted efforts are underway to facilitate scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation practices. Here, we evaluate financial costs and preliminary results of direct seeding as compared to outplanting of nursery‐grown seedlings of three native species (Atriplex lampa, Senecio subulatus var. subulatus, and Hyalis argentea var. latisquama) considered to be high‐priority dryland framework species. Comparative success is expressed in terms of plant survival and in monetary terms. The three candidate species showed low survival rates, ranging from 4.3 to 22.3%, after the first summer following direct seeding. In contrast, survival rates for planted seedlings of the same three taxa varied between 84 and 91%, after the first summer following reintroduction. However, cost of direct seeding varied between 1,693 and 1,772 US$ less per hectare, that is, 64% less than the cost of outplanting nursery seedlings. Therefore, in the search for ways to scale up ecological restoration and rehabilitation in drylands, direct seeding should receive more attention. We discuss the social and ecological perspectives and the way forward for direct seeding techniques in Patagonia. We also consider how costs could be reduced and effectiveness improved in large‐scale efforts.  相似文献   

Improving our understanding of species responses to environmental changes is an important contribution ecologists can make to facilitate effective management decisions. Novel synthetic approaches to assessing biodiversity and ecosystem integrity are needed, ideally including all species living in a community and the dynamics defining their ecological relationships. Here, we present and apply an integrative approach that links high‐throughput, multicharacter taxonomy with community ecology. The overall purpose is to enable the coupling of biodiversity assessments with investigations into the nature of ecological interactions in a community‐level data set. We collected 1195 gastropods and crabs in British Columbia. First, the General mixed Yule‐coalescent (GMYC) and the Poisson Tree Processes (PTP) methods for proposing primary species‐hypotheses based on cox1 sequences were evaluated against an integrative taxonomic framework. We then used data on the geographic distribution of delineated species to test species co‐occurrence patterns for nonrandomness using community‐wide and pairwise approaches. Results showed that PTP generally outperformed GMYC and thus constitutes a more effective option for producing species‐hypotheses in community‐level data sets. Nonrandom species co‐occurrence patterns indicative of ecological relationships or habitat preferences were observed for grazer gastropods, whereas assemblages of carnivorous gastropods and crabs appeared influenced by random processes. Species‐pair associations were consistent with current ecological knowledge, thus suggesting that applying community assembly within a large taxonomical framework constitutes a valuable tool for assessing ecological interactions. Combining phylogenetic, morphological and co‐occurrence data enabled an integrated view of communities, providing both a conceptual and pragmatic framework for biodiversity assessments and investigations into community dynamics.  相似文献   

Large‐scale bioreactors for the production of monoclonal antibodies reach volumes of up to 25 000 L. With increasing bioreactor size, mixing is however affected negatively, resulting in the formation of gradients throughout the reactor. These gradients can adversely affect process performance at large scale. Since mammalian cells are sensitive to changes in pH, this study investigated the effects of pH gradients on process performance. A 2‐Compartment System was established for this purpose to expose only a fraction of the cell population to pH excursions and thereby mimicking a large‐scale bioreactor. Cells were exposed to repeated pH amplitudes of 0.4 units (pH 7.3), which resulted in decreased viable cell counts, as well as the inhibition of the lactate metabolic shift. These effects were furthermore accompanied by increased absolute lactate levels. Continuous assessment of molecular attributes of the expressed target protein revealed that subunit assembly or N‐glycosylation patterns were only slightly influenced by the pH excursions. The exposure of more cells to the same pH amplitudes further impaired process performance, indicating this is an important factor, which influences the impact of pH inhomogeneity. This knowledge can aid in the design of pH control strategies to minimize the effects of pH inhomogeneity in large‐scale bioreactors.  相似文献   

Climate change and biological invasions are rapidly reshuffling species distribution, restructuring the biological communities of many ecosystems worldwide. Tracking these transformations in the marine environment is crucial, but our understanding of climate change effects and invasive species dynamics is often hampered by the practical challenge of surveying large geographical areas. Here, we focus on the Mediterranean Sea, a hot spot for climate change and biological invasions to investigate recent spatiotemporal changes in fish abundances and distribution. To this end, we accessed the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of small‐scale and recreational fishers, reconstructing the dynamics of fish perceived as “new” or increasing in different fishing areas. Over 500 fishers across 95 locations and nine different countries were interviewed, and semiquantitative information on yearly changes in species abundance was collected. Overall, 75 species were mentioned by the respondents, mostly warm‐adapted species of both native and exotic origin. Respondents belonging to the same biogeographic sectors described coherent spatial and temporal patterns, and gradients along latitudinal and longitudinal axes were revealed. This information provides a more complete understanding of the shifting distribution of Mediterranean fishes and it also demonstrates that adequately structured LEK methodology might be applied successfully beyond the local scale, across national borders and jurisdictions. Acknowledging this potential through macroregional coordination could pave the way for future large‐scale aggregations of individual observations, increasing our potential for integrated monitoring and conservation planning at the regional or even global level. This might help local communities to better understand, manage, and adapt to the ongoing biotic transformations driven by climate change and biological invaders.  相似文献   

