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We investigated the occurrence of myrmecophilous florivorous lycaenid larvae in Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae) according to habitat conservation status (disturbed and preserved savanna), plant phenology, height and the presence of tending ants. The abundance and richness of lycaenids were sixfold and fivefold greater, respectively, in the disturbed area than in the protected savanna. Lycaenids occurred mostly on plants visited by Camponotus blandus, a mutualistic partner of larvae. Habitat type was the main factor influencing lycaenid occurrence, as plants in open areas offered more food resources and tending ants. Banisteriopsis malifolia was considered useful as a host for lycaenids in disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Herbivores are attracted to young shoots and leaves because of their tender tissues. However, in extrafloral nectaried plants, young leaves also attract patrolling ants, which may chase or prey on herbivores. We examined this scenario in extrafloral nectaried shrubs of Banisteriopsis malifolia resprouting after fire, which promoted both the aseasonal production of leaves and the activity of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). Results were compared between resprouting (burned) and unburned control plants. The aggressive ant species Camponotus crassus and the herbivorous thrips Pseudophilothrips obscuricornis were respectively rapidly attracted to resprouting plants because of the active EFNs and their less sclerophyllous leaves. The abundance of these insects was almost negligible in the control (unburned) shrubs. Ants failed to protect B. malifolia, as no thrips were preyed upon or injured by ants in resprouting plants. Consequently, on average, 37 % of leaves from resprouting shrubs had necrosis marks. Upon contact with ants, thrips released small liquid droplets from their abdomen, which rapidly displaced ants from the surroundings. This study shows that P. obscuricornis disrupted the facultative mutualism between C. crassus and B. malifolia, since ants received extrafloral nectar from plants, but were unable to deter herbivore thrips.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. This study explored interactions of two spatially and temporally separated weevils and their impact on Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) survival, growth, and reproduction at different herbivore densities.
2. The root-mining weevil Ceutorhynchus scrobicollis attacks A. petiolata rosettes from October to April, and larvae complete development in May. The shoot-mining weevil Ceutorhynchus alliariae attacks bolting plants in April/May with larvae completing development in June–July. Priority effects were expected, with early attack of C. scrobicollis affecting the later attacking C. alliariae , mediated through changes in plant growth or chemistry.
3. Attack by C. scrobicollis significantly increased plant mortality and changed plant architecture, while C. alliariae only significantly reduced plant height. Attack by C. scrobicollis also increased nitrogen content of stems.
4. Root feeding by C. scrobicollis affected the feeding niche of C. alliariae , but increased stem nitrogen content did not result in increased stem miner survival. While reduced height and stem diameters as a result of C. scrobicollis attack reduced C. alliariae attack at the stem level, attack at plant level and recruitment was unaffected.
5. Weevil density had no effect on plant performance, most likely due to strong intraspecific competition, and there were no synergistic effects between the two herbivores.
6. Overall, attack by C. scrobicollis was more detrimental to A. petiolata growth, seed output, and survival than attack by C. alliariae . Consequently, C. scrobicollis has been prioritised as a potential biocontrol agent for control of A. petiolata in North America.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic linear developments, such as trails and firebreaks, also called soft linear developments (SLD), can influence animal behavior, altering the ecological interactions in which animals are involved. For example, SLD can affect the behavior of pollinators and herbivores, but little is known about the combined effect of these three elements on plant reproduction.We evaluated the combined effect of SLD, insect pollinators and herbivores (ungulates) on three reproductive output variables (fruit set, seed set, and seed mass) of a Mediterranean shrub (Halimium halimifolium). We considered two different habitats (SLD verges vs. adjacent scrublands), two scenarios of herbivory (with and without ungulates), and three scenarios of pollinator activity (without pollinators, with manual pollination and with natural pollination).SLD had contrasting effects on H. halimifolium reproduction. In the absence of herbivores, overall fruit set was lower in the verges of SLD than in adjacent scrublands, probably due to lower flower pollination rates. Where herbivores were present, overall fruit set was similar between habitats, because ungulate browsing was lower in SLD verges than in adjacent scrublands. The quantity and weight of seeds per fruit was similar in both habitats, probably because all fertilized flowers received similar amounts of pollen.SLD can alter the interaction among pollinators, herbivores and plants, leading to changes in the reproductive performance of the latter. These changes can have strong negative impacts on endangered plants that rely on fruit and seed production to persist. However, SLD verges could be safe places for plants particularly sensitive to herbivory by ungulates.  相似文献   

