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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mopane canopy cover on litter decomposition in a semi‐arid African savannah. We used a randomized block design with five blocks of 100 × 100 m demarcated in a 10‐ha pocket of open mopane woodland. Litterbags were placed beneath large (8.3 m crown diameter) and small mopane trees (2.7 m crown diameter) and in the intercanopy area. Decomposition was fastest in the intercanopy area exposed to solar radiation (k = 0.35 year?1), intermediate beneath small trees (k = 0.28 year?1) and slowest beneath large trees (k = 0.23 year?1). Soil temperatures beneath small and large trees were 3–5 and 6–9°C lower than in the intercanopy area, respectively. Bacterial and fungal counts were significantly higher (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intercanopy area. The amount of N and P released did not vary significantly among sampling sites. Soil moisture in the dry season was similar among sampling sites but rainy‐season soil moisture was significantly greater (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intecanopy area. Mopane canopy cover retarded litter decomposition suggesting that photodegradation could be an important factor controlling carbon turnover in semi‐arid African savannahs.  相似文献   

Abstract Patch dieback occurred in an almost monospecific Colophospermum mopane (Kirk ex Benth.) Kirk ex J. Léonard woodland in the Northern Province, South Africa, following severe droughts in 1988–1989 and 1991–1992. Discrete patches of dieback and adjacent paired areas of ‘healthy’ vegetation lost an average of 87 and 13% of basal area to mortality, respectively. Whole trees mostly died on ‘dead’ plots, while single‐stem mortality prevailed on ‘live’ plots. Tree mortality decreased with increasing stem number per tree. Patch dieback did not occur on sandy soils. On fine‐textured soils, variation in soil type, topography or slope did not affect dieback. Dieback was influenced by vegetation structure, soil surface condition and soil chemistry. Intense intertree competition, shown by self‐thinning occurring prior to dieback, was a precondition for dieback. Intertree competition had heightened during the 30 years prior to dieback because of an increase in woody cover. Dieback patches had changed from functioning as sinks of water and sediment to sources of these as a result of loss of perennial herbaceous cover, decreased water retention on bared surfaces, and accelerated erosion during 50 years of livestock ranching. Vegetation had thus become increasingly drought‐prone, exacerbated in places by soils with a high sodium concentration. Dieback had occurred because the water requirements of C. mopane could no longer be met during drought years on the dysfunctional patches.  相似文献   

In arid to semi‐arid grasslands and savannas, plant growth, population dynamics, and productivity are consistently and strongly limited by soil water and nutrient availability. Adaptive traits of the root systems of grasses in these ecosystems are crucial to their ability to cope with strong water and/or nutrient limitation and the increasing drought stress associated with ecosystem degradation or projected climate change. We studied 18 grass species in semi‐arid savanna of the Kalahari region of Botswana to quantify interspecific variation in three important root system traits including root system architecture, rhizosheath thickness and mycorrhizal colonization. Drought‐tolerant species and shorter‐lived species showed greater rhizosheath thickness and fine root development but lower mycorrhizal colonization compared to later successional climax grasses and those characteristic of wetter sites. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between root fibrousness index and rhizosheath thickness among species and a weak negative correlation between root fibrousness index and mycorrhizal colonization. These patterns suggest that an extensive fine root system and rhizosheath development may be important complementary traits of grasses coping with drought conditions, the former aiding in the acquisition of water by the grass plant and the latter aiding in water uptake and retention, and reducing water loss in the rhizosphere. Within species, both rhizosheath development and mycorrhizal colonization were significantly greater in a wet year than in a year with below‐average precipitation. The observed patterns suggest that the primary benefit of rhizosheath development in African savanna grasses is improved drought tolerance and that it is a plastic trait that can be adjusted annually to changing environmental conditions. The functioning of mycorrhizal symbiosis is likely to be relatively more important in infertile savannas where nutrient limitation is higher relative to water limitation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Competition and facilitation may occur simultaneously in plant communities, and the prevalence of either process depends on abiotic conditions. Here we attempt a community‐wide approach in the analysis of plant interactions, exploring whether in a semi‐arid environment positive or negative interactions predominate and whether there are differences among co‐occurring shrub species. Most shrubs in our plot exerted significant effects on their understorey communities, ranging from negative to positive. We found a clear case of interference and another case where the effect was neutral, but facilitation predominated and the biomass of annuals under most shrubs in our community was larger than in gaps. Effects on soil water and fertility were revealed as the primary source of facilitation; the build‐up of soil organic matter changed soil physical properties and improved soil water relations. Facilitation by shrubs involved decoupling of soil temperature and moisture. Sheltering from direct radiation had an effect on productivity, but significant differences in understorey biomass did not parallel understorey light environment. A positive balance of the interaction among plants, essentially mediated by changes in soil properties, is the predominant outcome of plant interactions in this semi‐arid community.  相似文献   