The Ponto‐Caspian amphipod, Dikerogammarus villosus, is an invasive species of many European rivers. First, we show that size difference of nrDNA ITS1 allows discriminating D. villosus from Dikerogammarus bispinosus, a closely related but morphologically hardly distinguishable species. Second, we present two types of polymorphic markers for D. villosus, three microsatellites and two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of mtDNA COI gene, which were scored by polymerase chain reaction‐single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR‐SSCP). These markers will be very useful in studying population genetics of D. villosus.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined cannibalistic behavior, growth, metamorphosis, and survival in larval and post‐metamorph endangered yellow spotted mountain newts Neurergus microspilotus hatched and reared in a captive breeding facility. We designed a 2 × 2 factorial experiment, crossing two levels of food with two levels of density including high food/high density, high food/low density, low food/high density, and low food/low density. The level of cannibalistic behavior (including the loss of fore and hind limbs, missing toes, tail, gills, body damage, and whole body consumption) changed as the larvae grew, from a low level during the first 4 weeks, peaking from weeks 7 to 12, and then dropped during weeks 14–52. Both food level and density had a significant effect on cannibalism. The highest frequency of cannibalism was recorded for larvae reared in the low food/high density and lowest in high food/low density treatments. Growth, percent of larval metamorphosed, and survival were all highest in the high food/low density and lowest in low food/high density treatment. Food level had a significant effect on growth, metamorphosis, and survival. However, the two levels of density did not influence growth and metamorphosis but showed a significant effect on survival. Similarly, combined effects of food level and density showed significant effects on growth, metamorphosis, and survival over time. Information obtained from current experiment could improve productivity of captive breeding facilities to ensure the release of adequate numbers of individuals for reintroduction programs. Zoo Biol. 35:513–521, 2016. © 2016 The Authors. Zoo Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis, due to the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has been associated with the alarming decline and extinction crisis of amphibians worldwide. Because conservation programs are implemented locally, it is essential to understand how the complex interactions among host species, climate and human activities contribute to Bd occurrence at regional scales. Using weighted phylogenetic regressions and model selection, we investigated geographic patterns of Bd occurrence along a latitudinal gradient of 1500 km within a biodiversity hot spot in Chile (1845 individuals sampled from 253 sites and representing 24 species), and its association with climatic, socio‐demographic and economic variables. Analyses show that Bd prevalence decreases with latitude although it has increased by almost 10% between 2008 and 2013, possibly reflecting an ongoing spread of Bd following the introduction of Xenopus laevis. Occurrence of Bd was higher in regions with high gross domestic product (particularly near developed centers) and with a high variability in rainfall regimes, whereas models including other bioclimatic or geographic variables, including temperature, exhibited substantially lower fit and virtually no support based on Akaike weights. In addition, Bd prevalence exhibited a strong phylogenetic signal, with five species having high numbers of infected individuals and higher prevalence than the average of 13.3% across all species. Taken together, our results highlight that Bd in Chile might still be spreading south, facilitated by a subset of species that seem to play an important epidemiological role maintaining this pathogen in the communities, in combination with climatic and human factors affecting the availability and quality of amphibian breeding sites. This information may be employed to design conservation strategies and mitigate the impacts of Bd in the biodiversity hot spot of southern Chile, and similar studies may prove useful to disentangle the role of different factors contributing to the emergence and spread of this catastrophic disease.  相似文献   

Multiple MD simulations were performed for the full‐length wild‐type A1, the full length A1 mutations S27E and S27A, as well as the N‐terminal peptide (AMVSEFLKQAWFIDNEEQEYIKTVKG S 27 KGGPGSAVSPYPTFN) of wild‐type A1 and mutations S27E and S27A. The MD simulation trajectories of about 350 ns were generated and analyzed to examine the changes of core domain calcium binding affinity, core domain and N‐terminal domain structures, and N‐terminal domain orientation. Our results indicated that S27A and S27E mutations caused little changes on the calcium‐binding affinity of the core domain of A1. However, the S27A mutation made the N‐terminal domain of A1 less helical, and made the N‐terminal domain migrate faster toward the core domain; these impacts on A1 are beneficial to the membrane aggregation process. On the contrary, the S27E mutation made the N‐terminal domain of A1 more stable, and hindered the migration to the core domain; these changes on A1 are antagonistic for the membrane aggregation process. Our results using MD simulations provide an atomistic explanation for experimental observations that the S27E mutant showed a higher calcium concentration requirement and lower maximal extent of aggregation, while the wild‐type and two mutants S27E and S27A required identical calcium concentrations for liposome binding. Proteins 2014; 82:3327–3334. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Acartia bispinosa Carl, 1907, is reported for the first time in the Red Sea, where it is found to be an important copepod in the mesozooplankton community structure of the Sharm El-Maya Bay. Female and male are fully redescribed and illustrated of as the mouthparts of this species have never previously been described and figured. Acartia bispinosa was collected in the plankton samples throughout the year and showed two peaks of abundance, a pronounced one in April (4234 individuals m-3), and second smaller peak during November (1784 individuals m-3). The average total length of females varied between 1.32 and 1.53 mm at the end of June and January respectively. For males, the average total length fluctuated between 1.07 and 1.16 mm at end of June and March respectively. Temperature showed an inverse relationship with the body length (P > 0.001) and seemed to be one of the prime factors affecting the body length of both sexes.  相似文献   