Insect–plant interactions occur in several ways and have considerable environmental and ecological importance. Many feeding strategies have evolved among herbivorous insects, with host–herbivore systems likely being influenced by trophobionts with ants. We investigated how these interactions vary across elevation gradients by evaluating the structure of the herbivorous insect community and ants associated with Baccharis dracunculifolia at three distinct elevations (800, 1100, and 1400 m a.s.l.) on a mountain in southeastern Brazil. Moreover, we evaluated the diversity and specialisation of interactions between herbivores and host plants along the elevational gradient. We sampled herbivores and ants on 60 plants at each elevation (totalling 180 plant individuals). Herbivore species composition differed among elevations, as did interaction diversity and specialisation. Richness and abundance of chewing insects increased with elevation, while β‐diversity among patches of the host plant was higher at the lowest elevation, probably due to the patchy occurrence of B. dracunculifolia. Richness and abundance of sap‐sucking insects were higher at the intermediate elevation, possibly due to local environmental conditions. We observed a positive relationship between ant and herbivore trophobiont richness on B. dracunculifolia. We found that interactions were more specialised and less diverse at higher elevations compared to the lowest elevation. Changes in vegetation and environmental variables shaped species distributions and their ecological interactions along the elevation gradient. Our study demonstrates that increased elevation changes the structure and patterns of interactions of the herbivore insect guilds associated with the host plant B. dracunculifolia. Ant effects depend on the context, the environment, and the species of ants involved, and are essential for the presence of insect trophobionts.  相似文献   

Exotic plants can affect native plants indirectly through various biotic interactions. However, combinations of the multiple indirect effects of exotic plants on native plants have been rarely evaluated. Herbivory can either positively or negatively influence plant–pollinator interactions. Here, we addressed whether the pollinator-mediated plant interaction between exotic and native plants is altered through the introduction of exotic herbivores by conducting a 2-year common garden experiment. We compared the effects of pollinator-mediated indirect effects of an exotic plant, Solidago altissima, on the co-flowering native plant Aster microcephalus in geographically different populations reflecting differences in insect herbivore communities. We found a positive effect of co-flowering S. altissima on pollinator visitation of A. microcephalus, which varied between gardens and years. The co-flowering S. altissima did not significantly affect the seed set of A. microcephalus in the first year but had a negative effect in the second year. The facilitative effect of S. altissima on A. microcephalus pollination was suggested to be negatively affected by an exotic aphid, while it was not significantly affected by an exotic lace bug. Our study suggests that the phenology and feeding guilds of the herbivores may be critical for predicting the effect of exotic plants on native plants through herbivore–pollinator interactions. Integrated effects between plant interactions via multiple species interactions under different abiotic and biotic environments are necessary to understand the impact of exotic plants under complex interactions in nature.  相似文献   

王丽  宋长春  胡金明  廖玉静 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2231-2238
毛苔草为三江平原沼泽湿地分布区典型沼生植物.通过幼苗移植水位控制试验,研究不同生长期毛苔草克隆繁殖对水文情势的响应.结果表明,干湿交替条件下,毛苔草分蘖能力最强;苗期处理对后期分蘖有显著影响,后期水分增多明显促进分蘖,但不同经历的毛苔草分蘖对水分条件改变的响应速度不同.-5cm水位条件下,毛苔草根茎长度最大,而持续淹水15cm条件下,毛苔草根茎后期伸展最快.稳定水文条件的改变,抑制根茎生长,从波动水文情势转到稳定的水文环境中,根茎生长得到促进.-5cm水位条件下,毛苔草根茎生物量占总生物量的比重最大;而且水文情势改变后,无论苗期还是生长季末期,仍以经历-5cm水位处理的毛苔草根茎生物量比重较大.淹没对毛苔草的克隆繁殖具有明显的抑制作用.为实现湿地植被重建的目标,应综合考虑植物在不同环境中繁殖策略的差别,以及不同阶段水文需求的差别.  相似文献   