The Nkuhlu large‐scale long‐term exclusion experiment in Kruger National Park was designed to study the long‐term effects of large herbivores on vegetation. One treatment excludes elephants, another excludes all herbivores larger than hares and another one comprises an open, control area. Vegetation monitoring was implemented in 2002 when a baseline survey was conducted prior to exclusion. Monitoring was repeated 5 years after exclusion. Data from the surveys were analysed to establish how structure and composition of woody vegetation had changed 5 years after herbivore exclusion. The analysis showed that neither plant assemblage nor mean vegetation height had changed significantly since exclusion. However, both species richness and density of woody plants increased 5 years after exclusion of all large herbivores, but not after the exclusion of elephants alone. One already common species, Dichrostachys cinerea, became more common after excluding all large herbivores compared with either no exclusion or elephant exclusion, possibly leading to competitive suppression of other species. Species other than D. cinerea tended to either increase or decrease in density, but the changes were insufficient to induce significant shifts in the overall assemblage of woody plants. The results indicate that after 5 years of exclusion, the combined assemblage of large herbivores, and not elephants alone, could induce changes in species richness and abundances of woody plants, but the effect was so far insufficient to induce measureable shifts in the assemblages of woody plants. It is possible that assemblages will change with time and increasing elephant numbers may amplify future changes.  相似文献   

As the ratio of carbon uptake to water use by vegetation, water‐use efficiency (WUE) is a key ecosystem property linking global carbon and water cycles. It can be estimated in several ways, but it is currently unclear how different measures of WUE relate, and how well they each capture variation in WUE with soil moisture availability. We evaluated WUE in an Acacia‐dominated woodland ecosystem of central Australia at various spatial and temporal scales using stable carbon isotope analysis, leaf gas exchange and eddy covariance (EC) fluxes. Semi‐arid Australia has a highly variable rainfall pattern, making it an ideal system to study how WUE varies with water availability. We normalized our measures of WUE across a range of vapour pressure deficits using g1, which is a parameter derived from an optimal stomatal conductance model and which is inversely related to WUE. Continuous measures of whole‐ecosystem g1 obtained from EC data were elevated in the 3 days following rain, indicating a strong effect of soil evaporation. Once these values were removed, a close relationship of g1 with soil moisture content was observed. Leaf‐scale values of g1 derived from gas exchange were in close agreement with ecosystem‐scale values. In contrast, values of g1 obtained from stable isotopes did not vary with soil moisture availability, potentially indicating remobilization of stored carbon during dry periods. Our comprehensive comparison of alternative measures of WUE shows the importance of stomatal control of fluxes in this highly variable rainfall climate and demonstrates the ability of these different measures to quantify this effect. Our study provides the empirical evidence required to better predict the dynamic carbon–water relations in semi‐arid Australian ecosystems.  相似文献   

