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不同路径台风或热带风暴对海南尖峰岭强降水的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周光益  邱坚锐  邱治军  吴仲民 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2723-2327
利用尖峰岭气象站数 10 a间观测的历史资料 ,对尖峰岭暴雨特点、地形和不同路径台风和热带风暴对该地的暴雨量影响进行了分析。研究结果指出 :尖峰岭地区强降水主要来自台风和热带风暴的影响 ;其路径移向以尖峰岭为界 ,偏南和偏北台风所产生的雨量差异较大。尖峰岭暴雨产生除与天气系统密切相关外 ,地形也起到重要作用 ,而且暴雨量出现还与雨的来向有着密切的关系  相似文献   

Abstract This study describes the floristics and structure of a 0.95‐ha lowland tropical rainforest plot at the Australian Canopy Crane Research Facility at Cape Tribulation, Queensland. Five years of post‐cyclonic change in forest floristics and structure following the passage of Tropical Cyclone ‘Rona’ in February 1999 are examined. Local and regional variation in tropical rainforest is examined in comparison with other lowland plots established nearby and mid‐elevation plots located elsewhere in north Queensland at Eungella, Paluma and the Atherton Tablelands. These plots are placed in a broader Australasian context along with lowland rainforest plots at Baitabag and Oomsis, Papua New Guinea. The 2005 survey found 680 stems of 82 species ≥10 cm d.b.h. on the crane plot, an increase of 30.3% in stems and 16.4% of species in the 5 years since the previous survey. The most abundant families were Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae and Apocynaceae and the most abundant species were Cleistanthus myrianthus, Alstonia scholaris, Myristica insipida, Normanbya normanbyi and Rockinghamia angustifolia. Temporal floristic and structural variation suggests that the crane site remains in an active stage of post‐cyclonic recovery. Local spatial variability in floristics and structure at Cape Tribulation exceeded the variation exhibited by a single plot over a period of 5 years, despite the impact of Cyclone Rona. This finding suggests a high degree of temporal stability within this stand of rainforest despite frequent catastrophic disturbances. The rainforests of Cape Tribulation constitute a relatively unique floristic community when observed in an Australasian context. Variation in rainforest community composition across the region shows the importance of biogeographical connections, the impacts of local topography, environmental conditions and disturbance history.  相似文献   

陈亚军  文斌 《广西植物》2008,28(1):67-72
调查滇南勐宋山地雨林沟谷与坡地两种生境中木质藤本种的丰富度、径级分布、攀缘方式以及样地中被藤本缠绕的树木(dbh≥5cm)的数量和比率。结果表明:沟谷与坡地胸径≥1cm的木质藤本平均密度分别为95.7株/0.1hm2、57株/0.1hm2。调查样地内木质藤本共64种,隶属30个科。茎缠绕是最主要的攀缘方式,占总个体数的57%,卷须缠绕种所占比重最小,仅占3%;沟谷与坡地所调查树木被木质藤本缠绕的比例分别为43.7%和28.6%。与亚洲其它热带地区森林相比,勐宋地区藤本的多样性低,但是木质藤本的密度相当高,并且在一些样地中出现了大型木质藤本,这些可能与该地区森林的演替状态有关。  相似文献   

尖峰岭自然保护区扩大区域植物多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尖峰岭自然保护区2002年由省级上升为国家级自然保护区, 面积由原来的7,762 hm2增加至20,170 hm2。为建立一个比较完善的国家级自然保护区管理体系, 海南大学于2003年10月通过路线调查与标准样方相结合的方法对保护区扩大区域展开了植被资源调查工作。本次调查共记录到43种尖峰岭地区新记录种, 其中黄毛马兜铃(Aristolochia fulvicoma)、海南地不容(Stephania hainanensis)、卵叶石笔木(Tutcheria ovalifolia)、蜜茱萸(Melicope patulinervia)和南烛(Lyonia ovalifolia)等5种为海南特有种。在本次调查的9,600 m2天然林标准样方中共记录到高1.5 m以上的立木3,466株398种, 隶属于69科161属。在扩大区域内共有国家级珍稀濒危和保护植物41种, 其中国家I级保护植物4种, 新记录到的尖峰岭地区国家级濒危植物2种, 即毛茶(Antirhea chinensis)和琼棕(Chuniophoenix hainanensis), 并基本确定了这些植物的垂直分布状况。扩大区域热带低地雨林、热带山地雨林、热带山顶矮林3种群落类型的物种多样性指数均较高, 且Simpson指数(D)及Shannon-Wiener指数(H')均是热带山地雨林>热带低地雨林>热带山顶矮林; 均匀度则是热带山地雨林>热带山顶矮林>热带低地雨林。表明经过多年封山育林及实施天然林保护工程, 扩大区域内曾经受过强烈干扰的热带低地雨林和山地雨林已经得到了很好的恢复。  相似文献   

Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A combination of trapping and foot surveys was used to assess the breeding status of birds in unlogged and logged sites in the tropical rain forest of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Breeding of forest edge and gap species was greatly enhanced by logging, whereas crevice and hole nesting specialist breeders were adversely affected. Egg‐laying periods corresponded to higher rainfall regimes at the nearby field station. The relevance of these findings to bird conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

Five thousand actinomycetes were isolated from soil samples collected from rainforests in Singapore and the generic identities of these isolates were determined by using a procedure that combined morphological, chemotaxonomic and 16S rDNA sequence-based phylogenetic analyses. Actinomycetes belonging to a total of 36 genera were identified. The most abundant isolates are members of Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Actinoplanes, Actinomadura, Nonomuria, Nocardia and Streptosporangium. By phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences of our isolates together with those of known actinomycete species, we also evaluated the species diversity of several genera including Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Nonomuria, and Actinomadura. We found that: first, the tropical isolates are present in most clades represented by known species; and second, many tropical isolates form new clades distant from the known species, indicating the presence of unidentified taxa at both species and genus levels. Based on these results, we conclude that actinomycete diversity in the tropical rainforest is very great and should represent an excellent source for discovery of novel bioactive compounds. Received 17 March 1999/ Accepted in revised form 24 June 1999  相似文献   

Halting biological invasions and rewilding extirpated native fauna are conservation interventions to bolster biodiversity, species interactions, and ecosystems. These actions are often considered separately and the potential for reintroduced wildlife to facilitate invasive plants has been largely overlooked. Here, we investigated the role of Singapore's recolonizing native wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in facilitating an invasive weed Miconia crenata into tropical rainforests, which are normally highly resistant to invasion. We conducted line-transect surveys in 11 Singaporean rain forests and used generalized linear mixed models to consider the contribution of pigs' soil disturbances, human forest paths, and other environmental covariates, on the density of M. crenata. We found that M. crenata was more abundant at forest edges and invasion into forest interior was facilitated by pigs, paths, and canopy gaps, but that these effects were all additive, not synergistic (i.e., not multiplicative). These results highlight how modern invasions are driven by multiple disturbances as well as propagule pressure (e.g., urban birds dispersing seeds at forest edges where they establish in pig soil disturbances). Singapore's extensive native forest restoration efforts may have provided plentiful edge and secondary forests that are well suited to pigs and M. crenata, which in turn undermine the aims of fostering later-successional native plant communities. To prevent negative externalities, we suggest that plant restoration and rewilding projects consider the potential role of wildlife in facilitating non-native plants, and couple these actions with preliminary screening of unintended consequences and continued monitoring, as well as limiting human-mediated weed invasion to minimize propagule sources.  相似文献   

滇南片断热带雨林植物物种多样性变化趋势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用群落样方(50×50m)调查分析法,探讨滇南西双版纳曼仰广龙山片断热带雨林群落中木本植物物种多样性1959~1991年间的变化趋势。结果表明,该片断森林经30多年的演化,物种数变化不大,但物种多样性指数降低24%。在片断热带雨林中,物种的消失率与新增率虽相对平衡,但由于物种的生物学、生态学特性不同,呈现明显的消长变化趋势,即:在群落的不同层次中,物种消失率和新增率都是乔木(A.B.C)<灌木(D),在乔木层中则是A<B<C;就物种的不同确限度而言,消失率和新增率都是特征种<适宜种<随遇种>外来种。此外,本研究认为群落内小气候由“凉湿效应”向“干暖效应”转化,是片断热带雨林物种多样性变化的一个重要环境因素。  相似文献   

在西双版纳热带雨林地区,采用陷阱法(Pitfall traps) 对2类龙山片断雨林和保护区连续雨林蚂蚁类群进行取样调查,样地内共获取蚂蚁9196号,隶属6亚科,28属,53种,其属种和个数数量以切叶蚁亚科(Myrmicinae)最多。不同生境群落组成分差异较大,优势种变化明显。对3种蚂蚁类群多样性研究分析表明:保护区连续雨林的多样性、均匀性指数高于龙山片断林,群落相似性以2类龙山林最高,各林地蚂蚁类群物种分布的种-多度关系为对数级数模式。片断化雨林面积、植被结构、隔离程度及状况和人为干扰程度是影响蚂蚁类群结构和多样性的重要因素。  相似文献   