Understanding how livestock grazing alters plant composition in low productivity environments is critical to managing livestock sustainably alongside native and introduced wild herbivore populations. We asked four questions: (1) does recent livestock and rabbit grazing reduce some plant attributes more strongly than others; (2) does grazing by introduced herbivores (i.e. livestock and rabbits) affect plants more strongly than native herbivores (i.e. kangaroos); (3) do the effects of recent livestock grazing differ from the legacy effects of livestock grazing; and (4) does the probability of occurrence of exotic plants increase with increasing net primary productivity (NPP)?


South‐eastern Australia.


We measured the recent grazing activity of co‐occurring livestock (cattle, sheep, goats), rabbits and kangaroos by counting faecal pellets; historic grazing activity by measuring livestock tracks; and derived NPP from satellite imagery. We used a hierarchical GLMM to simultaneously model the presence or absence (i.e. probability of occurrence) of all plant species as a function of their attributes (growth form, lifespan and origin) to assess their average response to recent grazing, historic grazing and productivity in a broad‐scale regional study.


Recent and historic livestock grazing, rabbit grazing and increasing NPP reduced the average probability of occurrence of plant species, although responses varied among plant attributes. Both recent and historic livestock grazing strongly reduced the average probability of occurrence of native species, and forbs and geophytes, but differed in their relative effects on other growth forms. Recent livestock grazing, rabbit grazing and NPP had similar effects, strongly reducing native species and forbs, geophytes, shrubs and sub‐shrubs. The overall effects of recent kangaroo grazing were relatively weak, with no clear trends for any given plant attribute.


Our results highlight the complex nature of grazing by introduced herbivores compared with native herbivores on different plant attributes. Land managers need to be aware that domestic European livestock, rabbits and other free‐ranging introduced livestock such as goats have detrimental impacts on native plant communities. Our results also show that kangaroo grazing has a relatively benign effect on plant occurrence.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants (tribe Attini) are a unique group of ants that cultivate a fungus that serves as a main source of their food. The fungus is grown on fresh leaves that are harvested by workers. We examine the respective contribution of ants and their symbiotic fungus in the degradation of plant material by examining the digestive capacities of seven Attini species in the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. The results show that both, the ants and their mutualistic fungi, have complementary enzymatic activities. Ants are specialized in the degradation of low molecular weight substrates (oligosaccharides and heterosides) whereas the fungus displays high polysaccharidase activity. The two genera Atta and Acromyrmex are not distinguished by a specific enzymatic activity. The seven different mutualistic associations examined display a similar enzymatic profile but have quantitative differences in substrate degradation activities. The respective contribution of ants and the fungus garden in plant degradation are discussed.  相似文献   

Fruit flies usually harbor diverse communities of bacteria in their digestive systems,which are known to play a significant role in their fitness.However,little information is available on Zeugodacus tau,a polyphagous pest worldwide.This study reports the first extensive analysis of bacterial communities in different life stages and their effect on the development and reproduction of laboratory-reared Z tan.Cultured bacteria were identified using the conventional method and all bacteria were identified by highthroughput technologies(16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing of V3-V4 region).A total of six bacterial phyla were identified in larvae,pupae,and male and female adult flies,which were distributed into 14 classes,32 orders,58 families and 96 genera.Proteobacteria was the most represented phylum in all the stages except larvae.Enterobacter,Klebsiella,Providencia,and Pseudomonas were identified by conventional and next-generation sequencing analysis in both male and female adult flies,and Enterobacter was found to be the main genus.After being fed with antibiotics from the first instar larvae,bacterial diversity changed markedly in the adult stage.Untreated flies laid eggs and needed 20 days before oviposition while the treated flies showed ovary development inhibited and were not able to lay eggs,probably due to the alteration of the microbiota.These findings provide the cornerstone for unexplored research on bacterial function in Z tau,which will help to develop an environmentally friendly management technique for this kind of harmful insect.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Consequences of variation in food plant quality were estimated for a system consisting of two monophagous noctuid herbivores and three ichneumonid parasitoids.
2. In a natural population, pupal weights of the herbivores in this system, Nonagria typhae and Archanara sparganii , were found to be highly variable. Pupal weights increased strongly and consistently with the increase in the vigour of the host plant, Typha latifolia , providing support for the plant vigour hypothesis. Correspondingly, as the moths do not feed as adults, a strong, positive correlation between host vigour and fecundity of the herbivores would be expected.
3. There were strong and positive relationships between adult body sizes of the parasitoids and the sizes of their lepidopteran hosts. Moreover, a direct, positive link between plant quality and parasitoid size was documented.
4. For all three parasitoids, cascading effects of plant quality on body size were weaker than for the herbivores. Differences in the importance of adult feeding and oviposition behaviour suggest that dependence of fitness on body size is also weaker in the parasitoids than in the moths. It is therefore concluded that the numerical response of the herbivore population to a change in plant quality should exceed the corresponding response in the parasitoids.
5. The results of this work imply that variation in plant variables may affect performance of different trophic levels to a different extent. It is suggested that the importance of adult feeding for the reproductive success (capital vs. income breeding strategies) in both herbivores and parasitoids is an essential aspect to consider when predicting responses of such a system to changes in plant quality.  相似文献   