Savanna vegetation is controlled by bottom‐up (e.g. soil and rainfall) and top–down (e.g. fire and herbivory) factors, all of which have an effect on biodiversity. Little is known about the relative contribution of these factors to biodiversity, particularly the long‐term effects of top–down disturbance on patterns of woody plant composition. The aim of this study was to identify if various degrees of disturbance regimes create distinct woody species community assemblages. Data were collected over 1820 plots across Kruger National Park, South Africa. Woody species were identified and categorized into one of three height classes: shrub (0.75–2.5 m), brush (2.5–5.5 m), and tree (>5.5 m). Species richness and composition were calculated for each site and height class. A combination of long‐term fire and elephant density data were used to delineate areas with varying degrees of top–down disturbance (i.e. low, medium and high). Using these degrees of disturbance, species composition was identified and community assemblages constructed according to each disturbance regime. Our results suggest that areas with similar disturbance regimes have similar species composition. Shrub composition was mainly responsive to the number of fires between the years 1941–1990, while tree composition was more responsive to elephant disturbance. A few dominant species were found equally under all degrees of disturbance at all height classes, while others were more regularly found under specific disturbance regimes at particular height classes. This study highlights that while species richness does not appear to be influenced by long‐term, top–down disturbance regimes, species community composition may be responsive to these disturbances. Most species and structural classes persisted across all disturbance regimes, but the long‐term effects of top–down disturbances can influence compositional and structural biodiversity. This information provides context for management policies related to artificial water provision, elephants and fire.  相似文献   

Nutrient loss from litter plays an essential role in carbon and nutrient cycling in nutrient‐constrained environments. However, the decomposition and nutrient dynamics of nutrient‐rich mistletoe litter remains unknown in semi‐arid savanna where productivity is nutrient limited. We studied the decomposition and nutrient dynamics (nitrogen: N, phosphorous; P, carbon: C) of litter of three mistletoe species, Erianthemum ngamicum, Plicosepalus kalachariensis, and Viscum verrucosum and N‐fixing Acacia karroo using the litter‐bag method in a semi‐arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe. The temporal dynamics of the soil moisture content, microbial populations, and termite activity during decomposition were also assessed. Decay rates were slower for A. karroo litter (k = 0.63), but faster for the high quality mistletoe litters (mean k‐value = 0.79), which supports the premise that mistletoes can substantially influence nutrient availability to other plants. Nitrogen loss was between 1.3 and 3 times greater in E. ngamicum litter than in the other species. The litter of the mistletoes also lost C and P faster than A. karroo litter. However, soil moisture content and bacterial and fungal colony numbers changed in an opposite direction to changes in the decomposition rate. Additionally, there was little evidence of termite activity during the decay of all the species litters. This suggests that other factors such as photodegradation could be important in litter decomposition in semi‐arid savanna. In conclusion, the higher rate of decay and nutrient release of mistletoe than A. karroo litter indicate that mistletoes play an important role in carbon and nutrient fluxes in semi‐arid savanna.  相似文献   