Interior Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) (ILT) are colonial, fish‐eating birds that breed within active channels of large sand bed rivers of the Great Plains and in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Multipurpose dams, irrigation structures, and engineered navigation systems have been present on these rivers for many decades. Despite severe alteration of channels and flow regimes, regulation era floods have remained effective at maintaining bare sandbar nesting habitat on many river segments and ILT populations have been stable or expanding since they were listed as endangered in 1985. We used ILT breeding colony locations from 2002 to 2012 and dispersal information to identify 16 populations and 48 subpopulations. More than 90% of ILT and >83% of river km with suitable nesting habitat occur within the two largest populations. However, replicate populations remain throughout the entire historical, geophysical, and ecological range of ILT. Rapid colonization of anthropogenic habitats in areas that were not historically occupied suggests metapopulation dynamics. The highest likelihood of demographic connectivity among ILT populations occurs across the Southern Plains and the Lower Mississippi River, which may be demographically connected with Least Tern populations on the Gulf Coast. Paired ecological and bird population models are needed to test whether previously articulated threats limit ILT population growth and to determine if management intervention is necessary and where. Given current knowledge, the largest sources of model uncertainty will be: (1) uncertainty in relationships between high flow events and subsequent sandbar characteristics and (2) uncertainty regarding the frequency of dispersal among population subunits. We recommend research strategies to reduce these uncertainties.  相似文献   

Trees are natural repositories of valuable environmental information that is preserved in the growth and structure of their stems, branches and roots. Dendrochronological analyses, based on the counting, crossdating and characterisation of incrementally formed wood rings, offer powerful insights for diverse fields including ecology, climatology and archaeology. The application of this toolset is likely to increase in popularity over coming decades due to advances in the field and a reduction in the cost of analyses. In research settings where the continued value of living trees subject to dendrochronological investigation is important, the use of an increment bore corer to extract trunk tissue is considered the best option to minimise negative impacts on tree health (e.g. stress and fitness). A small and fragmented body of literature, however, reports significant after‐effects, and in some cases fatal outcomes, from this sampling technique. As it stands, the literature documenting increment bore coring (IBC) impacts lacks experimental consistency and is poorly replicated, making it difficult for prospective users of the method to assess likely tree responses to coring. This paucity of information has the potential to lead to destructive misuse of the method and also limits its safe implementation in circumstances where the risk of impacts may be appropriate. If IBC is to fulfil its potential as a method of choice across research fields, then we must first address our limited understanding of IBC impacts and provide a framework for its appropriate future use. Firstly, we review the historical context of studies examining the impacts of IBC on trees to identify known patterns, focal issues and biases in existing knowledge. IBC wound responses, particularly those that impact on lumber quality, have been the primary focus of prior studies. No universal treatment was identified that conclusively improved wound healing and few studies have linked wound responses to tree health impacts. Secondly, we build on literature insights using a theoretical approach to identify the most important factors to guide future research involving implementation of IBC, including innate tree characteristics and environmental factors. Thirdly, we synthesise and interrogate the quantitative data available through meta‐analysis to identify risk factors for wound reactions. Although poor reporting standards, restricted scopes and a bias towards temperate ecosystems limited quantitative insight, we found that complete cambial wound closure could still harbour high rates of internal trunk decay, and that conditions favouring faster growth generally correlated with reduced indices of internal and external damage in broadleaved taxa. Finally, we propose a framework for guiding best‐practice application of IBC to address knowledge gaps and maximise the utility of this method, including standardised reporting indices for identifying and minimising negative impacts on tree health. While IBC is an underutilised tool of ecological enquiry with broad applicability, the method will always incur some risk of negative impacts on the cored tree. We caution that the decision to core, or not to core, must be given careful consideration on a case‐by‐case basis. In time, we are confident that this choice will be better informed by evidence‐based insight.  相似文献   

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