Plants defend themselves against herbivores not only by a single trait but also by diversified multiple defense strategies. It remains unclear how these multiple defense mechanisms are effectively organized against herbivores. In this study, we focused on Brassicaceae plants, which have one of the most diversified secondary metabolites, glucosinolates (GSLs), as a defense against herbivores. By analyzing various defense traits including GSL profiles among 12 species (11 genera) of Brassicaceae plants, it is revealed that their defense strategies can be divided into three categories as multiple defenses. The GSL profiles differed between these three categories: (i) high nutritional level with long‐chain aliphatic GSLs; (ii) low nutritional level and high physical defenses with short‐chain aliphatic GSLs; and (iii) high nutritional level and low defense. The feeding experiment was conducted using two types of herbivores, Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) as a specialist herbivore and the Eri silkmoth Samia cynthia ricini (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) as a generalist, to assess the ability of each plant in multiple defense strategy. It was observed that the Eri silkmoth's performance differed according to which defense strategy it was exposed to. However, the growth rate of P. rapae did not vary among the three categories of defense strategy. These results suggest that the diversified defense strategies of Brassicaceae species have evolved to cope with diversified herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The relative importance of direct and indirect interactions in controlling organism abundance is still an unresolved question. This study investigated the role of the direct and indirect interactions involving ants, aphids, parasitoids, and the host plant Baccharis dracunculifolia (Asteraceae) on a galling herbivore Baccharopelma dracunculifoliae (Homoptera: Psyllidae).
2. The effects of these interactions on the galling herbivore's performance were evaluated by an exclusion experiment during two consecutive generations of the galling insect.
3. Ants had a direct negative effect on the performance of the galling herbivore by reducing the number of nymphs per gall. In contrast, ants had no indirect effects on gall mortality through the associated parasitoids.
4. Aphids negatively affected gall development, suggesting that galls and aphids might be partitioning photoassimilates and nutrients moving throughout host-plant tissues.
5. In addition, galls that developed during the rainy season were heavier, indicating that variation in the host plant, due to weather changes, can affect the development of B. dracunculifoliae galls. However, variation in the development of B. dracunculifoliae galls due to presence of aphids or the weather changes did not affect parasitoid attack.
6. These results suggest that direct interactions between ants and galls influenced galling insect abundance, whereas numerical indirect effects involving galling insects, ants, aphids, and host plants were less conspicuous.  相似文献   