Two pairs of new neolignan enantiomers, (±)‐torreyayunan A ( 1a / 1b ) and (±)‐torreyayunan B ( 2a / 2b ), featuring a rare C‐8 ? C‐9′ linked skeleton, were isolated from leaves and twigs of Torreya yunnanensis. Their absolute configuration involving two chiral centers was determined by combined spectral and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation. This is the first report of the absolute configuration of this group of neolignans. Chirality 26:825–828, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Landscape topography and the mobility of individuals will have fundamental impacts on a species’ population structure, for example by enhancing or reducing gene flow and therefore influencing the effective size and genetic diversity of the population. However, social organization will also influence population genetic structure. For example, species that live and breed in cooperative groups may experience high levels of inbreeding and strong genetic drift. The western pebble‐mound mouse (Pseudomys chapmani), which occupies a highly heterogeneous, semi‐arid landscape in Australia, is an enigmatic social mammal that has the intriguing behaviour of working cooperatively in groups to build permanent pebble mounds above a subterranean burrow system. Here, we used both nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) markers to analyse the range‐wide population structure of western pebble‐mound mice sourced from multiple social groups. We observed high levels of genetic diversity at the broad scale, very weak genetic differentiation at a finer scale and low levels of inbreeding. Our genetic analyses suggest that the western pebble‐mound mouse population is both panmictic and highly viable. We conclude that high genetic connectivity across the complex landscape is a consequence of the species’ ability to permeate their environment, which may be enhanced by “boom‐bust” population dynamics driven by the semi‐arid climate. More broadly, our results highlight the importance of sampling strategies to infer social structure and demonstrate that sociality is an important component of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Question: What is the impact of grazing and/or afforestation on grassland diversity, species composition and cover parameters? Location: Semi‐arid Mediterranean grasslands of Jordan. Methods: Vegetation, litter, bare soil and rock cover were compared among four management types – free grazing and protected from grazing with three levels of tree cover. Species composition, plant cover, species richness and evenness were used to evaluate differences in vegetation among management types. Species composition differences among management types were also investigated. Results: Semi‐arid Mediterranean grasslands harbour appreciable levels of plant biodiversity. Grazing did not affect plant diversity, indicating the high resilience against and adaptation to grazing; however,grazing affected species composition and cover parameters. Afforestation seems to protect soil through higher litter cover but its impact on plant biodiversity was negative and markedly affected species composition. Conclusions: Neither protection from grazing or massive afforestation alone are sufficient for conserving biodiversity in this system. A management model is suggested where the landscape should be maintained as a mosaic of four management types: complete protection from grazing, grazing rotation, planting sparse trees in eroded areas and revegetating degraded areas using native, herbaceous and grazing tolerant species.  相似文献   

Applications of DNA barcoding include identifying species, inferring ecological and evolutionary relationships between species, and DNA metabarcoding. These applications require reference libraries that are not yet available for many taxa and geographic regions. We collected, identified, and vouchered plant specimens from Mpala Research Center in Laikipia, Kenya, to develop an extensive DNA‐barcode library for a savanna ecosystem in equatorial East Africa. We amassed up to five DNA barcode markers (rbcL, matK, trnL‐F, trnHpsbA, and ITS) for 1,781 specimens representing up to 460 species (~92% of the known flora), increasing the number of plant DNA barcode records for Africa by ~9%. We evaluated the ability of these markers, singly and in combination, to delimit species by calculating intra‐ and interspecific genetic distances. We further estimated a plant community phylogeny and demonstrated its utility by testing if evolutionary relatedness could predict the tendency of members of the Mpala plant community to have or lack “barcode gaps”, defined as disparities between the maximum intra‐ and minimum interspecific genetic distances. We found barcode gaps for 72%–89% of taxa depending on the marker or markers used. With the exception of the markers rbcL and ITS, we found that evolutionary relatedness was an important predictor of barcode‐gap presence or absence for all of the markers in combination and for matK, trnL‐F, and trnH–psbA individually. This plant DNA barcode library and community phylogeny will be a valuable resource for future investigations.  相似文献   

Three new Δ1‐3‐ketosteroids characterized with a 9‐OH, subergosterones A–C ( 1 – 3 ), together with five known analogs 4 – 8 , were obtained from the gorgonian coral Subergorgia rubra collected from the South China Sea. The structures of 1 – 3 , including their absolute configurations, were determined by comprehensive spectroscopic methods and electronic circular dichroism (ECD) experiments. Compounds 2 and 3 exhibited inhibitory antibacterial activities against Bacillus cereus with MIC values of 1.56 μM .  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities may be able to rapidly respond to changing environments in ways that change community structure and functioning, which could affect climate–carbon feedbacks. However, detecting microbial feedbacks to elevated CO2 (eCO2) or warming is hampered by concurrent changes in substrate availability and plant responses. Whether microbial communities can persistently feed back to climate change is still unknown. We overcame this problem by collecting microbial inocula at subfreezing conditions under eCO2 and warming treatments in a semi‐arid grassland field experiment. The inoculant was incubated in a sterilised soil medium at constant conditions for 30 days. Microbes from eCO2 exhibited an increased ability to decompose soil organic matter (SOM) compared with those from ambient CO2 plots, and microbes from warmed plots exhibited increased thermal sensitivity for respiration. Microbes from the combined eCO2 and warming plots had consistently enhanced microbial decomposition activity and thermal sensitivity. These persistent positive feedbacks of soil microbial communities to eCO2 and warming may therefore stimulate soil C loss.  相似文献   