热带森林中的斑块动态与物种多样性维持   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
斑块作为景观要素之一,直接到景观结构的空间格局及其内部各要素之间的相互关系,其动态也将导致景观格局的变化。异质性的斑块在自然森林中是普遍存在的,这就是说,顶极森林中仍然存在着由不同种类或不同生长时期的植物种群组成的森林斑块。由自然或人为干扰所驱动的森林生长循环导致敢这些斑块在空间上的镶嵌,对于持定的地域片段,也导致了不同生长时期的森林斑块的周期性循环。在热带森林中,森林的生长循环由林窗期(gap  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether different abundances of introduced species of Cinchona (Rubiaceae) affect species composition and facilitate species richness in managed tropical forests, to test whether any facilitative effects on understorey species depend on forest type, and to investigate whether facilitative effects can be attributed to the ‘substitutive facilitation model’. Location Makawao Forest Reserve on Maui, Hawai’i, USA. Methods Cinchona species (Cinchona pubescens and Cinchona calisaya) were mapped within various forest types. In three forest types (ageing Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations, and near‐natural Acacia koa forests), we analysed environmental parameters (e.g. canopy cover, litter cover, pH value and soil depth) and the species composition of Cinchona‐invaded and non‐invaded plots; data were compared based on Cinchona cover and forest types. Habitat modelling for several endemic species and tree ferns was carried out to test whether Cinchona cover is an important variable for the probability of occurrence of these endemics. Results Cinchona species have naturalized mainly in Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations and Acacia koa forests and here add an additional shrub layer. In contrast to other studies, we revealed facilitative effects of Cinchona on native species within all forest types. Species richness is about 20% higher in invaded plots than in non‐invaded plots, and these show a nearly 50% higher proportion of endemic species, including tree ferns. The proportion of endemics even increases with increasing Cinchona cover. For several endemics, Cinchona is found to be an important variable for the probability of occurrence, and the removal of Cinchona cover as an explanatory variable lowers the model fit. In addition to Cinchona, variables delineating vegetation structure and light availability have a strong effect on the model fit. Main conclusions In the structurally simplified Hawaiian forests studied, Cinchona facilitated endemic species in accordance with the ‘substitutive facilitation model’. This contrasts with the results of an earlier study in the naturally treeless Galápagos highlands, which revealed a sharp decrease in the abundance of endemics under Cinchona canopy. These results illustrate that, through the same structural change (addition of a vegetation layer), an invasive species may exert divergent effects across different ecosystem types. The facilitation of endemic understorey species by invasive tree species in managed forests leads to a dilemma in conservation but also to new perspectives for ecosystem restoration.  相似文献   

A. E. LUGO 《Austral ecology》2008,33(4):368-398
Abstract Hurricanes have visible and invisible effects on forests. The visible effects are dramatic, noticeable over the short‐term and relatively well documented in the literature. Invisible effects are less understood as they require well‐focused research both in the short‐ and long‐term time scales. This review of the literature on hurricane effects focuses on the Neotropics and the temperate zone of North America. The material is organized according to a heuristic model that distinguishes between immediate effects (0 to 3 years), immediate responses (0 to 20 years), trajectories of responses (0 to 100 years) and long‐term legacies (>100 years). It is suggested that the ecological role of hurricanes involves six principal effects: 1. they change the ecological space available to organisms; 2. they set organisms in motion; 3. they increase the heterogeneity of the landscape and the variability in ecosystem processes; 4. they rejuvenate the landscape and its ecosystems and redirect succession; 5. they shape forest structure, influence their species composition and diversity and regulate their function; and 6. they induce evolutionary change through natural selection and ecological creativity through self‐organization. A new approach to hurricane research will study hurricanes at the same scale at which they operate (i.e., across latitudes and longitudes and over disturbed and undisturbed landscapes). This research will require networks of observation platforms located along expected hurricane paths to facilitate forest structure and functioning observations across gradients of hurricane frequency and intensity. This research will also require use of remote sensing and automated wireless technology, hardened to survive hurricane‐strength winds and floods to assure real time measurements of the characteristics of hurricanes and ecosystem responses. No progress will be forthcoming in the understanding of hurricane effects if we do not learn to quantify objectively the energy dissipation of hurricanes on the full grid of affected forests as the hurricane passes over a landscape.  相似文献   