Genome reduction is a general process that has been studied in numerous symbiotic bacteria associated with insects. We investigated the last stages of genome degradation in Blochmannia floridanus, a mutualistic bacterial endosymbiont of the ant Camponotus floridanus. We determined the tempo (rates of insertion and deletion) and mode (size and number of insertion–deletion events) of the process in the last 200 000 years by analysing a total of 16 intergenic regions in several strains of this endosymbiont from different ant populations. We provide the first calculation of the reduction rate for noncoding DNA in this endosymbiont (2.2 × 10?8 lost nucleotides/site/year) and compare it with the rate of loss in other species. Our results confirm, as it has been observed in other organisms like Buchnera aphidicola or Rickettsia spp., that deletions larger than one nucleotide can still appear in advanced stages of genome reduction and that a substitutional deletion bias exists. However, this bias is not due to a higher proportion of deletion over insertion events but to a few deletion events being larger than the rest. Moreover, we detected a substitutional AT bias that is probably responsible for the increase in the number of the small and moderate indel events in the last stages of genome reduction. Accordingly, we found intrapopulational polymorphisms for the detected microsatellites in contrast to the stability associated with these in free‐living bacteria such as Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of plant defence against herbivores may include the attraction by volatile infochemicals of natural enemies of the herbivore. The emitted volatiles that mediate this attraction may also affect the behaviour of the herbivore itself. In this paper we investigate the response of the herbivorous spider miteTetranychus urticae and the predatory mitePhytoseiulus persimilis towards volatiles whose production is induced in detached Lima bean leaves. Detached uninfested Lima bean leaves were incubated on wet cotton wool on which bean leaves infested with spider mites (T. urticae) were present simultaneously or had been present previously. These treatments induce the production of volatile infochemicals in the uninfested bean leaf tissue: predatory mites are attracted and spider mites are deterred. These are the first data on the response of predators and herbivores to plant volatiles whose production was induced in detached uninfested leaves.  相似文献   

Differences in structural complexity of habitats have been suggested to modify the extent of top–down forces in terrestrial food webs. In order to test this hypothesis, we manipulated densities of generalist invertebrate predators and the complexity of habitat structure in a two-factorial design. We conducted two field experiments in order to study predation effects of ants and spiders and, in particular, of the wasp spider Argiope bruennichi on herbivorous arthropods such as grasshoppers, plant- and leafhoppers in a grassland. Predator densities were manipulated by removal in habitats of higher and lower structural diversity, and the effects on herbivore densities were assessed by suction sampling. Habitat structure was changed by cutting the vegetation to half its height and removing leaf litter.We found a significant negative effect of this assemblage of generalist predators on plant- and leafhoppers, which were 1.6 times more abundant in predator removal plots. This effect was stronger in low-structured (cut) than in uncut vegetation. Densities of the most abundant planthopper Ribautodelphax pungens (Delphacidae) were 2.2 times higher in predator removal plots. Furthermore, adult plant- and leafhoppers responded more strongly than juveniles and epigeic species more strongly than hypergeic species. The presence of predators had a positive effect on plant- and leafhopper species diversity. In a second field experiment, we tested the exclusive impact of Argiope bruennichi on its prey, and found that its effect was also significant, although weaker than the effect of the predator assemblage. This effect was stronger in grass-dominated vegetation compared to structurally more complex mixed vegetation of grasses and herbs. We conclude that habitat structure and in particular vegetation height and architectural complexity strongly modify the strength of top–down forces and indirectly affect the diversity of herbivorous arthropods.  相似文献   

Individual effects of application of nitrogen (N) and plant densities (PD) were reported in various studies; however an interactive effect of N and PD in cotton was not studied. To explore the benefits of interactive effects of N fertilizer and PD to increase the quality of cotton. This study was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement. In split plot arrangement, main plot was consisted of N application rate and in sub plots different PD were done. There were two nitrogen levels; low N level (F1) 120 kg ha−1 and high N level (F2) 180 kg ha−1 and three planting densities; 8 plants m−2 as low density (LD), 10 plants m−2 as medium density (MD) and 12 plants m−2 as high density (HD). In this study we observed the interactive effect of N application levels and PD on cotton photosynthetic and agronomic traits of various stages of development. Results showed that cotton growth and N contents was varied among treatments on different development stages. Plant biomass production, photosynthetic rate (Pn), intercellular CO2 (Ci), water use efficiency (WUE) and N contents were unaffected at the seedling stage by N application rate and PD, however, the highest Pn, Ci and N contents was at squaring stage followed by blooming stage. Higher seed cotton yield and lint yield were obtained F1 with HD, and F2 with MD yielded the highest N contents and cotton yield among treatments. We found that the squaring stage was more critical, followed by the blooming stage when considering N rate and PD.  相似文献   

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