The concentration variations of main flavonoids, epimedins A–C and icariin, among ten representative populations of Epimedium brevicornu Maxim . were assessed by HPLC. The populations were collected during the flowering stage and included 419 individual samples. Remarkable variations within and among populations were detected. SXXA Population (see Fig. 1) was an outlier due to its significant low concentrations (<1.00–4.46 mg/g). But even without SXXA, significant concentration differences among populations were still observed in epimedin A (2.31–8.42 mg/g), epimedin B (6.67–55.7 mg/g), epimedin C (5.39–23.0 mg/g), icariin (8.50–39.9 mg/g), and their total (29.1–123 mg/g). All populations except SXXA showed much higher concentrations than the recommended standards (i.e. 5 mg/g for icariin and 13 mg/g for the total). A high‐concentration‐population structure, estimated both by principal component analysis (PCA) and unweighted pair group method with averaging (UPGMA) cluster analysis, based on Euclidean distances, was observed. Both methods allowed separation of the populations in four groups defined by the concentrations of four main flavonoids. The populations (SXLC and SXQS) located in north of Yellow River were clustered together and characterized by highest concentrations of epimedin B, icariin, and their total. Considering of the high concentrations of main flavonoids and abundant resources, E. brevicornu could be exploited as a good medical resource for Herba Epimedii and would offer a tremendous potential for commercial development, but SXXA population should be paid special attention, and further study is needed.  相似文献   

Whereas warming enhances plant nutrient status and photosynthesis in most terrestrial ecosystems, dryland vegetation is vulnerable to the likely increases in evapotranspiration and reductions in soil moisture caused by elevated temperatures. Any warming‐induced declines in plant primary production and cover in drylands would increase erosion, land degradation, and desertification. We conducted a four‐year manipulative experiment in a semi‐arid Mediterranean ecosystem to evaluate the impacts of a ~2°C warming on the photosynthesis, transpiration, leaf nutrient status, chlorophyll content, isotopic composition, biomass growth, and postsummer survival of the native shrub Helianthemum squamatum. We predicted that warmed plants would show reduced photosynthetic activity and growth, primarily due to the greater stomatal limitation imposed by faster and more severe soil drying under warming. On average, warming reduced net photosynthetic rates by 36% across the study period. Despite this strong response, warming did not affect stomatal conductance and transpiration. The reduction of peak photosynthetic rates with warming was more pronounced in a drought year than in years with near‐average rainfall (75% and 25–40% reductions relative to controls, respectively), with no indications of photosynthetic acclimation to warming through time. Warmed plants had lower leaf N and P contents, δ13C, and sparser and smaller leaves than control plants. Warming reduced shoot dry mass production by 31%. However, warmed plants were able to cope with large reductions in net photosynthesis, leaf area, and shoot biomass production without changes in postsummer survival rates. Our findings highlight the key role of nonstomatal factors (biochemical and/or nutritional) in reducing net carbon assimilation rates and growth under warming, which has important implications for projections of plant carbon balance under the warmer and drier climatic scenario predicted for drylands worldwide. Projected climate warming over the coming decades could reduce net primary production by about one‐third in semi‐arid gypsum shrublands dominated by H. squamatum.  相似文献   

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