Research on fern ecology has gained attention in the last decade, yet there is a paucity of information on the comparison of ferns communities across continents. This study focused on comparing the ferns community assemblages in some tropical forests of Malaysia and Nigeria, thereby assessing the patterns of species richness (SR) and phylogenetic diversity (PD) in relation to the bioclimatic drivers across the continents. The diversity and taxonomic compositions of ferns were assessed using 180 plots of 10 m × 10 m in each country. The species richness and other diversity indices were determined using the combined forests data for each country and for the individual forests. Also, the phylogenetic diversity of the ferns was assessed using the genus‐based molecular sequences downloaded from the GeneBank. The patterns of the ferns SR and PD in the two countries as driven by some bioclimatic factors were evaluated using the regression analysis. The observed and rarefied–extrapolated fern species richness is significantly higher in Malaysian forests than in Nigerian forests. Also, the other diversity indices are significantly higher in Malaysian forests except for the Shannon index which showed no significant difference between the two biogeographic regions. There is a very low similarity (7.41%) in the taxonomic composition of ferns between the two biogeographic areas, although the similarity in composition increased with increasing taxonomic levels (species: 7.41%, genus: 12.77%, family: 70.96%). Terrestrial and epiphytic ferns are more dominant than the other life forms in the two countries. The precipitation variables drive the phylogenetic structure of ferns in Nigeria, whereas both precipitation and temperature variables drive the phylogenetic structure of ferns in Malaysia. This indicates that ferns assemblages in Nigeria and Malaysia are driven by both climatic variables. Besides, we also hypothesize that these observed differences could be due to other historical and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Factors related to diversity of decomposer fungi in tropical forests   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent studies suggest that host-preferences are common among certain groups of tropical fungal decomposers but rare in others, and sometimes occur where we least expect them. Host preferences among microfungi and ascomycetes that decompose leaf litter are common but usually involve differences in relative frequencies more than presence/absence, so their diversity may be loosely correlated with species richness of host trees. Strong host-specificity appears to be rare among wood decomposer fungi, whereas characteristics of their substrata and habitat are very important for this group. Anthropogenic disturbance predisposed a tropical forest to subsequent hurricane damage, and the resulting direct and indirect effects on host diversity and habitat heterogeneity were reflected in the decomposer fungal community more than sixty years after the original disturbance. While species richness of dictyostelid slime molds and functional diversity of their bacterial prey increased with disturbance, the more diverse microfungi and ascomycetes were apparently negatively affected by disturbance.  相似文献   

Altitudinal gradients are an excellent study tool to help understand the mechanisms shaping community assembly. We established a series of altitudinal gradients along the east coast of Australia to describe how the distribution of a hyper‐diverse herbivore group (night‐flying Lepidoptera) changes across an environmental gradient in subtropical and tropical rainforests. Two transects were in subtropical rainforest in the same bioregion, one in south‐east Queensland (28.7°S) and one in north east New South Wales (29.7°S). Two were in tropical rainforest, one in mid‐east Queensland (21.1°S) and one in the Wet Tropics of northern Queensland (17.5°S). Replicate plots were established in altitudinal bands separated by 200 m. Canopy and understorey moths were sampled at the beginning and end of the wet season using automatic Pennsylvania light traps. We sorted a total of 93 400 individuals, belonging to 3035 species. The two subtropical transects in the same region showed similar patterns of turnover across altitude, with the most distinctive assemblage occurring at the highest altitude. Moth assemblages in the tropical transects tended to show distinct ‘lowland’ and ‘upland’ communities. For species that were common across several of the transects, many were found at lower altitudes in the subtropics and higher altitudes in the tropics, suggesting they are sensitive to environmental conditions, and track their physiological envelopes across latitudes. These results suggest ubiquitous altitudinal stratification in tropical and subtropical Australian rainforests. The marked response of species to latitude and altitude demonstrates they are sensitive to climatic variables and can be used as indicators to understand future community responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Human-induced habitat conversion and degradation, along with accelerating climatic change, have resulted in considerable global biodiversity loss. Nevertheless, how local ecological assemblages respond to the interplay between climate and land-use change remains poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of climate and land-use interactions on butterfly diversity in different ecosystems of southwestern China. Specifically, we investigated variation in the alpha and beta diversities of butterflies in different landscapes along human-modified and climate gradients. We found that increasing land-use intensity not only caused a dramatic decrease in butterfly alpha diversity but also significantly simplified butterfly species composition in tropical rainforest and savanna ecosystems. These findings suggest that habitat modification by agricultural activities increases the importance of deterministic processes and leads to biotic homogenization. The land-use intensity model best explained species richness variation in the tropical rainforest, whereas the climate and land-use intensity interaction model best explained species richness variation in the savanna. These results indicate that climate modulates the effects of land-use intensity on butterfly alpha diversity in the savanna ecosystem. We also found that the response of species composition to climate varied between sites: specifically, species composition was strongly correlated with climatic distance in the tropical rainforest but not in the savanna. Taken together, our long-term butterfly monitoring data reveal that interactions between human-modified habitat change and climate change have shaped butterfly diversity in tropical rainforest and savanna. These findings also have important implications for biodiversity conservation under the current era of rapid human-induced habitat loss and climate change.  相似文献   

Soil macro-invertebrates and rate of litter disappearance were studied in a ridge plot with moder (mor) humus and a bottom plot with mull humus on a slope in a temperate mixed deciduous forest in Kyoto, Japan (J). The results were compared with those from two German beech forests (G) representative of European deciduous forest mor and mull. Between-plot differences in biomass of total saprophagous animals was much smaller in J than in G, which is dominated by earthworms. Susceptibility to soil acidity and zoogeographical distribution of earthworms were suggested to be related to this situation. Biomass of soil macro-invertebrates and litter turnover rate were compared among J, G and three types of tropical rainforests in Malaysia (M) in relation to climatic conditions. Taking into account among-site differences in temperature and moisture, which affect microbial activity and in biomass of saprophagous macro-invertebrates especially earthworms, the following order of importance of soil macro-invertebrates in determining the rate of litter disappearance was suggested: G>J>M. Based on the comparison of biomass of earthworms among European deciduous forests, Japanese deciduous forests and tropical rainforests, as well as on the presence or absence of anecic earthworms in these forests, it was suggested that this ranking could be generalized to European deciduous forests > Japanese deciduous forests > tropical rainforests. It was pointed out that this order was the opposite of the gradient in evapotranspiration rate existing among these regions.  相似文献   

Selective logging and forest conversion to oil palm agriculture are rapidly altering tropical forests. However, functional responses of the soil microbiome to these land‐use changes are poorly understood. Using 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomic sequencing, we compared composition and functional attributes of soil biota between unlogged, once‐logged and twice‐logged rainforest, and areas converted to oil palm plantations in Sabah, Borneo. Although there was no significant effect of logging history, we found a significant difference between the taxonomic and functional composition of both primary and logged forests and oil palm. Oil palm had greater abundances of genes associated with DNA, RNA, protein metabolism and other core metabolic functions, but conversely, lower abundance of genes associated with secondary metabolism and cell–cell interactions, indicating less importance of antagonism or mutualism in the more oligotrophic oil palm environment. Overall, these results show a striking difference in taxonomic composition and functional gene diversity of soil microorganisms between oil palm and forest, but no significant difference between primary forest and forest areas with differing logging history. This reinforces the view that logged forest retains most features and functions of the original soil community. However, networks based on strong correlations between taxonomy and functions showed that network complexity is unexpectedly increased due to both logging and oil palm agriculture, which suggests a pervasive effect of both land‐use changes on the interaction of soil microbes.  相似文献   

Weed invasion in East Africa: insights from herbarium records   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The invasion process was documented from data on the labels of specimens stored in the East African Herbarium at the National Museums of Kenya. We analysed data from seven abundant alien plant species: Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae), Capsella bursa‐pastoris (L.) Med . (Brassicaceae ) , Datura stramonium L. (Solanaceae), Galinsoga parviflora Cav. (Asteraceae), Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae), Spergula arvensis L. (Caryophyllaceae) and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. (Caryophyllaceae) and compared these data with the spread of two native weeds: Cynoglossum coeruleum A.DC. (Boraginaceae) and Senecio discifolius Oliv. (Asteraceae). Although all investigated species had been already recorded before the Second World War, most specimens were collected between 1960 and 1980. This regional spread is correlated with a change in the agricultural systems of Kenya. The early records of alien weeds were restricted to higher altitudes. With the increasing human population and the associated increase of agricultural activities (e.g. irrigation in arid areas) the weed species from South America were able to spread to lower altitudes.  相似文献   

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